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Post data and upload files to bitcoin sv

Version published

Important Notice

Originally forked from Unwriter's Datapay

Special thanks to Unwriter for developing this versatile library.

Copied by MatterCloud (Matter Web Services Inc.) as base for 'filepay' development.


Filepay is a simple library to post data and upload files to the Bitcoin SV blockchain.

Example file:



Post to the blockchain with just 4 lines of code.



1. filepay Transaction Composer

2. Microblogging Playground

Post to any Bitcoin SV services using the blockchain as a datastore and message bus.


1. In node.js

Install both filepay and bsv (filepay has a peer dependency on bsv)

npm install --save filepay
npm install --save bsv

and then require it

const filepay = require('filepay')

2. In browser

<script src=''></script>


Send "Hello from filepay" to in 5 lines of code.

const privateKey = [YOUR PRIVATE KEY HERE];

// Upload arbitrary OP_RETURN
  data: ["0x6d02", "Hello from filepay"],
  pay: { key: privateKey }

// Above code builds an OP_RETURN transaction with 0x6d02 hello as push data, and broadcasts it to Bitcoin SV network.

  data: ["0x6d02", "hello from filepay"],
  pay: {
    key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw",
    rpc: "",
    fee: 400, // Optional. For a fixed fix.
    feeb: 0.5,
    changeAddress: '19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAut', // Optional send change to this address instead of payment key address.
    changeScript: '0393822...', // Optional hex encoded output script to send to. Overrides changeAddress if both provided.
    to: [
        "data": ["19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAut", "Hello from inside a text file", "text/plain"],
        "value": 0
        "data": ["19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAut", "# Another file (Markdown)", "text/markdown"],
        "value": 0
        "address": "131xY3twRUJ1Y9Z9jJFKGLUa4SAdRJppcW",
        "value": 546
        "script": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 20 0x717ff56bc729556b30b456e91b68faec709993ac OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
        "value": 546
        "data": ["19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAut", "_this transaction has 3 OP_RETURN_", "text/markdown"],
        "value": 0
  // Example:
  // api_key: '...', // Use for higher rate limit.
// Upload File or object
   file: {
      content: 'Hello world!',
      contentType: 'text/plain',
      encoding: 'utf8',
      name: 'hello.txt'
   pay: { key: "58Jd09..." }

Manually Provide Input UTXOs and Unlocking Scripts

By providing a inputs array, you can specify UTXO's to use.

If the manually provided UTXO's are adequate, then no request to server for additional UTXO's are made.

If the manually provided UTXO's are inadequate, then query the server and combine all UTXO's.

To force a manually provided UTXO to be used, include required: true, then it will always be included in the transaction.

The parent key is used to sign this input.

  data: ["0x6d02", "hello from filepay"],
  pay: {
    key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw",
    rpc: "",
    feeb: 0.5,
    // changeAddress: '19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAut', // Optional send change to this address instead of payment key address.
    // changeScript: '0393822...', // Optional hex encoded output script to send to. Overrides changeAddress if both provided.
    inputs: [
        "txid": "19b99a8b4a8c8c1d2e3130945aeda7d8070104af2ff9320667d95fd1a311ea12",
        "value": 786,
        "script": "76a914161e9c31fbec37d9ecb297bf4b814c6e189dbe5288ac",
        "outputIndex": 2,
        "required": true,
        "unlockingScript": function(tx, index, satoshis, script, key) {
          // Optional. Provide a acustom unlocking script for this custom utxo
          // ...
          // Convenience method 'filepay.signStandard' provided for standard p2pkh/p2pk
          // return filepay.signStandard(tx, index, satoshis, script, key);
          return bsv.Script();
        "txid": "2f65137399213afad9804662329cf2351e46a624f9ab61a3a9e45adedb1cebbe",
        "value": 9305,
        "script": "76a914161e9c31fbec37d9ecb297bf4b814c6e189dbe5288ac",
        "outputIndex": 2,
        "required": true
        // assumes filepay.signStandard is used for unlockingScript
    to: [
        "data": ["19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAut", "Hello from inside a text file", "text/plain"],
        "value": 0
        "address": "131xY3twRUJ1Y9Z9jJFKGLUa4SAdRJppcW",
        "value": 10000

Declarative Programming

filepay lets you build a transaction in a declarative manner. Here's an example:

var config = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello from filepay"],
  pay: {
    key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw",
    // api_key: '...', // Use if requesting more than 3 per second.
    rpc: "",
    fee: 400,
    to: [{
      address: "1A2JN4JAUoKCQ5kA4pHhu4qCqma8jZSU81",
      // script: "script here...",
      // data: ["0x6d02", "hello from filepay in another output"]
      value: 1000

Above config describes a transaction that:

  • Posts "hello from filepay" to network (See the protocol at,
  • paying the fee of 400 satoshis,
  • signed with a private key: 5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw,
  • through a public JSON-RPC endpoint at
  • while tipping the user 1A2JN4JAUoKCQ5kA4pHhu4qCqma8jZSU81 a value of 1000 satoshis.

