Calculate metrics for a font.

let measure = requrie('font-measure')
let metrics = measure(family, options?)
Get metrics data for a font family or CSS font string, possibly with custom options. Font can be a string or an array with fonts.
Property | Default | Meaning |
origin | top | Origin for metrics. Can be changed to baseline or any other metric. |
fontSize | 64 | Font-size to use for calculations. Larger size gives higher precision with slower performance. |
fontWeight | normal | Font weight to use for calculations, eg. bold , 700 etc. |
fontStyle | normal | Font style to use for calculations, eg. italic , oblique . |
canvas | measure.canvas | Canvas to use for measurements. |
tittle | i | Character to detect tittle. null disables calculation. |
descent | p | Character to detect descent line. null disables calculation. |
ascent | h | Character to detect ascent line. null disables calculation. |
overshoot | O | Character to detect overshoot. null disables calculation. |
upper | H | Character to detect upper line / cap-height. null disables calculation. |
lower | x | Character to detect lower line / x-height. null disables calculation. |
See also
There are many text / font measuring packages for the moment, but most of them don't satisfy basic quality requirements. Special thanks to @soulwire
for fontmetrics as model implementation.
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