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fast-csv - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.2 to 0.2.3



@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ var fs = require("fs"),

var delimiter = options.delimeter || ",",
ESCAPE_REGEXP = new RegExp("[" + delimiter + "']"),
ESCAPE_REGEXP = new RegExp("[" + delimiter + "\\r\\n']"),
QUOTE = options.quote || '"',

@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ ESCAPE = options.escape || '"',

var escape;
field = field.replace(/\0/g, '');
if ((escape = field.indexOf(QUOTE) !== -1)) {

@@ -67,13 +68,78 @@ field = field.replace(REPLACE_REGEXP, ESCAPE + QUOTE);

function write(arr, options) {
var writer = new stream.Readable();
__write(writer, arr, options);
function wrapWriter(writer, options) {
options = options || {};
var formatter = createFormatter(options),
hasHeaders = extended.has(options, "headers") ? options.headers : true,
parsedHeaders = hasHeaders ? false : true,
headersLength = 0, i = -1,
writerWrite = writer.push, headers,
buffer = [],
totalCount = 0,
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = options.maxBuffer || 100000;
writer.write = function (item) {
if (item) {
var isHash = !extended.isArray(item), vals;
if (!parsedHeaders) {
parsedHeaders = true;
if (isHash) {
headers = hash.keys(item);
} else {
headers = item;
headersLength = headers.length;
if (!isHash) {
if (totalCount++) {
if (isHash) {
i = -1;
vals = [];
while (++i < headersLength) {
vals[i] = item[headers[i]];
} else {
vals = item;
if (buffer.length >= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {, new Buffer(buffer.join("")).toString("utf8"));
buffer.length = 0;
} else {
if (buffer.length) {, new Buffer(buffer.join("")).toString("utf8"));
buffer.length = 0;
}, null);
return writer;
function createWriteStream(options) {
var writer = new stream.Readable();
writer._read = function () {
return wrapWriter(writer, options);
function write(arr, options) {
var csvStream = createWriteStream(options), i = -1, l = arr.length;
while (++i < l) {
return csvStream;
function writeToStream(ws, arr, options) {

@@ -98,2 +164,4 @@ return write(arr, options).pipe(ws);

createFormatter.createWriteStream = createWriteStream;
createFormatter.writeToString = writeToString;