All you need to do to invoke it is call:


Want to instead build a transaction but save it for later or export it? Just call:, function(error, tx) {
  console.log("Here's the transaction! : ", tx)

And that's it! No complex APIs, but you can construct pretty much all kinds of OP_RETURN transactions.

How it works

filepay is powered by bsv, which in turn is a fork of bitcore-lib, which means all the low level transactions are completely robust and secure, since they're being used in production at companies like:

filepay was created in order to make it dead simple to construct OP_RETURN related transactions, but you can even use it to build regular transactions.

Also filepay exposes filepay.bsv endpoint which you can use to access the underlying bsv library. If you need more sophisticated features (in most cases you won't), feel free to use this feature. Best of both worlds!


filepay is designed with a different philosophy than conventional Bitcoin transaction libraries.

While traditional Bitcoin libraries focus on sending money, filepay is focused on sending data.

The API is optimized to make this as simple as possible. filepay library has only two methods:

  • build: For building a transaction (but not sending)
  • send: For sending a transaction

1. build

"build" builds a transaction but doesn't broadcast it to the network.

The build() method takes two arguments:

  • A JSON object describing the type of transaction
  • A callback function that will be called after building the transaction: The callback function has two arguments. The first is an error object if something fails. The second is the constructed transaction.

The first argument--a declarative JSON object--can contain the following attributes:

  • safe: Please set to true. This will create a "safe" OP_FALSE OP_RETURN transaction instead of raw OP_RETURN. (Learn more)
  • data: For constructing OP_RETURN data
  • pay: For describing everything related to actually sending money
  • tx: For importing previously "built" transactions

A. data

The data attribute is used to construct human readable/processable data to post to the blockchain.

1. Buid from push data array
const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"]
}, function(err, tx, fee) {
  * res contains the generated transaction object, powered by bsv
  * You can check it out at
  * Some available methods you can call on the tx object are:
  * 1. tx.toString() => Export as string
  * 2. tx.toObject() => Inspect the transaction as JSON object

NOTE: Each item in the data array can either be:

  • a regular string
  • a hex string
  • Binary data (Buffer in node.js, and ArrayBuffer in browser)

To use hex string, simply prefix the string with "0x".

To use Buffer types, just pass the Buffer (or ArrayBuffer) object as push data.

To use an opcode, pass an object {op: [OPCODE]} (You can see the OPCODE list here)

In above example, we can see that the first item is "0x6d02". filepay will automatically recognize this as a hex string and interpret as a hex string (while discarding the 0x prefix before the interpretation)

2. Build from Binary Data + String

In Node.js (Buffer)

const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", Buffer.from("Abc"), "hello world"]
}, function(err, tx, fee) {
  * res contains the generated transaction object, powered by bsv
  * You can check it out at
  * Some available methods you can call on the tx object are:
  * 1. tx.toString() => Export as string
  * 2. tx.toObject() => Inspect the transaction as JSON object

In Browser, building OP_RETURN from input[type=file] (ArrayBuffer)

document.querySelector("input[type=file]").onchange = function(e) {
  // get file type
  var filetype =[0].type
  var reader = new FileReader();
  // Listen to file load event (Will call the actual load below)
  reader.addEventListener('load', function(event) {
    // ArrayBuffer
    var ab ={
      data: [ "19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAut", ab, filetype ]
    }, function(err, res) {
      console.log("built transaction = ", res)
  // Read file content as "ArrayBuffer"
3. Build from hex string representing the script

This is useful if you want to export a transaction and later recover it.

const tx = {
  data: "6a04366430320b68656c6c6f20776f726c64"
}, function(err, tx, fee) {
  * res contains the generated transaction object, powered by bsv
  * You can check it out at
  * Some available methods you can call on the tx object are:
  * 1. tx.toString() => Export as string
  * 2. tx.toObject() => Inspect the transaction as JSON object

B. pay

The pay attribute deals with everything related to actually sending money.

