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'use strict';
module.exports.isNil = function (variable) {
return variable == null;
const isNumber = module.exports.isNumber = Number.isFinite;
var isFinite = Number.isFinite;
module.exports.isFinite = isFinite;
module.exports.isCorrect = data => !(data == null) && isNumber(data);
module.exports.unitsFormat = function (_units) {
var units = {
temp: 'c',
speed: 'mps'
if (_units) {
if (_units.temp) {
var temp = _units.temp.toLowerCase();
if (temp === 'f' || temp === 'fahrenheit') {
units.temp = 'f';
} else if (temp === 'k' || temp === 'kelvin') {
units.temp = 'k';
} else {
units.temp = 'c';
if (_units.speed) {
var speed = _units.speed.toLowerCase();
if (speed === 'mph' || speed === 'mi/h') {
units.speed = 'mph';
} else if (speed === 'kmh' || speed === 'kph' || speed === 'kmph' || speed === 'km/h') {
units.speed = 'kph';
} else {
units.speed = 'mps';
const tempFormat = temp => {
if (temp === 'f' || temp === 'fahrenheit') {
return 'f';
} else if (temp === 'k' || temp === 'kelvin') {
return 'k';
return units;
return 'c';
module.exports.tempConvert = function (temp, from, to) {
if (!isFinite(temp)) {
throw new TypeError('Temp must be specified and must be a number');
} else if (from === to) {
return temp;
} else if (['c', 'f', 'k'].indexOf(to) === -1) {
throw new RangeError('Units must be c, f or k');
} else if (from === 'c') {
return (to === 'f') ? (temp * 1000 * (9 / 5) + 32 * 1000) / 1000 : (temp * 1000 + 273.15 * 1000) / 1000;
} else if (from === 'f') {
return (to === 'c') ? ((temp - 32) * 1000 * (5 / 9)) / 1000 : ((temp + 459.67) * 1000 * (5 / 9)) / 1000;
} else if (from === 'k') {
return (to === 'c') ? (temp * 1000 - 273.15 * 1000) / 1000 : (temp * 1000 * (9 / 5) - 459.67 * 1000) / 1000;
} else {
throw new RangeError('Units must be c, f or k');
const speedFormat = speed => {
if (speed === 'mph' || speed === 'mi/h') {
return 'mph';
} else if (['kmh', 'kph', 'kmph', 'km/h'].indexOf(speed) !== -1) {
return 'kph';
return 'mps';
module.exports.speedConvert = function (speed, from, to) {
if (!isFinite(speed)) {
throw new TypeError('Speed must be a number');
} else if (from === to) {
return speed;
} else if (['mps', 'mph', 'kph'].indexOf(to) === -1) {
throw new RangeError('Units must be mps, mph or kph');
} else if (from === 'mps') {
return (to === 'mph') ? speed / 0.44704 : speed * 3.6;
} else if (from === 'mph') {
return (to === 'mps') ? speed * 0.44704 : speed * 1.609344;
} else if (from === 'kph') {
return (to === 'mps') ? speed / 3.6 : speed / 1.609344;
} else {
throw new RangeError('Units must be mps, mph or kph');
module.exports.unitsFormat = units => {
if (!units) {
return {
temp: 'c',
speed: 'mps'
function getG(temp, humidity, b, c, d) {
return Math.log(humidity / 100 * Math.exp((b - temp / d) * (temp / (c + temp))));
const temp = (units.temp) ? units.temp.toLowerCase() : 'c';
const speed = (units.speed) ? units.speed.toLowerCase() : 'mps';
module.exports.getG = getG;
module.exports.getT = function (temp, humidity, b, c, d) {
return (c * getG(temp, humidity, b, c, d)) / (b - getG(temp, humidity, b, c, d));
return { temp: tempFormat(temp), speed: speedFormat(speed) };
module.exports.methods = {
HI: {
f: 'heatIndex',
h: 1
f: 'AWBGT',
h: 1
HI_CA: {
f: 'humidex',
h: 1
AAT: {
f: 'AAT',
h: -1
WCI: {
f: 'windChill',
h: 0
'use strict';
var helpers = require('./lib/helpers');
var isNil = helpers.isNil;
var unitsFormat = helpers.unitsFormat;
var tempConvert = helpers.tempConvert;
var speedConvert = helpers.speedConvert;
var getT = helpers.getT;
var _methods = helpers.methods;
const h = require('./lib/helpers');
function feelsLike(opts) {
opts || (opts = {});
opts.units = unitsFormat(opts.units);
return new Feels(opts);
const isCorrect = h.isCorrect;
const unitsFormat = h.unitsFormat;
module.exports = feelsLike;
const BaseFeels = require('./lib/base');
function Feels(opts) {
this.units = opts.units;
this.temp = opts.temp;
this.speed = opts.speed || 0;
this.humidity = opts.humidity;
this.dewPoint = opts.dewPoint;
this._units = {
temp: opts.units.temp,
speed: opts.units.speed
function apparentTemp(tempConvert, func) {
if (isCorrect(this.temp) && (isCorrect(this.humidity) || isCorrect(this.dewPoint))) {
const units = this.units.temp;
const u = this._units.temp;
const temp = tempConvert(this.temp, units, 'c'); = function (methods) {
var temp = tempConvert(this.temp, this.units.temp, 'c');
if ((Array.isArray(methods) || typeof methods === 'string') && methods.length) {
if (typeof methods === 'string') {
if (_methods[methods.toUpperCase()]) {
return this[_methods[methods.toUpperCase()].f]();
