Event plugin
Declaratively add event listeners to your views. It can also delegate events to a parent element. It's a plugin for Seam.
npm install event-plugin
How to use
Require event-plugin:
var EventPlugin = require("event-plugin");
Init event plugin and define event handlers:
var eventPlugin = new EventPlugin({
toggle: function (event, node) {
<button data-event="listen: click, toggle, true">Change route</button>
When ready, attach the behavior to the dom via Seam:
var Seam = require("seam");
var seam = new Seam({
event: eventPlugin
You can also use the delegation method from event to delegate events to a parent DOM element.
This improves performance are less event listeners are bound to the DOM. This is especially
relevant to lists.
<ul data-event="delegate: a, click, toggle, false">
<li><a href="#link1">link1</a></li>
<li><a href="#link2">link2</a></li>
<li><a href="#link3">link3</a></li>