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@@ -68,2 +68,10 @@ import type { Reduce } from '../../types/function/operator/module.f.ts';

export declare const secp256r1: Init;
export declare const secp384r1: Init;
export declare const secp521r1: Init;
export {};

@@ -127,1 +127,31 @@ import { prime_field, sqrt } from "../prime_field/module.f.js";

export const secp384r1 = {
p: 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff0000000000000000ffffffffn,
a: [
0xb3312fa7e23ee7e4988e056be3f82d19181d9c6efe8141120314088f5013875ac656398d8a2ed19d2a85c8edd3ec2aefn, //< b
0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff0000000000000000fffffffcn, //< a
g: [
0xaa87ca22be8b05378eb1c71ef320ad746e1d3b628ba79b9859f741e082542a385502f25dbf55296c3a545e3872760ab7n, //< x
0x3617de4a96262c6f5d9e98bf9292dc29f8f41dbd289a147ce9da3113b5f0b8c00a60b1ce1d7e819d7a431d7c90ea0e5fn, //< y
n: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc7634d81f4372ddf581a0db248b0a77aecec196accc52973n,
export const secp521r1 = {
p: 0x01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffn,
a: [
0x0051953eb9618e1c9a1f929a21a0b68540eea2da725b99b315f3b8b489918ef109e156193951ec7e937b1652c0bd3bb1bf073573df883d2c34f1ef451fd46b503f00n, //< b
0x01fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcn, //< a
g: [
n: 0x01fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffa51868783bf2f966b7fcc0148f709a5d03bb5c9b8899c47aebb6fb71e91386409n


declare const _default: {
example: () => void;
test: () => void;
poker: () => {
[k: string]: () => void;
export default _default;

@@ -1,2 +0,56 @@

import { curve, secp256k1, secp192r1, secp256r1, eq } from "./module.f.js";
import { prime_field } from "../prime_field/module.f.js";
import { curve, secp256k1, secp192r1, secp256r1, eq, secp384r1, secp521r1 } from "./module.f.js";
const poker = (param) => () => {
// (c ^ x) ^ y = c ^ (x * y)
// c ^ ((x * y) * (1/x * 1/y)) = c
const { g, n } = param;
const { mul, y } = curve(param);
const f = (m) => (pList) => => mul(i)(m));
const pf = prime_field(n);
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
const sA = 0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdefn % n;
const sB = 0xfedcba98fedcba98fedcba98fedcba98fedcba98fedcba98fedcba98fedcba98n % n;
// "22d3ad011aec6aabdb3d3d47636f3e2859de02298c87a496"
// "2b359de5cfb5937a5610d565dceaef2a760ceeaec96e68140757f0c8371534e0"
// "1359162ede91207ccaea1de94afc63c1db5a967c1e6e21f91ef9f077f20a46b6"
const rA = pf.reciprocal(sA);
// "e1e768c7427cf5bafd58756df9b54b9ec2558201f129f4ab"
// "edaf7ede285c3da723c54fcdaa3b631f626681f884d8f41fae55c4f552bb551e"
// "6ca248e88c124478975b57c4c3ca682bd8be0f0d9f11593d01273d9ceebdb735"
const rB = pf.reciprocal(sB);
let d = [];
for (let i = 0n; i < 52n; ++i) {
let nonce = 0n; // can be a random number in a range [`0`, `p >> 6n`).
let x = 0n;
let yi;
while (true) {
x = i | (nonce << 6n);
yi = y(x);
if (yi !== null) {
d = [...d, [x, yi]];
const dA = f(sA)(d);
const dAB = f(sB)(dA);
const dB = f(rA)(dAB);
const dN = f(rB)(dB);
let m = 0n;
for (const p of dN) {
if (p === null) {
throw 'null';
const x = p[0] & 0x3fn;
if (x !== m) {
throw [p[0], x, m];
export default {

@@ -20,3 +74,3 @@ example: () => {

const { mul, neg, pf: { abs }, y: yf, nf: { p: n } } = curve(c);
const point_check = p => {
const point_check = (p) => {
if (p === null) {

@@ -36,3 +90,3 @@ throw 'p === null';

const test_mul = p => {
const test_mul = (p) => {
if (mul(p)(0n) !== null) {

@@ -73,3 +127,13 @@ throw 'O';

poker: () => {
const c = {
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(c).map(([k, v]) => [k, poker(v)]));



@@ -1,17 +0,7 @@

import * as list from '../types/list/module.f.ts';
import type * as O from '../types/object/module.f.ts';
type Object = {
import type { Primitive as JsonPrimitive } from '../json/module.f.ts';
export type Object = {
readonly [k in string]: Unknown;
type Array = readonly Unknown[];
type Unknown = Object | boolean | string | number | null | Array | bigint | undefined;
type Entry = O.Entry<Unknown>;
type Entries = list.List<Entry>;
type MapEntries = (entries: Entries) => Entries;
export declare const serialize: (mapEntries: MapEntries) => (value: Unknown) => list.List<string>;
* The standard `JSON.stringify` rules determined by
export declare const stringify: (mapEntries: MapEntries) => (value: Unknown) => string;
export {};
export type Array = readonly Unknown[];
export type Primitive = JsonPrimitive | bigint | undefined;
export type Unknown = Primitive | Object | Array;