} else {
throw new RangeError('Methods must be one of: HI, HI_CA, AAT, WCI');
} else {
var like = 0;
var count = 0;
const index = (isCorrect(this.dewPoint) && !isCorrect(this.humidity)) ?
func(temp, tempConvert(this.dewPoint, units, 'c'), true) :
func(temp, this.humidity);
methods.forEach(function(n) {
if (_methods[n.toUpperCase()]) {
try {
like += this[_methods[n.toUpperCase()].f]();
} catch (e) { }
} else {
throw new RangeError('Methods must be one of: HI, HI_CA, AAT, WCI');
return tempConvert(index, 'c', u);
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
if (count === 0) throw new Error('No valid methods for these values');
return like / count;
} else {
if (temp <= 0) {
return (this.windChill() + this.AAT()) / 2;
} else if (temp >= 20) {
return (this.heatIndex() + this.humidex() + this.AAT()) / 3;
} else {
return (this.humidex() + this.AAT()) / 2;
class Feels extends BaseFeels {
constructor(opts) {
this._methods = {
HI: 'heatIndex',
HI_CA: 'humidex',
WCI: 'windChill'
Feels.prototype.toCelsius = function () {
this._units.temp = 'c';
return this;
setOptions(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
this.units = unitsFormat(opts.units);
this.temp = opts.temp;
this.speed = opts.speed || 0;
this.humidity = opts.humidity;
this.dewPoint = opts.dewPoint;
this.wvp = opts.wvp;
this._units = {
temp: this.units.temp,
speed: this.units.speed
return this;
Feels.prototype.toC = Feels.prototype.toCelsius;
Feels.prototype.toFahrenheit = function () {
this._units.temp = 'f';
return this;
Feels.prototype.toF = Feels.prototype.toFahrenheit;
Feels.prototype.toKelvin = function () {
this._units.temp = 'k';
return this;
Feels.prototype.toK = Feels.prototype.toKelvin;
Feels.prototype.heatIndex = function (temp, humidity, dewPoint) { //HI
if (
(!isNil(temp) || !isNil(this.temp)) &&
(!isNil(humidity) || !isNil(this.humidity) || !isNil(this.dewPoint))
) {
!isNil(temp) || (temp = this.temp);
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c' };
var _units = this._units || { temp: 'c' };
var _temp = tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'f');
if (_temp < 68) {
throw new RangeError('Heat Index temp must be >= (20C, 68F, 293.15K)');
registerMethod(method) {
if (this[method]) {
this._methods[method.toUpperCase()] = method;
return this;
throw new Error(`${method} doesn't exists`);
if (dewPoint || !isNil(this.dewPoint)) {
!isNil(humidity) || (humidity = this.dewPoint);
humidity = this.getRH(temp, humidity, true);
} else {
!isNil(humidity) || (humidity = this.humidity);
if (humidity < 0 || humidity > 100) {
throw new RangeError('Humidity must be in [0, 100]');
registerMethods(methods) {
if (Array.isArray(methods)) {
for (const method of methods) {
return this;
var HI = 16.923 + 0.185212 * _temp + 5.37941 * humidity - 0.100254 * _temp * humidity + 9.41695 * Math.pow(10, -3) * Math.pow(_temp, 2) + 7.28898 * Math.pow(10, -3) *
Math.pow(humidity, 2) + 3.45372 * Math.pow(10, -4) * Math.pow(_temp, 2) * humidity - 8.14971 * Math.pow(10, -4) * _temp * Math.pow(humidity, 2) + 1.02102 * Math.pow(10, -5) *
Math.pow(_temp, 2) * Math.pow(humidity, 2) - 3.8646 * Math.pow(10, -5) * Math.pow(_temp, 3) + 2.91583 * Math.pow(10, -5) * Math.pow(humidity, 3) + 1.42721 * Math.pow(10, -6) *
Math.pow(_temp, 3) * humidity + 1.97483 * Math.pow(10, -7) * _temp * Math.pow(humidity, 3) - 2.18429 * Math.pow(10, -8) * Math.pow(_temp, 3) * Math.pow(humidity, 2) +
8.43296 * Math.pow(10, -10) * Math.pow(_temp, 2) * Math.pow(humidity, 3) - 4.81975 * Math.pow(10, -11) * Math.pow(_temp, 3) * Math.pow(humidity, 3);
return tempConvert(HI, 'f', _units.temp);
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
throw new TypeError('Methods must be an array');
module.exports.heatIndex = Feels.prototype.heatIndex.bind(module.exports);
Feels.prototype.AWBGT = function (temp, humidity, dewPoint) { //AWBGT
if (
(!isNil(temp) || !isNil(this.temp)) &&
(!isNil(humidity) || !isNil(this.humidity) || !isNil(this.dewPoint))
) {
!isNil(temp) || (temp = this.temp);
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c' };
var _units = this._units || { temp: 'c' };
var _temp = tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c');
if (_temp < 15) {
throw new RangeError('Heat Index temp must be >= (15C, 59F, 288.15K)');
addMethod(method, func) {
if (typeof func === 'function') {
this[method] = func.bind(this);
return this;
throw new TypeError(`${method} must be a function`);
if (dewPoint || !isNil(this.dewPoint)) {
!isNil(humidity) || (humidity = this.dewPoint);
dewPoint = true;
} else {
!isNil(humidity) || (humidity = this.humidity);