  • key: Signing with private key
  • rpc: Specifying a JSON-RPC endpoint to broadcast through
  • fee: Specifying transaction fee
  • feeb: Specifying transaction fee per byte
  • to: Attaching tips on top of OP_RETURN messages (Normally OP_RETURN transactions don't have a receiver)

When a pay attribute is present, the build() call generates a transaction instead of a script.

1. key

The key attribute is mandatory. You must specify a private key in order to sign a transaction.

const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"],
  pay: { key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw" }
}, function(err, tx, fee) {
  * res contains the generated transaction object
  * (a signed transaction, since 'key' is included)
2. rpc

The rpc attribute is used to manually set the JSON-RPC endpoint you wish to broadcast through.

  • default:
const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"],
  pay: {
    key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw",
    rpc: ""
};, function(err, res) {
  * res contains the generated transaction object
  * (a signed transaction, since 'key' is included)
3a. fee

The fee attribute is used to specify the transaction fee in satoshis.

  • default: 400
const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"],
  pay: {
    key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw",
    rpc: "",
    fee: 400
}, function(err, res) {
  * res contains the generated transaction object
  * (a signed transaction, since 'key' is included)
3b. feeb

The feeb attribute is used to specify the transaction fee per byte in satoshis.

  • default: 1.4
const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"],
  pay: {
    key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw",
    rpc: "",
    feeb: 1.04
}, function(err, res) {
  * res contains the generated transaction object
  * (a signed transaction, since 'key' is included)
4. to

The to attribute is an array of receivers to send the OP_RETURN to. Normally this is left empty because most OP_RETURN transactions are meant to have no receivers. But you can also send it to multiple users. For example you can use this feature to send tips to one or more people.

  • default: null
  • Each item in the to array can have 2 attributes:
    • address: Bitcoin SV address string
    • value: number (in satoshi)
const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"],
  pay: {
    key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw",
    to: [{
      address: "1A2JN4JAUoKCQ5kA4pHhu4qCqma8jZSU81",
      value: 500
    }, {
      address: "1A2JN4JAUoKCQ5kA4pHhu4qCqma8jZSU81",
      value: 500
      script: '76a914161e9c31fbec37d9ecb297bf4b814c6e189dbe5288ac',
      value: 1999
      data: ["0x6d02", "hello world again "]
      value: 0
};, function(err, res) {
  * res contains the generated transaction object
  * (a signed transaction, since 'key' is included.
  * Also, the transaction includes actual coin transfer outputs,
  * since the "to" attribute is included)
5. filter

By default, filepay uses ALL existing UTXOs associated with an address.

But sometimes you want more fine-grained control over which UTXOs to use for a transaction. For example, it is critical for UTXO-based token protocols like SLP (Simple Ledger Protocol) to make sure that a UTXO containing an SLP token transaction is ONLY used for SLP transactions. (Otherwise your token is lost)

For this feature, filepay uses Bitquery as a filter to describe the UTXOs to filter out.

const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"],
  pay: {
    key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw",
    filter: {
      v: 3,
      q: {
        find: {
          "out.b0": { "op": 106 },
          "out.s1": "SLP"
}, function(err, tx, fee) {
  * res contains the generated transaction object
  * (a signed transaction, since 'key' is included)

C. tx

You may want to import a previously exported transaction. This is when you use the tx attribute.

1. Importing a transaction from exported hex string{
  tx: "01000000014182e9844c2979d973d3e82c55d57e1a971ed2e5473557ce0414864612911aa5010000006b48304502210098f8f32cd532bc73eef1e01c3d359caf0a7aa8f3dc1eebb8011d80810c9dbe66022054c6b23d5bd9573a1e6135c39dcc31a65cab91f3b3db781995e824614e24bad9412102d024c1861ccc655ce3395bc4d8a0bdcfb929ffcd9d1a8c81d8c6fa1dfb9bd70cffffffff020000000000000000106a026d020b68656c6c6f20776f726c64c2ff0000000000001976a9142a3a6886d98776d0197611e5328ba8806c3739db88ac00000000"
}, function(err, tx, fee) {
  // 'tx' is a transaction object
2. Importing an unsigned transaction and building a signed transaction

You can export an unsigned transaction, and later import and sign it to create a signed transaction, simply by supporting a pay.key attribute.

