
Discover collections of constructible instances from strings (filepaths),
arrays or objects. Fabricator is a small helper module which does nothing
else but detecting constructible JS entities. Strings are resolved as filepaths.
The BigPipe project is using the fabricator to find Pages and/or Pagelets. This
gives developers using BigPipe more flexibility. For example, you don't have to
worry about adding each Page constructor to BigPipe, simply provide the directory
they reside in.
npm install fabricator --save
var fabricator = require('fabricator')
, path = './path/to/directory/with/constructibles';
, obj = {
status: require('./npm-status-pagelet'),
extended: __dirname + '/i/can/be/a/path/to/a/constructor.js'
var stack = fabricator(obj);
Make sure devDependencies are installed, after run the tests via:
npm test