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"name": "grats",
"version": "0.0.21",
"version": "0.0.25",
"main": "dist/src/index.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "bin": "dist/src/cli.js",

import { GraphQLSchema } from "graphql";
export declare function codegen(schema: GraphQLSchema, destination: string): string;
import { ConfigOptions } from "./gratsConfig.js";
export declare function codegen(schema: GraphQLSchema, config: ConfigOptions, destination: string): string;

@@ -52,4 +52,4 @@ "use strict";

// GraphQLSchema implementing that schema.
function codegen(schema, destination) {
var codegen = new Codegen(schema, destination);
function codegen(schema, config, destination) {
var codegen = new Codegen(schema, config, destination);

@@ -60,3 +60,6 @@ return codegen.print();

var Codegen = /** @class */ (function () {
function Codegen(schema, destination) {
function Codegen(_schema, _config, _destination) {
this._schema = _schema;
this._config = _config;
this._destination = _destination;
this._imports = [];

@@ -67,4 +70,2 @@ this._helpers = new Map();

this._statements = [];
this._schema = schema;
this._destination = destination;

@@ -168,26 +169,29 @@ Codegen.prototype.createBlockWithScope = function (closure) {

var _this = this;
var metadataDirective = fieldDirective(field, metadataDirectives_1.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE);
if (metadataDirective == null) {
throw new Error("Expected to find metadata directive.");
var metadataDirective = (0, helpers_1.nullThrows)(fieldDirective(field, metadataDirectives_1.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE));
var metadata = (0, metadataDirectives_1.parseFieldMetadataDirective)(metadataDirective);
if (metadata.tsModulePath != null) {
var module_1 = metadata.tsModulePath;
var funcName =;
if (funcName == null) {
throw new Error("Expected to find name in metadata directive.");
var exportName = metadata.exportName;
var argCount = (0, helpers_1.nullThrows)(metadata.argCount);
var abs = (0, gratsRoot_1.resolveRelativePath)(module_1);
var relative = replaceExt(path.relative(path.dirname(this._destination), abs), this._config.importModuleSpecifierEnding);
// Note: This name is guaranteed to be unique, but for static methods, it
// means we import the same class multiple times with multiple names.
var resolverName = formatResolverFunctionVarName(parentTypeName,;
var modulePath = "./".concat(normalizeRelativePathToPosix(relative));
if (exportName == null) {
this.importDefault(modulePath, resolverName);
var argCount = metadata.argCount;
if (argCount == null) {
throw new Error("Expected to find argCount in metadata directive.");
else {
this.import(modulePath, [{ name: exportName, as: resolverName }]);
var abs = (0, gratsRoot_1.resolveRelativePath)(module_1);
var relative = stripExt(path.relative(path.dirname(this._destination), abs));
var resolverName = formatResolverFunctionVarName(parentTypeName, funcName);
this.import("./".concat(relative), [{ name: funcName, as: resolverName }]);
var usedArgs = RESOLVER_ARGS.slice(0, argCount);
var resolverAccess = F.createIdentifier(resolverName);
if ( != null) {
resolverAccess = F.createPropertyAccessExpression(resolverAccess, F.createIdentifier(;
return this.method(methodName, (name) {
return _this.param(name);
}), [
F.createReturnStatement(F.createCallExpression(F.createIdentifier(resolverName), undefined, (name) {
F.createReturnStatement(F.createCallExpression(resolverAccess, undefined, (name) {
return F.createIdentifier(name);

@@ -230,8 +234,5 @@ }))),

if (ts.isReturnStatement(statement)) {
if (statement.expression == null) {
throw new Error("Expected return statement to have an expression");
foundReturn = true;
// We need to wrap the return statement in a call to the runtime check
return F.createReturnStatement(F.createCallExpression(F.createIdentifier(codegenHelpers_1.ASSERT_NON_NULL_HELPER), [], [statement.expression]));
return F.createReturnStatement(F.createCallExpression(F.createIdentifier(codegenHelpers_1.ASSERT_NON_NULL_HELPER), [], [(0, helpers_1.nullThrows)(statement.expression)]));

@@ -375,8 +376,5 @@ return statement;

Codegen.prototype.fieldMethods = function (field, parentTypeName) {
var metadataDirective = fieldDirective(field, metadataDirectives_1.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE);
if (metadataDirective == null) {
throw new Error("Expected to find metadata directive.");
var metadata = (0, metadataDirectives_1.parseFieldMetadataDirective)(metadataDirective);
if (!metadata.asyncIterable) {
// Note: We assume the default name is used here. When custom operation types are supported
// we'll need to update this.
if (parentTypeName !== "Subscription") {
var resolve = this.resolveMethod(field, "resolve", parentTypeName);

@@ -547,2 +545,5 @@ return [this.maybeApplySemanticNullRuntimeCheck(field, resolve)];

Codegen.prototype.importDefault = function (from, as) {
this._imports.push(F.createImportDeclaration(undefined, F.createImportClause(false, F.createIdentifier(as), undefined), F.createStringLiteral(from)));
Codegen.prototype.print = function () {

@@ -560,5 +561,5 @@ var printer = ts.createPrinter({ newLine: ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed });

function stripExt(filePath) {
function replaceExt(filePath, newSuffix) {
var ext = path.extname(filePath);
return filePath.slice(0, -ext.length);
return filePath.slice(0, -ext.length) + newSuffix;

@@ -575,1 +576,5 @@ // Predicate function for filtering out null values

function normalizeRelativePathToPosix(unknownPath) {
return unknownPath.replace(/\\/g, "/");

@@ -34,2 +34,3 @@ "use strict";

var E = require("./Errors");
var Act = require("./CodeActions");
var Extractor_1 = require("./Extractor");

@@ -62,7 +63,15 @@ // A line that starts with optional *s followed by @gql or @killsParentOnException

if (isLine) {
errors.push((0, DiagnosticError_1.rangeErr)(sourceFile, range, E.gqlTagInLineComment()));
errors.push((0, DiagnosticError_1.rangeErr)(sourceFile, range, E.gqlTagInLineComment(), [], {
fixName: "convert-line-comment-to-docblock-comment",
description: "Convert to a docblock comment",
changes: [Act.convertLineCommentToDocblock(sourceFile, comment)],
else {
if (textSlice[0] !== "*") {
errors.push((0, DiagnosticError_1.rangeErr)(sourceFile, range, E.gqlTagInNonJSDocBlockComment()));
errors.push((0, DiagnosticError_1.rangeErr)(sourceFile, range, E.gqlTagInNonJSDocBlockComment(), [], {
fixName: "convert-block-comment-to-docblock-comment",
description: "Convert to a docblock comment",
changes: [Act.convertBlockCommentToDocblock(sourceFile, comment)],

@@ -69,0 +78,0 @@ else {

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ export declare const ISSUE_URL = "";

export declare function functionFieldNotTopLevel(): string;
export declare function staticMethodClassNotTopLevel(): string;
export declare function staticMethodFieldClassNotExported(): string;
export declare function functionFieldParentTypeMissing(): string;
export declare function functionFieldParentTypeNotValid(): string;
export declare function functionFieldNotNamed(): string;
export declare function functionFieldDefaultExport(): string;
export declare function functionFieldNotNamedExport(): string;

@@ -41,3 +42,7 @@ export declare function inputTypeNotLiteral(): string;

export declare function typeNameMissingInitializer(): string;
export declare function typeNameInitializeNotString(): string;
export declare function typeNameInitializeNotString(expectedName: string): string;
export declare function typeNameInitializeNotExpression(expectedName: string): string;
export declare function typeNameTypeNotReferenceNode(expectedName: string): string;
export declare function typeNameTypeNameNotIdentifier(expectedName: string): string;
export declare function typeNameTypeNameNotConst(expectedName: string): string;
export declare function typeNameInitializerWrong(expected: string, actual: string): string;

@@ -58,2 +63,3 @@ export declare function typeNameMissingTypeAnnotation(expected: string): string;

export declare function wrapperMissingTypeArg(): string;
export declare function invalidWrapperOnInputType(wrapperName: string): string;
export declare function cannotResolveSymbolForDescription(): string;

@@ -94,3 +100,2 @@ export declare function propertyFieldMissingType(): string;

export declare function subscriptionFieldNotAsyncIterable(): string;
export declare function nonSubscriptionFieldAsyncIterable(): string;
export declare function operationTypeNotUnknown(): string;

@@ -101,1 +106,14 @@ export declare function expectedNullableArgumentToBeOptional(): string;

