Google Dictionary API
Google does not provide API for Google Dictionary.
Getting Started
Simply install package with
npm i google-dictionary-api
const googleDictionaryApi = require("google-dictionary-api")'price', 'en')
Language is optional, if you don't pass, it'll take english by default
"word": "price",
"phonetic": "/prʌɪs/",
"origin": "Middle English the noun from Old French pris, from Latin pretium ‘value, reward’; the verb, a variant (by assimilation to the noun) of earlier prise ‘estimate the value of’ (see prize). Compare with praise.",
"meaning": {
"noun": [
"definition": "The amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something.",
"example": "land could be sold for a high price",
"synonyms": [
"asking price",
"selling price",
"definition": "An unwelcome experience or action undergone or done as a condition of achieving an objective.",
"example": "the price of their success was an entire day spent in discussion",
"synonyms": [
"verb": [
"definition": "Decide the amount required as payment for (something offered for sale)",
"example": "the watches are priced at £55",
"synonyms": [
"fix the price of",
"set the price of",
"put a price on",
"definition": "Discover or establish the price of (something for sale)."
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