@@ -100,0 +168,0 @@


* @projectName fast-csv
* @github
* @header
* [![build status](](
* # Fast-csv
* This is a library that provides CSV parsing and formatting.
* **NOTE** As of v0.2.0 `fast-csv` supports multi-line values.
* ## Installation
* `npm install fast-csv`
* ## Usage
* ### Parsing
* All methods accept the following `options`
* * `headers=false`: Ste to true if you expect the first line of your `CSV` to contain headers, alternatly you can specify an array of headers to use.
* * `ignoreEmpty=false`: If you wish to ignore empty rows.
* * `delimiter=','`: If your data uses an alternate delimiter such as `;` or `\t`.
* * **NOTE** When specifying an alternate `delimiter` you may only pass in a single character delimeter
* * `quote='"'`: The character to use to escape values that contain a delimeter.
* * `escape='"'`: The character to use when escaping a value that is `quoted` and contains a `quote` character.
* * `i.e`: 'First,"Name"' => '"First,""name"""'
* * The following are options for parsing only.
* * `trim=false`: If you want to trim all values parsed set to true.
* * `rtrim=false`: If you want to right trim all values parsed set to true.
* * `ltrim=false`: If you want to left trim all values parsed set to true.
* **events**
* `parse-error`: Emitted if there was an error parsing a row.
* `record`: Emitted when a record is parsed.
* `data-invalid`: Emitted if there was invalid row encounted, **only emitted if the `validate` function is used**.
* `data`: Emitted with the `stringified` version of a record.
* **([options])**
* If you use `fast-csv` as a function it returns a transform stream that can be piped into.
* ```javascript
* var stream = fs.createReadStream("my.csv");
* var csvStream = csv()
* .on("record", function(data){
* console.log(data):
* })
* .on("end", function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* stream.pipe(csvStream);
* ```
* **`.fromPath(path[, options])**
* This method parses a file from the specified path.
* ```javascript
* var csv = require("fast-csv");
* csv
* .fromPath("my.csv")
* .on("record", function(data){
* console.log(data):
* })
* .on("end", function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* ```
* **`.fromString(string[, options])**
* This method parses a string
* ```javascript
* var csv = require("fast-csv");
* var CSV_STRING = 'a,b\n' +
* 'a1,b1\n' +
* 'a2,b2\n';
* csv
* .fromPath(CSV_STRING, {headers: true})
* .on("record", function(data){
* console.log(data):
* })
* .on("end", function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* ```
* **`.fromStream(stream[, options])**
* This accepted a readable stream to parse data from.
* ```javascript
* var stream = fs.createReadStream("my.csv");
* csv()
* .fromStream(stream)
* .on("record", function(data){
* console.log(data):
* })
* .on("end", function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* ```
* If you expect the first line your csv to headers you may pass a headers option in. Setting the headers option will
* cause change each row to an object rather than an array.
* ```javascript
* var stream = fs.createReadStream("my.csv");
* csv()
* .fromStream(stream, {headers : true})
* .on("record", function(data){
* console.log(data):
* })
* .on("end", function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* ```
* You may alternatively pass an array of header names which must match the order of each column in the csv, otherwise
* the data columns will not match.
* ```javascript
* var stream = fs.createReadStream("my.csv");
* csv
* .fromStream(stream, {headers : ["firstName", "lastName", "address"]})
* .on("record", function(data){
* console.log(data):
* })
* .on("end", function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* ```
* If your data may include empty rows, the sort Excel might include at the end of the file for instance, you can ignore
* these by including the `ignoreEmpty` option.
* Any rows consisting of nothing but empty strings and/or commas will be skipped, without emitting a 'data' or 'error' event.
* ```javascript
* var stream = fs.createReadStream("my.csv");
* csv
* .fromStream(stream, {ignoreEmpty: true})
* .on("record", function(data){
* console.log(data):
* })
* .on("end", function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* ```
* ### Validating
* You can validate each row in the csv by providing a validate handler. If a row is invalid then a `data-invalid` event
* will be emitted with the row and the index.
* ```javascript
* var stream = fs.createReadStream("my.csv");
* csv(
* .fromStream(stream, {headers : true})
* .validate(function(data){
* return data.age < 50; //all persons must be under the age of 50
* })
* .on("data-invalid", function(data){
* //do something with invalid row
* })
* .on("record", function(data){
* console.log(data):
* })
* .on("end", function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* ```
* ### Transforming