@@ -1,62 +0,1 @@

import * as list from "../types/list/module.f.js";
const { flat, map } = list;
import * as string from "../types/string/module.f.js";
const { concat } = string;
import * as f from "../types/function/module.f.js";
const { compose, fn } = f;
const { entries } = Object;
import * as bi from "../types/bigint/module.f.js";
const { serialize: bigintSerialize } = bi;
import * as j from "../json/serializer/module.f.js";
const { objectWrap, arrayWrap, stringSerialize, numberSerialize, nullSerialize, boolSerialize } = j;
import * as djs from "./serializer/module.f.js";
const { undefinedSerialize } = djs;
const colon = [':'];
export const serialize = sort => {
const propertySerialize = ([k, v]) => flat([
const mapPropertySerialize = map(propertySerialize);
const objectSerialize = fn(entries)
const f = value => {
switch (typeof value) {
case 'boolean': {
return boolSerialize(value);
case 'number': {
return numberSerialize(value);
case 'string': {
return stringSerialize(value);
case 'bigint': {
return [bigintSerialize(value)];
default: {
if (value === null) {
return nullSerialize;
if (value === undefined) {
return undefinedSerialize;
if (value instanceof Array) {
return arraySerialize(value);
return objectSerialize(value);
const arraySerialize = compose(map(f))(arrayWrap);
return f;
* The standard `JSON.stringify` rules determined by
export const stringify = sort => compose(serialize(sort))(concat);
export {};
import * as result from '../../types/result/module.f.ts';
import { type List } from '../../types/list/module.f.ts';
import type * as tokenizerT from '../tokenizer/module.f.ts';
export type DjsModule = [readonly string[], readonly DjsConst[]];
export type DjsConst = boolean | string | number | null | bigint | undefined | DjsModuleRef | DjsArray | DjsObject;
type DjsModuleRef = ['aref' | 'cref', number];
type DjsArray = ['array', readonly DjsConst[]];
export type DjsObject = {
readonly [k in string]: DjsConst;
import type { DjsToken } from '../tokenizer/module.f.ts';
import { type Map } from '../../types/map/module.f.ts';
import type { Fs } from '../../io/module.f.ts';
import type { AstModule } from '../ast/module.f.ts';
export type ParseContext = {
readonly fs: Fs;
readonly complete: Map<result.Result<AstModule, string>>;
readonly stack: List<string>;
export declare const parse: (tokenList: List<tokenizerT.DjsToken>) => result.Result<DjsModule, string>;
export {};
export declare const parseFromTokens: (tokenList: List<DjsToken>) => result.Result<AstModule, string>;
import * as result from "../../types/result/module.f.js";
import { fold, first, drop, toArray, length, concat } from "../../types/list/module.f.js";
import { setReplace, at } from "../../types/map/module.f.js";
import * as o from "../../types/object/module.f.js";
const { fromMap } = o;
import { fromMap } from "../../types/object/module.f.js";
const parseInitialOp = token => state => {

@@ -62,4 +61,4 @@ switch (token.kind) {

return { state: 'error', message: 'duplicate id' };
let cref = ['cref', length(state.module.consts)];
let refs = setReplace(token.value)(cref)(state.module.refs);
const cref = ['cref', length(state.module.consts)];
const refs = setReplace(token.value)(cref)(state.module.refs);
return { ...state, state: 'const+name', module: { ...state.module, refs: refs } };

@@ -90,4 +89,4 @@ }

let aref = ['aref', length(state.module.modules)];
let refs = setReplace(token.value)(aref)(state.module.refs);
const aref = ['aref', length(state.module.modules)];
const refs = setReplace(token.value)(aref)(state.module.refs);
return { ...state, state: 'import+name', module: { ...state.module, refs: refs } };

@@ -135,3 +134,3 @@ }

if ( === null) {
let consts = concat(state.module.consts)([value]);
const consts = concat(state.module.consts)([value]);
switch (state.state) {

@@ -327,3 +326,3 @@ case 'exportValue': return { ...state, state: 'result', module: { ...state.module, consts: consts } };

export const parse = (tokenList) => {
export const parseFromTokens = (tokenList) => {
const state = fold(foldOp)({ state: '', module: { refs: null, modules: null, consts: null } })(tokenList);

@@ -330,0 +329,0 @@ switch (state.state) {

@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ import * as parser from "./module.f.js";

import * as encoding from "../../text/utf16/module.f.js";
import { djsModuleStringify } from "../serializer/module.f.js";
import { stringify } from "../serializer/module.f.js";
const tokenizeString = s => toArray(tokenizer.tokenize(encoding.stringToList(s)));
const stringifyDjsModule = djsModuleStringify(sort);
const stringifyDjsModule = stringify(sort);
export default {

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ valid: [

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default null');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default null') {
if (result !== '[[],[null]]') {
throw result;

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default true');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default true') {
if (result !== '[[],[true]]') {
throw result;

@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default false');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -46,3 +46,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default false') {
if (result !== '[[],[false]]') {
throw result;

@@ -53,3 +53,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default undefined');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -59,3 +59,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default undefined') {
if (result !== '[[],[undefined]]') {
throw result;

@@ -66,3 +66,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default 0.1');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -72,3 +72,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default 0.1') {
if (result !== '[[],[0.1]]') {
throw result;

@@ -79,3 +79,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default 1.1e+2');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -85,3 +85,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default 110') {
if (result !== '[[],[110]]') {
throw result;

@@ -92,3 +92,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default "abc"');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -98,3 +98,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default "abc"') {
if (result !== '[[],["abc"]]') {
throw result;

@@ -105,3 +105,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default []');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -111,3 +111,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default []') {
if (result !== '[[],[["array",[]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -118,3 +118,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [1]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -124,3 +124,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default [1]') {
if (result !== '[[],[["array",[1]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -131,3 +131,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [[]]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -137,3 +137,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default [[]]') {
if (result !== '[[],[["array",[["array",[]]]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -144,3 +144,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [0,[1,[2,[]]],3]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -150,3 +150,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default [0,[1,[2,[]]],3]') {
if (result !== '[[],[["array",[0,["array",[1,["array",[2,["array",[]]]]]],3]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -157,3 +157,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -163,3 +163,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default {}') {
if (result !== '[[],[{}]]') {
throw result;