if (humidity < 0 || humidity > 100) {
throw new RangeError('Humidity must be in [0, 100]');
toCelsius() {
this._units.temp = 'c';
return this;
return tempConvert(0.567 * _temp + 0.393 * ((dewPoint) ? this.getWVPbyDP(humidity) : this.getWVP(humidity, temp)) + 3.94, 'c', _units.temp);
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
toFahrenheit() {
this._units.temp = 'f';
return this;
module.exports.AWBGT = Feels.prototype.AWBGT.bind(module.exports);
toKelvin() {
this._units.temp = 'k';
return this;
Feels.prototype.humidex = function (temp, humidity, dewPoint) { //HI_CA
if (
(!isNil(temp) || !isNil(this.temp)) &&
(!isNil(humidity) || !isNil(this.humidity) || !isNil(this.dewPoint))
) {
!isNil(temp) || (temp = this.temp);
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c' };
var _units = this._units || { temp: 'c' };
var _temp = tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c');
like(methods) {
if (methods) {
let count = methods.length;
if (typeof methods === 'string') {
const method = this._methods[methods.toUpperCase()];
if (method) {
return this[method]();
throw new RangeError(`Methods must be one of: ${Object.keys(this._methods).join(', ')}`);
} else if (Array.isArray(methods)) {
let like = 0;
for (const m of methods) {
const method = this._methods[m.toUpperCase()];
if (method) {
try {
like += this[method]();
} catch (e) {
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new RangeError(`Methods must be one of: ${Object.keys(this._methods).join(', ')}`);
if (_temp <= 0) {
throw new RangeError('Humidex temp must be > (0C, 32F, 273.15K)');
if (dewPoint || !isNil(this.dewPoint)) {
!isNil(humidity) || (humidity = this.dewPoint);
dewPoint = true;
} else {
!isNil(humidity) || (humidity = this.humidity);
if (humidity < 0 || humidity > 100) {
throw new RangeError('Humidity must be in [0, 100]');
if (!count) {
throw new Error('No valid methods for these values');
return like / count;
return['HI', 'HI_CA', 'AAT', 'WCI']);
return tempConvert(_temp + 0.5555 * (((dewPoint) ? this.getWVPbyDP(humidity) : this.getWVP(humidity, temp)) - 10.0), 'c', _units.temp);
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
heatIndex() { // HI
return, Feels.tempConvert, Feels.heatIndex);
module.exports.humidex = Feels.prototype.humidex.bind(module.exports);
return, Feels.tempConvert, Feels.AWBGT);
Feels.prototype.AAT = function (temp, speed, humidity, dewPoint) { //AAT
if (
((!isNil(temp) && !isNil(speed)) || (!isNil(this.temp) && !isNil(this.speed))) &&
(!isNil(humidity) || !isNil(this.humidity) || !isNil(this.dewPoint))
) {
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c', speed: 'mps' };
var _units = this._units || { temp: 'c' };
humidex() { // HI_CA
return, Feels.tempConvert, Feels.humidex);
if (isNil(temp) && isNil(speed)) {
temp = this.temp;
speed = this.speed;
AAT() { // AAT
if (
isCorrect(this.temp) && isCorrect(this.speed) &&
(isCorrect(this.humidity) || isCorrect(this.dewPoint))
) {
const units = this.units;
const u = this._units.temp;
const temp = Feels.tempConvert(this.temp, units.temp, 'c');
const speed = Feels.speedConvert(this.speed, units.speed, 'mps');
var _temp = tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c');
speed = speedConvert(speed, units.speed, 'mps');
const index = (isCorrect(this.dewPoint) && !isCorrect(this.humidity)) ?
Feels.AAT(temp, speed, Feels.tempConvert(this.dewPoint, units.temp, 'c'), true) :
Feels.AAT(temp, speed, this.humidity);
if (speed < 0) {
throw new RangeError('Wind speed must be >= 0');
return Feels.tempConvert(index, 'c', u);
if (dewPoint || !isNil(this.dewPoint)) {
!isNil(humidity) || (humidity = this.dewPoint);
dewPoint = true;
} else {
!isNil(humidity) || (humidity = this.humidity);
if (humidity < 0 || humidity > 100) {
throw new RangeError('Humidity must be in [0, 100]');
return tempConvert(_temp + 0.33 * ((dewPoint) ? this.getWVPbyDP(humidity) : this.getWVP(humidity, temp)) - 0.70 * speed - 4.00, 'c', _units.temp);
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
module.exports.AAT = Feels.prototype.AAT.bind(module.exports);
windChill() { // WCI
if (isCorrect(this.temp) && isCorrect(this.speed)) {
const units = this.units;
const u = this._units.temp;
const temp = Feels.tempConvert(this.temp, units.temp, 'c');
const speed = Feels.speedConvert(this.speed, units.speed, 'mps');
Feels.prototype.windChill = function (temp, speed) { //WCI
if ((!isNil(temp) && !isNil(speed)) || (!isNil(this.temp) && !isNil(this.speed))) {
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c', speed: 'mps' };
var _units = this._units || { temp: 'c' };
if (isNil(temp) && isNil(speed)) {
