Extension of fetch to recursively fetch resources using the Link header
, prev
, first
, last
Methods that will fetch the given linked resource if specified in the 'Link' header. Each function accepts two parameters (res, options)
and returns a promise for a Response
Either a Response
instance or the value of the Link
header extracted from a Response
object to pass in to the fetch request for th elinked resource
all(url, options)
Recursively fetches all linked resources, beginning with the given url. Returns a promise for an array of Response
The url to fetch
Object to configure requests and recursive behaviour. Accepts the following properties (all optional)
An object that will be passed as the optiosn to every fetch request sent. Can also be afunction, expecting url
as the first parameter, and returning an optiosn object, so that each fetch can be configured independently e.g. send a different eTag
with each fetch
'next' or 'prev', indicating which direction to follow links in (default is to follow both 'next' and 'prev')
maximum number of links to follow. Note that the behaviour when specifying limit
and not specifying direction
is not guaranteed to produce the same results every time because e.g. a single slow response in the 'next' direction can result in requests being weighted towards the 'prev' direction
By default a single failed response will cause all()
to reject with the error thrown. If failGracefully
is true then it will continue to follow links in the opposite direction to the one which has errored and eventually resolve with a promise for an array of responses with the error returned in the first/last place. This only applies to javascript errors thrown by fetch; http errors (503 etc) count as succesful responses and if the response specifies a Link header then it will be followed as normal.
Use a custom implementation of fetch