Good Guy Caret
Need your tooltip to point to the source of its existence? Got a select that ought to have a nice, juicy caret pointer at its right end? Good Guy Caret has got your back.
Good Guy Caret allows you to easily create carets of different styles and ratios in your React thingamajiggy:
import Caret, { Direction } from 'good-guy-caret'
<Caret direction={Direction.DOWN} size={10} ratio={2} fill="deeppink" />
This is handy when:
- you need carets but don't want to include an entire icon font or library;
- the icon font or library you're using have a filled or stroked version bot not the other, and because you are the Elvis of web development you want both;
- the graphic designer naively puts a nice box shadow on the tooltip caret, and no one (not even you) wants to hear you explain that it's actually quite tricky: Good Guy Caret will shadow your box;
- you've visited the CSS Triangles article on CSS-Tricks one too many times; or
- you believe there are too many HTTP requests already roaming the Internet, and hence adhere to inline
whenever you can.