temp = this.temp;
speed = this.speed;
return Feels.tempConvert(Feels.windChill(temp, speed), 'c', u);
var _temp = tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c');
if (_temp > 0) {
throw new RangeError('Wind Chill temp must be <= (0C, 32F, 273.15K)');
} else if (speed < 0) {
throw new RangeError('Wind speed must be >= 0');
speed = speedConvert(speed, units.speed, 'kph');
if (speed >= 5) {
return tempConvert(13.12 + 0.6215 * _temp - 11.37 * Math.pow(speed, 0.16) + 0.3965 * _temp * Math.pow(speed, 0.16), 'c', _units.temp);
} else {
return tempConvert(_temp + ((-1.59 + 0.1345 * _temp) / 5) * speed, 'c', _units.temp);
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
module.exports.windChill = Feels.prototype.windChill.bind(module.exports);
getWaterVapourPressure() {
if (isCorrect(this.wvp)) {
return this.wvp;
} else if (isCorrect(this.humidity) && isCorrect(this.temp)) {
const units = this.units.temp;
const temp = Feels.tempConvert(this.temp, units, 'c');
Feels.prototype.getWaterVapourPressure = function (humidity, temp) {
if ((!isNil(humidity) && !isNil(temp)) || (!isNil(this.humidity) && !isNil(this.temp))) {
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c' };
if (isNil(temp) && isNil(humidity)) {
temp = this.temp;
humidity = this.humidity;
return Feels.getWVP(temp, this.humidity);
var _temp = tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c');
return (humidity < 0 || humidity > 100) ? 0 : (humidity / 100) * 6.105 * Math.exp((17.27 * _temp) / (237.7 + _temp));
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
Feels.prototype.getWVP = Feels.prototype.getWaterVapourPressure;
module.exports.getWVP = Feels.prototype.getWVP.bind(module.exports);
getWaterVapourPressureByDewPoint() {
if (isCorrect(this.wvp)) {
return this.wvp;
} else if (isCorrect(this.dewPoint)) {
const units = this.units.temp;
const dewPoint = Feels.tempConvert(this.dewPoint, units, 'c');
Feels.prototype.getWaterVapourPressureByDewPoint = function (dewPoint) {
if (!isNil(dewPoint) || !isNil(this.dewPoint)) {
!isNil(dewPoint) || (dewPoint = this.dewPoint);
return 6.11 * Math.exp(5417.7530 * (1 / 273.16 - 1 / (tempConvert(dewPoint, (this.units) ? this.units.temp : 'c', 'c') + 273.15)));
} else {
return Feels.getWVPbyDP(dewPoint);
throw new Error('Dew point is not specified');
Feels.prototype.getWVPbyDP = Feels.prototype.getWaterVapourPressureByDewPoint;
module.exports.getWVPbyDP = Feels.prototype.getWVPbyDP.bind(module.exports);
getAproximateRelativeHumidity() {
if (isCorrect(this.humidity)) {
return this.humidity;
} else if (isCorrect(this.temp) && isCorrect(this.dewPoint)) {
const units = this.units.temp;
const temp = Feels.tempConvert(this.temp, units, 'c');
const dewPoint = Feels.tempConvert(this.dewPoint, units, 'c');
Feels.prototype.getAproximateRelativeHumidity = function (temp, dewPoint) {
if ((!isNil(temp) && !isNil(dewPoint)) || (!isNil(this.temp) && !isNil(this.dewPoint))) {
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c' };
if (isNil(temp) && isNil(dewPoint)) {
temp = this.temp;
dewPoint = this.dewPoint;
return Feels.getARH(temp, dewPoint);
return 100 - 5 * (tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c') - tempConvert(dewPoint, units.temp, 'c'));
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
Feels.prototype.getARH = Feels.prototype.getAproximateRelativeHumidity;
module.exports.getARH = Feels.prototype.getARH.bind(module.exports);
getRelativeHumidity() {
if (isCorrect(this.humidity)) {
return this.humidity;
} else if (isCorrect(this.temp) && (isCorrect(this.wvp) || isCorrect(this.dewPoint))) {
const units = this.units.temp;
const temp = Feels.tempConvert(this.temp, units, 'c');
Feels.prototype.getRelativeHumidity = function (temp, WVP, dewPoint) {
if (this.humidity) {
return this.humidity;
} else if ((!isNil(temp) || !isNil(this.temp)) && (!isNil(WVP) || !isNil(this.dewPoint))) {
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c' };
!isNil(temp) || (temp = this.temp);
var _temp = tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c');
if (dewPoint || !isNil(this.dewPoint)) {
!isNil(WVP) || (WVP = this.dewPoint);
dewPoint = true;
} else if (typeof WVP !== 'number') {
throw new TypeError('WVP must be a number');
return (isCorrect(this.dewPoint) && !isCorrect(this.wvp)) ?
Feels.getRH(temp, Feels.tempConvert(this.dewPoint, units, 'c'), true) :
Feels.getRH(temp, this.wvp);
return (((dewPoint) ? this.getWVPbyDP(WVP) : WVP) / (6.105 * Math.exp((17.27 * _temp) / (237.7 + _temp)))) * 100;
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
Feels.prototype.getRH = Feels.prototype.getRelativeHumidity;
