
find(path [,filter] [,callback])
Recurcively scan files or scan files by a filter.
Callback break tow arguments: err, list
var fsPath = require('fs-path');
fsPath.find('/usr/local', function(err, list){
The value list is an object has two keys:
dirs: [
files: [
If you set a filter to map the files or directories, you can do like this:
var fsPath = require('fs-path');
fsPath.find('/usr/local', function(filepath, stats, filename){
if(stats === 'file' && /\.png$/.test(filename)){
return false;
return true;
}, function(err, list){
filter has 3 arguments:
- filepath: the full path of the file or directory
- stats: the type of file or directory, has two value: file, directory
- filename: the name of the file or directory
It will return the list:
dirs: [
files: [
findSync(path[ ,filter])
Sync version of find(). Throws exception on error.
mkdir(path[, callback])
Recursively make, if the parent path not exists, it'll create the directory automatically.
var fsPath = require('fs-path');
fsPath.mkdir('/usr/local/test1/test2/test3', function(err){
mkdirSync(path[ ,pattern])
Sync version of mkdir(). Throws exception on error.
copy(from, dist[, callback])
Copy a file or directory to other path, if the parent path not exists, it'll create the directory automatically.
var fsPath = require('fs-path');
fsPath.copy('/usr/local/test1/test2/test3', '/usr/local/aaaa', function(err){
copySync(path[ ,pattern])
Sync version of copy(). Throws exception on error.
remove(path[, callback])
Delete a file or directory.
var fsPath = require('fs-path');
fsPath.remove('/usr/local/test1/test2/test3', function(err){
Sync version of remove(). Throws exception on error.
writeFile(path, content[, encoding][, callback])
Write a file a file or directory.
Encoding is optional, default is 'utf-8'.
var fsPath = require('fs-path');
fsPath.writeFile('/usr/local/1.html', content function(err){
writeFileSync(path, content[, encoding])
Sync version of writeFile(). Throws exception on error.