@@ -170,3 +170,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [{}]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -176,3 +176,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default [{}]') {
if (result !== '[[],[["array",[{}]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -183,3 +183,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {"a":true,"b":false,"c":null,"d":undefined}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -189,3 +189,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default {"a":true,"b":false,"c":null,"d":undefined}') {
if (result !== '[[],[{"a":true,"b":false,"c":null,"d":undefined}]]') {
throw result;

@@ -196,3 +196,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {"a":{"b":{"c":["d"]}}}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -202,3 +202,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default {"a":{"b":{"c":["d"]}}}') {
if (result !== '[[],[{"a":{"b":{"c":["array",["d"]]}}}]]') {
throw result;

@@ -209,3 +209,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default 1234567890n');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -215,3 +215,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default 1234567890n') {
if (result !== '[[],[1234567890n]]') {
throw result;

@@ -222,3 +222,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [1234567890n]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -228,3 +228,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default [1234567890n]') {
if (result !== '[[],[["array",[1234567890n]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -237,3 +237,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -248,3 +248,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default "123');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -259,3 +259,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [,]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -270,3 +270,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [1 2]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -281,3 +281,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [1,,2]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -292,3 +292,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default []]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -303,3 +303,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default ["a"');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -314,3 +314,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [1,]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -325,3 +325,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [,1]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -336,3 +336,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [:]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -347,3 +347,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default ]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -358,3 +358,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {,}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -369,3 +369,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {1:2}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -380,3 +380,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {"1"2}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -391,3 +391,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {"1"::2}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -402,3 +402,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {"1":2,,"3":4');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -413,3 +413,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {}}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -424,3 +424,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {"1":2');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -435,3 +435,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {"1":2,}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -446,3 +446,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {,"1":2}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -457,3 +457,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default }');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -468,3 +468,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default [{]}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -479,3 +479,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default {[}]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -490,3 +490,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default 10-5');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -503,3 +503,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString(' export default [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] ');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -509,3 +509,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default [0,1,2]') {
if (result !== '[[],[["array",[0,1,2]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -516,3 +516,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString(' export default { "a" : 0 , "b" : 1 } ');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -522,3 +522,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default {"a":0,"b":1}') {
if (result !== '[[],[{"a":0,"b":1}]]') {
throw result;

@@ -529,3 +529,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('\nexport\ndefault\n[\n0\n,\n1\n,\n2\n]\n');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -535,3 +535,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default [0,1,2]') {
if (result !== '[[],[["array",[0,1,2]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -542,3 +542,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('\rexport\rdefault\r{\r"a"\r:\r0\r,\r"b"\r:\r1\r}\r');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -548,3 +548,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default {"a":0,"b":1}') {
if (result !== '[[],[{"a":0,"b":1}]]') {
throw result;

@@ -557,3 +557,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('null');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -568,3 +568,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('module=null');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -579,3 +579,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export null');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -590,3 +590,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export default = null');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -603,3 +603,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('const a = 1 \n const b = 2 \n export default 3');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -609,3 +609,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'const c0 = 1\nconst c1 = 2\nexport default 3') {
if (result !== '[[],[1,2,3]]') {
throw result;

@@ -616,3 +616,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('const a = 1 \n const b = 2 \n export default b');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -622,3 +622,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'const c0 = 1\nconst c1 = 2\nexport default c1') {
if (result !== '[[],[1,2,["cref",1]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -629,3 +629,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('const a = 1 \n const b = 2 \n export default [b,a,b]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -635,3 +635,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'const c0 = 1\nconst c1 = 2\nexport default [c1,c0,c1]') {
if (result !== '[[],[1,2,["array",[["cref",1],["cref",0],["cref",1]]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -642,3 +642,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('const a = 1 \n const b = 2 \n export default {"1st":b,"2nd":a,"3rd":b}');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -648,3 +648,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'const c0 = 1\nconst c1 = 2\nexport default {"1st":c1,"2nd":c0,"3rd":c1}') {
if (result !== '[[],[1,2,{"1st":["cref",1],"2nd":["cref",0],"3rd":["cref",1]}]]') {
throw result;

@@ -657,3 +657,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('const a = 1 const b = 2 export default 3');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -668,3 +668,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('const = 1 \n const b = 2 \n export default 3');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -679,3 +679,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('const a = 1 \n const a = 2 \n export default 3');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -692,3 +692,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('import a from "test/test.f.mjs" \n export default a');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -698,3 +698,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'import a0 from "test/test.f.mjs"\nexport default a0') {
if (result !== '[["test/test.f.mjs"],[["aref",0]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -705,3 +705,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('import a from "first/test.f.mjs" \n import b from "second/test.f.mjs" \n export default [b, a, b]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -711,3 +711,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'import a0 from "first/test.f.mjs"\nimport a1 from "second/test.f.mjs"\nexport default [a1,a0,a1]') {
if (result !== '[["first/test.f.mjs","second/test.f.mjs"],[["array",[["aref",1],["aref",0],["aref",1]]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -718,3 +718,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('import a from "test/test.f.mjs" \n const b = null \n export default [b, a, b]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -724,3 +724,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'import a0 from "test/test.f.mjs"\nconst c0 = null\nexport default [c0,a0,c0]') {
if (result !== '[["test/test.f.mjs"],[null,["array",[["cref",0],["aref",0],["cref",0]]]]]') {
throw result;