export declare function gqlTagInDetachedJSDocBlockComment(): string;
export declare function gqlFieldTagOnInputType(): string;
export declare function gqlFieldParentMissingTag(): string;
export declare function missingSpecifiedByUrl(): string;
export declare function specifiedByOnWrongNode(): string;
export declare function missingGenericType(templateName: string, paramName: string): string;
export declare function nonGraphQLGenericType(templateName: string, paramName: string): string;
export declare function genericTypeUsedAsUnionMember(): string;
export declare function genericTypeImplementsInterface(): string;
export declare function concreteTypeMissingTypename(implementor: string): string;
export declare function invalidFieldNonPublicAccessModifier(): string;
export declare function invalidStaticModifier(): string;
export declare function staticMethodOnNonClass(): string;
export declare function staticMethodClassWithNamedExportNotNamed(): string;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.defaultValueIsNotLiteral = exports.ambiguousNumberType = exports.expectedOneNonNullishType = exports.propertyFieldMissingType = exports.cannotResolveSymbolForDescription = exports.wrapperMissingTypeArg = exports.methodMissingType = exports.gqlEntityMissingName = exports.enumVariantMissingInitializer = exports.enumVariantNotStringLiteral = exports.enumTagOnInvalidNode = exports.argNotTyped = exports.argNameNotLiteral = exports.argIsNotProperty = exports.argumentParamIsNotObject = exports.argumentParamIsMissingType = exports.typeNameDoesNotMatchExpected = exports.typeNameTypeNotStringLiteral = exports.typeNameMissingTypeAnnotation = exports.typeNameInitializerWrong = exports.typeNameInitializeNotString = exports.typeNameMissingInitializer = exports.typeNameNotDeclaration = exports.typeTagOnAliasOfNonObjectOrUnknown = exports.typeTagOnUnnamedClass = exports.inputFieldUntyped = exports.inputInterfaceFieldNotProperty = exports.inputTypeFieldNotProperty = exports.inputTypeNotLiteral = exports.functionFieldNotNamedExport = exports.functionFieldDefaultExport = exports.functionFieldNotNamed = exports.functionFieldParentTypeNotValid = exports.functionFieldParentTypeMissing = exports.functionFieldNotTopLevel = exports.invalidReturnTypeForFunctionField = exports.invalidParentArgForFunctionField = exports.expectedUnionTypeReference = exports.expectedUnionTypeNode = exports.invalidUnionTagUsage = exports.invalidInputTagUsage = exports.invalidEnumTagUsage = exports.invalidInterfaceTagUsage = exports.invalidScalarTagUsage = exports.invalidTypeTagUsage = exports.invalidGratsTag = exports.wrongCasingForGratsTag = exports.killsParentOnExceptionOnWrongNode = exports.fieldTagOnWrongNode = exports.ISSUE_URL = void 0;
exports.gqlTagInDetachedJSDocBlockComment = exports.gqlTagInNonJSDocBlockComment = exports.gqlTagInLineComment = exports.expectedNullableArgumentToBeOptional = exports.operationTypeNotUnknown = exports.nonSubscriptionFieldAsyncIterable = exports.subscriptionFieldNotAsyncIterable = exports.graphQLTagNameHasWhitespace = exports.graphQLNameHasLeadingNewlines = exports.multipleContextTypes = exports.unexpectedParamSpreadForContextParam = exports.expectedTypeAnnotationOnContextToHaveDeclaration = exports.expectedTypeAnnotationOnContextToBeResolvable = exports.expectedTypeAnnotationOfReferenceOnContext = exports.expectedTypeAnnotationOnContext = exports.unresolvedTypeReference = exports.invalidTypePassedToFieldFunction = exports.parameterPropertyMissingType = exports.parameterPropertyNotPublic = exports.parameterWithoutModifiers = exports.duplicateInterfaceTag = exports.duplicateTag = exports.implementsTagOnTypeAlias = exports.implementsTagOnInterface = exports.implementsTagOnClass = exports.mergedInterfaces = exports.nonNullTypeCannotBeOptional = exports.killsParentOnExceptionOnNullable = exports.killsParentOnExceptionWithWrongConfig = exports.expectedNameIdentifier = exports.pluralTypeMissingParameter = exports.unknownGraphQLType = exports.unsupportedTypeLiteral = exports.defaultArgPropertyMissingInitializer = exports.defaultArgPropertyMissingName = exports.defaultArgElementIsNotAssignment = void 0;
exports.wrapperMissingTypeArg = exports.methodMissingType = exports.gqlEntityMissingName = exports.enumVariantMissingInitializer = exports.enumVariantNotStringLiteral = exports.enumTagOnInvalidNode = exports.argNotTyped = exports.argNameNotLiteral = exports.argIsNotProperty = exports.argumentParamIsNotObject = exports.argumentParamIsMissingType = exports.typeNameDoesNotMatchExpected = exports.typeNameTypeNotStringLiteral = exports.typeNameMissingTypeAnnotation = exports.typeNameInitializerWrong = exports.typeNameTypeNameNotConst = exports.typeNameTypeNameNotIdentifier = exports.typeNameTypeNotReferenceNode = exports.typeNameInitializeNotExpression = exports.typeNameInitializeNotString = exports.typeNameMissingInitializer = exports.typeNameNotDeclaration = exports.typeTagOnAliasOfNonObjectOrUnknown = exports.typeTagOnUnnamedClass = exports.inputFieldUntyped = exports.inputInterfaceFieldNotProperty = exports.inputTypeFieldNotProperty = exports.inputTypeNotLiteral = exports.functionFieldNotNamedExport = exports.functionFieldNotNamed = exports.functionFieldParentTypeNotValid = exports.functionFieldParentTypeMissing = exports.staticMethodFieldClassNotExported = exports.staticMethodClassNotTopLevel = exports.functionFieldNotTopLevel = exports.invalidReturnTypeForFunctionField = exports.invalidParentArgForFunctionField = exports.expectedUnionTypeReference = exports.expectedUnionTypeNode = exports.invalidUnionTagUsage = exports.invalidInputTagUsage = exports.invalidEnumTagUsage = exports.invalidInterfaceTagUsage = exports.invalidScalarTagUsage = exports.invalidTypeTagUsage = exports.invalidGratsTag = exports.wrongCasingForGratsTag = exports.killsParentOnExceptionOnWrongNode = exports.fieldTagOnWrongNode = exports.ISSUE_URL = void 0;
exports.concreteTypeMissingTypename = exports.genericTypeImplementsInterface = exports.genericTypeUsedAsUnionMember = exports.nonGraphQLGenericType = exports.missingGenericType = exports.specifiedByOnWrongNode = exports.missingSpecifiedByUrl = exports.gqlFieldParentMissingTag = exports.gqlFieldTagOnInputType = exports.gqlTagInDetachedJSDocBlockComment = exports.gqlTagInNonJSDocBlockComment = exports.gqlTagInLineComment = exports.expectedNullableArgumentToBeOptional = exports.operationTypeNotUnknown = exports.subscriptionFieldNotAsyncIterable = exports.graphQLTagNameHasWhitespace = exports.graphQLNameHasLeadingNewlines = exports.multipleContextTypes = exports.unexpectedParamSpreadForContextParam = exports.expectedTypeAnnotationOnContextToHaveDeclaration = exports.expectedTypeAnnotationOnContextToBeResolvable = exports.expectedTypeAnnotationOfReferenceOnContext = exports.expectedTypeAnnotationOnContext = exports.unresolvedTypeReference = exports.invalidTypePassedToFieldFunction = exports.parameterPropertyMissingType = exports.parameterPropertyNotPublic = exports.parameterWithoutModifiers = exports.duplicateInterfaceTag = exports.duplicateTag = exports.implementsTagOnTypeAlias = exports.implementsTagOnInterface = exports.implementsTagOnClass = exports.mergedInterfaces = exports.nonNullTypeCannotBeOptional = exports.killsParentOnExceptionOnNullable = exports.killsParentOnExceptionWithWrongConfig = exports.expectedNameIdentifier = exports.pluralTypeMissingParameter = exports.unknownGraphQLType = exports.unsupportedTypeLiteral = exports.defaultArgPropertyMissingInitializer = exports.defaultArgPropertyMissingName = exports.defaultArgElementIsNotAssignment = exports.defaultValueIsNotLiteral = exports.ambiguousNumberType = exports.expectedOneNonNullishType = exports.propertyFieldMissingType = exports.cannotResolveSymbolForDescription = exports.invalidWrapperOnInputType = void 0;
exports.staticMethodClassWithNamedExportNotNamed = exports.staticMethodOnNonClass = exports.invalidStaticModifier = exports.invalidFieldNonPublicAccessModifier = void 0;
var Extractor_1 = require("./Extractor");

@@ -24,3 +25,3 @@ exports.ISSUE_URL = "";

function fieldTagOnWrongNode() {
return "`@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` can only be used on method/property declarations or signatures.");
return "`@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` can only be used on method/property declarations, signatures, or function declarations.");

@@ -36,2 +37,3 @@ exports.fieldTagOnWrongNode = fieldTagOnWrongNode;

exports.wrongCasingForGratsTag = wrongCasingForGratsTag;
// TODO: Add code action
function invalidGratsTag(actual) {

@@ -86,2 +88,10 @@ var validTagList = (t) { return "`@".concat(t, "`"); }).join(", ");

exports.functionFieldNotTopLevel = functionFieldNotTopLevel;
function staticMethodClassNotTopLevel() {
return "Expected class with a static `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` method to be a top-level declaration. Grats needs to import resolver methods into it's generated schema module, so the resolver's class must be an exported.");
exports.staticMethodClassNotTopLevel = staticMethodClassNotTopLevel;
function staticMethodFieldClassNotExported() {
return "Expected `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` static method's class to be exported. Grats needs to import resolvers into it's generated schema module, so the resolver class must be an exported.");
exports.staticMethodFieldClassNotExported = staticMethodFieldClassNotExported;
var FUNCTION_PARENT_TYPE_CONTEXT = "Grats treats the first argument as the parent object of the field. Therefore Grats needs to see the _type_ of the first argument in order to know to which type/interface this field should be added.";

@@ -100,6 +110,2 @@ function functionFieldParentTypeMissing() {

exports.functionFieldNotNamed = functionFieldNotNamed;
function functionFieldDefaultExport() {
return "Expected a `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` function to be a named export, not a default export. Grats needs to import resolver functions into it's generated schema module, so the resolver function must be a named export.");
exports.functionFieldDefaultExport = functionFieldDefaultExport;
function functionFieldNotNamedExport() {

@@ -133,2 +139,3 @@ return "Expected a `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` function to be a named export. Grats needs to import resolver functions into it's generated schema module, so the resolver function must be a named export.");

exports.typeTagOnAliasOfNonObjectOrUnknown = typeTagOnAliasOfNonObjectOrUnknown;
// TODO: Add code action
function typeNameNotDeclaration() {

@@ -138,11 +145,30 @@ return "Expected `__typename` to be a property declaration. For example: `__typename: \"MyType\"`.";

exports.typeNameNotDeclaration = typeNameNotDeclaration;
var TYPENAME_CONTEXT = "This lets Grats know that the GraphQL executor will be able to derive the type of the object at runtime.";
var TYPENAME_CONTEXT = "This is needed to ensure Grats can determine the type of this object during GraphQL execution.";
function _typeNamePropertyExample(expectedName) {
return "For example: `__typename = \"".concat(expectedName, "\" as const` or `__typename: \"").concat(expectedName, "\";`.");
function typeNameMissingInitializer() {
return "Expected `__typename` property to have an initializer or a string literal type. For example: `__typename = \"MyType\"` or `__typename: \"MyType\";`. ".concat(TYPENAME_CONTEXT);
return "Expected `__typename` property to have an initializer or a string literal type. ".concat(TYPENAME_CONTEXT);
exports.typeNameMissingInitializer = typeNameMissingInitializer;
function typeNameInitializeNotString() {
return "Expected `__typename` property initializer to be a string literal. For example: `__typename = \"MyType\"` or `__typename: \"MyType\";`. ".concat(TYPENAME_CONTEXT);
function typeNameInitializeNotString(expectedName) {
return "Expected `__typename` property initializer to be a string literal. ".concat(_typeNamePropertyExample(expectedName), " ").concat(TYPENAME_CONTEXT);
exports.typeNameInitializeNotString = typeNameInitializeNotString;
function typeNameInitializeNotExpression(expectedName) {
return "Expected `__typename` property initializer to be an expression with a const assertion. ".concat(_typeNamePropertyExample(expectedName), " ").concat(TYPENAME_CONTEXT);
exports.typeNameInitializeNotExpression = typeNameInitializeNotExpression;
function typeNameTypeNotReferenceNode(expectedName) {
return "Expected `__typename` property must be correctly defined. ".concat(_typeNamePropertyExample(expectedName), " ").concat(TYPENAME_CONTEXT);
exports.typeNameTypeNotReferenceNode = typeNameTypeNotReferenceNode;
function typeNameTypeNameNotIdentifier(expectedName) {
return "Expected `__typename` property name must be correctly specified. ".concat(_typeNamePropertyExample(expectedName), " ").concat(TYPENAME_CONTEXT);
exports.typeNameTypeNameNotIdentifier = typeNameTypeNameNotIdentifier;
function typeNameTypeNameNotConst(expectedName) {
return "Expected `__typename` property type name to be \"const\". ".concat(_typeNamePropertyExample(expectedName), " ").concat(TYPENAME_CONTEXT);
exports.typeNameTypeNameNotConst = typeNameTypeNameNotConst;
function typeNameInitializerWrong(expected, actual) {

@@ -164,2 +190,3 @@ return "Expected `__typename` property initializer to be `\"".concat(expected, "\"`, found `\"").concat(actual, "\"`. ").concat(TYPENAME_CONTEXT);

exports.typeNameDoesNotMatchExpected = typeNameDoesNotMatchExpected;
// TODO: Add code action
function argumentParamIsMissingType() {

@@ -209,2 +236,6 @@ return "Expected GraphQL field arguments to have an explicit type annotation. If there are no arguments, you can use `args: unknown`. Grats needs to be able to see the type of the arguments to generate a GraphQL schema.";

exports.wrapperMissingTypeArg = wrapperMissingTypeArg;
function invalidWrapperOnInputType(wrapperName) {
return "Invalid input type. `".concat(wrapperName, "` is not a valid type when used as a GraphQL input value.");
exports.invalidWrapperOnInputType = invalidWrapperOnInputType;
function cannotResolveSymbolForDescription() {

@@ -222,2 +253,3 @@ return "Expected TypeScript to be able to resolve this GraphQL entity to a symbol. Is it possible that this type is not defined in this file? Grats needs to follow type references to their declaration in order to determine which GraphQL name is being referenced.";

exports.expectedOneNonNullishType = expectedOneNonNullishType;
// TODO: Add code action
function ambiguousNumberType() {

@@ -259,2 +291,3 @@ return "Unexpected number type. GraphQL supports both Int and Float, making `number` ambiguous. Instead, import the `Int` or `Float` type from `".concat(Extractor_1.LIBRARY_IMPORT_NAME, "` and use that. e.g. `import { Int, Float } from \"").concat(Extractor_1.LIBRARY_IMPORT_NAME, "\";`.");

exports.expectedNameIdentifier = expectedNameIdentifier;
// TODO: Add code action
function killsParentOnExceptionWithWrongConfig() {

@@ -264,2 +297,3 @@ return "Unexpected `@".concat(Extractor_1.KILLS_PARENT_ON_EXCEPTION_TAG, "` tag. `@").concat(Extractor_1.KILLS_PARENT_ON_EXCEPTION_TAG, "` is only supported when the Grats config option `nullableByDefault` is enabled in your `tsconfig.json`.");

exports.killsParentOnExceptionWithWrongConfig = killsParentOnExceptionWithWrongConfig;
// TODO: Add code action
function killsParentOnExceptionOnNullable() {

