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filesize - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.8.0 to 1.9.0



@@ -9,13 +9,21 @@ /**

* @module filesize
* @version 1.8.0
* @version 1.9.0
(function (global) {
( function ( global ) {
"use strict";
var base = 10,
sizes = [["B", 1], ["Kb", 128], ["KB", 1024], ["Mb", 131072], ["MB", 1.049e+6], ["Gb", 1.342e+8], ["GB", 1.074e+9], ["Tb", 1.374e+11], ["TB", 1.1e+12], ["Pb", 1.407e+14], ["PB", 1.126e+15]],
nth = sizes.length,
regex = /\.(.*)/,
bit = /b$/,
zero = /^0$/;
var base = 10,
right = /\.(.*)/,
bit = /b$/,
zero = /^0$/,
options = {
all : {
increments : [["B", 1], ["Kb", 128], ["KB", 1024], ["Mb", 131072], ["MB", 1.049e+6], ["Gb", 1.342e+8], ["GB", 1.074e+9], ["Tb", 1.374e+11], ["TB", 1.1e+12], ["Pb", 1.407e+14], ["PB", 1.126e+15]],
nth : 11
bitless : {
increments : [["B", 1], ["KB", 1024], ["MB", 1.049e+6], ["GB", 1.074e+9], ["TB", 1.1e+12], ["PB", 1.126e+15]],
nth : 6

@@ -28,2 +36,3 @@ /**

* @param {Boolean} short [Optional] Shorthand output, similar to "ls -lh", overrides pos to 1
* @param {Boolean} bits [Optional] Determines if `bit` sizes are used for result calculation, default is true
* @return {String} Readable file size String

@@ -33,38 +42,72 @@ */

var result = "",
i = nth,
neg, num, pos, short, size, suffix, z;
bits = true,
i, neg, num, pos, short, size, sizes, suffix, z;
if (arguments[2] !== undefined) {
// Determining arguments
if (arguments[3] !== undefined) {
pos = arguments[1];
short = arguments[2];
bits = arguments[3];
else typeof arguments[1] === "boolean" ? short = arguments[1] : pos = arguments[1];
else {
typeof arguments[1] === "boolean" ? short = arguments[1] : pos = arguments[1];
if (isNaN(arg) || (pos !== undefined && isNaN(pos))) throw Error("Invalid arguments");
if ( typeof arguments[2] === "boolean" ) {
bits = arguments[2];
short = (short === true);
pos = short ? 1 : (pos === undefined ? 2 : parseInt(pos, base));
num = Number(arg);
neg = (num < 0);
if ( isNaN( arg ) || ( pos !== undefined && isNaN( pos ) ) ) {
throw Error("Invalid arguments");
short = ( short === true );
bits = ( bits === true );
pos = short ? 1 : ( pos === undefined ? 2 : parseInt( pos, base ) );
num = Number( arg );
neg = ( num < 0 );
// Flipping a negative number to determine the size
if (neg) num = -num;
if ( neg ) {
num = -num;
// Zero is now a special case because bytes divide by 1
if (num === 0) {
if (short) pos = 0;
result = Number(0).toFixed(pos) + "B";
if ( num === 0 ) {
if ( short ) {
pos = 0;
result = Number( 0 ).toFixed( pos ) + "B";
else {
while (i--) {
if ( bits ) {
sizes = options.all.increments;
i = options.all.nth;
else {
sizes = options.bitless.increments;
i = options.bitless.nth;
while ( i-- ) {
size = sizes[i][1];
suffix = sizes[i][0];
if (num >= size) {
result = (num / size).toFixed(pos);
if (short) {
if (bit.test(suffix)) suffix = suffix.toLowerCase();
suffix = suffix.charAt(0);
z = regex.exec(result);
if (z !== null && z[1] !== undefined && zero.test(z[1])) result = parseInt(result, base);
if ( num >= size ) {
result = ( num / size ).toFixed( pos );
if ( short ) {
if ( bits && bit.test( suffix ) ) {
suffix = suffix.toLowerCase();
suffix = suffix.charAt( 0 );
z = right.exec( result );
if ( z !== null && z[1] !== undefined && zero.test( z[1] ) ) {
result = parseInt( result, base );
result += suffix;