@@ -733,3 +733,3 @@ }

const tokenList = tokenizeString('import a from "test/test.f.mjs" export default a');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -744,3 +744,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('import a from \n export default a');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -755,3 +755,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('import a "test/test.f.mjs" \n export default a');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -766,3 +766,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('import from "test/test.f.mjs" \n export default a');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -777,3 +777,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('import a from "first/test.f.mjs" \n import a from "second/test.f.mjs" \n export default [b, a, b]');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -788,3 +788,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('import a from "test/test.f.mjs" \n const a = null \n export default null');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'error') {

@@ -801,3 +801,3 @@ throw obj;

const tokenList = tokenizeString('export //comment \n default /* comment */ null //comment');
const obj = parser.parse(tokenList);
const obj = parser.parseFromTokens(tokenList);
if (obj[0] !== 'ok') {

@@ -807,3 +807,3 @@ throw obj;

const result = stringifyDjsModule(obj[1]);
if (result !== 'export default null') {
if (result !== '[[],[null]]') {
throw result;

@@ -810,0 +810,0 @@ }

import * as list from '../../types/list/module.f.ts';
import type * as O from '../../types/object/module.f.ts';
import type * as DjsParser from '../parser/module.f.ts';
export declare const undefinedSerialize: string[];
type Entry = O.Entry<DjsParser.DjsConst>;
import type { Unknown } from '../module.f.ts';
type Entry = O.Entry<Unknown>;
type Entries = list.List<Entry>;
type MapEntries = (entries: Entries) => Entries;
export declare const djsModuleStringify: (mapEntries: MapEntries) => (djsModule: DjsParser.DjsModule) => string;
export declare const serialize: (mapEntries: MapEntries) => (value: Unknown) => list.List<string>;
* The standard `JSON.stringify` rules determined by
export declare const stringify: (mapEntries: MapEntries) => (value: Unknown) => string;
export {};
import * as list from "../../types/list/module.f.js";
const { flat, map, entries: listEntries, concat: listConcat, flatMap } = list;
const { flat, map } = list;
import * as string from "../../types/string/module.f.js";

@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ const { concat } = string;

const colon = [':'];
export const undefinedSerialize = ['undefined'];
const djsConstSerialize = sort => {
const undefinedSerialize = ['undefined'];
export const serialize = sort => {
const propertySerialize = ([k, v]) => flat([

@@ -49,13 +49,3 @@ stringSerialize(k),

if (value instanceof Array) {
switch (value[0]) {
case 'aref': {
return [`a${value[1]}`];
case 'cref': {
return [`c${value[1]}`];
case 'array': {
return arraySerialize(value[1]);
return arraySerialize(value);

@@ -69,14 +59,6 @@ return objectSerialize(value);

export const djsModuleStringify = sort => djsModule => {
const importEntries = listEntries(djsModule[0]);
const importSerialize = entry => flat([['import a'], numberSerialize(entry[0]), [' from "', entry[1], '"\n']]);
const len = djsModule[1].length;
const constEntries = listEntries(djsModule[1]);
const moduleEntrySerialize = entry => {
if (entry[0] === len - 1) {
return listConcat(['export default '])(djsConstSerialize(sort)(entry[1]));
return flat([['const c'], numberSerialize(entry[0]), [' = '], djsConstSerialize(sort)(entry[1]), ['\n']]);
return concat(listConcat(flatMap(importSerialize)(importEntries))(flatMap(moduleEntrySerialize)(constEntries)));
* The standard `JSON.stringify` rules determined by
export const stringify = sort => compose(serialize(sort))(concat);
import * as tokenizer from "./module.f.js";
import * as list from "../../types/list/module.f.js";
const { toArray } = list;
import * as djs from "../module.f.js";
import * as serializer from "../serializer/module.f.js";
import * as o from "../../types/object/module.f.js";

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ const { sort } = o;

const tokenizeString = s => toArray(tokenizer.tokenize(encoding.stringToList(s)));
const stringify = djs.stringify(sort);
const stringify = serializer.stringify(sort);
export default {

@@ -12,0 +12,0 @@ djs: [

import * as tokenizer from "./module.f.js";
import * as list from "../../types/list/module.f.js";
const { toArray } = list;
import * as djs from "../../djs/module.f.js";
import * as serializer from "../../djs/serializer/module.f.js";
import * as o from "../../types/object/module.f.js";

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ const { sort } = o;

const tokenizeString = s => toArray(tokenizer.tokenize(encoding.stringToList(s)));
const stringify = djs.stringify(sort);
const stringify = serializer.stringify(sort);
export default {

@@ -12,0 +12,0 @@ djs: [

@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ import * as list from '../types/list/module.f.ts';

type Array = readonly Unknown[];
export type Unknown = Object | boolean | string | number | null | Array;
export type Primitive = boolean | string | number | null;
export type Unknown = Primitive | Object | Array;
export declare const setProperty: (value: Unknown) => (path: list.List<string>) => (src: Unknown) => Unknown;

@@ -10,0 +11,0 @@ export type Entry = object.Entry<Unknown>;

import * as tokenizer from "./module.f.js";
import * as list from "../../types/list/module.f.js";
const { toArray } = list;
import * as djs from "../../djs/module.f.js";
import * as serializer from "../../djs/serializer/module.f.js";
import * as o from "../../types/object/module.f.js";

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ const { sort } = o;

const tokenizeString = s => toArray(tokenizer.tokenize(encoding.stringToList(s)));
const stringify = djs.stringify(sort);
const stringify = serializer.stringify(sort);
export default {