@@ -269,2 +303,3 @@ return "Unexpected `@".concat(Extractor_1.KILLS_PARENT_ON_EXCEPTION_TAG, "` tag on field typed as nullable. `@").concat(Extractor_1.KILLS_PARENT_ON_EXCEPTION_TAG, "` will force a field to appear as non-nullable in the schema, so it's implementation must also be non-nullable. .");

exports.killsParentOnExceptionOnNullable = killsParentOnExceptionOnNullable;
// TODO: Add code action
function nonNullTypeCannotBeOptional() {

@@ -284,2 +319,3 @@ return "Unexpected optional argument that does not also accept `null`. Optional arguments in GraphQL may get passed an explicit `null` value by the GraphQL executor. This means optional arguments must be typed to also accept `null`. Consider adding `| null` to the end of the argument type.";

exports.mergedInterfaces = mergedInterfaces;
// TODO: Add code action
function implementsTagOnClass() {

@@ -289,2 +325,3 @@ return "`@".concat(Extractor_1.IMPLEMENTS_TAG_DEPRECATED, "` has been deprecated. Instead use `class MyType implements MyInterface`.");

exports.implementsTagOnClass = implementsTagOnClass;
// TODO: Add code action
function implementsTagOnInterface() {

@@ -298,2 +335,3 @@ return "`@".concat(Extractor_1.IMPLEMENTS_TAG_DEPRECATED, "` has been deprecated. Instead use `interface MyType extends MyInterface`.");

exports.implementsTagOnTypeAlias = implementsTagOnTypeAlias;
// TODO: Add code action
function duplicateTag(tagName) {

@@ -307,2 +345,3 @@ return "Unexpected duplicate `@".concat(tagName, "` tag. Grats does not accept multiple instances of the same tag.");

exports.duplicateInterfaceTag = duplicateInterfaceTag;
// TODO: Add code action
function parameterWithoutModifiers() {

@@ -372,6 +411,2 @@ return [

exports.subscriptionFieldNotAsyncIterable = subscriptionFieldNotAsyncIterable;
function nonSubscriptionFieldAsyncIterable() {
return "Unexpected AsyncIterable. Only fields on `Subscription` should return an `AsyncIterable`. Non-subscription fields are only expected to return a single value.";
exports.nonSubscriptionFieldAsyncIterable = nonSubscriptionFieldAsyncIterable;
function operationTypeNotUnknown() {

@@ -397,1 +432,56 @@ return "Operation types `Query`, `Mutation`, and `Subscription` must be defined as type aliases of `unknown`. E.g. `type Query = unknown`. This is because GraphQL servers do not have an agreed upon way to produce root values, and Grats errs on the side of safety. If you are trying to implement dependency injection, consider using the `context` argument passed to each resolver instead. If you have a strong use case for a concrete root value, please file an issue.";

exports.gqlTagInDetachedJSDocBlockComment = gqlTagInDetachedJSDocBlockComment;
function gqlFieldTagOnInputType() {
return "The tag `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` is not needed on fields of input types. All fields are automatically included as part of the input type. This tag can be safely removed.");
exports.gqlFieldTagOnInputType = gqlFieldTagOnInputType;
// TODO: Add code action
function gqlFieldParentMissingTag() {
return "Unexpected `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "`. The parent construct must be either a `@").concat(Extractor_1.TYPE_TAG, "` or `@").concat(Extractor_1.INTERFACE_TAG, "` tag. Are you missing one of these tags?");
exports.gqlFieldParentMissingTag = gqlFieldParentMissingTag;
function missingSpecifiedByUrl() {
return "Expected `@".concat(Extractor_1.SPECIFIED_BY_TAG, "` tag to be followed by a URL. This URL will be used as the `url` argument to the `@specifiedBy` directive in the generated GraphQL schema. See for more information.");
exports.missingSpecifiedByUrl = missingSpecifiedByUrl;
// TODO: Add code action
function specifiedByOnWrongNode() {
return "Unexpected `@".concat(Extractor_1.SPECIFIED_BY_TAG, "` tag on non-scalar declaration. `@").concat(Extractor_1.SPECIFIED_BY_TAG, "` can only be used on custom scalar declarations. Are you missing a `@").concat(Extractor_1.SCALAR_TAG, "` tag?");
exports.specifiedByOnWrongNode = specifiedByOnWrongNode;
function missingGenericType(templateName, paramName) {
return "Missing type argument for generic GraphQL type. Expected `".concat(templateName, "` to be passed a GraphQL type argument for type parameter `").concat(paramName, "`.");
exports.missingGenericType = missingGenericType;
function nonGraphQLGenericType(templateName, paramName) {
return "Expected `".concat(templateName, "` to be passed a GraphQL type argument for type parameter `").concat(paramName, "`.");
exports.nonGraphQLGenericType = nonGraphQLGenericType;
function genericTypeUsedAsUnionMember() {
return "Unexpected generic type used as union member. Generic type may not currently be used as members of a union. Grats requires that all union members define a `__typename` field typed as a string literal matching the type's name. Since generic types are synthesized into multiple types with different names, Grats cannot ensure they have a correct `__typename` property and thus cannot be used as members of a union.";
exports.genericTypeUsedAsUnionMember = genericTypeUsedAsUnionMember;
function genericTypeImplementsInterface() {
return "Unexpected `implements` on generic `".concat(Extractor_1.TYPE_TAG, "`. Generic types may not currently declare themselves as implementing interfaces. Grats requires that all types which implement an interface define a `__typename` field typed as a string literal matching the type's name. Since generic types are synthesized into multiple types with different names, Grats cannot ensure they have a correct `__typename` property and thus declare themselves as interface implementors.");
exports.genericTypeImplementsInterface = genericTypeImplementsInterface;
function concreteTypeMissingTypename(implementor) {
return "Missing `__typename` on `".concat(implementor, "`. The type `").concat(implementor, "` is used in a union or interface, so it must have a `__typename` field.");
exports.concreteTypeMissingTypename = concreteTypeMissingTypename;
// TODO: Add code action
function invalidFieldNonPublicAccessModifier() {
return "Unexpected access modifier on `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` method. GraphQL fields must be able to be called by the GraphQL executor.");
exports.invalidFieldNonPublicAccessModifier = invalidFieldNonPublicAccessModifier;
function invalidStaticModifier() {
return "Unexpected `static` modifier on non-method `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "`. `static` is only valid on method signatures.");
exports.invalidStaticModifier = invalidStaticModifier;
function staticMethodOnNonClass() {
return "Unexpected `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` `static` method on non-class declaration. Static method fields may only be declared on exported class declarations.");
exports.staticMethodOnNonClass = staticMethodOnNonClass;
function staticMethodClassWithNamedExportNotNamed() {
return "Expected `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "` static method's class to be named if exported without the `default` keyword.");
exports.staticMethodClassWithNamedExportNotNamed = staticMethodClassWithNamedExportNotNamed;

@@ -1,6 +0,5 @@

import { NameNode } from "graphql";
import { NameNode, DefinitionNode } from "graphql";
import { DiagnosticsResult } from "./utils/DiagnosticError";
import * as ts from "typescript";
import { NameDefinition } from "./TypeContext";
import { GratsDefinitionNode } from "./GraphQLConstructor";
export declare const LIBRARY_IMPORT_NAME = "grats";

@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ export declare const LIBRARY_NAME = "Grats";

export declare const ALL_TAGS: string[];
export declare const SPECIFIED_BY_TAG = "specifiedBy";
export type ExtractionSnapshot = {
readonly definitions: GratsDefinitionNode[];
readonly unresolvedNames: Map<ts.Node, NameNode>;
readonly nameDefinitions: Map<ts.Node, NameDefinition>;
readonly definitions: DefinitionNode[];
readonly unresolvedNames: Map<ts.EntityName, NameNode>;
readonly nameDefinitions: Map<ts.DeclarationStatement, NameDefinition>;
readonly contextReferences: Array<ts.Node>;

@@ -24,0 +24,0 @@ readonly typesWithTypename: Set<string>;

@@ -1,10 +0,4 @@

import { ListTypeNode, NamedTypeNode, Location as GraphQLLocation, NameNode, Token, TypeNode, NonNullTypeNode, StringValueNode, ConstValueNode, ConstDirectiveNode, ConstArgumentNode, UnionTypeDefinitionNode, FieldDefinitionNode, InputValueDefinitionNode, FloatValueNode, IntValueNode, NullValueNode, BooleanValueNode, ConstListValueNode, ConstObjectValueNode, ConstObjectFieldNode, ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, EnumValueDefinitionNode, ScalarTypeDefinitionNode, InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, EnumTypeDefinitionNode, InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode, DefinitionNode, Location, ASTNode } from "graphql";
import { ListTypeNode, NamedTypeNode, Location as GraphQLLocation, NameNode, TypeNode, NonNullTypeNode, StringValueNode, ConstValueNode, ConstDirectiveNode, ConstArgumentNode, UnionTypeDefinitionNode, FieldDefinitionNode, InputValueDefinitionNode, FloatValueNode, IntValueNode, NullValueNode, BooleanValueNode, ConstListValueNode, ConstObjectValueNode, ConstObjectFieldNode, ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, EnumValueDefinitionNode, ScalarTypeDefinitionNode, InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, EnumTypeDefinitionNode, InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode, ASTNode, ObjectTypeExtensionNode } from "graphql";
import * as ts from "typescript";
export type GratsDefinitionNode = DefinitionNode | AbstractFieldDefinitionNode;
export type AbstractFieldDefinitionNode = {
readonly kind: "AbstractFieldDefinition";
readonly loc: Location;
readonly onType: NameNode;
readonly field: FieldDefinitionNode;
import { TsLocatableNode } from "./utils/DiagnosticError";
export declare class GraphQLConstructor {

@@ -14,4 +8,4 @@ fieldMetadataDirective(node: ts.Node, metadata: {

name: string | null;
exportName: string | null;
argCount: number | null;
asyncIterable?: ts.Node | null;
}): ConstDirectiveNode;

@@ -23,3 +17,3 @@ killsParentOnExceptionDirective(node: ts.Node): ConstDirectiveNode;

enumTypeDefinition(node: ts.Node, name: NameNode, values: readonly EnumValueDefinitionNode[], description: StringValueNode | null): EnumTypeDefinitionNode;
abstractFieldDefinition(node: ts.Node, onType: NameNode, field: FieldDefinitionNode): AbstractFieldDefinitionNode;
abstractFieldDefinition(node: ts.Node, onType: NameNode, field: FieldDefinitionNode): ObjectTypeExtensionNode;
fieldDefinition(node: ts.Node, name: NameNode, type: TypeNode, args: readonly InputValueDefinitionNode[] | null, directives: readonly ConstDirectiveNode[], description: StringValueNode | null): FieldDefinitionNode;

@@ -29,3 +23,3 @@ constObjectField(node: ts.Node, name: NameNode, value: ConstValueNode): ConstObjectFieldNode;

enumValueDefinition(node: ts.Node, name: NameNode, directives: readonly ConstDirectiveNode[] | undefined, description: StringValueNode | null): EnumValueDefinitionNode;
scalarTypeDefinition(node: ts.Node, name: NameNode, description: StringValueNode | null): ScalarTypeDefinitionNode;
scalarTypeDefinition(node: ts.Node, name: NameNode, directives: readonly ConstDirectiveNode[] | null, description: StringValueNode | null): ScalarTypeDefinitionNode;
inputObjectTypeDefinition(node: ts.Node, name: NameNode, fields: InputValueDefinitionNode[] | null, directives: readonly ConstDirectiveNode[] | null, description: StringValueNode | null): InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode;

@@ -48,4 +42,3 @@ name(node: ts.Node, value: string): NameNode;

_optionalList<T>(input: readonly T[] | null): readonly T[] | undefined;
_loc(node: ts.Node): GraphQLLocation;
_dummyToken(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, pos: number): Token;
export declare function loc(node: TsLocatableNode): GraphQLLocation;

@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.GraphQLConstructor = void 0;
exports.loc = exports.GraphQLConstructor = void 0;
var graphql_1 = require("graphql");
var metadataDirectives_1 = require("./metadataDirectives");
var helpers_1 = require("./utils/helpers");
var GraphQLConstructor = /** @class */ (function () {

