JS Client SDK for Feature Flags API
npm i flags-js
import Features from "flags-js";
const apiKey = "123456790";
async function Example() {
const user = {
key: "johnDoe@gmail.com",
attributes: {
age: 25,
gender: "male",
sports: ["basketball", "hockey"],
const features = await Features.initializeClient(apiKey, user);
const shouldShowNewModal = features.isEnabled("new-modal-flag-key");
const newToolbarColor = features.getFlagVariation("new-toolbar-flag");
makes api call to fetch all flags
- attributes are what is matched in user targeting / segments
isEnabled(flagKey): Boolean
Returns evaluation of flag for user. If flag is disabled or client initialization fails it returns false by default.
getFlagVariation(flagKey): String
Returns name of variation if exists, otherwise null. Using this for flag keys associated with boolean flags will return "On" or "Off".