Yeoman generator that scaffolds out the module structure
Automatically fetch latest version in modules repository and tests
How to setup this generator
sudo apt-get install subversion
brew install subversion
- Be sure to be in your modules repository
NPM frontend boilerplate
Global name
If you implement a plugin for Marionette, you will only need the Marionette plugin name and no module.exports
will be needed.
If you implement a simple function, you will only need the standalone name.
Marionette plugin name
Defined in src/
Standalone name
Defined in grunt/
NPM scripts
To build & run all tests (unit and functional)
$ npm run travis
To open istanbul report in your default browser
$ npm run report
To open SpecRunner in your default browser
$ npm run spec
To open functional test in your default browser
$ npm run example
To publish your module with safety
$ npm run update_package
How to install web driver
- Download last version of the driver from google page Chromedriver
- Unzip it in the folder of your choice
- Add chromedriver path to environment variable path
e.g.: '/Users/user/Documents/drivers/'
Example for MAC
$ cd
$ nano .bash_profile
export chromeBinaryPath='/Users/user/Documents/drivers/'
export PATH="$chromeBinaryPath:$PATH"
- Restart your terminal and check it
$ echo $PATH
This Boilerplate helps to create bundled and tested, es6-transpiled front-end modules for the Browser.
- bundled using browserify
- es6 with babelify transform (includes sourcemaps for development)
- unit testing, using your browser, mocha & chai
- in-browser coverage information powered by Blanket.JS
- includes hbsfy transform to pre-compile Handlebars templates and allow just requiring them
How to get started
$ git clone
$ cd es6-module-boilerplate-browser/
$ npm install
$ gulp
To start developing, modify the source in src/ or modify the tests in test/spec/ and your browser should
reload automatically and run the tests and show coverage information. When the coverage is over 89% minified and
original distribution files are getting created in the dist/ folder.
How can I add more specs?
Create another .js file in the test/spec folder and require it on the
bottom of the server/index.html file.
How do distribution files getting created?
After every mocha run in your browser, the blanket.js coverage percentage is
being parsed and when the coverage is over 89%, only then the gulp build task
will get started. That task creates a minified and an original version
of the bundled src/index.js script and moves it to the the dist/ folder/.
Ready for publish!
What are the benefits from running unit tests in a Browser?
Doing unit tests with JSDom or PhantomJS overcomplicates things alot, you'd
also have to take care of more files and code to get up and running.
By opening tests in a real Browser though, you can just pretend you are
someone who wants to use the module and implement it just like documented.
And finally. you can use the same Browser to evaluate your front-end
modules visual aspects directly while developing, without having an extra step for that.
A raw base for writing back-end modules @Intelisis G4.
> npm install %module_name% --save
Klass = require '%module_name%'
klassInstance = new Klass
%module_name% Parent 1
klassInstance.fn1(opt1, opt2)
Description of fn1
Description of fn2
How to develop
> npm install
> grunt