A Writable stream that flushes before emitting finish.
Sponsored by Leadnomics.
What it is
Node.js's Streams API is a fantastic tool, but has a nagging shortcoming:
while the Transform stream implements a _flush
method that is called before
its final events are fired, the Writable stream does not. So if you're
buffering rows to be INSERTed into a SQL table rather than slowly writing one
at a time, or you're buffering bytes for a transfer to S3, there is no way of
flushing those buffers to the target data store before the finish
event is
FlushWritable is a drop-in replacement for stream.Writable that implements
a _flush
call that behaves exactly how Transform._flush does. It's called
with a callback, waits for the callback to be called, and then fires
(or error
if an error was passed). No additional execution after
the finish
event, no implementing nonstandard event types, no chaining a
shell Transform stream before the Writable to hijack its _flush
call. And
it's fully futureproof against the Node.js team actually adding a _flush
method to the native stream.Writable in a later version of Node, so you don't
have to worry about your code breaking on upgrade.
How does it work?
It's pretty simple. Writable is an EventEmitter. FlushWritable extends
Writable and overrides EventEmitter.emit in its own prototype, listening for a
request that finish
be emitted. When that comes in, it blocks that event
from emitting, and calls _flush
if it's defined.
The callback it passes to _flush
will trigger finish
to actually be
emitted. If that callback is called with a truthy first argument, error
emitted instead. All other events pass right through and are emitted as
expected. If a future version of node adds a Writable.prototype._flush
method, the whole thing short-circuits and native functionality takes over.
In your project folder, type:
npm install flushwritable --save
Just extend FlushWritable instead of stream.Writable in your write stream, and
feel free to define a _flush(cb)
var FlushWritable = require('flushwritable'),
util = require('util');
function MyWriteStream(opts) {
FlushWritable.call(this, opts);
this._buffer = [];
util.inherits(MyWriteStream, FlushWritable);
MyWriteStream.prototype._flush = function(cb) {
writeBufferSomewhere(this._buffer, cb);
MyWriteStream.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, cb) {
FlushWritable is distributed under the MIT license.
FlushWritable was created by Tom Frost at Leadnomics in 2014.