Extract JSON/javascript objects from strings
npm install --save extract-json-from-string
Extract random JSON and javascript objects from a longer string, e.g. "Expected { foo: 'bar' } to equal { foo: 'baz' }" (I'm looking at you jasmine 1.3). Also works with arrays.
Just pass the string into the one exported function and get a list of objects and arrays contained therein returned to you. If the string contains no valid objects or arrays (valid objects or arrays), you'll get an empty array back.
const extract = require('extract-json-from-string');
let objects = extract('Expected { foo: "bar" } to equal { foo: "baz" }');
let objects = window.extractJson('Expected { foo: "bar" } to equal { foo: "baz" }');
For the time being, I've written a very naive implementation. There are lots of ways to break this (like stringified JSON or escaped quotes within the value of a property). Please report any issues, and I'll do my best to fix them and make it less naive.
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