module.exports.getRH = Feels.prototype.getRH.bind(module.exports);
getAproximateDewPoint() {
if (isCorrect(this.dewPoint)) {
return this.dewPoint;
} else if (isCorrect(this.temp) && isCorrect(this.humidity)) {
const units = this.units.temp;
const u = this._units.temp;
const temp = Feels.tempConvert(this.temp, units, 'c');
Feels.prototype.getAproximateDewPoint = function (temp, humidity) {
if ((!isNil(temp) && !isNil(humidity)) || (!isNil(this.temp) && !isNil(this.humidity))) {
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c' };
if (isNil(temp) && isNil(humidity)) {
temp = this.temp;
humidity = this.humidity;
return Feels.tempConvert(Feels.getADP(temp, this.humidity), 'c', u);
return (humidity >= 100 || humidity < 0) ? tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c') : tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c') - ((100 - humidity) / 5);
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
Feels.prototype.getADP = Feels.prototype.getAproximateDewPoint;
module.exports.getADP = Feels.prototype.getADP.bind(module.exports);
getDewPoint() { // dew point for [-40, 50], humidity must be in (0, 100]
if (isCorrect(this.dewPoint)) {
return this.dewPoint;
} else if (isCorrect(this.temp) && isCorrect(this.humidity)) {
const units = this.units.temp;
const u = this._units.temp;
const temp = Feels.tempConvert(this.temp, units, 'c');
Feels.prototype.getDewPoint = function (temp, humidity) { //dew point for [-40, 50], humidity must be in (0, 100]
if (this.dewPoint) {
return this.dewPoint;
} else if ((!isNil(temp) && !isNil(humidity)) || (!isNil(this.temp) && !isNil(this.humidity))) {
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c' };
var _units = this._units || { temp: 'c' };
if (isNil(temp) && isNil(humidity)) {
temp = this.temp;
humidity = this.humidity;
return Feels.tempConvert(Feels.getDP(temp, this.humidity), 'c', u);
var _temp = tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c');
if (_temp < -40 || _temp > 50) {
throw new RangeError('Dew point temp must be in [-40, 50]');
} else if (humidity <= 0 || humidity > 100) {
throw new RangeError('Humidity must be in (0, 100]');
var b = 18.729;
var c = 257.87;
var d = 273.3;
return tempConvert(getT(_temp, humidity, b, c, d), 'c', _units.temp);
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
Feels.prototype.getDP = Feels.prototype.getDewPoint;
module.exports.getDP = Feels.prototype.getDP.bind(module.exports);
getFrostPoint() { // frost point for [-80, 0], humidity must be in (0, 100]
if (isCorrect(this.temp) && isCorrect(this.humidity)) {
const units = this.units.temp;
const u = this._units.temp;
const temp = Feels.tempConvert(this.temp, units, 'c');
Feels.prototype.getFrostPoint = function (temp, humidity) { //frost point for [-80, 0], humidity must be in (0, 100]
if ((!isNil(temp) && !isNil(humidity)) || (!isNil(this.temp) && !isNil(this.humidity))) {
var units = this.units || { temp: 'c' };
var _units = this._units || { temp: 'c' };
if (isNil(temp) && isNil(humidity)) {
temp = this.temp;
humidity = this.humidity;
return Feels.tempConvert(Feels.getFP(temp, this.humidity), 'c', u);
var _temp = tempConvert(temp, units.temp, 'c');
if (_temp < -80 || _temp > 0) {
throw new RangeError('Frost point temp must be in [-80, 0]');
} else if (humidity <= 0 || humidity > 100) {
throw new RangeError('Humidity must be in (0, 100]');
var b = 23.036;
var c = 279.82;
var d = 333.7;
return tempConvert(getT(_temp, humidity, b, c, d), 'c', _units.temp);
} else {
throw new Error('One of the required arguments are not specified');
Feels.prototype.toC = Feels.prototype.toCelsius;
Feels.prototype.toF = Feels.prototype.toFahrenheit;
Feels.prototype.toK = Feels.prototype.toKelvin;
Feels.prototype.getWVP = Feels.prototype.getWaterVapourPressure;
Feels.prototype.getWVPbyDP = Feels.prototype.getWaterVapourPressureByDewPoint;
Feels.prototype.getARH = Feels.prototype.getAproximateRelativeHumidity;
Feels.prototype.getRH = Feels.prototype.getRelativeHumidity;
Feels.prototype.getADP = Feels.prototype.getAproximateDewPoint;
Feels.prototype.getDP = Feels.prototype.getDewPoint;
Feels.prototype.getFP = Feels.prototype.getFrostPoint;
module.exports.getFP = Feels.prototype.getFP.bind(module.exports);
module.exports = Feels;
"name": "feels",
"author": "Alexey Bystrov <>",
"version": "1.0.1",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "Feels allow you to calculate apparent temperature using heat index, approximate wet-bulb globe temperature, humidex, australian apparent temperature and wind chill.",
"engines": {
"node": ">=4.0.0"
"keywords": [