* You can transform data by providing in a transform function. What is returned from the transform function will
* be provided to validate and emitted as a row.
* ```javascript
* var stream = fs.createReadStream("my.csv");
* csv
* .fromStream(stream)
* .transform(function(data){
* return data.reverse(); //reverse each row.
* })
* .on("record", function(data){
* console.log(data):
* })
* .on("end", function(){
* console.log("done");
* });
* ```
* ### Formatting
* `fast-csv` also allows to you to create create a `CSV` from data.
* Formatting accepts the same options as parsing.
* **Writing Data**
* Each of the following methods accept an array of values to be written, however each value must be an `array` of `array`s or `object`s.
* **`write(arr[, options])`**
* Create a readable stream to read data from.
* ```javascript
* var ws = fs.createWritableStream("my.csv");
* csv
* .write([
* ["a", "b"],
* ["a1", "b1"],
* ["a2", "b2"]
* ], {headers: true})
* .pipe(ws);
* ```
* ```javascript
* var ws = fs.createWritableStream("my.csv");
* csv
* .write([
* {a: "a1", b: "b1"},
* {a: "a2", b: "b2"}
* ], {headers: true})
* .pipe(ws);
* ```
* **`writeToStream(stream,arr[, options])`**
* Write an array of values to a `WritableStream`
* ```javascript
* csv
* .writeToStream(fs.createWritableStream("my.csv"), [
* ["a", "b"],
* ["a1", "b1"],
* ["a2", "b2"]
* ], {headers: true});
* ```
* ```javascript
* csv
* .writeToStream(fs.createWritableStream("my.csv"), [
* {a: "a1", b: "b1"},
* {a: "a2", b: "b2"}
* ], {headers: true})
* .pipe(ws);
* ```
* **`writeToPath(arr[, options])`**
* Write an array of values to the specified path
* ```javascript
* csv
* .writeToPath("my.csv", [
* ["a", "b"],
* ["a1", "b1"],
* ["a2", "b2"]
* ], {headers: true})
* .on("finish", function(){
* console.log("done!");
* });
* ```
* ```javascript
* csv
* .writeToStream("my.csv", [
* {a: "a1", b: "b1"},
* {a: "a2", b: "b2"}
* ], {headers: true})
* .on("finish", function(){
* console.log("done!");
* });
* ```
* **`writeToString(arr[, options])`**
* ```javascript
* csv.writeToString([
* ["a", "b"],
* ["a1", "b1"],
* ["a2", "b2"]
* ], {headers: true}); //"a,b\na1,b1\na2,b2\n"
* ```
* ```javascript
* csv.writeToString([
* {a: "a1", b: "b1"},
* {a: "a2", b: "b2"}
* ], {headers: true}); //"a,b\na1,b1\na2,b2\n"
* ```
* ## Benchmarks
* `Parsing 20000 records AVG over 3 runs`
* ```
* fast-csv: 198.67ms
* csv: 525.33ms
* ```
* `Parsing 50000 records AVG over 3 runs`
* ```
* fast-csv: 441.33ms
* csv: 1291ms
* ```
* `Parsing 100000 records AVG over 3 runs`
* ```
* fast-csv: 866ms
* csv: 2773.33ms
* ```
* `Parsing 1000000 records AVG over 3 runs`
* ```
* fast-csv: 8562.67ms
* csv: 30030.67ms
* ```
* ## License
* MIT <>
* ##Meta
* * Code: `git clone git://`
* * Website: <>
* * Twitter: []( - 877.465.4045
* @includeDoc [Change Log] ../
* @header [../]

@@ -359,3 +10,2 @@

extended = require("./extended"),
hash = extended.hash,
ParserStream = require("./parser_stream"),

@@ -369,11 +19,15 @@ stream = require("stream"),

parse.fromStream = function (stream, options) {
function toCsvStream(arr, options) {
return formatter.writeToStream(arr, options);
function fromStream(stream, options) {
return stream.pipe(new ParserStream(options));
parse.fromPath = function (location, options) {
function fromPath(location, options) {
return fs.createReadStream(location).pipe(new ParserStream(options));
parse.fromString = function (string, options) {
function fromString(string, options) {
var rs = new stream.Readable();

@@ -383,17 +37,15 @@ rs.push(string);

return rs.pipe(new ParserStream(options));
parse.toCsvStream = function (arr, options) {
return formatter.writeToStream(arr, options);
parse.fromString = fromString;
parse.toCsvStream = toCsvStream;
parse.fromPath = fromPath;
parse.fromStream = fromStream;
parse.write = formatter.write;
parse.writeToStream = formatter.writeToStream;
parse.writeToString = formatter.writeToString;
parse.writeToPath = formatter.writeToPath;
parse.createWriteStream = formatter.createWriteStream;
module.exports = parse;
module.exports = parse;
"name": "fast-csv",
"version": "0.2.2",
"version": "0.2.3",
"description": "CSV parser and writer",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -219,3 +219,24 @@ <a name="top"></a>

Formatting accepts the same options as parsing.
This is the lowest level of the write methods, it creates a stream that can be used to create a csv of unknown size and pipe to an output csv.
var csvStream = csv.createWriteStream({headers: true}),
writableStream = fs.createWritableStream("my.csv");
writableStream.on("finish", function(){
csvStream.write({a: "a0", b: "b0"});
csvStream.write({a: "a1", b: "b1"});
csvStream.write({a: "a2", b: "b2"});
csvStream.write({a: "a3", b: "b4"});
csvStream.write({a: "a3", b: "b4"});
**Writing Data**

@@ -362,10 +383,1 @@


Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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