What is execall?
The execall npm package is used to execute a regular expression against a string and return an array of matches, each with the matched text and index. It is particularly useful when you need to find all occurrences of a pattern in a string, not just the first one.
What are execall's main functionalities?
Finding multiple matches
This feature allows you to find all matches of a regular expression in a string. The example code searches for all occurrences of one or more digits in the given text and logs the array of match objects.
const execall = require('execall');
const regex = /\d+/g;
const matches = execall(regex, 'There are 3 apples and 5 oranges.');
Other packages similar to execall
The match-all package is similar to execall in that it also finds all matches of a regular expression in a string. However, it returns an iterator of matches instead of an array. This can be more efficient for large strings or when you only need to process matches one by one.
This package is a polyfill for the String.prototype.matchAll method, which is now part of the standard JavaScript library. It provides functionality similar to execall by returning an iterator of all results matching a string against a regular expression. The main difference is that matchAll is a method on the String prototype, while execall is a standalone function.
Find multiple RegExp matches in a string
Instead of having to iterate over RegExp#exec
, immutable, and with a nicer result format.
$ npm install execall
import execAll from 'execall';
execAll(/(\d+)/g, '$200 and $400');
execAll(regexp, string)
Returns an object[]
with a match, sub-matches, and index.
Type: RegExp
Regular expression to match against the string
Type: string