Task helpers for Cakefiles
I've always been a little frustrated with the node filesystem API, especially
when trying to get a build process in place for a javascript project. Frosting
is really not much more than an abstraction layer over the filesystem module
that helps keep Cakefiles readable.
To skip right to some code, here's an example Cakefile with build tasks for a
client-side javascript library:
{each} = require 'frosting'
task 'compile:dev', 'Compile development distro files', ->
each './lib/*.coffee', ( f ) -> f.compile -> f.write "./dist/dev/#{f.basename( )}.js"
task 'compile:min', 'Compile minified distro files', ->
each './lib/*.coffee', ( f ) -> f.compile -> f.minify -> f.write "./dist/min/#{f.basename( )}.js"
task 'compile', 'Compile all distro files', ->
invoke 'compile:dev'
invoke 'compile:min'
Frosting is definitely an opinionated set of build tools. It assumes that source
files are being written in coffeescript and minification will be done via uglify-js.
Frosting provides a couple of convenience methods that yield a File
This class has the necessary API for reading, writing, mutating, inspecting,
compiling and minifying source files.
can be used to iterate over a set of source files. It accepts a callback
which will be passed a File
instance for each file, and you can build as you wish
from there. It can be given a glob pattern or an explicit array of files.
each './lib/*.coffee', ( f ) -> # `f` is an instance of File
# or
each [
], ( f ) -> # `f` is an instance of File
is similar to each, except it simply concatenates all of the source
files into one coffeescript file and yields a File
instance with the combined
sources already in the buffer. If given an array of filenames, they will be
read and concat'd in order.
concat './lib/*.coffee', ( f ) -> # `f` is an instance of File, will only get called once
# or
concat [
], ( f ) -> # `f` is an instance of File, will only get called once
TODO describe the File