@@ -17,4 +20,7 @@ "humidex",

"feels like",
"real feel",

@@ -26,4 +32,11 @@ "humidity",

"main": "./main.js",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha test",
"lint": "eslint main.js lib/**",
"check": "npm run lint && npm run test",
"cover": "istanbul cover ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha",
"test-on-travis": "istanbul cover --report lcovonly ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha"

@@ -39,3 +52,8 @@ },

"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "^2.5.3",
"eslint": "^2.13.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb": "^9.0.1",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^1.11.0",
"eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^1.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^5.1.1",
"mocha": "^3.0.1",
"should": "^10.0.0"

@@ -42,0 +60,0 @@ },

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

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@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ `Feels` allow you to calculate [apparent temperature]( using [heat index](, approximate [wet-bulb globe temperature](, [humidex](, [australian apparent temperature]( and [wind chill](

You can also calculate `relative humidity`, `dew point`, `frost point`, `water vapour pressure` using [class](#class-methods) or [standalone](#standalone-methods) methods.
You can also convert temperature, speed and calculate `relative humidity`, `dew point`, `frost point`, `water vapour pressure` using [class](#class-methods) or [standalone](#standalone-methods) methods.

@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ # Usage

var Feels = require('feels');
const Feels = require('feels');
var config = {
const config = {
temp: 20,

@@ -31,26 +31,78 @@ humidity: 85,

new Feels(config).like();
## Quick navigation
* [Class methods](#class-methods)
* [.setOptions(options)](#setoptionsoptions)
* [.like([methods])](#likemethods)
* [.addMethod(name, method)](#addmethodname-method)
* [.registerMethod(method)](#registermethodmethod)
* [.registerMethods(methods)](#registermethodsmethods)
* [.heatIndex()](#heatindex)
* [.AWBGT()](#awbgt)
* [.humidex()](#humidex)
* [.AAT()](#aat)
* [.windChill()](#windchill)
* [.getWVP()](#getwvp)
* [.getWVPbyDP()](#getwvpbydp)
* [.getARH()](#getarh)
* [.getRH()](#getrh)
* [.getADP()](#getadp)
* [.getDP()](#getdp)
* [.getFP()](#getfp)
* [Standalone methods](#standalone-methods)
* [Temperature convert](#temperature-convert)
* [Speed convert](#speed-convert)
* [Heat index](#heat-index)
* [Approximate WBGT](#approximate-wbgt)
* [Humidex](#humidex-1)
* [Australian Apparent Temperature](#australian-apparent-temperature)
* [Wind chill](#wind-chill)
* [Water vapour pressure](#water-vapour-pressure)
* [Approximate relative humidity](#approximate-relative-humidity)
* [Relative humidity](#relative-humidity)
* [Approximate dew point](#approximate-dew-point)
* [Dew point](#dew-point)
* [Frost point](#frost-point)
## Class methods
# Class methods
Most of the class methods also available as [standalone methods](#standalone-methods).
### new Feels(options)
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Feels options:
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in `Celsius`, `Fahrenheit` or `Kelvin`, depends on units type.
* **humidity** (*Float*) - Relative humidity in percent.
* **speed** (*Float*) - Wind speed in meters per second, miles per hour or kilometers per hour, depends on units type.
* **dewPoint** (*Float*) - Dew point in `Celsius`, `Fahrenheit`, `Kelvin` depends on units type.
* **wvp** (*Float*) - Water vapour pressure in `hPa`.
* **units** (*Object*) - Units type:
* **temp** (*String*) - `c`, `f`, `k` (by default `c`).
* **speed** (*String*) - `mps`, `mph`, `kph` (by default `mps`).
var Feels = require('feels');
const Feels = require('feels');
console.log(Feels({temp: 20, humidity: 80.9}).toF().humidex());
new Feels({ temp: 20, humidity: 80.9 }).toF().humidex();
### Feels(options)
### .setOptions(options)
Sets the options.
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Feels options:
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin, depends on units type.
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in `Celsius`, `Fahrenheit` or `Kelvin`, depends on units type.
* **humidity** (*Float*) - Relative humidity in percent.
* **speed** (*Float*) - Wind speed in meters per second, miles per hour or kilometers per hour, depends on units type.
* **dewPoint** (*Float*) - Dew point in Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin depends on units type.
* **dewPoint** (*Float*) - Dew point in `Celsius`, `Fahrenheit`, `Kelvin` depends on units type.
* **wvp** (*Float*) - Water vapour pressure in `hPa`.
* **units** (*Object*) - Units type:

@@ -60,39 +112,113 @@ * **temp** (*String*) - `c`, `f`, `k` (by default `c`).

### Feels().like([options])
const Feels = require('feels');
const feels = new Feels();
const config = {
temp: 20,
humidity: 85,
speed: 20,
units: {
temp: 'c',
speed: 'mps'
If options aren't provided returns an index is calculated with `['HI', 'HI_CA', 'AAT', 'WCI']`.
### .like([methods])
Calculates apparent temperature using specified methods.
If methods aren't provided returns an index which is calculated with `['HI', 'HI_CA', 'AAT', 'WCI']`.
#### Params:
* **options** (*String|Array*) - String or array with one of the apparent temperature [acronyms](#acronyms).
* **[methods]** (*String|Array*) - String or array with one of the apparent temperature [acronyms](#acronyms).
### Acronyms
* **HI** - Heat index ([Feels().heatIndex()](#feelsoptionsheatindex) or [heatIndex()](#heat-index)).
* **AWBGT** - Approximate wet-bulb globe temperature ([Feels().AWBGT()](#feelsoptionsawbgt) or [AWBGT()](#approximate-wbgt)).
* **HI_CA** - Humidex ([Feels().humidex()](#feelsoptionshumidex) or [humidex()](#humidex)).
* **AAT** - Australian apparent temperature ([Feels().AAT()](#feelsoptionsaat) or [AAT()](#australian-apparent-temperature)).
* **WCI** - Wind chill ([Feels().windChill()](#feelsoptionswindchill) or [windChill()](#wind-chill)).
* **HI** - Heat index ([Feels().heatIndex()](#heatindex) or [heatIndex()](#heat-index)).
* **AWBGT** - Approximate wet-bulb globe temperature ([Feels().AWBGT()](#awbgt) or [AWBGT()](#approximate-wbgt)).
* **HI_CA** - Humidex ([Feels().humidex()](#humidex) or [humidex()](#humidex-1)).
* **AAT** - Australian apparent temperature ([Feels().AAT()](#aat) or [AAT()](#australian-apparent-temperature)).
* **WCI** - Wind chill ([Feels().windChill()](#windchill) or [windChill()](#wind-chill)).
If you want to convert temperature from one to other temperature scale, you can place `.toC()`, `.toF()` or `.toK()` before target method.
### Feels(options).heatIndex()
new Feels(config).toF().like(['AAT', 'HI_CA']);
### .addMethod(name, method)
Adds new method, which can be used by itself or in [`.like()`](#likemethods).
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **name** (*String*) - Method name.
* **method** (*Function*) - The method itself.
const feels = new Feels();
feels.addMethod('newbie', () => (feels.heatIndex() + feels.humidex()) / 2);
feels.addMethod('newbie2', function () {
return (this.heatIndex() + this.humidex()) / 2;
feels.setOptions({ temp: 20, dewPoint: 18 });
feels.newbie();['AAT', 'newbie2']);
### .registerMethod(method)
#### Params:
* **method** (*String*) - Method name.
### .registerMethods(methods)
Allows you to create your own methods which can be used in [`.like()`](#likemethods), by inheriting the base class.
#### Params:
* **methods** (*Array*) - Method names.
class NewFeels extends Feels {
constructor(opts) {
this.registerMethods(['newbie', 'newbie2']);
newbie() {
return (this.heatIndex() + this.humidex()) / 2;
newbie2() {
return (this.heatIndex() + this.humidex()) / 2;
const feels = new NewFeels({ temp: 20, dewPoint: 18 });
feels.newbie();['AAT', 'newbie2']);
### .heatIndex()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)
* **humidity|dewPoint** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).AWBGT()
### .AWBGT()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)
* **humidity|dewPoint** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).humidex()
### .humidex()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)
* **humidity|dewPoint** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).AAT()
### .AAT()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)

@@ -102,46 +228,46 @@ * **speed** (*Float*)

