What is eslint-formatter-pretty?
eslint-formatter-pretty is an npm package that provides a user-friendly, visually appealing formatter for ESLint. It enhances the readability of ESLint output by organizing and styling the information in a more digestible format.
What are eslint-formatter-pretty's main functionalities?
Pretty Formatting
This feature allows you to use the 'pretty' formatter in your ESLint configuration. It formats the ESLint output in a visually appealing way, making it easier to read and understand.
module.exports = {
"extends": "eslint:recommended",
"formatter": "pretty"
Other packages similar to eslint-formatter-pretty
eslint-formatter-friendly is another formatter for ESLint that focuses on providing a more readable and user-friendly output. It highlights errors and warnings in a clear and concise manner, similar to eslint-formatter-pretty.
eslint-formatter-codeframe is a formatter that uses Babel's code frame to display ESLint results. It provides a detailed and structured output, showing the exact location of errors and warnings in the code, which can be very helpful for debugging.
eslint-formatter-table formats ESLint results into a table format. This can be useful for quickly scanning through errors and warnings, as the tabular format organizes the information in a structured way, making it easy to spot issues.
Pretty formatter for ESLint

- Pretty output.
- Sorts results by severity.
- Stylizes inline codeblocks in messages.
- Command-click a rule ID to open its docs.
- Command-click a header to reveal the first error in your editor. (iTerm-only)
npm install --save-dev eslint-formatter-pretty@5
To use this with ESLint, use version 5. Version 6 is not compatible with ESLint.
Nothing to do. It's the default formatter.
eslint --format=pretty file.js
eslint: {
target: ['file.js'].
options: {
format: 'pretty'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['eslint']);
import gulp from 'gulp';
import eslint from 'gulp-eslint';
export const lint = (
import eslintFormatterPretty from 'eslint-formatter-pretty';
export default {
entry: ['file.js'],
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: 'eslint-loader',
options: {
formatter: eslintFormatterPretty
In iTerm, Command-click the filename header to open the file in your editor.
In terminals with support for hyperlinks, Command-click the rule ID to open its docs.