@@ -29,12 +30,12 @@ function GraphQLConstructor() {

if (metadata.exportName != null) {
args.push(this.constArgument(node,, metadataDirectives_1.EXPORT_NAME_ARG), this.string(node, metadata.exportName)));
if (metadata.argCount != null) {
args.push(this.constArgument(node,, metadataDirectives_1.ARG_COUNT),, metadata.argCount.toString())));
if (metadata.asyncIterable) {
args.push(this.constArgument(metadata.asyncIterable,, metadataDirectives_1.ASYNC_ITERABLE_ARG), this.boolean(node, true)));
return this.constDirective(node,, metadataDirectives_1.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE), args);
GraphQLConstructor.prototype.killsParentOnExceptionDirective = function (node) {
return (0, metadataDirectives_1.makeKillsParentOnExceptionDirective)(this._loc(node));
return (0, metadataDirectives_1.makeKillsParentOnExceptionDirective)(loc(node));

@@ -45,3 +46,3 @@ /* Top Level Types */

kind: graphql_1.Kind.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION,
loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
description: description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : undefined,

@@ -55,3 +56,3 @@ name: name,

kind: graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION,
loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
description: description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : undefined,

@@ -67,3 +68,3 @@ directives: undefined,

loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
description: description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : undefined,

@@ -79,3 +80,3 @@ directives: undefined,

kind: graphql_1.Kind.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION,
loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
description: description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : undefined,

@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ name: name,

return {
kind: "AbstractFieldDefinition",
loc: this._loc(node),
onType: onType,
field: field,
kind: graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION,
loc: loc(node),
name: onType,
fields: [field],
mayBeInterface: true,

@@ -100,3 +102,3 @@ };

kind: graphql_1.Kind.FIELD_DEFINITION,
loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
description: description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : undefined,

@@ -110,3 +112,3 @@ name: name,

GraphQLConstructor.prototype.constObjectField = function (node, name, value) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_FIELD, loc: this._loc(node), name: name, value: value };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_FIELD, loc: loc(node), name: name, value: value };

@@ -116,3 +118,3 @@ GraphQLConstructor.prototype.inputValueDefinition = function (node, name, type, directives, defaultValue, description) {

kind: graphql_1.Kind.INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION,
loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
description: description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : undefined,

@@ -128,3 +130,3 @@ name: name,

kind: graphql_1.Kind.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION,
loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
description: description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : undefined,

@@ -135,9 +137,9 @@ name: name,

GraphQLConstructor.prototype.scalarTypeDefinition = function (node, name, description) {
GraphQLConstructor.prototype.scalarTypeDefinition = function (node, name, directives, description) {
return {
kind: graphql_1.Kind.SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION,
loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
description: description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : undefined,
name: name,
directives: undefined,
directives: this._optionalList(directives),

@@ -148,3 +150,3 @@ };

loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
description: description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : undefined,

@@ -158,3 +160,8 @@ name: name, = function (node, value) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAME, loc: this._loc(node), value: value };
return {
kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAME,
loc: loc(node),
value: value,
tsIdentifier: (0, helpers_1.uniqueId)(),

@@ -164,3 +171,3 @@ GraphQLConstructor.prototype.namedType = function (node, value) {

kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAMED_TYPE,
loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
name:, value),

@@ -170,3 +177,3 @@ };

GraphQLConstructor.prototype.object = function (node, fields) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT, loc: this._loc(node), fields: fields };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT, loc: loc(node), fields: fields };

@@ -178,3 +185,3 @@ /* Helpers */

return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE, loc: this._loc(node), type: type };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE, loc: loc(node), type: type };

@@ -189,12 +196,12 @@ GraphQLConstructor.prototype.nullableType = function (type) {

GraphQLConstructor.prototype.listType = function (node, type) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.LIST_TYPE, loc: this._loc(node), type: type };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.LIST_TYPE, loc: loc(node), type: type };
GraphQLConstructor.prototype.list = function (node, values) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.LIST, loc: this._loc(node), values: values };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.LIST, loc: loc(node), values: values };
GraphQLConstructor.prototype.withLocation = function (node, value) {
return __assign(__assign({}, value), { loc: this._loc(node) });
return __assign(__assign({}, value), { loc: loc(node) });
GraphQLConstructor.prototype.constArgument = function (node, name, value) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.ARGUMENT, loc: this._loc(node), name: name, value: value };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.ARGUMENT, loc: loc(node), name: name, value: value };

@@ -204,3 +211,3 @@ GraphQLConstructor.prototype.constDirective = function (node, name, args) {

kind: graphql_1.Kind.DIRECTIVE,
loc: this._loc(node),
loc: loc(node),
name: name,

@@ -211,15 +218,15 @@ arguments: this._optionalList(args),

GraphQLConstructor.prototype.string = function (node, value, block) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.STRING, loc: this._loc(node), value: value, block: block };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.STRING, loc: loc(node), value: value, block: block };
GraphQLConstructor.prototype.float = function (node, value) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.FLOAT, loc: this._loc(node), value: value };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.FLOAT, loc: loc(node), value: value };
}; = function (node, value) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.INT, loc: this._loc(node), value: value };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.INT, loc: loc(node), value: value };
GraphQLConstructor.prototype.null = function (node) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.NULL, loc: this._loc(node) };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.NULL, loc: loc(node) };
GraphQLConstructor.prototype.boolean = function (node, value) {
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.BOOLEAN, loc: this._loc(node), value: value };
return { kind: graphql_1.Kind.BOOLEAN, loc: loc(node), value: value };

@@ -232,18 +239,19 @@ GraphQLConstructor.prototype._optionalList = function (input) {

// TODO: This is potentially quite expensive, and we only need it if we report
// an error at one of these locations. We could consider some trick to return a
// proxy object that would lazily compute the line/column info.
GraphQLConstructor.prototype._loc = function (node) {
var sourceFile = node.getSourceFile();
var source = new graphql_1.Source(sourceFile.text, sourceFile.fileName);
var startToken = this._dummyToken(sourceFile, node.getStart());
var endToken = this._dummyToken(sourceFile, node.getEnd());
return new graphql_1.Location(startToken, endToken, source);
GraphQLConstructor.prototype._dummyToken = function (sourceFile, pos) {
var _a = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos), line = _a.line, character = _a.character;
return new graphql_1.Token(graphql_1.TokenKind.SOF, pos, pos, line, character, undefined);
return GraphQLConstructor;
exports.GraphQLConstructor = GraphQLConstructor;
// TODO: This is potentially quite expensive, and we only need it if we report
// an error at one of these locations. We could consider some trick to return a
// proxy object that would lazily compute the line/column info.
function loc(node) {
var sourceFile = node.getSourceFile();
var source = new graphql_1.Source(sourceFile.text, sourceFile.fileName);
var startToken = _dummyToken(sourceFile, node.getStart());
var endToken = _dummyToken(sourceFile, node.getEnd());
return new graphql_1.Location(startToken, endToken, source);
exports.loc = loc;
function _dummyToken(sourceFile, pos) {
var _a = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos), line = _a.line, character = _a.character;
return new graphql_1.Token(graphql_1.TokenKind.SOF, pos, pos, line, character, undefined);

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import * as ts from "typescript";

tsSchemaHeader: string | null;
importModuleSpecifierEnding: string;

@@ -12,0 +13,0 @@ export type ParsedCommandLineGrats = Omit<ts.ParsedCommandLine, "raw"> & {

@@ -13,2 +13,13 @@ "use strict";

var __values = (this && this.__values) || function(o) {
var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
if (m) return;
if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
next: function () {
if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

@@ -18,6 +29,33 @@ exports.validateGratsOptions = void 0;

var DEFAULT_TYPESCRIPT_HEADER = "/**\n * Executable schema generated by Grats (\n * Do not manually edit. Regenerate by running `npx grats`.\n */";
var VALID_CONFIG_KEYS = new Set([
// TODO: Make this return diagnostics
function validateGratsOptions(options) {
var _a, _b;
var gratsOptions = __assign({}, ((_b = (_a = options.raw) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.grats) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {}));
var e_1, _a;
var _b, _c;
var gratsOptions = __assign({}, ((_c = (_b = options.raw) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.grats) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {}));
try {
for (var _d = __values(Object.keys(gratsOptions)), _e =; !_e.done; _e = {
var key = _e.value;
if (!VALID_CONFIG_KEYS.has(key)) {
// TODO: Suggest similar?
throw new Error("Grats: Unknown Grats config option `".concat(key, "`"));
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_e && !_e.done && (_a = _d.return));
finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
if (gratsOptions.nullableByDefault === undefined) {

@@ -85,4 +123,10 @@ gratsOptions.nullableByDefault = true;

if (gratsOptions.importModuleSpecifierEnding === undefined) {
gratsOptions.importModuleSpecifierEnding = "";
else if (typeof gratsOptions.importModuleSpecifierEnding !== "string") {
throw new Error("Grats: The Grats config option `importModuleSpecifierEnding` must be a string if provided.");
return __assign(__assign({}, options), { raw: __assign(__assign({}, options.raw), { grats: gratsOptions }) });
exports.validateGratsOptions = validateGratsOptions;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { GratsDefinitionNode } from "./GraphQLConstructor";
import { TypeContext } from "./TypeContext";
import { DefaultMap } from "./utils/helpers";
import { DefinitionNode } from "graphql";
export type InterfaceImplementor = {

@@ -12,2 +12,2 @@ kind: "TYPE" | "INTERFACE";

export declare function computeInterfaceMap(typeContext: TypeContext, docs: GratsDefinitionNode[]): InterfaceMap;
export declare function computeInterfaceMap(typeContext: TypeContext, docs: DefinitionNode[]): InterfaceMap;

@@ -37,3 +37,3 @@ "use strict";

var implementor = _g.value;
var resolved = typeContext.resolveNamedType(;
var resolved = typeContext.resolveUnresolvedNamedType(;
if (resolved.kind === "ERROR") {

@@ -62,3 +62,3 @@ // We trust that these errors will be reported elsewhere.

var implementor = _j.value;
var resolved = typeContext.resolveNamedType(;
var resolved = typeContext.resolveUnresolvedNamedType(;
if (resolved.kind === "ERROR") {

@@ -65,0 +65,0 @@ // We trust that these errors will be reported elsewhere.

@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ import { DocumentNode, GraphQLSchema } from "graphql";

import * as ts from "typescript";
import { ParsedCommandLineGrats } from "./gratsConfig";
import { ConfigOptions, ParsedCommandLineGrats } from "./gratsConfig";
export { initTsPlugin } from "./tsPlugin/initTsPlugin";
export type GratsConfig = ConfigOptions;
export type SchemaAndDoc = {

@@ -9,0 +10,0 @@ schema: GraphQLSchema;

@@ -45,3 +45,2 @@ "use strict";

var filterNonGqlInterfaces_1 = require("./transforms/filterNonGqlInterfaces");
var resolveTypes_1 = require("./transforms/resolveTypes");
var validateAsyncIterable_1 = require("./validations/validateAsyncIterable");

@@ -52,2 +51,5 @@ var applyDefaultNullability_1 = require("./transforms/applyDefaultNullability");

var validateSemanticNullability_1 = require("./validations/validateSemanticNullability");
var resolveTypes_1 = require("./transforms/resolveTypes");
// Export the TypeScript plugin implementation used by
// grats-ts-plugin
var initTsPlugin_1 = require("./tsPlugin/initTsPlugin");

@@ -89,2 +91,5 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "initTsPlugin", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return initTsPlugin_1.initTsPlugin; } });

.map(function () { return (0, metadataDirectives_1.addMetadataDirectives)(snapshot.definitions); })
// Filter out any `implements` clauses that are not GraphQL interfaces.
.map(function (definitions) { return (0, filterNonGqlInterfaces_1.filterNonGqlInterfaces)(ctx, definitions); })
.andThen(function (definitions) { return (0, resolveTypes_1.resolveTypes)(ctx, definitions); })
// If you define a field on an interface using the functional style, we need to add

@@ -96,11 +101,7 @@ // that field to each concrete type as well. This must be done after all types are created,

.map(function (definitions) { return ({ kind: graphql_1.Kind.DOCUMENT, definitions: definitions }); })
// Filter out any `implements` clauses that are not GraphQL interfaces.
.map(function (doc) { return (0, filterNonGqlInterfaces_1.filterNonGqlInterfaces)(ctx, doc); })
// Ensure all subscription fields return an AsyncIterable.
.andThen(function (doc) { return (0, validateAsyncIterable_1.validateAsyncIterable)(doc); })
// Apply default nullability to fields and arguments, and detect any misuse of
// `@killsParentOnException`.
.andThen(function (doc) { return (0, applyDefaultNullability_1.applyDefaultNullability)(doc, config); })
// Resolve TypeScript type references to the GraphQL types they represent (or error).
.andThen(function (doc) { return (0, resolveTypes_1.resolveTypes)(ctx, doc); })
// Ensure all subscription fields, and _only_ subscription fields, return an AsyncIterable.
.andThen(function (doc) { return (0, validateAsyncIterable_1.validateAsyncIterable)(doc); })
// Merge any `extend` definitions into their base definitions.