### Feels(options).windChill()
### .windChill()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)
* **speed** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).getWVP()
### .getWVP()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **humidity** (*Float*)
* **temp** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).getWVPbyDP()
### .getWVPbyDP()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **dewPoint** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).getARH()
### .getARH()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)
* **dewPoint** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).getRH()
### .getRH()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)
* **dewPoint** (*Float*)
* **wvp|dewPoint** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).getADP()
### .getADP()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)
* **humidity** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).getDP()
### .getDP()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)
* **humidity** (*Float*)
### Feels(options).getFP()
### .getFP()
#### Params:
* **options** (*Object*) - Options:
* **options** (*Object*) - Constructor options:
* **temp** (*Float*)

@@ -167,7 +293,39 @@ * **humidity** (*Float*)

var humidex = require('feels').humidex;
const Feels = require('feels');
console.log(humidex(20, 80.9));
Feels.humidex(20, 80.9);
## Temperature convert
### Feels.tempConvert(temp, from, to)
#### Params:
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature.
* **from** (*String*) - `c` - Celsius, `f` - Fahrenheit, `k` - Kelvin.
* **to** (*String*) - `c` - Celsius, `f` - Fahrenheit, `k` - Kelvin.
const Feels = require('feels');
const humidex = Feels.humidex(20, 80.9);
Feels.tempConvert(humidex, 'c', 'f');
## Speed convert
### Feels.speedConvert(speed, from, to)
#### Params:
* **speed** (*Float*) - Speed.
* **from** (*String*) - `mps` - Metre per second, `mph` - Miles per hour, `kph` - Kilometre per hour.
* **to** (*String*) - `mps` - Metre per second, `mph` - Miles per hour, `kph` - Kilometre per hour.
const Feels = require('feels');
const speed = Feels.speedConvert(36, 'kph', 'mps');
Feels.AAT(20, speed, 89);
## Heat index

@@ -179,9 +337,9 @@

### heatIndex(temp, humidity)
### Feels.heatIndex(temp, humidity)
#### Params:
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in Celsius.
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (from 0 to 100).
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (0 > humidity <= 100).
### heatIndex(temp, dewPoint, true)
### Feels.heatIndex(temp, dewPoint, true)

@@ -199,9 +357,9 @@ #### Params:

### AWBGT(temp, humidity)
### Feels.AWBGT(temp, humidity)
#### Params:
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in Celsius.
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (from 0 to 100).
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (0 > humidity <= 100).
### AWBGT(temp, dewPoint, true)
### Feels.AWBGT(temp, dewPoint, true)

@@ -219,9 +377,9 @@ #### Params:

### humidex(temp, humidity)
### Feels.humidex(temp, humidity)
#### Params:
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in Celsius.
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (from 0 to 100).
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (0 > humidity <= 100).
### humidex(temp, dewPoint, true)
### Feels.humidex(temp, dewPoint, true)

@@ -237,3 +395,3 @@ #### Params:

### AAT(temp, speed, humidity)
### Feels.AAT(temp, speed, humidity)

@@ -243,5 +401,5 @@ #### Params:

* **speed** (*Float*) - Speed in meters per second.
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (from 0 to 100).
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (0 > humidity <= 100).
### AAT(temp, speed, dewPoint, true)
### Feels.AAT(temp, speed, dewPoint, true)

@@ -260,3 +418,3 @@ #### Params:

### windChill(temp, speed)
### Feels.windChill(temp, speed)

@@ -269,9 +427,9 @@ #### Params:

### getWVP(humidity, temp)
### Feels.getWVP(temp, humidity)
#### Params:
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (from 0 to 100).
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in Celsius.
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (0 > humidity <= 100).
### getWVPbyDP(dewPoint)
### Feels.getWVPbyDP(dewPoint)

@@ -283,3 +441,3 @@ #### Params:

### getARH(temp, dewPoint)
### Feels.getARH(temp, dewPoint)

@@ -292,3 +450,3 @@ #### Params:

### getRH(temp, WVP)
### Feels.getRH(temp, WVP)

@@ -299,3 +457,3 @@ #### Params:

### getRH(temp, dewPoint, true)
### Feels.getRH(temp, dewPoint, true)

@@ -309,23 +467,23 @@ #### Params:

### getADP(temp, humidity)
### Feels.getADP(temp, humidity)
#### Params:
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in Celsius.
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (from 0 to 100).
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (0 > humidity <= 100).
## Dew point
### getDP(temp, humidity)
### Feels.getDP(temp, humidity)
#### Params:
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in Celsius.
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (from 0 to 100, except 0).
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (0 > humidity <= 100).
## Frost point
### getFP(temp, humidity)
### Feels.getFP(temp, humidity)
#### Params:
* **temp** (*Float*) - Temperature in Celsius.
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (from 0 to 100, except 0).
* **humidity** (*Integer*) - Humidity in percent (0 > humidity <= 100).

@@ -332,0 +490,0 @@ ## License

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