// import an unsigned transaction and sign it{
  tx: "01000000014182e9844c2979d973d3e82c55d57e1a971ed2e5473557ce0414864612911aa5010000006b48304502210098f8f32cd532bc73eef1e01c3d359caf0a7aa8f3dc1eebb8011d80810c9dbe66022054c6b23d5bd9573a1e6135c39dcc31a65cab91f3b3db781995e824614e24bad9412102d024c1861ccc655ce3395bc4d8a0bdcfb929ffcd9d1a8c81d8c6fa1dfb9bd70cffffffff020000000000000000106a026d020b68656c6c6f20776f726c64c2ff0000000000001976a9142a3a6886d98776d0197611e5328ba8806c3739db88ac00000000",
  pay: {
    key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw"
}, function(err, tx, fee) {
  // 'tx' is a signed transaction object

Notice how in addition to the tx attribute we've added the pay.key attribute. This will import the unsigned transaction and sign it.

3. Importing and sending a signed transaction from exported hex string

If you already have a signed transaction object, you can simply send it away without any additional steps.

  tx: "01000000014182e9844c2979d973d3e82c55d57e1a971ed2e5473557ce0414864612911aa5010000006b48304502210098f8f32cd532bc73eef1e01c3d359caf0a7aa8f3dc1eebb8011d80810c9dbe66022054c6b23d5bd9573a1e6135c39dcc31a65cab91f3b3db781995e824614e24bad9412102d024c1861ccc655ce3395bc4d8a0bdcfb929ffcd9d1a8c81d8c6fa1dfb9bd70cffffffff020000000000000000106a026d020b68656c6c6f20776f726c64c2ff0000000000001976a9142a3a6886d98776d0197611e5328ba8806c3739db88ac00000000"
}, function(err, hash, fee, rawtx) {
  // 'hash' is the transaction hash

2. send

Instead of just building, you can build AND send. Same syntax as build().

The only difference is the callback function.

  • build() returns a constructed transaction object through the callback
  • send() returns a transaction hash (since it's already been sent)

A. Sending from data and pay

const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"])
  pay: { key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw" }
filepay.send(tx, function(err, res, fee, rawtx) {
  // print rawtx (if set)

B. Building an UNSIGNED transaction and exporting, and then later importing and sending the transaction in separate steps

// Build and export an unsigned transaction for later usage
var exportedTxHex = "";
const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"]
}, function(err, res, rawtx) {
  exportedTxHex = res;

// Later import exportedTxHex and sign it with privatkey, and broadcast, all in one method:
  tx: exportedTx,
  pay: { key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw" }
}, function(err, hash, fee, rawtx) {
  // hash contains the transaction hash after the broadcast

C. Building a SIGNED transaction and exporting, and then later importing and sending

This time since the exported transaction is already signed, no need for additional pay.key attriute when sending later

// Build and export an unsigned transaction for later usage
var exportedSignedTxHex = "";
const tx = {
  safe: true,
  data: ["0x6d02", "hello world"],
  pay: { key: "5JZ4RXH4MoXpaUQMcJHo8DxhZtkf5U5VnYd9zZH8BRKZuAbxZEw" }
}, function(err, res) {
  exportedSignedTxHex = res;

// Later import exportedTxHex and broadcast, all in one method:
  tx: exportedSignedTx,
}, function(err, hash, fee, rawtx) {
  // hash contains the transaction hash after the broadcast


filepay depends on two powerful libraries for low level stuff.

While filepay is designed to be the simplest possible way to write data to the blockchain, you may want to sometimes access the low level libraries that power filepay.

filepay exposes additional endpoints so you can simply access these libraries without having to install or include any additional libraries.

1. filepay.bsv

This endpoint exposes the bsv library object. Basically by referncing bsv you have access to the entire bsv library.

const privateKey = new filepay.bsv.PrivateKey();
const address = privateKey.toAddress();
console.log(address.toString()) // 15WZwpw3BofscM2u43ji85BXucai5YGToL

2. filepay.connect

This endpoint is used to access the bitcore-explorers library.

Using this endpoint you can connect to a public JSON-RPC endpoint to let you make various direct JSON-RPC function calls such as getUnspentUtxos, etc. (Basically it instantiates and returns the insight object from


filepay.connect([RPC ENDPOINT]).[METHOD]

If you leave the RPC ENDPOINT part out, it will automatically use the default node

Example 1: Connecting to default node and calling getUnspentUtxos() method:

filepay.connect().getUnspentUtxos("14xMz8rKm4L83RuZdmsHXD2jvENZbv72vR", function(err, utxos) {
  if (err) {
    console.log("Error: ", err)
  } else {

Example 2. Specifying a JSON-RPC endpoint

filepay.connect('').getUnspentUtxos("14xMz8rKm4L83RuZdmsHXD2jvENZbv72vR", function(err, utxos) {
  if (err) {
    console.log("Error: ", err)
  } else {




Package last updated on 21 Jul 2020

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