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fast-sort - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.6.0 to 2.0.0




@@ -1,1 +0,56 @@

{"name":"fast-sort","version":"1.6.0","description":"Fast and powerful array sorting. Sort by any property in any direction with easy to read syntax.","main":"sort.js","author":"Stefan Novakovic <>","license":"MIT","homepage":"","scripts":{"test":"node integration_test/index.js","publish":"node publish"},"repository":{"type":"git","url":"git+"},"bugs":{"url":""},"keywords":["sort","sortBy","order","orderBy"],"contributors":["Tony Gutierrez:"]}
"name": "fast-sort",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "Fast and powerful array sorting. Sort by any property in any direction with easy to read syntax.",
"main": "dist/sort.js",
"module": "dist/",
"author": "Stefan Novakovic <>",
"contributors": [
"Tony Gutierrez:"
"license": "MIT",
"homepage": "",
"scripts": {
"test": "TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS='{\"module\":\"commonjs\"}' mocha -r ts-node/register test/*.spec.ts",
"test:watch": "watch 'npm run test' ./src",
"test:integration:dist": "node test/integration/dist.test.js",
"test:integration:npm": "node test/integration/npm.test.js",
"build": "npm run test && rm -rf dist && rollup -c",
"prepublish": "npm run build && npm run test:integration:dist",
"postpublish": "npm run test:integration:npm"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"keywords": [
"array sort",
"object sort",
"natural sort"
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"@types/chai": "^4.2.5",
"@types/mocha": "^5.2.7",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^2.10.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^2.10.0",
"chai": "^4.2.0",
"eslint": "^6.7.1",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^14.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.18.2",
"mocha": "^6.2.2",
"rollup": "^1.27.5",
"rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.25.2",
"rollup-plugin-uglify": "^6.0.3",
"ts-node": "^8.5.4",
"typescript": "^3.7.3",
"watch": "^1.0.2"
# fast-sort
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@@ -11,16 +11,19 @@ [![MIT Licence](](

Fast easy to use and flexible sorting with TypeScript support.
For speed comparison of `fast-sort` vs other popular sort libraries check [benchmark](#benchmark) section.
For list of all available features check [highlights](#highlights) section.
Blazing fast array sorting that **outperforms other popular sort libraries even up to 20x.**
Take a look at the benchmark section for more information about performance.
## Quick examples
### Quick example
import sort from 'fast-sort';
// Sort flat array
// Sort flat arrays
sort([1,4,2]).asc(); // => [1, 2, 4]
sort([1, 4, 2]).desc(); // => [4, 2, 1]
// Sort array of objects
// Sort users (array of objects) by firstName in descending order
sort(users).desc(u => u.firstName);
// Sort on multiple properties
// Sort users in ascending order by firstName and lastName

@@ -31,5 +34,5 @@ u => u.firstName,

// Sort in multiple directions
// Sort users ascending by firstName and descending by age
{ asc: u => },
{ asc: u => u.firstName },
{ desc: u => u.age }

@@ -39,49 +42,156 @@ ]);