@@ -12,0 +12,0 @@ json: [

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

const e = a => b => {
const e = (a) => (b) => {
if (a === b) { }

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ else {

const n = a => b => {
const n = (a) => (b) => {
if (a !== b) { }

@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ else {

const nan_res = op => n => {
let result = op(n);
const nan_res = (op) => (n) => {
const result = op(n);
if (!Number.isNaN(result)) {

@@ -18,0 +18,0 @@ throw result;

"name": "functionalscript",
"version": "0.4.3",
"version": "0.4.4",
"type": "module",

@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@ "files": [

"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^22.10.5",
"@types/node": "^22.13.4",
"typescript": "^5.7.3"

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ # FunctionalScript

This repository is a [monorepo]( and distributted under under [AGPL-3.0]( Let us know if you need another license by sending an [email](
This repository is a [monorepo]( and distributted under [AGPL-3.0]( Let us know if you need another license by sending an [email](

@@ -25,0 +25,0 @@ ## Vision

@@ -0,5 +1,17 @@

export declare const backspace: string;
type End = 'm';
type Csi = (code: number | string) => string;
* Control Sequence Introducer (CSI) escape sequence.
* @param end - The final character that indicates the type of sequence.
* @returns A function that takes a code (number or string) and returns the complete ANSI escape sequence.
export declare const csi: (end: End) => Csi;
* Specialization of CSI for Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) sequences.
export declare const sgr: (c: number) => string;
export declare const sgr: Csi;
export declare const reset: string;

@@ -9,1 +21,7 @@ export declare const bold: string;

export declare const fgGreen: string;
export type Stdout = {
readonly write: (s: string) => void;
export type WriteText = (text: string) => WriteText;
export declare const createConsoleText: (stdout: Stdout) => WriteText;
export {};

@@ -0,5 +1,17 @@

// Co control codes
export const backspace = '\x08';
* Control Sequence Introducer (CSI) escape sequence.
* @param end - The final character that indicates the type of sequence.
* @returns A function that takes a code (number or string) and returns the complete ANSI escape sequence.
export const csi = (end) => code => `\x1b[${code.toString()}${end}`;
* Specialization of CSI for Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) sequences.
export const sgr = (c) => `\x1b[${c.toString()}m`;
export const sgr = csi('m');
export const reset = sgr(0);

@@ -9,1 +21,14 @@ export const bold = sgr(1);

export const fgGreen = sgr(32);
const { max } = Math;
const replace = (old) => (text) => {
const len = old.length;
const suffixLength = max(0, len - text.length);
return backspace.repeat(len) + text + " ".repeat(suffixLength) + backspace.repeat(suffixLength);
export const createConsoleText = (stdout) => {
const f = (old) => (text) => {
return f(text);
return f('');
import { type List, type Thunk } from '../../types/list/module.f.ts';
* Represent an unsigned UTF16, used to store one word UTF-16 (code unit).
export type U16 = number;

@@ -8,8 +11,121 @@ /**

* Represent an Unicode code point.
* Has range: from 0x0000 to 0x10_FFFF (21 bits).
export type CodePoint = number;
* Converts a UTF-16 sequence to its corresponding Unicode code points.
* This function handles:
* 1. Single U16 values in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) [0x0000–0xFFFF].
* 2. Surrogate pairs representing code points in the Supplementary Plane [0x10000–0x10FFFF].
* 3. Invalid input sequences by applying an error mask to the resulting code point.
* @param utf16 - A list of UTF-16 code units (U16) to convert.
* @returns A list of Unicode code points. Each code point corresponds to one or more U16
* values in the input. Invalid sequences are marked with the `errorMask`.
* @example
* ```ts
* const exampleUtf16: List<U16> = [
* 0x0041, // 'A' (BMP, single U16)
* 0xD83D, 0xDE00, // πŸ˜€ (Emoji, surrogate pair)
* 0xD800, // Unpaired high surrogate
* 0xDC00, // Unpaired low surrogate
* ]
* const codePoints = toCodePointList(exampleUtf16)
* codePoints.forEach((codePoint) => {
* if (codePoint & errorMask) {
* console.log(`Invalid sequence detected: ${codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase()}`)
* } else {
* console.log(`Code Point: U+${codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase()}`)
* }
* })
* ```
export declare const fromCodePointList: (input: List<CodePoint>) => Thunk<U16>;
* Converts a list of UTF-16 code units to a list of Unicode code points (CodePoint).
* This function processes each UTF-16 code unit, decoding them into their corresponding Unicode code points.
* The input list of `U16` values may represent characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) or supplementary planes,
* with surrogate pairs handled correctly. The function also handles EOF (`null`).
* @param input - A list of UTF-16 code units (`U16`), possibly containing surrogate pairs.
* @returns A list of Unicode code points (`CodePoint`), one for each valid code unit or surrogate pair.
* @example
* ```ts
* const utf16List: List<U16> = [0x0041, 0xD83D, 0xDE00] // 'A' and πŸ˜€ (surrogate pair)
* const codePoints = toCodePointList(utf16List)
* ```
export declare const toCodePointList: (input: List<U16>) => List<CodePoint>;
* Converts a string to a list of UTF-16 code units (U16).
* This function processes each character in the input string and converts it to its corresponding UTF-16 code unit(s).
* Characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) will produce a single `U16`, while supplementary plane characters
* (those requiring surrogate pairs) will produce two `U16` values.
* @param s - The input string to convert to UTF-16 code units.
* @returns A list of UTF-16 code units (`U16`) representing the string.
* @example
* ```js
* const inputString = "Hello, πŸ˜€"
* const utf16List = stringToList(inputString)
* ```
export declare const stringToList: (s: string) => List<U16>;
* Converts a string to a list of Unicode code points (CodePoint).
* This function first converts the string to a list of UTF-16 code units (U16) using `stringToList`,
* then it converts the UTF-16 code units to Unicode code points using `toCodePointList`. This is useful for handling
* Unicode characters, including supplementary characters represented by surrogate pairs in UTF-16.
* @param input - The input string to convert.
* @returns A list of Unicode code points (`CodePoint`) corresponding to the characters in the string.
* @example
* ```js
* const inputString = "Hello, πŸ˜€"
* const codePoints = stringToCodePointList(inputString)
* ```
export declare const stringToCodePointList: (input: string) => List<CodePoint>;
* Converts a list of UTF-16 code units (U16) to a string.
* This function takes a list of `U16` values (UTF-16 code units) and reconstructs the original string by mapping
* each code unit back to its character using `String.fromCharCode`. The resulting characters are concatenated
* to form the final string.
* @param input - A list of UTF-16 code units (`U16`).
* @returns A string representing the characters encoded by the input UTF-16 code units.
* @example
* ```ts
* const utf16List: List<U16> = [0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043] // 'ABC'
* const outputString = listToString(utf16List)
* ```
export declare const listToString: (input: List<U16>) => string;
* Converts a list of Unicode code points (CodePoint) to a string.
* This function first converts the list of Unicode code points to a list of UTF-16 code units using `fromCodePointList`,
* then it uses `listToString` to reconstruct the string from the UTF-16 code units.
* @param input - A list of Unicode code points (`CodePoint`).
* @returns A string representing the characters encoded by the input code points.
* @example
* ```ts
* const codePoints: List<CodePoint> = [0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F]
* const outputString = codePointListToString(codePoints)
* ```
export declare const codePointListToString: (input: List<CodePoint>) => string;

