This library provide a fake XMLHttpRequest object for testing browser-based
libraries. It is partially extracted (and in many places simplified) from
Sinon.JS and attempts to match the behavior of
XMLHttpRequest specification.
Why not just use Sinon.JS?
Sinon includes much more than just a fake XHR object which is useful in
situations where you may not need mocks, spies, stubs, or fake servers.
How to use it
In addition to matching the native XMLHttpRequest's API, FakeXMLHttpRequest
adds a respond
function that takes three arguments: a HTTP response status
number, a headers object, and a text response body:
import FakeXMLHttpRequest from "fake-xml-http-request";
let xhr = new FakeXMLHttpRequest();
xhr.respond(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, '{"key":"value"}');
xhr = new FakeXMLHttpRequest();
There is no mechanism for swapping the native XMLHttpRequest or for
recording, finding, or playing back requests. Libraries using FakeXMLHttpRequest
should provide this behavior.
Tests are written in QUnit and run through the
Karma test runner.
Run with:
karma start
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Please adhere to this code of conduct in any interactions you have with this project's community. If you encounter someone violating these terms, please let a maintainer (@trek) know and we will address it as soon as possible.