@@ -107,0 +108,0 @@ .map(function (doc) { return (0, mergeExtensions_1.mergeExtensions)(doc); })

@@ -1,4 +0,59 @@

import { ConstDirectiveNode, DocumentNode, Location } from "graphql";
import { GratsDefinitionNode } from "./GraphQLConstructor";
import { ConstDirectiveNode, DefinitionNode, DocumentNode, Location } from "graphql";
* In most cases we can use directives to annotate constructs
* however, it't not possible to annotate an individual TypeNode.
* Additionally, we can't use sets or maps to "tag" nodes because
* there are places where we immutably update the AST to make changes.
* Instead, we cheat and add properties to some nodes. These types use
* interface merging to add our own properties to the AST.
* We try to use this approach sparingly.
declare module "graphql" {
interface ListTypeNode {
* Grats metadata: Whether the list type was defined as an AsyncIterable.
* Used to ensure that all fields on `Subscription` return an AsyncIterable.
isAsyncIterable?: boolean;
interface NameNode {
* Grats metadata: A unique identifier for the node. Used to track
* data about nodes in lookup data structures.
tsIdentifier: number;
interface ObjectTypeDefinitionNode {
* Grats metadata: Indicates that the type was materialized as part of
* generic type resolution.
wasSynthesized?: boolean;
interface UnionTypeDefinitionNode {
* Grats metadata: Indicates that the type was materialized as part of
* generic type resolution.
wasSynthesized?: boolean;
interface InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode {
* Grats metadata: Indicates that the type was materialized as part of
* generic type resolution.
wasSynthesized?: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeExtensionNode {
* Grats metadata: Indicates that we don't know yet if this is extending an interface
* or a type.
mayBeInterface?: boolean;
export declare const FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE = "metadata";
export declare const EXPORT_NAME_ARG = "exportName";
export declare const FIELD_NAME_ARG = "name";

@@ -11,10 +66,10 @@ export declare const TS_MODULE_PATH_ARG = "tsModulePath";

export declare const DIRECTIVES_AST: DocumentNode;
export declare function addMetadataDirectives(definitions: Array<GratsDefinitionNode>): Array<GratsDefinitionNode>;
export declare function addMetadataDirectives(definitions: Array<DefinitionNode>): Array<DefinitionNode>;
export type FieldMetadata = {
tsModulePath: string | null;
name: string | null;
exportName: string | null;
argCount: number | null;
asyncIterable?: Location | null;
export declare function makeKillsParentOnExceptionDirective(loc: Location): ConstDirectiveNode;
export declare function parseFieldMetadataDirective(directive: ConstDirectiveNode): FieldMetadata;

@@ -28,5 +28,7 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.parseFieldMetadataDirective = exports.makeKillsParentOnExceptionDirective = exports.addMetadataDirectives = exports.DIRECTIVES_AST = exports.METADATA_DIRECTIVE_NAMES = exports.KILLS_PARENT_ON_EXCEPTION_DIRECTIVE = exports.ASYNC_ITERABLE_ARG = exports.ARG_COUNT = exports.TS_MODULE_PATH_ARG = exports.FIELD_NAME_ARG = exports.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE = void 0;
exports.parseFieldMetadataDirective = exports.makeKillsParentOnExceptionDirective = exports.addMetadataDirectives = exports.DIRECTIVES_AST = exports.METADATA_DIRECTIVE_NAMES = exports.KILLS_PARENT_ON_EXCEPTION_DIRECTIVE = exports.ASYNC_ITERABLE_ARG = exports.ARG_COUNT = exports.TS_MODULE_PATH_ARG = exports.FIELD_NAME_ARG = exports.EXPORT_NAME_ARG = exports.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE = void 0;
var graphql_1 = require("graphql");
var helpers_1 = require("./utils/helpers");
exports.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE = "metadata";
exports.EXPORT_NAME_ARG = "exportName";
exports.FIELD_NAME_ARG = "name";

@@ -41,3 +43,3 @@ exports.TS_MODULE_PATH_ARG = "tsModulePath";

exports.DIRECTIVES_AST = (0, graphql_1.parse)("\n directive @".concat(exports.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE, "(\n \"\"\"\n Name of property/method/function. Defaults to field name. For\n function-backed fields, this is the function's export name.\n \"\"\"\n ").concat(exports.FIELD_NAME_ARG, ": String\n \"\"\"\n Path of the TypeScript module to import if the field is a function.\n \"\"\"\n ").concat(exports.TS_MODULE_PATH_ARG, ": String\n \"\"\"\n Number of arguments. No value means property access\n \"\"\"\n ").concat(exports.ARG_COUNT, ": Int\n \"\"\"\n Whether the field is an async iterable. If true, the argument's\n location is the typescript AsyncIterable identifier.\n \"\"\"\n ").concat(exports.ASYNC_ITERABLE_ARG, ": Boolean\n ) on FIELD_DEFINITION\n directive @").concat(exports.KILLS_PARENT_ON_EXCEPTION_DIRECTIVE, " on FIELD_DEFINITION\n"));
exports.DIRECTIVES_AST = (0, graphql_1.parse)("\n directive @".concat(exports.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE, "(\n \"\"\"\n Name of property/method/function. Defaults to field name.\n \"\"\"\n ").concat(exports.FIELD_NAME_ARG, ": String\n \"\"\"\n Path of the TypeScript module to import if the field is a function.\n \"\"\"\n ").concat(exports.TS_MODULE_PATH_ARG, ": String\n \"\"\"\n Export name of the field. For function fields this is the exported function name,\n for static method fields, this is the exported class name.\n \"\"\"\n ").concat(exports.EXPORT_NAME_ARG, ": String\n \"\"\"\n Number of arguments. No value means property access\n \"\"\"\n ").concat(exports.ARG_COUNT, ": Int\n ) on FIELD_DEFINITION\n directive @").concat(exports.KILLS_PARENT_ON_EXCEPTION_DIRECTIVE, " on FIELD_DEFINITION\n"));
function addMetadataDirectives(definitions) {

@@ -51,3 +53,8 @@ return __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(exports.DIRECTIVES_AST.definitions), false), __read(definitions), false);

loc: loc,
name: { kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAME, loc: loc, value: exports.KILLS_PARENT_ON_EXCEPTION_DIRECTIVE },
name: {
kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAME,
loc: loc,
tsIdentifier: (0, helpers_1.uniqueId)(),
arguments: [],

@@ -58,17 +65,10 @@ };

function parseFieldMetadataDirective(directive) {
var _a;
if ( !== exports.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE) {
throw new Error("Expected directive to be ".concat(exports.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE));
var asyncIterableNode = (_a = directive.arguments) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.find(function (arg) { return === exports.ASYNC_ITERABLE_ARG; });
if ((asyncIterableNode === null || asyncIterableNode === void 0 ? void 0 : asyncIterableNode.value.kind) === graphql_1.Kind.BOOLEAN) {
if (!asyncIterableNode.value.value) {
throw new Error("Expected ".concat(exports.ASYNC_ITERABLE_ARG, " to be true"));
return {
name: getStringArg(directive, exports.FIELD_NAME_ARG),
tsModulePath: getStringArg(directive, exports.TS_MODULE_PATH_ARG),
exportName: getStringArg(directive, exports.EXPORT_NAME_ARG),
argCount: getIntArg(directive, exports.ARG_COUNT),
asyncIterable: asyncIterableNode === null || asyncIterableNode === void 0 ? void 0 : asyncIterableNode.loc,

@@ -75,0 +75,0 @@ }

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ "use strict";

function printExecutableSchema(schema, config, destination) {
var code = (0, codegen_1.codegen)(schema, destination);
var code = (0, codegen_1.codegen)(schema, config, destination);
return applyTypeScriptHeader(config, code);

@@ -18,6 +18,3 @@ }

function applyTypeScriptHeader(config, code) {
if (config.tsSchemaHeader) {
return "".concat(config.tsSchemaHeader, "\n").concat(code);
return code;
return formatHeader(config.tsSchemaHeader, code);

@@ -31,10 +28,7 @@ exports.applyTypeScriptHeader = applyTypeScriptHeader;

var sdl = printSDLWithoutMetadata(doc);
return applySDLHeader(config, sdl);
return applySDLHeader(config, sdl) + "\n";
exports.printGratsSDL = printGratsSDL;
function applySDLHeader(config, sdl) {
if (config.schemaHeader) {
return "".concat(config.schemaHeader, "\n").concat(sdl);
return sdl;
return formatHeader(config.schemaHeader, sdl);

@@ -59,1 +53,7 @@ exports.applySDLHeader = applySDLHeader;

exports.printSDLWithoutMetadata = printSDLWithoutMetadata;
function formatHeader(header, code) {
if (header !== null) {
return "".concat(header, "\n").concat(code);
return code;

@@ -30,2 +30,3 @@ "use strict";

var graphql_1 = require("graphql");
var helpers_1 = require("./utils/helpers");

@@ -47,5 +48,10 @@ * Grats supports some additional, non-spec server directives in order to

loc: loc,
name: { kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAME, loc: loc, value: exports.SEMANTIC_NON_NULL_DIRECTIVE },
name: {
kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAME,
loc: loc,
tsIdentifier: (0, helpers_1.uniqueId)(),
exports.makeSemanticNonNullDirective = makeSemanticNonNullDirective;
import { DefinitionNode } from "graphql";
import { TypeContext } from "../TypeContext";
import { DiagnosticsResult } from "../utils/DiagnosticError";
import { GratsDefinitionNode } from "../GraphQLConstructor";

@@ -13,2 +12,2 @@ * Grats allows you to define GraphQL fields on TypeScript interfaces using

export declare function addInterfaceFields(ctx: TypeContext, docs: GratsDefinitionNode[]): DiagnosticsResult<DefinitionNode[]>;
export declare function addInterfaceFields(ctx: TypeContext, docs: DefinitionNode[]): DiagnosticsResult<DefinitionNode[]>;

@@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ "use strict";

var doc = docs_1_1.value;
if (doc.kind === "AbstractFieldDefinition") {
if (doc.kind === graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION && doc.mayBeInterface) {
var abstractDocResults = addAbstractFieldDefinition(ctx, doc, interfaceGraph);
if (abstractDocResults.kind === "ERROR") {
(0, helpers_1.extend)(errors, abstractDocResults.err);

@@ -82,5 +82,5 @@ else {

var e_2, _a;
var _b;
var _b, _c;
var newDocs = [];
var definitionResult = ctx.getNameDefinition(doc.onType);
var definitionResult = ctx.gqlNameDefinitionForGqlName(;
if (definitionResult.kind === "ERROR") {

@@ -90,2 +90,3 @@ return definitionResult;

var nameDefinition = definitionResult.value;
var field = (0, helpers_1.nullThrows)((_b = doc.fields) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[0]);
switch (nameDefinition.kind) {

@@ -96,4 +97,4 @@ case "TYPE":

kind: graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION,
name: doc.onType,
fields: [doc.field],
fields: [field],
loc: doc.loc,

@@ -107,3 +108,3 @@ });

// need to annotate it with the details of the implementation.
var directives = (_b = doc.field.directives) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.filter(function (directive) {
var directives = (_c = field.directives) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.filter(function (directive) {
return !== metadataDirectives_1.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE;