@@ -5,9 +5,63 @@ import { map, flat, stateScan, reduce, flatMap, empty, } from "../../types/list/module.f.js";

import { fn } from "../../types/function/module.f.js";
* Ranges of code points for the lower (Low) and higher (High) parts of the BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) plane.
const lowBmp = contains([0x0000, 0xd7ff]);
const highBmp = contains([0xe000, 0xffff]);
* Checks whether the code point is in the BMP range.
* BMP is the main multi-plane Unicode plane that covers code points 0x0000 - 0xFFFF, except for the range of surrogates.
const isBmpCodePoint = (codePoint) => lowBmp(codePoint) || highBmp(codePoint);
* Checks whether the 16-bit word (U16) is a surrogate of the high part.
* Range: 0xD800 - 0xDBFF.
const isHighSurrogate = contains([0xd800, 0xdbff]);
* Checks whether the 16-bit word (U16) is a substitute for the low part.
* Range: 0xDC00 – 0xDFFF.
const isLowSurrogate = contains([0xdc00, 0xdfff]);
* Mask of mistakes. Used to indicate invalid code points or coding errors
const errorMask = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000;
* Checks whether the code point belongs to the additional (Supplementary) plane of Unicode.
* Additional planes include code points from 0x010000 to 0x10FFFF.
const isSupplementaryPlane = contains([0x01_0000, 0x10_ffff]);
* Converts a Unicode code point to its corresponding UTF-16 representation.
* This function handles:
* 1. Code points in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) [0x0000–0xFFFF],
* which map directly to a single 16-bit value (U16).
* 2. Supplementary Plane code points [0x10000–0x10FFFF],
* which are represented as surrogate pairs in UTF-16.
* @param codePoint - A valid Unicode code point.
* @returns A list of 16-bit unsigned integers (U16) representing the UTF-16 encoding
* of the input code point. If the code point is in the BMP range, a single U16
* value is returned. For code points in the supplementary planes, two U16
* values (a high and a low surrogate) are returned.
* @example
* ```ts
* const exampleCodePoints: List<CodePoint> = [
* 0x0041, // 'A' (BMP, single U16)
* 0x1F600, // πŸ˜€ (Emoji, supplementary plane, surrogate pair)
* 0xD7FF, // Last code point in the low BMP range
* 0xE000, // First code point in the high BMP range
* 0x10FFFF, // Maximum valid code point in Unicode
* 0x110000, // Invalid code point (outside Unicode range)
* ]
* exampleCodePoints.forEach((codePoint) => {
* const utf16Result = codePointToUtf16(codePoint)
* console.log(`Code Point: U+${codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase()}`)
* console.log(`UTF-16: ${ => u16.toString(16).toUpperCase()).join(' ')}`)
* })
* ```
const codePointToUtf16 = (codePoint) => {