### Fast sort highlights
## Highlights
* Sort array of objects by one or more properties
* Sort flat arrays
* Sort in multiple directions
* Easy to read syntax
* Faster than other popular sort alternatives
* Undefined and null values are always sorted to bottom
* Sort flat arrays
* Sort array of objects by one or more properties
* Sort in multiple directions
* [Natural sort](#natural-sorting-/-language-sensitive-sorting) support
* Support for [custom sort](#custom-sorting) instances
* Easy to read syntax
* [Faster](#benchmark) than other popular sort alternatives
* Undefined and null values are always sorted to bottom (with default comparer)
* TypeScript support
* Small footprint with 0 dependencies (~ 750 bytes gzip)
* Compatible with any JS environment as Node, Web, etc..
Under the hood sort use a [native JavaScript sort](
Under the hood sort is using [native JavaScript sort](
Usage of native sort implies that sorting is not necessarily [stable]( and it also implies that input array is modified(sorted) same as it would be when applying native sort.
### Example
## More examples
* `asc` / `desc` sorters. In below examples we will use `asc` sorter but keep in mind that both `asc` and `desc` sorters have exactly the same API so all the examples below can be applied for `desc` sorter.
import sort from 'fast-sort';
// Sort flat arrays
sort([1,4,2]).asc(); // => [1, 2, 4]
sort([1,4,2]).desc(); // => [4, 2, 1]
// Sort users Object[] ascending by firstName
// Sort array of objects by single object property
sort(users).asc(u => u.firstName);
// If sorting by single property we can use string syntax
// NOTE: sorting by string is available from version [1.3.0]
// For root object properties we can use string shorthand (same as example above)
// For sorting by nested property we have to provide sort function
sort(users).desc(u =>;
// Sort by nested object properties
// NOTE: for nested object properties we can't use string shorthand ('' is not valid syntax).
sort(users).asc(u =>;
// Sort users by firstName, lastName and city
u => // String syntax is not available for nested properties
// Sort by multiple properties
u => u.age,
u => u.firstName,
// Sort in multiple directions
// NOTE: Available from version [1.5.0]
// Same as above but using string shorthand
sort(users).asc(['age', 'firstName']);
// Sort based on computed property
// For example sort repositories by total number of issues (summary of open and closed issues)
sort(repositories).desc(r => r.openIssues + r.closedIssues);
* `by` sorter can do anything that `asc` / `desc` sorters can with addition to some more advance
sort handling. With `by` sorter we can sort by multiple properties in different directions and
we can override default `comparer` for e.g natural sort purposes.
import sort from 'fast-sort';
// Sort users by firstName in ascending order and age in descending order
{ asc: 'name' },
{ desc: 'age' }
{ asc: u => u.firstName },
{ desc: u => u.age },
// Sort by any custom logic e.g sort vip users first
sort(users).asc(u => u.tags === 'vip' ? 1 : -1);
// Same as with asc/desc sorters we can use string shorthand for root object properties
sort(users).by([{ asc: 'firstName' }, { desc: 'age' }]);
// Sort users by city using custom comparer
asc: u =>,
comparer: (a, b) => a.localeCompare(b),
// Sort users ascending by age using default comparer and then by lastName using language sensitive comparer
{ asc: 'age' },
asc: 'lastName',
comparer: new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare,
* Fore even more examples check unit tests `test/sort.spec.ts` in the github repo.
### Natural sorting / Language sensitive sorting
By default `fast-sort` is not doing language sensitive sorting of strings.
e.g `image-11.jpg` will be sorted before `image-2.jpg` (in ascending sorting).
We can provide custom [Intl.Collator]( comparer to fast-sort for language sensitive sorting of strings.
Keep in mind that natural sort is slower then default sorting so recommendation is to use it
only when needed.
import sort from 'fast-sort';
const testArr = ['image-2.jpg', 'image-11.jpg', 'image-3.jpg'];
// By default fast-sort is not doing natural sort
sort(testArr).desc(); // => ['image-3.jpg', 'image-2.jpg', 'image-11.jpg']
// We can use `by` sort to override default comparer with the one that are doing language sensitive comparison
desc: true,
comparer: new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare,
}); // => ['image-11.jpg', 'image-3.jpg', 'image-2.jpg']
// If we want to reuse natural sort in multiple places we can create new sort instance
const naturalSort = sort.createNewInstance({
comparer: new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare,
naturalSort(testArr).asc(); // => ['image-2.jpg', 'image-3.jpg', 'image-11.jpg']
naturalSort(testArr).desc(); // => ['image-11.jpg', 'image-3.jpg', 'image-2.jpg']
### Custom sorting
Fast sort can be tailored to fit any sorting need or use case by:
* creating custom sorting instances
* overriding default comparer in `by` sorter
* custom handling in provided callback function
* combination of any from above
For example we will sort `tags` by "custom" tag importance (e.g `vip` tag is of greater importance then `captain` tag).
import sort from 'fast-sort';
const tagsImportance = { vip: 3, influencer: 2, captain: 1 }; // Some domain specific logic
const tags = ['influencer', 'unknown', 'vip', 'captain'];
// Sort tags in ascending order by custom tags values
sort(tags).asc(tag => tagImportance[tag] || 0); // => ['unknown', 'captain', 'influencer', 'vip'];
sort(tags).desc(tag => tagImportance[tag] || 0); // => ['vip', 'influencer', 'captain', 'unknown'];
// We can also create specialized tagSorter instance and reuse it across the application
const tagSorter = sort.createNewInstance({
comparer: (a, b) => (tagImportance[a] || 0) - (tagImportance[b] || 0)
tagSorter(tags).asc(); // => ['unknown', 'captain', 'influencer', 'vip'];
tagSorter(tags).desc(); // => ['vip', 'influencer', 'captain', 'unknown'];
// Default sorter will sort tags by string comparison and not "tag" importance
sort(tags).asc(); // => ['captain', 'influencer', 'unknown' 'vip']
### Things to know
When using custom comparers as e.g [Intl.Collator]( it's up to you to ensure those features are available in all the platforms you intend to support. (You can check browser compatibility for Intl.Collator by following link above). Same applies for any other custom comparer.
// Sorting values that are not sortable will return same value back