@@ -113,12 +114,13 @@ });

kind: graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION,
name: doc.onType,
fields: [__assign(__assign({}, doc.field), { directives: directives })],
fields: [__assign(__assign({}, field), { directives: directives })],
try {
for (var _c = __values(interfaceGraph.get(, _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
var implementor = _d.value;
for (var _d = __values(interfaceGraph.get(, _e =; !_e.done; _e = {
var implementor = _e.value;
var name = {
kind: graphql_1.Kind.NAME,
loc: doc.loc, // Bit of a lie, but I don't see a better option.
loc: doc.loc,
tsIdentifier: (0, helpers_1.uniqueId)(),

@@ -130,3 +132,3 @@ switch (implementor.kind) {

name: name,
fields: [doc.field],
fields: [field],
loc: doc.loc,

@@ -139,3 +141,3 @@ });

name: name,
fields: [__assign(__assign({}, doc.field), { directives: directives })],
fields: [__assign(__assign({}, field), { directives: directives })],
loc: doc.loc,

@@ -150,3 +152,3 @@ });

try {
if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return));
if (_e && !_e.done && (_a = _d.return));

@@ -159,15 +161,7 @@ finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }

// Extending any other type of definition is not supported.
var loc = doc.onType.loc;
if (loc == null) {
throw new Error("Expected onType to have a location.");
var relatedLoc =;
if (relatedLoc == null) {
throw new Error("Expected nameDefinition to have a location.");
return (0, Result_1.err)([
(0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)(loc, E.invalidTypePassedToFieldFunction(), [
(0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlRelated)(relatedLoc, "This is the type that was passed to `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "`.")),
var loc = (0, helpers_1.nullThrows)(;
var relatedLoc = (0, helpers_1.nullThrows)(;
return (0, Result_1.err)((0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)(loc, E.invalidTypePassedToFieldFunction(), [
(0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlRelated)(relatedLoc, "This is the type that was passed to `@".concat(Extractor_1.FIELD_TAG, "`.")),

@@ -174,0 +168,0 @@ }

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { DocumentNode } from "graphql";
import { DefinitionNode } from "graphql";
import { TypeContext } from "../TypeContext";

@@ -9,2 +9,2 @@ /**

export declare function filterNonGqlInterfaces(ctx: TypeContext, doc: DocumentNode): DocumentNode;
export declare function filterNonGqlInterfaces(ctx: TypeContext, definitions: DefinitionNode[]): DefinitionNode[];

@@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ "use strict";

function filterNonGqlInterfaces(ctx, doc) {
var _a;
return (0, graphql_1.visit)(doc, (_a = {},
_a[graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION] = function (t) { return filterInterfaces(ctx, t); },
_a[graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION] = function (t) { return filterInterfaces(ctx, t); },
_a[graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION] = function (t) { return filterInterfaces(ctx, t); },
_a[graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION] = function (t) { return filterInterfaces(ctx, t); },
function filterNonGqlInterfaces(ctx, definitions) {
return (def) {
if (def.kind === graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION ||
def.kind === graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION ||
def.kind === graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION ||
def.kind === graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION) {
return filterInterfaces(ctx, def);
return def;

@@ -32,0 +34,0 @@ exports.filterNonGqlInterfaces = filterNonGqlInterfaces;

@@ -1,10 +0,10 @@

import { DocumentNode } from "graphql";
import { DefinitionNode } from "graphql";
import { TypeContext } from "../TypeContext";
import { DiagnosticsResult } from "../utils/DiagnosticError";
import { TypeContext } from "../TypeContext";
* During the extraction process when we observe a type reference in a GraphQL
* position we don't actually resolve that to its GraphQL type name during
* extraction. Instead we rely on this transform to resolve those references and
* ensure that they point to `@gql` types.
* During extraction we are operating purely syntactically, so we don't actually know
* which types are being referred to. This function resolves those references.
* It also materializes any generic type references into concrete types.
export declare function resolveTypes(ctx: TypeContext, doc: DocumentNode): DiagnosticsResult<DocumentNode>;
export declare function resolveTypes(ctx: TypeContext, definitions: Array<DefinitionNode>): DiagnosticsResult<DefinitionNode[]>;
"use strict";
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
var __values = (this && this.__values) || function(o) {
var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
if (m) return;
if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
next: function () {
if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
if (!m) return o;
var i =, r, ar = [], e;
try {
while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally {
try {
if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
return ar;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.resolveTypes = void 0;
var graphql_1 = require("graphql");
var GraphQLConstructor_1 = require("../GraphQLConstructor");
var ts = require("typescript");
var Result_1 = require("../utils/Result");
var DiagnosticError_1 = require("../utils/DiagnosticError");
var helpers_1 = require("../utils/helpers");
var E = require("../Errors");
* During the extraction process when we observe a type reference in a GraphQL
* position we don't actually resolve that to its GraphQL type name during
* extraction. Instead we rely on this transform to resolve those references and
* ensure that they point to `@gql` types.
* During extraction we are operating purely syntactically, so we don't actually know
* which types are being referred to. This function resolves those references.
* It also materializes any generic type references into concrete types.
function resolveTypes(ctx, doc) {
var _a;
var errors = [];
var newDoc = (0, graphql_1.visit)(doc, (_a = {},
_a[graphql_1.Kind.NAME] = function (t) {
var namedTypeResult = ctx.resolveNamedType(t);
if (namedTypeResult.kind === "ERROR") {
return t;
function resolveTypes(ctx, definitions) {
var templateExtractor = new TemplateExtractor(ctx);
return templateExtractor.materializeGenericTypeReferences(definitions);
exports.resolveTypes = resolveTypes;
* Template extraction happens in two phases and resolves named type references
* as a side effect.
* 1. We walk all declarations checking if they contain type references in
* GraphQL positions which point back to the declaration's type parameters. If
* so, they are considered templates and are removed from the list of "real"
* declarations.
* 2. We walk the remaining "real" declarations and resolve any type references,
* if a reference refers to a template we first validate and resolve its type
* arguments and then use those as inputs to materialize a new type to match
* those type arguments.
* ## Two Types of Recursion
* 1. Type arguments may themselves be parameterized, and so we must
* process generic type references recursively in a depth-first manner.
* 2. When materializing templates we may encounter more parameterized
* references to other templates. In this way, template materialization can be
* recursive, and we must take care to avoid infinite loops. We must also take
* care to correctly track our scope such that type references in templates
* which refer to generic types resolve to the correct type.
var TemplateExtractor = /** @class */ (function () {
function TemplateExtractor(ctx) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this._templates = new Map();
this._definitions = [];
this._definedTemplates = new Set();
this._errors = [];
TemplateExtractor.prototype.materializeGenericTypeReferences = function (definitions) {
var _this = this;
// We filter out all template declarations and index them as a first pass.
var filtered = definitions.filter(function (definition) {
return !_this.maybeExtractAsTemplate(definition);
// Now we can visit the remaining "real" definitions and materialize any
// generic type references.
filtered.forEach(function (definition) {
if (this._errors.length > 0) {
return (0, Result_1.err)(this._errors);
return (0, Result_1.ok)(this._definitions);
* Walks GraphQL ASTs and expands generic types into their concrete types
* adding their materialized definitions to the `_definitions` array as we go.
* **Note:** Here we also detect generics being used as members of a union and
* report that as an error.
TemplateExtractor.prototype.materializeTemplatesForNode = function (node) {
var _a;
var _this = this;
return (0, graphql_1.visit)(node, (_a = {},
_a[graphql_1.Kind.NAME] = function (node) {
var referenceNode = _this.getReferenceNode(node);
if (referenceNode == null)
return node;
var name = _this.resolveTypeReferenceOrReport(referenceNode);
if (name == null)
return node;
return __assign(__assign({}, node), { value: name });
TemplateExtractor.prototype.resolveTypeReferenceOrReport = function (node, generics) {
var e_1, _a;
var _b;
var declaration = this.asNullable(this.ctx.tsDeclarationForTsName(node.typeName));
if (declaration == null)
return null;
if (generics != null) {
var genericName = generics.get(declaration);
if (genericName != null) {
return genericName;
return namedTypeResult.value;
if (errors.length > 0) {
return (0, Result_1.err)(errors);
var template = this._templates.get(declaration);
if (template != null) {
var templateName =;
var typeArguments = (_b = node.typeArguments) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
var genericIndexes = new Map();
try {
for (var _c = __values(template.genericNodes), _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
var _e = __read(_d.value, 2), node_1 = _e[0], index = _e[1];
genericIndexes.set(index, node_1);
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return));
finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
var names = [];
for (var i = 0; i < template.typeParameters.length; i++) {
var exampleGenericNode = genericIndexes.get(i);
if (exampleGenericNode == null) {
var param = template.typeParameters[i];
var paramName =;
var arg = typeArguments[i];
if (arg == null) {
return, E.missingGenericType(templateName, paramName), [
(0, DiagnosticError_1.tsErr)(param, "Type parameter `".concat(paramName, "` is defined here")),
(0, DiagnosticError_1.tsErr)(exampleGenericNode, "and expects a GraphQL type because it was used in a GraphQL position here."),
if (!ts.isTypeReferenceNode(arg)) {
return, E.nonGraphQLGenericType(templateName, paramName), [
(0, DiagnosticError_1.tsErr)(param, "Type parameter `".concat(paramName, "` is defined here")),
(0, DiagnosticError_1.tsErr)(exampleGenericNode, "and expects a GraphQL type because it was used in a GraphQL position here."),
var name = this.resolveTypeReferenceOrReport(arg, generics);
// resolveTypeReference will report an error if the definition is not found.
if (name == null)
return null;
return this.materializeTemplate(node, names, template);
var nameResult = this.ctx.gqlNameForTsName(node.typeName);
return this.asNullable(nameResult);
TemplateExtractor.prototype.materializeTemplate = function (referenceLoc, typeParams, template) {
var e_2, _a, _b;
var _this = this;
var paramsPrefix = typeParams.join("");
var derivedName = paramsPrefix +;
if (this._definedTemplates.has(derivedName)) {
// We've either already materialized this permutation or we're in the middle
// of doing so.
return derivedName;
var genericsContext = new Map();
try {
for (var _c = __values(new Set(template.genericNodes.values())), _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
var i = _d.value;
var name = (0, helpers_1.nullThrows)(typeParams[i]);
var param = (0, helpers_1.nullThrows)(template.typeParameters[i]);
genericsContext.set(param, name);
catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return));
finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
var gqlLoc = (0, GraphQLConstructor_1.loc)(referenceLoc);
var original = template.declarationTemplate;
var renamedDefinition = renameDefinition(original, derivedName, gqlLoc);
var definition = (0, graphql_1.visit)(renamedDefinition, (_b = {},
_b[graphql_1.Kind.NAMED_TYPE] = function (node) {
var referenceNode = _this.getReferenceNode(;
if (referenceNode == null)
return node;
var name = _this.resolveTypeReferenceOrReport(referenceNode, genericsContext);
if (name == null)
return node;
return __assign(__assign({}, node), { name: __assign(__assign({},, { value: name }) });
return derivedName;
TemplateExtractor.prototype.maybeExtractAsTemplate = function (definition) {
var _a;
var _this = this;
if (!mayReferenceGenerics(definition)) {
return false;
var declaration = this.ctx.tsDeclarationForGqlDefinition(definition);
var typeParams = getTypeParameters(declaration);
if (typeParams == null || typeParams.length === 0) {
return false;
var genericNodes = new Map();
(0, graphql_1.visit)(definition, (_a = {},
_a[graphql_1.Kind.NAMED_TYPE] = function (node) {
var e_3, _a;
var referenceNode = _this.getReferenceNode(;
if (referenceNode == null)
var references = findAllReferences(referenceNode);
try {
for (var references_1 = __values(references), references_1_1 =; !references_1_1.done; references_1_1 = {
var reference = references_1_1.value;
var declarationResult = _this.ctx.tsDeclarationForTsName(reference.typeName);
if (declarationResult.kind === "ERROR") {
var declaration_1 = declarationResult.value;
// If the type points to a type param...
if (!ts.isTypeParameterDeclaration(declaration_1)) {
// And it's one of our parent type's type params...
var genericIndex = typeParams.indexOf(declaration_1);
if (genericIndex !== -1) {
genericNodes.set(reference.typeName, genericIndex);
catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (references_1_1 && !references_1_1.done && (_a = references_1.return));
finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }
if (genericNodes.size === 0) {
return false;
if (definition.kind === graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION) {
if (definition.interfaces && definition.interfaces.length > 0) {
var loc_1 = (0, helpers_1.loc)(definition.interfaces[0].name);
this._errors.push((0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)(loc_1, E.genericTypeImplementsInterface()));
this._templates.set(declaration, {
declarationTemplate: definition,
genericNodes: genericNodes,
typeParameters: typeParams,
return true;
// --- Helpers ---
TemplateExtractor.prototype.getReferenceNode = function (name) {
var node = this.ctx.getEntityName(name);
if (node == null) {
return null;
if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(node.parent))
return node.parent;
// Heritage clauses are not actually type references since they have
// runtime semantics. Instead they are an "ExpressionWithTypeArguments"
if (ts.isExpressionWithTypeArguments(node.parent) &&
ts.isIdentifier(node.parent.expression)) {
return new EntityNameWithTypeArguments(node.parent.expression, node.parent.typeArguments);
return null;
TemplateExtractor.prototype.asNullable = function (result) {
if (result.kind === "ERROR") {
return null;
return result.value;
}; = function (node, message, relatedInformation) {
this._errors.push((0, DiagnosticError_1.tsErr)(node, message, relatedInformation));
return null;
return TemplateExtractor;
function mayReferenceGenerics(definition) {
return (definition.kind === graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION ||
definition.kind === graphql_1.Kind.UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION ||
definition.kind === graphql_1.Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION ||
definition.kind === graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION);
function getTypeParameters(declaration) {
var _a, _b, _c;
if (ts.isTypeAliasDeclaration(declaration)) {
return (_a = declaration.typeParameters) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
return (0, Result_1.ok)(newDoc);
if (ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(declaration)) {
return (_b = declaration.typeParameters) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
if (ts.isClassDeclaration(declaration)) {
return (_c = declaration.typeParameters) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : null;
// TODO: Handle other types of declarations which have generics.
return null;
exports.resolveTypes = resolveTypes;
* Abstraction that can be derived from a typeReference or an expression with
* type arguments. Gives us a common shape which can model both a
* `ts.TypeReferenceNode` and a `ts.ExpressionWithTypeArguments` while also
* being able to use it to report diagnostics
var EntityNameWithTypeArguments = /** @class */ (function () {
function EntityNameWithTypeArguments(typeName, typeArguments) {
this.typeName = typeName;
this.typeArguments = typeArguments;
EntityNameWithTypeArguments.prototype.getStart = function () {
return this.typeName.getStart();
EntityNameWithTypeArguments.prototype.getEnd = function () {
if (this.typeArguments == null || this.typeArguments.length === 0) {
return this.typeName.getEnd();
return this.typeArguments[this.typeArguments.length - 1].getEnd();
EntityNameWithTypeArguments.prototype.getSourceFile = function () {
return this.typeName.getSourceFile();
return EntityNameWithTypeArguments;
// Given a type reference, recursively walk its type arguments and return all
// type references in the current scope.
function findAllReferences(node) {
var e_4, _a;
var references = [];
if (node.typeArguments != null) {
try {
for (var _b = __values(node.typeArguments), _c =; !_c.done; _c = {
var arg = _c.value;
if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(arg)) {
(0, helpers_1.extend)(references, findAllReferences(arg));
catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return));
finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
return references;
function renameDefinition(original, newName, loc) {
var name = __assign(__assign({},, { value: newName, loc: loc });
return __assign(__assign({}, original), { loc: loc, name: name, wasSynthesized: true });