@@ -25,4 +79,88 @@ if (isBmpCodePoint(codePoint)) {

* Converts a UTF-16 sequence to its corresponding Unicode code points.
* This function handles:
* 1. Single U16 values in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) [0x0000–0xFFFF].
* 2. Surrogate pairs representing code points in the Supplementary Plane [0x10000–0x10FFFF].
* 3. Invalid input sequences by applying an error mask to the resulting code point.
* @param utf16 - A list of UTF-16 code units (U16) to convert.
* @returns A list of Unicode code points. Each code point corresponds to one or more U16
* values in the input. Invalid sequences are marked with the `errorMask`.
* @example
* ```ts
* const exampleUtf16: List<U16> = [
* 0x0041, // 'A' (BMP, single U16)
* 0xD83D, 0xDE00, // πŸ˜€ (Emoji, surrogate pair)
* 0xD800, // Unpaired high surrogate
* 0xDC00, // Unpaired low surrogate
* ]
* const codePoints = toCodePointList(exampleUtf16)
* codePoints.forEach((codePoint) => {
* if (codePoint & errorMask) {
* console.log(`Invalid sequence detected: ${codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase()}`)
* } else {
* console.log(`Code Point: U+${codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase()}`)
* }
* })
* ```
export const fromCodePointList = flatMap(codePointToUtf16);
* Validates whether a given 16-bit unsigned integer (U16) falls within the valid range for UTF-16 code units.
* UTF-16 uses 16-bit code units to encode characters. The valid range for these code units is [0x0000, 0xFFFF].
* This function is used to verify that a number is within this range.
* @param i - A 16-bit unsigned integer (U16) to validate.
* @returns A boolean value indicating whether the input is a valid UTF-16 code unit.
* @example
* ```ts
* const validU16 = u16(0x0041) // true: U+0041 ('A')
* const invalidU16 = u16(0x110000) // false: Value is outside the valid range
* const edgeCaseLow = u16(0x0000) // true: Minimum valid value for UTF-16
* const edgeCaseHigh = u16(0xFFFF) // true: Maximum valid value for UTF-16
* ```
const u16 = contains([0x0000, 0xFFFF]);
* A stateful operation that converts a UTF-16 word (U16) to a list of Unicode code points (CodePoint),
* while maintaining the state of surrogate pair decoding.
* This operation processes UTF-16 code units and decodes them into Unicode code points. It handles:
* 1. BMP code points (single U16).
* 2. Surrogate pairs (two U16s representing a single code point in the supplementary planes).
* 3. Invalid or malformed code units.
* It also manages the internal state, which is necessary to handle surrogate pairs. If the state is null,
* it expects a valid BMP code point or a high surrogate. If the state is not null, it processes a low surrogate
* and combines the pair into a single supplementary code point.
* @param state - The current state of the UTF-16 decoding operation.
* This can be either `null` (no state) or the previous high surrogate value.
* @param word - The current UTF-16 word (U16) to process.
* @returns A tuple where the first element is a list of decoded Unicode code points (`CodePoint`), and
* the second element is the updated state. If the word is invalid, an error code `0xffffffff` is returned.
* @example
* ```ts
* const state: Utf16State = null;
* const word: U16 = 0xD83D; // High surrogate for πŸ˜€ emoji
* const [decodedCodePoints, newState] = utf16ByteToCodePointOp(state)(word);
* ```
* @example
* ```ts
* const state: Utf16State = 0xD83D; // High surrogate already stored
* const word: U16 = 0xDC00; // Low surrogate for πŸ˜€ emoji
* const [decodedCodePoints, newState] = utf16ByteToCodePointOp(state)(word);
* ```
const utf16ByteToCodePointOp = state => word => {

@@ -54,6 +192,106 @@ if (!u16(word)) {

* Handles the EOF (end-of-file) condition during UTF-16 decoding.
* If there is no pending state (`state === null`), it simply returns an empty list
* of code points, indicating no further input to process. If there is a pending state,
* it is treated as an unpaired surrogate, and the `errorMask` is applied to flag
* the invalid sequence.
* @param state - The current UTF-16 decoding state. This can be:
* - `null`: No pending surrogate to process.
* - A high surrogate (0xD800–0xDBFF) left from an earlier input, waiting for a low surrogate.
* @returns A tuple:
* - The first element is a list of code points. If there’s a pending state, it is returned
* with the `errorMask` applied.
* - The second element is the next state, which will always be `null` because EOF means no
* further processing.
* @example
* ```js
* const eofState = utf16EofToCodePointOp(0xD800) // Unpaired high surrogate
* const validState = utf16EofToCodePointOp(null) // No pending state
* ```
const utf16EofToCodePointOp = (state) => [state === null ? empty : [state | errorMask], null];
* A stateful scan operation that processes UTF-16 input (word or EOF).
* This function determines whether to handle a UTF-16 word or an end-of-file (EOF)
* signal during decoding:
* 1. If the input is `null` (EOF), it calls `utf16EofToCodePointOp` to process
* any remaining state.
* 2. If the input is a valid UTF-16 word, it calls `utf16ByteToCodePointOp` to
* process the word and update the state accordingly.
* @param state - The current state in the UTF-16 decoding process:
* - `null`: No pending surrogate.
* - A high surrogate waiting for a low surrogate.
* @param input - The current UTF-16 word to process, or `null` to signal EOF.
* @returns A tuple:
* - A list of decoded code points (if any).
* - The updated decoding state.
* @example
* ```ts
* // Example 1: Process a valid UTF-16 word
* const input1 = 0x0041 // 'A' (BMP code point)
* const result1 = utf16ByteOrEofToCodePointOp(null)(input1)
* console.log(result1) // [[0x0041], null]
* // Example 2: Process a high surrogate, followed by EOF
* const input2 = 0xD83D // High surrogate
* const result2 = utf16ByteOrEofToCodePointOp(null)(input2)
* console.log(result2) // [[], 0xD83D] (waiting for a low surrogate)
* const eofResult = utf16ByteOrEofToCodePointOp(0xD83D)(null)
* console.log(eofResult) // [[0xD83D | errorMask], null] (unpaired high surrogate)
* // Example 3: Handle EOF with no pending state
* const eofResult2 = utf16ByteOrEofToCodePointOp(null)(null)
* ```
const utf16ByteOrEofToCodePointOp = state => input => input === null ? utf16EofToCodePointOp(state) : utf16ByteToCodePointOp(state)(input);
* Represents an end-of-file (EOF) indicator in a list of UTF-16 code units.
* This list contains a single element, `null`, which is used to signal the end
* of input during UTF-16 decoding operations.
* @example
* ```ts
* const input = [...utf16Data, ...eofList]
* // Ensures the EOF is handled during processing.
* ```
const eofList = [null];
* Converts a list of UTF-16 code units to a list of Unicode code points (CodePoint).
* This function processes each UTF-16 code unit, decoding them into their corresponding Unicode code points.
* The input list of `U16` values may represent characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) or supplementary planes,
* with surrogate pairs handled correctly. The function also handles EOF (`null`).
* @param input - A list of UTF-16 code units (`U16`), possibly containing surrogate pairs.
* @returns A list of Unicode code points (`CodePoint`), one for each valid code unit or surrogate pair.
* @example
* ```ts
* const utf16List: List<U16> = [0x0041, 0xD83D, 0xDE00] // 'A' and πŸ˜€ (surrogate pair)
* const codePoints = toCodePointList(utf16List)
* ```
export const toCodePointList = (input) => flat(stateScan(utf16ByteOrEofToCodePointOp)(null)(flat([input, eofList])));
* Converts a string to a list of UTF-16 code units (U16).
* This function processes each character in the input string and converts it to its corresponding UTF-16 code unit(s).
* Characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) will produce a single `U16`, while supplementary plane characters
* (those requiring surrogate pairs) will produce two `U16` values.
* @param s - The input string to convert to UTF-16 code units.
* @returns A list of UTF-16 code units (`U16`) representing the string.
* @example
* ```js
* const inputString = "Hello, πŸ˜€"
* const utf16List = stringToList(inputString)
* ```
export const stringToList = (s) => {

