Utilities for getting PEM from RSA key stored in keyvault
If you have a clientId and clientSecret that has GET access to the key
Update the keyvault credentials and keyId stored in config/default.json
Run npm install
Run node pem-gen-client-access.js
If your user has GET access to the key (through AD credentials)
Run npm install
Run./pem-gen-user-access.sh -n <vault-name> -k <key-name> -v <version>
How to get a public key from keyvault (voodoo)
Clone this project and then setup some symlinks to make everything usable.....
To use the js files:
cd util
npm install
npm link
For the bash scripts:
cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s {path-to-project-folder}/util/extract-public-key.sh
ln -s {path-to-project-folder}/util/convert-pem-2-string.sh
Once you have done these two steps, then you are good to go.....
extract-public-key.sh -n dataprotection4867628 -k internal-message-authentication-key
This script will create a pem file named after the key name (.pem) containing the public key.
If you need the public key as a string (for config) then do this:
convert-pem-2-string.sh internal-message-authentication-key.pem