Gitord is a free and open-source "bot template" that alerts you in the Discord Chanel of your choice if your github repository does not respect the rules you apply to it.
Check Gitord's wiki
npm i gitord
import { Gitord } from "./Gitord";
var bot = new Gitord(
"Discord token",
"Github token",
"Discord chanel ID"
bot.welcome_message = false;
bot.RefreshTime = 5;
bot.Rules.IssueMinimalBody = 1;
bot.Rules.PullNeedToFix = false;
- 'Discord_token'
- 'Github_token' by leaving "anon" as a parameter of Github_token you can use Gitord anonymously, only for public directories and with an API rate limit
- 'Github_Repo_owner'
- 'Github_Repo_name'
example: "QuentinGruber" is the repo_owner of this repo and "Gitord" is the repo_name*
To get the ID of a channel you have to switch your Discord to developer mode.
- Go to the "appearance" settings of your account
- Enable developer mode
- Right-click on the channel of your choice and copy its identifier
example : "User_list":[["Github_Username1","DiscordID1"],["Github_Username2","DiscordID2"]]
To get a DiscordID right-click on the user of your choice and copy its identifier
More info about the available rules here.
Used Node.js version 12.18.0