@@ -66,6 +304,53 @@ const at = (i) => {

* Converts a string to a list of Unicode code points (CodePoint).
* This function first converts the string to a list of UTF-16 code units (U16) using `stringToList`,
* then it converts the UTF-16 code units to Unicode code points using `toCodePointList`. This is useful for handling
* Unicode characters, including supplementary characters represented by surrogate pairs in UTF-16.
* @param input - The input string to convert.
* @returns A list of Unicode code points (`CodePoint`) corresponding to the characters in the string.
* @example
* ```js
* const inputString = "Hello, πŸ˜€"
* const codePoints = stringToCodePointList(inputString)
* ```
export const stringToCodePointList = (input) => toCodePointList(stringToList(input));
* Converts a list of UTF-16 code units (U16) to a string.
* This function takes a list of `U16` values (UTF-16 code units) and reconstructs the original string by mapping
* each code unit back to its character using `String.fromCharCode`. The resulting characters are concatenated
* to form the final string.
* @param input - A list of UTF-16 code units (`U16`).
* @returns A string representing the characters encoded by the input UTF-16 code units.
* @example
* ```ts
* const utf16List: List<U16> = [0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043] // 'ABC'
* const outputString = listToString(utf16List)
* ```
export const listToString = fn(map(String.fromCharCode))
* Converts a list of Unicode code points (CodePoint) to a string.
* This function first converts the list of Unicode code points to a list of UTF-16 code units using `fromCodePointList`,
* then it uses `listToString` to reconstruct the string from the UTF-16 code units.
* @param input - A list of Unicode code points (`CodePoint`).
* @returns A string representing the characters encoded by the input code points.
* @example
* ```ts
* const codePoints: List<CodePoint> = [0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F]
* const outputString = codePointListToString(codePoints)
* ```
export const codePointListToString = (input) => listToString(fromCodePointList(input));

@@ -5,3 +5,7 @@ declare const _default: {

string: (() => void)[];
stringToList: (() => void)[];
listToString: (() => void)[];
stringToCodePointList: (() => void)[];
codePointListToString: (() => void)[];
export default _default;

@@ -149,3 +149,31 @@ import { toCodePointList, fromCodePointList, stringToList, listToString, stringToCodePointList, codePointListToString } from "./module.f.js";

stringToList: [
() => {
const inputString = "Hello, i like js";
const utf16List = stringToList(inputString);
() => {
const inputString = "πŸ˜‡πŸ€¬πŸ«₯πŸ˜‘πŸ« ";
const utf16List = stringToList(inputString);
listToString: [
() => {
const utf16List = [0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043];
const outputString = listToString(utf16List);
stringToCodePointList: [
() => {
const inputString = "Hello, πŸ˜€";
const codePoints = stringToCodePointList(inputString);
codePointListToString: [
() => {
const codePoints = [0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F];
const outputString = codePointListToString(codePoints);

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { Reduce } from "../function/operator/module.f.ts";
import type { Reduce } from '../function/operator/module.f.ts';

@@ -55,2 +55,4 @@ * Represents a monoid, an algebraic structure with a binary operation

* See also {@link}.
* @example

@@ -57,0 +59,0 @@ *

@@ -10,2 +10,4 @@ /**

* See also {@link}.
* @example

@@ -12,0 +14,0 @@ *

@@ -11,1 +11,19 @@ import { type List } from '../list/module.f.ts';

export declare const fromMap: <T>(m: BtMap<T>) => Map<T>;
* A set of objects with a single key.
* See also
export type OneKey<K extends string, V> = {
[P in K]: (Record<P, V> & Partial<Record<Exclude<K, P>, never>>) extends infer O ? {
[Q in keyof O]: O[Q];
} : never;
export type NotUnion<T, U = T> = T extends unknown ? [
] extends [T] ? T : never : never;
export type SingleProperty<T extends Record<string, never>> = keyof T extends NotUnion<keyof T> ? T : never;

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ import { iterable } from "../list/module.f.js";

const r = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name);
return r === void 0 ? null : r.value;
return r === undefined ? null : r.value;

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ export const sort = e => mapEntries(mapFromEntries(e));