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Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments

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Package description

What is globals?

The 'globals' npm package provides a collection of global identifiers for various JavaScript environments. It's useful for linting purposes to define a set of global variables that are considered to be legal and expected in a given environment, such as browser, Node.js, or other environments like testing frameworks.

What are globals's main functionalities?

Environment-specific globals

This feature allows you to specify a set of globals for browser environments. When set to true, it includes all the global variables that are expected to be available in a browser context, such as 'window', 'document', etc.

{"browser": true}

Node.js globals

This feature provides a list of global variables specific to Node.js, such as 'global', 'process', 'Buffer', etc. It's useful when you're working in a Node.js environment and want to ensure your linting tools are aware of these globals.

{"node": true}

CommonJS globals

This feature includes globals related to the CommonJS module system, such as 'require', 'exports', and 'module'. It's helpful when working with CommonJS modules to avoid linting errors related to these global identifiers.

{"commonjs": true}

ES6 globals

This feature includes new global variables introduced in ES6/ES2015, like 'Promise', 'Set', 'Map', etc. It's useful for projects that are using ES6 features and want to ensure that these new globals are recognized by linting tools.

{"es6": true}

Testing framework globals

This feature provides globals for the Mocha testing framework, such as 'describe', 'it', 'beforeEach', etc. It's useful for projects that use Mocha for testing to prevent linting errors related to Mocha's global variables.

{"mocha": true}

Other packages similar to globals




Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments

It's just a JSON file, so you can use it in any environment.

This package is used by ESLint 8 and earlier. For ESLint 9 and later, you should depend on this package directly in your ESLint config.


npm install globals


import globals from 'globals';

	addEventListener: false,
	applicationCache: false,
	ArrayBuffer: false,
	atob: false,

Each global is given a value of true or false. A value of true indicates that the variable may be overwritten. A value of false indicates that the variable should be considered read-only. This information is used by static analysis tools to flag incorrect behavior. We assume all variables should be false unless we hear otherwise.

For Node.js this package provides two sets of globals:

When analyzing code that is known to run outside of a CommonJS wrapper, for example, JavaScript modules, nodeBuiltin can find accidental CommonJS references.



Package last updated on 02 Jul 2024

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