@@ -41,2 +41,4 @@ "use strict";

var Extractor_1 = require("../Extractor");
var DiagnosticError_1 = require("../utils/DiagnosticError");
var helpers_1 = require("../utils/helpers");
// An experimental plugin for TypeScript that adds a new language service

@@ -89,2 +91,32 @@ // which reports diagnostics for the current file. Currently it only reports

proxy.getSupportedCodeFixes = function (fileName) {"Grats: getSupportedCodeFixes called with ".concat(fileName));
return __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(info.languageService.getSupportedCodeFixes(fileName)), false), [
], false);
proxy.getCodeFixesAtPosition = function (fileName, start, end, errorCodes, formatOptions, preferences) {
var _a;"Grats: getCodeFixesAtPosition called with ".concat(fileName, " and ").concat(errorCodes));
var prior = info.languageService.getCodeFixesAtPosition(fileName, start, end, errorCodes, formatOptions, preferences);
var doc = (_a = info.languageService.getProgram()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getSourceFile(fileName);
if (doc == null)
return prior;
var result = (0, Extractor_1.extract)(doc);
if (result.kind === "OK")
return prior;"Grats: getCodeFixesAtPosition got ".concat(result.err.length, " errors in ").concat(fileName));
var relatedDiagnostics = result.err.filter(function (err) {
return (err.fix != null &&
err.start === start &&
err.length === end - start &&
err.file.fileName === doc.fileName &&
});"Grats: getCodeFixesAtPosition matched ".concat(relatedDiagnostics.length, " errors in ").concat(fileName));
var fixes = (err) {
return (0, helpers_1.nullThrows)(err.fix);
return __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(prior), false), __read(fixes), false);
return proxy;

@@ -91,0 +123,0 @@ }

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { NameNode } from "graphql";
import { InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode, InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode, NameNode, ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, UnionTypeDefinitionNode } from "graphql";
import * as ts from "typescript";
import { DiagnosticResult, DiagnosticsResult } from "./utils/DiagnosticError";
import { DiagnosticResult } from "./utils/DiagnosticError";
import { ExtractionSnapshot } from "./Extractor";

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ export declare const UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE_NAME = "__UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE__";

type TsIdentifier = number;

@@ -25,13 +26,20 @@ * Used to track TypeScript references.

checker: ts.TypeChecker;
_symbolToName: Map<ts.Symbol, NameDefinition>;
_unresolvedTypes: Map<NameNode, ts.Symbol>;
_declarationToName: Map<ts.Declaration, NameDefinition>;
_unresolvedNodes: Map<TsIdentifier, ts.EntityName>;
_idToDeclaration: Map<TsIdentifier, ts.Declaration>;
static fromSnapshot(checker: ts.TypeChecker, snapshot: ExtractionSnapshot): TypeContext;
constructor(checker: ts.TypeChecker);
_recordTypeName(node: ts.Node, name: NameNode, kind: NameDefinition["kind"]): void;
_markUnresolvedType(node: ts.Node, name: NameNode): void;
private _recordTypeName;
private _markUnresolvedType;
findSymbolDeclaration(startSymbol: ts.Symbol): ts.Declaration | null;
resolveSymbol(startSymbol: ts.Symbol): ts.Symbol;
resolveNamedType(unresolved: NameNode): DiagnosticResult<NameNode>;
private resolveSymbol;
resolveUnresolvedNamedType(unresolved: NameNode): DiagnosticResult<NameNode>;
unresolvedNameIsGraphQL(unresolved: NameNode): boolean;
getNameDefinition(nameNode: NameNode): DiagnosticsResult<NameDefinition>;
gqlNameDefinitionForGqlName(nameNode: NameNode): DiagnosticResult<NameDefinition>;
gqlNameForTsName(node: ts.EntityName): DiagnosticResult<string>;
private maybeTsDeclarationForTsName;
tsDeclarationForTsName(node: ts.EntityName): DiagnosticResult<ts.Declaration>;
tsDeclarationForGqlDefinition(definition: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | UnionTypeDefinitionNode | InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode): ts.Declaration;
getEntityName(name: NameNode): ts.EntityName | null;
export {};

@@ -62,4 +62,5 @@ "use strict";

function TypeContext(checker) {
this._symbolToName = new Map();
this._unresolvedTypes = new Map();
this._declarationToName = new Map();
this._unresolvedNodes = new Map();
this._idToDeclaration = new Map();
this.checker = checker;

@@ -101,21 +102,8 @@ }

TypeContext.prototype._recordTypeName = function (node, name, kind) {
var symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node);
if (symbol == null) {
// FIXME: Make this a diagnostic
throw new Error("Could not resolve type reference. You probably have a TypeScript error.");
if (this._symbolToName.has(symbol)) {
// Ensure we never try to record the same name twice.
throw new Error("Unexpected double recording of typename.");
this._symbolToName.set(symbol, { name: name, kind: kind });
this._idToDeclaration.set(name.tsIdentifier, node);
this._declarationToName.set(node, { name: name, kind: kind });
// Record that a type reference `node`
// Record that a type references `node`
TypeContext.prototype._markUnresolvedType = function (node, name) {
var symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node);
if (symbol == null) {
throw new Error("Could not resolve type reference. You probably have a TypeScript error.");
this._unresolvedTypes.set(name, this.resolveSymbol(symbol));
this._unresolvedNodes.set(name.tsIdentifier, node);

@@ -142,12 +130,18 @@ TypeContext.prototype.findSymbolDeclaration = function (startSymbol) {

TypeContext.prototype.resolveNamedType = function (unresolved) {
var symbol = this._unresolvedTypes.get(unresolved);
if (symbol == null) {
if (unresolved.value === exports.UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE_NAME) {
// This is a logic error on our side.
throw new Error("Unexpected unresolved reference name.");
TypeContext.prototype.resolveUnresolvedNamedType = function (unresolved) {
if (unresolved.value !== exports.UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE_NAME) {
return (0, Result_1.ok)(unresolved);
var nameDefinition = this._symbolToName.get(symbol);
var typeReference = this.getEntityName(unresolved);
if (typeReference == null) {
throw new Error("Unexpected unresolved reference name.");
var declarationResult = this.tsDeclarationForTsName(typeReference);
if (declarationResult.kind === "ERROR") {
return (0, Result_1.err)(declarationResult.err);
if (ts.isTypeParameterDeclaration(declarationResult.value)) {
return (0, Result_1.err)((0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)((0, helpers_1.loc)(unresolved), "Type parameters are not supported in this context."));
var nameDefinition = this._declarationToName.get(declarationResult.value);
if (nameDefinition == null) {

@@ -159,25 +153,74 @@ return (0, Result_1.err)((0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)((0, helpers_1.loc)(unresolved), E.unresolvedTypeReference()));