@@ -76,8 +119,22 @@ break;

return (neg ? "-" : "") + result;
// Decorating a 'diff'
if ( neg ) {
result = "-" + result;
return result;
if (typeof exports !== "undefined") module.exports = filesize;
else if (typeof define === "function") define(function () { return filesize; });
else global.filesize = filesize;
// CommonJS, AMD, script tag
if ( typeof exports !== "undefined" ) {
module.exports = filesize;
else if ( typeof define === "function" ) {
define( function () {
return filesize;
else {
global.filesize = filesize;
})( this );

@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ /**

* @module filesize
* @version 1.8.0
* @version 1.9.0
(function(e){"use strict";function filesize(e){var u,a,f,d,b,m,g,l="",c=n;if(void 0!==arguments[2]?(f=arguments[1],d=arguments[2]):"boolean"==typeof arguments[1]?d=arguments[1]:f=arguments[1],isNaN(e)||void 0!==f&&isNaN(f))throw Error("Invalid arguments");if(d=d===!0,f=d?1:void 0===f?2:parseInt(f,t),a=Number(e),u=0>a,u&&(a=-a),0===a)d&&(f=0),l=Number(0).toFixed(f)+"B";else for(;c--;)if(b=r[c][1],m=r[c][0],a>=b){l=(a/b).toFixed(f),d&&(o.test(m)&&(m=m.toLowerCase()),m=m.charAt(0),g=i.exec(l),null!==g&&void 0!==g[1]&&s.test(g[1])&&(l=parseInt(l,t))),l+=m;break}return(u?"-":"")+l}var t=10,r=[["B",1],["Kb",128],["KB",1024],["Mb",131072],["MB",1049e3],["Gb",1342e5],["GB",1074e6],["Tb",1374e8],["TB",11e11],["Pb",1407e11],["PB",1126e12]],n=r.length,i=/\.(.*)/,o=/b$/,s=/^0$/;"undefined"!=typeof exports?module.exports=filesize:"function"==typeof define?define(function(){return filesize}):e.filesize=filesize})(this);
(function(e){"use strict";function filesize(e){var o,a,u,l,m,f,b,B,d,c="",g=!0;if(void 0!==arguments[3]?(l=arguments[1],m=arguments[2],g=arguments[3]):("boolean"==typeof arguments[1]?m=arguments[1]:l=arguments[1],"boolean"==typeof arguments[2]&&(g=arguments[2])),isNaN(e)||void 0!==l&&isNaN(l))throw Error("Invalid arguments");if(m=m===!0,g=g===!0,l=m?1:void 0===l?2:parseInt(l,t),u=Number(e),a=0>u,a&&(u=-u),0===u)m&&(l=0),c=Number(0).toFixed(l)+"B";else for(g?(b=i.all.increments,o=i.all.nth):(b=i.bitless.increments,o=i.bitless.nth);o--;)if(f=b[o][1],B=b[o][0],u>=f){c=(u/f).toFixed(l),m&&(g&&r.test(B)&&(B=B.toLowerCase()),B=B.charAt(0),d=n.exec(c),null!==d&&void 0!==d[1]&&s.test(d[1])&&(c=parseInt(c,t))),c+=B;break}return a&&(c="-"+c),c}var t=10,n=/\.(.*)/,r=/b$/,s=/^0$/,i={all:{increments:[["B",1],["Kb",128],["KB",1024],["Mb",131072],["MB",1049e3],["Gb",1342e5],["GB",1074e6],["Tb",1374e8],["TB",11e11],["Pb",1407e11],["PB",1126e12]],nth:11},bitless:{increments:[["B",1],["KB",1024],["MB",1049e3],["GB",1074e6],["TB",11e11],["PB",1126e12]],nth:6}};"undefined"!=typeof exports?module.exports=filesize:"function"==typeof define?define(function(){return filesize}):e.filesize=filesize})(this);
"name": "filesize",
"description": "JavaScript library to generate a human readable String describing the file size",
"version": "1.8.0",
"version": "1.9.0",
"homepage": "",

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ "author": {

"engines": {
"node": ">= 0.8.0"
"node": ">= 0.4.0"

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ "scripts": {

[![build status](](
# filesize.js
filesize.js provides a simple way to get a human readable file size string from a number (float or integer) or string. An optional second parameter is the decimal place to round to (default is 2), or _true_ which triggers Unix style output.
filesize.js provides a simple way to get a human readable file size string from a number (float or integer) or string. An optional second parameter is the decimal place to round to (default is 2), or _true_ which triggers Unix style output. An optional third parameter lets you disable `bit` sizes, e.g. "Kb".

