What is exit?
The 'exit' npm package is a simple utility that allows you to gracefully exit your Node.js process. It is particularly useful in situations where you need to ensure that all pending asynchronous operations complete before the process exits, such as closing database connections or cleaning up resources.
What are exit's main functionalities?
Graceful Exit
This feature allows the process to exit gracefully after completing all pending asynchronous operations. The code sample demonstrates how to use the exit package to delay the process exit until after a timeout, ensuring that any operations within the timeout are completed.
const exit = require('exit');
// Perform some asynchronous operations
setTimeout(() => {
exit(0); // Exit with status code 0
}, 1000);
Other packages similar to exit
While primarily focused on providing replacements for the fs module to make it behave more gracefully, this package also handles process exiting more smoothly under certain file system conditions. It does not directly compare with 'exit' in terms of functionality but offers a broader scope of graceful operations.
A replacement for process.exit that ensures stdio are fully drained before exiting.
To make a long story short, if process.exit
is called on Windows, script output is often truncated when pipe-redirecting stdout
or stderr
. This module attempts to work around this issue by waiting until those streams have been completely drained before actually calling process.exit
See Node.js issue #3584 for further reference.
Tested in OS X 10.8, Windows 7 on Node.js 0.8.25 and 0.10.18.
Based on some code by @vladikoff.
Getting Started
Install the module with: npm install exit
var exit = require('exit');
Don't believe me? Try it for yourself.
In Windows, clone the repo and cd to the test\fixtures
directory. The only difference between log.js and log-broken.js is that the former uses exit
while the latter calls process.exit
This test was done using cmd.exe, but you can see the same results using | grep "std"
in either PowerShell or git-bash.
C:\node-exit\test\fixtures>node log.js 0 10 stdout stderr 2>&1 | find "std"
stdout 0
stderr 0
stdout 1
stderr 1
stdout 2
stderr 2
stdout 3
stderr 3
stdout 4
stderr 4
stdout 5
stderr 5
stdout 6
stderr 6
stdout 7
stderr 7
stdout 8
stderr 8
stdout 9
stderr 9
C:\node-exit\test\fixtures>node log-broken.js 0 10 stdout stderr 2>&1 | find "std"
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
2013-11-26 - v0.1.2 - Fixed a bug with hanging processes.
2013-09-26 - v0.1.1 - Fixed some bugs. It seems to actually work now!
2013-09-20 - v0.1.0 - Initial release.
Copyright (c) 2013 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
Licensed under the MIT license.