@@ -91,8 +201,9 @@ sort(null).asc(); // => null

// By default sort is mutating input array,
// By default sort will mutate input array (by sorting it),
const arr = [1, 4, 2];
const sortedArr = sort(arr).asc();
console.log(sortedArr); // => [1, 2, 4]
console.log(arr); // => [1, 2, 4]
// We can easily prevent mutating of input array by using ES6 spread operator
// To prevent that we can use ES6 destructor (or ES5 equivalents)
const arr = [1, 4, 2];

@@ -102,9 +213,48 @@ const sortedArr = sort([...arr]).asc();

console.log(sortedArr); // => [1, 2, 4]
// As stated in highlights fast-sort sorts null and undefined values to the
// bottom no matter if sorting is in asc or decs order.
const addresses = [{ city: 'Split' }, { city: undefined }, { city: 'Zagreb'}];
sort(addresses).asc(a =>; // => Split, Zagreb, undefined
sort(addresses).desc(a =>; // => Zagreb, Split, undefined
// If above is not intended behaviour you can always create new sort instance that will sort null
// or undefined values the way you intended it to be. For example of exactly that you can check unit test
// "Should create sort instance that sorts nil value to the top in desc order" in 'test/sort.spec.ts'
NOTE: fast-sort is part of [js-flock]( library exported as single module.
### Fast sort versions
#### `v2` version
### Benchmark
There is no breaking changes in API between `v2` and `v1` version of library.
You should be able to upgrade and take advantage of better editor support
and more flexibility without any problem.
Only consideration to take in mind is that some `dist` import file names have been changed. Based on how you used library there is small chance you might need to update those imports as:
* `require('fast-sort/sort.es5')` should be updated to: `require('fast-sort')` (es5 is now default export)
* `require('fast-sort/sort.es5.min')` should be updated to: `require('fast-sort/sort.min')`
#### Features by version
// Sorting in multiple directions is available from [v1.5.0]
sort(users).by([{ asc: 'age' }, { desc: 'firstName' }]);
// Overriding of default comparer in `by` sorter is available from [v1.6.0]
desc: true,
comparer: new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare,
// Creating new custom sort instances is available from [v2.0.0]
const naturalSort = sort.createNewInstance({
comparer: new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare,
// TypeScript support is available from [v2.0.0]
## Benchmark
Five different benchmarks have been created to get better insight of how fast-sort perform under different scenarios.

@@ -115,3 +265,2 @@ Each benchmark is run with different array sizes raging from small 100 items to large 100 000 items.

#### Benchmark scores

@@ -121,10 +270,9 @@

* 16 GB Ram
* Intel® Core™ i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz × 4
* Ubuntu 16.04
* Node 8.9.1
* 16 GB Ram
* Intel® Core™ i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz × 4
* Ubuntu 16.04
* Node 8.9.1
![benchmark results](
#### Running benchmark

@@ -131,0 +279,0 @@

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