@@ -16,2 +16,3 @@ ## Examples

filesize(1212312421412412, true); // "1.1P" - shorthand output, similar to *nix "ls -lh"
filesize(265318, 2, false) // "259.10KB" - disabled `bit` sizes with third argument

@@ -31,2 +32,2 @@

Copyright (c) 2012, Jason Mulligan <>
Copyright (c) 2013, Jason Mulligan <>

@@ -1,10 +0,18 @@

(function (global) {
( function ( global ) {
"use strict";
var base = 10,
sizes = [["B", 1], ["Kb", 128], ["KB", 1024], ["Mb", 131072], ["MB", 1.049e+6], ["Gb", 1.342e+8], ["GB", 1.074e+9], ["Tb", 1.374e+11], ["TB", 1.1e+12], ["Pb", 1.407e+14], ["PB", 1.126e+15]],
nth = sizes.length,
regex = /\.(.*)/,
bit = /b$/,
zero = /^0$/;
var base = 10,
right = /\.(.*)/,
bit = /b$/,
zero = /^0$/,
options = {
all : {
increments : [["B", 1], ["Kb", 128], ["KB", 1024], ["Mb", 131072], ["MB", 1.049e+6], ["Gb", 1.342e+8], ["GB", 1.074e+9], ["Tb", 1.374e+11], ["TB", 1.1e+12], ["Pb", 1.407e+14], ["PB", 1.126e+15]],
nth : 11
bitless : {
increments : [["B", 1], ["KB", 1024], ["MB", 1.049e+6], ["GB", 1.074e+9], ["TB", 1.1e+12], ["PB", 1.126e+15]],
nth : 6

@@ -17,2 +25,3 @@ /**

* @param {Boolean} short [Optional] Shorthand output, similar to "ls -lh", overrides pos to 1
* @param {Boolean} bits [Optional] Determines if `bit` sizes are used for result calculation, default is true
* @return {String} Readable file size String

@@ -22,38 +31,72 @@ */

var result = "",
i = nth,
neg, num, pos, short, size, suffix, z;
bits = true,
i, neg, num, pos, short, size, sizes, suffix, z;
if (arguments[2] !== undefined) {
// Determining arguments
if (arguments[3] !== undefined) {
pos = arguments[1];
short = arguments[2];
bits = arguments[3];
else typeof arguments[1] === "boolean" ? short = arguments[1] : pos = arguments[1];
else {
typeof arguments[1] === "boolean" ? short = arguments[1] : pos = arguments[1];
if (isNaN(arg) || (pos !== undefined && isNaN(pos))) throw Error("Invalid arguments");
if ( typeof arguments[2] === "boolean" ) {
bits = arguments[2];
short = (short === true);
pos = short ? 1 : (pos === undefined ? 2 : parseInt(pos, base));
num = Number(arg);
neg = (num < 0);
if ( isNaN( arg ) || ( pos !== undefined && isNaN( pos ) ) ) {
throw Error("Invalid arguments");
short = ( short === true );
bits = ( bits === true );
pos = short ? 1 : ( pos === undefined ? 2 : parseInt( pos, base ) );
num = Number( arg );
neg = ( num < 0 );
// Flipping a negative number to determine the size
if (neg) num = -num;
if ( neg ) {
num = -num;
// Zero is now a special case because bytes divide by 1
if (num === 0) {
if (short) pos = 0;
result = Number(0).toFixed(pos) + "B";
if ( num === 0 ) {
if ( short ) {
pos = 0;
result = Number( 0 ).toFixed( pos ) + "B";
else {
while (i--) {
if ( bits ) {
sizes = options.all.increments;
i = options.all.nth;
else {
sizes = options.bitless.increments;
i = options.bitless.nth;
while ( i-- ) {
size = sizes[i][1];
suffix = sizes[i][0];
if (num >= size) {
result = (num / size).toFixed(pos);
if (short) {
if (bit.test(suffix)) suffix = suffix.toLowerCase();
suffix = suffix.charAt(0);
z = regex.exec(result);
if (z !== null && z[1] !== undefined && zero.test(z[1])) result = parseInt(result, base);
if ( num >= size ) {
result = ( num / size ).toFixed( pos );
if ( short ) {
if ( bits && bit.test( suffix ) ) {
suffix = suffix.toLowerCase();
suffix = suffix.charAt( 0 );
z = right.exec( result );
if ( z !== null && z[1] !== undefined && zero.test( z[1] ) ) {
result = parseInt( result, base );
result += suffix;

