GH Jira
NodeGH plugin for integrating Jira, an issue management system.
Maintained by Eduardo Lundgren.
[sudo] npm install -g gh gh-jira
gh jira
Alias: gh ji
1. Create
Option | Usage | Type |
-N , --new | Required | Boolean |
-p , --project | Required | String |
-t , --title | Required | String |
-A , --assignee | Optional | String |
-C , --component | Optional | String |
-m , --message | Optional | String |
-P , --priority | Optional | String |
-R , --reporter | Optional | String |
-T , --type | Optional | String |
-v , --version | Optional | String |
Create a new issue on a certain project.
gh jira --new --project LPS --title 'Node GH rocks!' --message 'Body with **Markdown** support'
Create a new issue specifying the component.
gh jira --new --project LPS --title 'Node GH rocks!' --component UI
Create a new, unassigned, issue.
gh jira --new --project LPS --title 'Node GH rocks!' --unassigned
Create a new issue and assign it to someone.
gh jira --new --project LPS --title 'Node GH rocks!' --assignee eduardolundgren
Option | Usage | Type |
-c , --comment | Required | String |
-n , --number | Required | Number |
Omitting --number
will guess issue number from the last commit message.
3. Open in Browser
Option | Usage | Type |
-B , --browser | Required | Boolean |
-n , --number | Required | Number |
- Omitting
will guess issue number from the last commit message.
- If you would prefer to use the branch as the ticket number you can change this setting in
"inferFromCommitTitle": false,
4. Transition
Option | Usage | Type |
--transition | Required | String |
-n , --number | Required | Number |
-A , --assignee | Optional | String |
-m , --message | Optional | String |
Omitting --number
will guess issue number from the last commit message.
Both Jira and GitHub usernames are supported --assignee
Start progress on an issue.
gh jira LPS-123 --transition "Start Progress"
Show valid transitions for the issue.
gh jira LPS-123 --transition
Show valid transitions for the issue and assign to an user.
gh jira LPS-123 --assignee brianchandotcom --transition
Show valid transitions for the issue and unassign it.
gh jira LPS-123 --unassign --transition
5. Status
Option | Usage | Type |
--status | Required | String |
Check Travis for continuous integration results.
Run JSHint, a tool to detect errors and potential problems.
npm run-script lint
Run Mocha, a unit test framework.
npm run-script test
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
Check Release list.
BSD License