Use Browserify transforms as esbuild plugins.
The package is released to npm as esbuild-plugin-browserify-adapter
npm install esbuild-plugin-browserify-adapter -D
This adapter lets you use any existing Browserify transform as an esbuild plugin. The plugin function can be passed an arbitrary number of transforms. Just like with Browserify itself, options are passed by wrapping the transform in an array and appending the options to that list.
Please note: This module does not work with Browserify plugins.
Basic usage
const esbuild = require('esbuild')
const coffeeify = require('coffeeify')
const browserifyAdapter = require('esbuild-plugin-browserify-adapter'){
entryPoints: ['./'],
bundle: true,
plugins: [browserifyAdapter(coffeeify)],
outdir: './public'
Passing options
const esbuild = require('esbuild')
const envify = require('envify')
const browserifyAdapter = require('esbuild-plugin-browserify-adapter'){
entryPoints: ['./app.js'],
bundle: true,
plugins: [browserifyAdapter([envify, { BUNDLE_TIME: new Date().toJSON() }])],
outdir: './public'
Passing multiple transforms
In case you need to use multiple transforms, pass all of them to the adapter at once. Just like in Browserify, they will be run in the order given.
const esbuild = require('esbuild')
const coffeeify = require('coffeeify')
const envify = require('envify')
const browserifyAdapter = require('esbuild-plugin-browserify-adapter'){
entryPoints: ['./'],
bundle: true,
plugins: [browserifyAdapter(
[envify, { BUNDLE_TIME: new Date().toJSON() }]
outdir: './public'
This plugin can help you with gradually migrating a Browserify-based setup to an esbuild-based one without having to change everything at once. It is not intended to be used as a permanent solution unless your transform usage is very limited.
Releasing a new version
New versions can be released using npm version <patch|minor|major>
Copyright 2021 Frederik Ring - Available under the Mozilla Public License 2.0