@@ -65,8 +108,22 @@ break;

return (neg ? "-" : "") + result;
// Decorating a 'diff'
if ( neg ) {
result = "-" + result;
return result;
if (typeof exports !== "undefined") module.exports = filesize;
else if (typeof define === "function") define(function () { return filesize; });
else global.filesize = filesize;
// CommonJS, AMD, script tag
if ( typeof exports !== "undefined" ) {
module.exports = filesize;
else if ( typeof define === "function" ) {
define( function () {
return filesize;
else {
global.filesize = filesize;
})( this );

@@ -15,20 +15,38 @@ var filesize = require("../lib/filesize.js");

valid: function (test) {
test.equal(filesize(this.Kb), "3.91Kb", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.Kb,true), "3.9k", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.num), "1.00KB", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.str), "1.00KB", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.num, 1), "1.0KB", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.str, 1), "1.0KB", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.num, true), "1K", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.str, true), "1K", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.neg), "-1.00KB", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.neg, true), "-1K", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.byte), "1.00B", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.byte, 1), "1.0B", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(this.byte, true), "1B", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(, "0.00B", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(, 1), "0.0B", "Should match");
test.equal(filesize(, true), "0B", "Should match");
this.byte = 1;
test.equal(filesize(this.Kb), "3.91Kb", "Should be '3.91Kb'");
test.equal(filesize(this.Kb, 1), "3.9Kb", "Should be '3.9Kb'");
test.equal(filesize(this.Kb, 1, false), "500.0B", "Should be '500.0B'");
test.equal(filesize(this.Kb, true), "3.9k", "Should be '3.9k'");
test.equal(filesize(this.Kb, true, false), "500B", "Should be '500B'");
test.equal(filesize(this.num), "1.00KB", "Should be '1.00KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.num, 1), "1.0KB", "Should be '1.0KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.num, 1, false), "1.0KB", "Should be '1.0KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.num, true), "1K", "Should be '1K'");
test.equal(filesize(this.num, true, false), "1K", "Should be '1K'");
test.equal(filesize(this.str), "1.00KB", "Should be '1.00KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.str, 1), "1.0KB", "Should be '1.0KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.str, 1, false), "1.0KB", "Should be '1.0KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.str, true), "1K", "Should be '1K'");
test.equal(filesize(this.str, true, false), "1K", "Should be '1K'");
test.equal(filesize(this.neg), "-1.00KB", "Should be '-1.00KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.neg, 1), "-1.0KB", "Should be '-1.0KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.neg, 1, false), "-1.0KB", "Should be '-1.0KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.neg, true), "-1K", "Should be '-1KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.neg, true, false), "-1K", "Should be '-1KB'");
test.equal(filesize(this.byte), "1.00B", "Should be '1.00B'");
test.equal(filesize(this.byte, 1), "1.0B", "Should be '1.0B'");
test.equal(filesize(this.byte, 1, false), "1.0B", "Should be '1.0B'");
test.equal(filesize(this.byte, true), "1B", "Should be '1B'");
test.equal(filesize(this.byte, true, false), "1B", "Should be '1B'");
test.equal(filesize(, "0.00B", "Should be '0.00B'");
test.equal(filesize(, 1), "0.0B", "Should be '0.0B'");
test.equal(filesize(, true), "0B", "Should be '0B'");

@@ -35,0 +53,0 @@ },

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