TypeContext.prototype.unresolvedNameIsGraphQL = function (unresolved) {
var symbol = this._unresolvedTypes.get(unresolved);
return symbol != null && this._symbolToName.has(symbol);
var referenceNode = this.getEntityName(unresolved);
if (referenceNode == null)
return false;
var declaration = this.maybeTsDeclarationForTsName(referenceNode);
if (declaration == null)
return false;
return this._declarationToName.has(declaration);
// TODO: Merge this with resolveNamedType
TypeContext.prototype.getNameDefinition = function (nameNode) {
var typeNameResult = this.resolveNamedType(nameNode);
if (typeNameResult.kind === "ERROR") {
return (0, Result_1.err)([typeNameResult.err]);
TypeContext.prototype.gqlNameDefinitionForGqlName = function (nameNode) {
var referenceNode = this.getEntityName(nameNode);
if (referenceNode == null) {
throw new Error("Expected to find reference node for name node.");
var symbol = this._unresolvedTypes.get(nameNode);
if (symbol == null) {
// This should have already been handled by resolveNamedType
throw new Error("Expected to find unresolved type.");
var declaration = this.maybeTsDeclarationForTsName(referenceNode);
if (declaration == null) {
return (0, Result_1.err)((0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)((0, helpers_1.loc)(nameNode), E.unresolvedTypeReference()));
var nameDefinition = this._symbolToName.get(symbol);
if (nameDefinition == null) {
// This should have already been handled by resolveNamedType
var definition = this._declarationToName.get(declaration);
if (definition == null) {
throw new Error("Expected to find name definition.");
return (0, Result_1.ok)(nameDefinition);
return (0, Result_1.ok)(definition);
// Note! This assumes you have already handled any type parameters.
TypeContext.prototype.gqlNameForTsName = function (node) {
var declarationResult = this.tsDeclarationForTsName(node);
if (declarationResult.kind === "ERROR") {
return (0, Result_1.err)(declarationResult.err);
if (ts.isTypeParameterDeclaration(declarationResult.value)) {
return (0, Result_1.err)((0, DiagnosticError_1.tsErr)(node, "Type parameter not valid", [
(0, DiagnosticError_1.tsErr)(declarationResult.value, "Defined here"),
var nameDefinition = this._declarationToName.get(declarationResult.value);
if (nameDefinition == null) {
return (0, Result_1.err)((0, DiagnosticError_1.tsErr)(node, E.unresolvedTypeReference()));
return (0, Result_1.ok)(;
TypeContext.prototype.maybeTsDeclarationForTsName = function (node) {
var symbol = this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node);
if (symbol == null) {
return null;
return this.findSymbolDeclaration(symbol);
TypeContext.prototype.tsDeclarationForTsName = function (node) {
var declaration = this.maybeTsDeclarationForTsName(node);
if (!declaration) {
return (0, Result_1.err)((0, DiagnosticError_1.tsErr)(node, E.unresolvedTypeReference()));
return (0, Result_1.ok)(declaration);
TypeContext.prototype.tsDeclarationForGqlDefinition = function (definition) {
var name =;
var declaration = this._idToDeclaration.get(name.tsIdentifier);
if (!declaration) {
throw new Error("Could not find declaration for ".concat(name.value));
return declaration;
TypeContext.prototype.getEntityName = function (name) {
var _a;
var entityName = (_a = this._unresolvedNodes.get(name.tsIdentifier)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
if (entityName == null && name.value === exports.UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE_NAME) {
throw new Error("Expected unresolved reference to have a node.");
return entityName;
return TypeContext;
exports.TypeContext = TypeContext;
import { GraphQLError, Location, Source } from "graphql";
import * as ts from "typescript";
import { Result } from "./Result";
export type DiagnosticResult<T> = Result<T, ts.DiagnosticWithLocation>;
export type DiagnosticsResult<T> = Result<T, ts.DiagnosticWithLocation[]>;
type FixableDiagnostic = ts.Diagnostic & {
fix?: ts.CodeFixAction;
export type FixableDiagnosticWithLocation = ts.DiagnosticWithLocation & {
fix?: ts.CodeFixAction;
export type DiagnosticResult<T> = Result<T, FixableDiagnosticWithLocation>;
export type DiagnosticsResult<T> = Result<T, FixableDiagnosticWithLocation[]>;
export type DiagnosticsWithoutLocationResult<T> = Result<T, ts.Diagnostic[]>;
export declare class ReportableDiagnostics {
_host: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost;
_diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[];
constructor(host: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost, diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[]);
_diagnostics: FixableDiagnostic[];
constructor(host: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost, diagnostics: FixableDiagnostic[]);
static fromDiagnostics(diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[]): ReportableDiagnostics;

@@ -15,9 +21,22 @@ formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(): string;

export declare const FAKE_ERROR_CODE = 349389149282;
export declare const FAKE_ERROR_CODE = 1038;
export declare function graphQlErrorToDiagnostic(error: GraphQLError): ts.Diagnostic;
export declare function gqlErr(loc: Location, message: string, relatedInformation?: ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation[]): ts.DiagnosticWithLocation;
export declare function gqlRelated(loc: Location, message: string): ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation;
export declare function rangeErr(file: ts.SourceFile, commentRange: ts.CommentRange, message: string, relatedInformation?: ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation[]): ts.DiagnosticWithLocation;
export declare function tsErr(node: ts.Node, message: string, relatedInformation?: ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation[]): ts.DiagnosticWithLocation;
export declare function rangeErr(file: ts.SourceFile, commentRange: ts.CommentRange, message: string, relatedInformation?: ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation[], fix?: ts.CodeFixAction): FixableDiagnosticWithLocation;
* A generic version of the methods on ts.Node that we need
* to create diagnostics.
* This interface allows us to create diagnostics from our
* own classes.
export interface TsLocatableNode {
getStart(): number;
getEnd(): number;
getSourceFile(): ts.SourceFile;
export declare function tsErr(node: TsLocatableNode, message: string, relatedInformation?: ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation[], fix?: ts.CodeFixAction): FixableDiagnosticWithLocation;
export declare function tsRelated(node: ts.Node, message: string): ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation;
export declare function graphqlSourceToSourceFile(source: Source): ts.SourceFile;
export {};

@@ -62,3 +62,3 @@ "use strict";

// We pick a very random number to avoid collisions with real error messages.
exports.FAKE_ERROR_CODE = 349389149282;
exports.FAKE_ERROR_CODE = 1038;
function stripColor(str) {

@@ -149,3 +149,3 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex

exports.gqlRelated = gqlRelated;
function rangeErr(file, commentRange, message, relatedInformation) {
function rangeErr(file, commentRange, message, relatedInformation, fix) {
var start = commentRange.pos;

@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ var length = commentRange.end - commentRange.pos;

source: "Grats",
fix: fix,
exports.rangeErr = rangeErr;
function tsErr(node, message, relatedInformation) {
function tsErr(node, message, relatedInformation, fix) {
var start = node.getStart();

@@ -179,2 +180,3 @@ var length = node.getEnd() - start;

source: "Grats",
fix: fix,

@@ -181,0 +183,0 @@ }

@@ -15,1 +15,3 @@ import { Location } from "graphql";

}): T;
export declare function uniqueId(): number;
export declare function nullThrows<T>(value: T | null | undefined): T;

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.astNode = exports.loc = exports.extend = exports.DefaultMap = void 0;
exports.nullThrows = exports.uniqueId = exports.astNode = exports.loc = exports.extend = exports.DefaultMap = void 0;
var DefaultMap = /** @class */ (function () {

@@ -63,1 +63,13 @@ function DefaultMap(getDefault) {

exports.astNode = astNode;
var i = 0;
function uniqueId() {
return i++;
exports.uniqueId = uniqueId;
function nullThrows(value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new Error("Grats Error. Expected value to be non-nullish. This error represents an error in Grats. Please report it.");
return value;
exports.nullThrows = nullThrows;
import { DocumentNode } from "graphql";
import { DiagnosticsResult } from "../utils/DiagnosticError";
* Ensure that all fields on `Subscription` return an AsyncIterable, and that no other
* fields do.
* Ensure that all fields on `Subscription` return an AsyncIterable and transform
* the return type of subscription fields to not treat AsyncIterable as as list type.
export declare function validateAsyncIterable(doc: DocumentNode): DiagnosticsResult<DocumentNode>;
"use strict";
var __values = (this && this.__values) || function(o) {
var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
if (m) return;
if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
next: function () {
if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);

@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

var E = require("../Errors");
var metadataDirectives_1 = require("../metadataDirectives");
var helpers_1 = require("../utils/helpers");
* Ensure that all fields on `Subscription` return an AsyncIterable, and that no other
* fields do.
* Ensure that all fields on `Subscription` return an AsyncIterable and transform
* the return type of subscription fields to not treat AsyncIterable as as list type.

@@ -29,9 +28,28 @@ function validateAsyncIterable(doc) {

var errors = [];
var visitNode = function (t) {
var validateFieldsResult = validateField(t);
if (validateFieldsResult != null) {
var visitNode = {
enter: function (t) {
// Note: We assume the default name is used here. When custom operation types are supported
// we'll need to update this.
if ( !== "Subscription") {
// Don't visit nodes that aren't the Subscription type.
return false;
var visitSubscriptionField = function (field) {
var inner = innerType(field.type); // Remove any non-null wrapper types
if (inner.kind !== graphql_1.Kind.LIST_TYPE || !inner.isAsyncIterable) {
errors.push((0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)((0, helpers_1.loc)(field.type), E.subscriptionFieldNotAsyncIterable()));
return field;
var itemType = inner.type;
// If either field.type or item type is nullable, the field should be nullable
if (isNullable(field.type) || isNullable(itemType)) {
var innerInner = innerType(itemType);
return __assign(__assign({}, field), { type: innerInner });
// If _both_ are non-nullable, we will preserve the non-nullability.
return __assign(__assign({}, field), { type: itemType });
(0, graphql_1.visit)(doc, (_a = {},
var newDoc = (0, graphql_1.visit)(doc, (_a = {},
_a[graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION] = visitNode,

@@ -41,2 +59,3 @@ _a[graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION] = visitNode,

_a[graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION] = visitNode,
_a[graphql_1.Kind.FIELD_DEFINITION] = visitSubscriptionField,

@@ -46,44 +65,13 @@ if (errors.length > 0) {

return (0, Result_1.ok)(doc);
return (0, Result_1.ok)(newDoc);
exports.validateAsyncIterable = validateAsyncIterable;
function validateField(t) {
var e_1, _a;
var _b;
if (t.fields == null)
// Note: We assume the default name is used here. When custom operation types are supported
// we'll need to update this.
var isSubscription = === "Subscription" &&
(t.kind === graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION ||
t.kind === graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION);
var isInterface = t.kind === graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION ||
t.kind === graphql_1.Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION;
try {
for (var _c = __values(t.fields), _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
var field = _d.value;
var metadataDirective = (_b = field.directives) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.find(function (directive) { return === metadataDirectives_1.FIELD_METADATA_DIRECTIVE; });
if (isInterface && metadataDirective == null) {
if (metadataDirective == null) {
throw new Error("Expected to find metadata directive on non-interface field \"".concat(, ".").concat(, "\"."));
var asyncIterable = (0, metadataDirectives_1.parseFieldMetadataDirective)(metadataDirective).asyncIterable;
if (isSubscription && !asyncIterable) {
return (0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)((0, helpers_1.loc)(field.type), E.subscriptionFieldNotAsyncIterable());
if (!isSubscription && asyncIterable) {
return (0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)(asyncIterable, // Arg location is the AsyncIterable type reference.
function innerType(type) {
if (type.kind === graphql_1.Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE) {
return innerType(type.type);
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return));
finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
return type;
function isNullable(t) {
return t.kind !== graphql_1.Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE;

@@ -18,2 +18,4 @@ "use strict";

var Result_1 = require("../utils/Result");
var helpers_1 = require("../utils/helpers");
var E = require("../Errors");

@@ -25,4 +27,3 @@ * Ensure that every type which implements an interface or is a member of a

var e_1, _a, e_2, _b;
var _c, _d;
var typenameDiagnostics = [];
var errors = [];
var abstractTypes = Object.values(schema.getTypeMap()).filter(graphql_1.isAbstractType);

@@ -37,9 +38,15 @@ try {

var implementor = typeImplementors_1_1.value;
if (!hasTypename.has( {
var loc = (_d = (_c = implementor.astNode) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.loc;
if (loc == null) {
throw new Error("Grats expected the parsed type `".concat(, "` to have location information. This is a bug in Grats. Please report it."));
typenameDiagnostics.push((0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)(loc, "Missing __typename on `".concat(, "`. The type `").concat(, "` is used in a union or interface, so it must have a `__typename` field.")));
var ast = (0, helpers_1.nullThrows)(implementor.astNode);
// Synthesized type cannot guarantee that they have the correct __typename field, so we
// prevent their use in interfaces and unions.
if (ast.kind === graphql_1.Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION && ast.wasSynthesized) {
var message = type instanceof graphql_1.GraphQLInterfaceType
? E.genericTypeImplementsInterface()
: E.genericTypeUsedAsUnionMember();
errors.push((0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)((0, helpers_1.loc)(, message));
else if (!hasTypename.has( {
var err_1 = (0, DiagnosticError_1.gqlErr)((0, helpers_1.loc)(, E.concreteTypeMissingTypename(;

@@ -63,4 +70,4 @@ }

if (typenameDiagnostics.length > 0) {
return (0, Result_1.err)(typenameDiagnostics);
if (errors.length > 0) {
return (0, Result_1.err)(errors);

@@ -67,0 +74,0 @@ return (0, Result_1.ok)(schema);

"name": "grats",
"version": "0.0.0-main-cd5b33b4",
"version": "0.0.0-main-ce8c8a1c",
"main": "dist/src/index.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "bin": "dist/src/cli.js",

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ # Grats: Implementation-First GraphQL for TypeScript

**What if building a GraphQL server were as simple as just writing functions?**
**The simplest way to build a GraphQL server in TypeScript**

@@ -19,2 +19,4 @@ When you write your GraphQL server in TypeScript, your fields and resolvers

Read the [blog post](
## Example

@@ -62,1 +64,5 @@

- [typegraphql-reflection-poc](
## License
Grats is [MIT licensed](./LICENSE).

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display