npm install gem-sdk
const ethersProvider = new ethers(window.ethereum);
const gemInstance = new Gem(ethersProvider);
Test Cases
fork mainnet
ganache-cli --fork
rename .env.example to .env and input required fields
npm test
const account = senders wallet address;
const paymentToken = "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"; // ethereum
const paymentToken = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F"; // dai
in case of dai it will automatically approve dai.
in case of both eth and dai it will automatically check users balance.
you can use any currency the function will manage.
single asset buying
await gemNewInstance.batchBuyNfts(account, paymentToken, [
standard: "ERC1155",
address: "0xa342f5d851e866e18ff98f351f2c6637f4478db5",
amount: 1,
multiple asset buying (single transaction)
await gemNewInstance.batchBuyNfts(account, paymentToken, [
standard: "ERC721",
address: "0xf9d53e156fe880889e777392585feb46d8d840f6",
tokenId: "993",
amount: 1,
standard: "ERC721",
address: "0xf9d53e156fe880889e777392585feb46d8d840f6",
tokenId: "3167",
amount: 1,
standard: "ERC721",
address: "0xf75140376d246d8b1e5b8a48e3f00772468b3c0c",
tokenId: "7085",
amount: 1,
standard: "ERC721",
address: "0xe5545fa0636a82c0b37c7db62e2104e69a11d062",
tokenId: "642",
amount: 1,
await gemNewInstance.batchBuyNfts(account, paymentToken, [
standard: "ERC1155",
address: "0x76be3b62873462d2142405439777e971754e8e77",
tokenId: "10172",
amount: 2,
standard: "ERC1155",
address: "0x76be3b62873462d2142405439777e971754e8e77",
tokenId: "10391",
amount: 2,
standard: "ERC1155",
address: "0x28472a58a490c5e09a238847f66a68a47cc76f0f",
tokenId: "0",
amount: 2,
standard: "ERC721",
address: "0xf9d53e156fe880889e777392585feb46d8d840f6",
tokenId: "993",
amount: 1,
standard: "ERC721",
address: "0xf9d53e156fe880889e777392585feb46d8d840f6",
tokenId: "3167",
amount: 1,
standard: "ERC721",
address: "0xf75140376d246d8b1e5b8a48e3f00772468b3c0c",
tokenId: "7085",
amount: 1,
standard: "ERC721",
address: "0xe5545fa0636a82c0b37c7db62e2104e69a11d062",
tokenId: "642",
amount: 1,
refer to this doc to use these ahead functions in detailed manner
const data = await gemInstance.getNftData({
nftAddress: "0x28472a58a490c5e09a238847f66a68a47cc76f0f",
nftId: "0",
const fields = {
name: 1,
symbol: 1,
standard: 1,
description: 1,
address: 1,
createdDate: 1,
externalUrl: 1,
imageUrl: 1,
totalSupply: 1,
sevenDayVolume: 1,
oneDayVolume: 1,
stats: 1,
traits: 1,
indexingStatus: 1,
discordUrl: 1,
instagramUsername: 1,
isVerified: 1,
lastNumberOfUpdates: 1,
lastOpenSeaCancelledId: 1,
lastOpenSeaSaleCreatedId: 1,
lastOpenSeaTransferId: 1,
lastRaribleAssetUpdateId: 1,
mediumUsername: 1,
telegramUrl: 1,
twitterUsername: 1,
updatedAt: 1,
wikiUrl: 1,
sdk is using this api from the doc
const data = await gemInstance.getCollectionData({
sort: { sevenDayVolume: 1 },
limit: 1,
fields: fields, // by default if you dont have fileds key in object it will take automatically take above fields object
the sdk is using this api with filter field is here
const data = await gemInstance.getCollectionData({
filters: { address: "0x50f5474724e0ee42d9a4e711ccfb275809fd6d4a" },
limit: 1,
fields: fields,
const data = await gemInstance.getCollectionData({
sort: { sevenDayVolume: 1 },
filters: { searchText: "bored" },
limit: 1,
fields: fields,
const assetFields = {
"id": 1,
"name": 1,
"address": 1,
"collectionName": 1,
"collectionSymbol": 1,
"externalLink": 1,
"imageUrl": 1,
"smallImageUrl": 1,
"animationUrl": 1,
"standard": 1,
"decimals": 1,
"market": 1,
"currentBasePrice": 1,
"paymentToken": 1,
"marketUrl": 1,
"marketplace": 1,
"tokenId": 1,
"priceInfo": 1,
"tokenReserves": 1,
"ethReserves": 1,
"url": 1,
"sellOrders": 1
the sdk is using this api from the doc
const data = await gemInstance.getAssetData({
filters: {
address: "0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d",
// { "field name": "asc" or "desc"}, you can sort by multiple fields
sort: { currentEthPrice: "asc" },
// { "field name": 1 (include field) or -1 (ignore field) }
fields: assetFields, // by default if you dont have fileds key in object it will take automatically take above assetFields object
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
markets: ["opensea", "rarible", "nftx", "nft20","larvalabs"],