Use this program to grep (search) for an ordered list of files. Example:
Within a given directory, you could find the most recently updated files that
contain the text 'hello world'.
npm install -g grepord
grepord <grep arguments>… [-sort:[<fs.Stats property>][,][(desc|asc)][,][<limit number>]]
Grepord requires grep to already be installed. Type grep -h
to check if grep is installed.
To use this program, you must enter grep arguments that will return file paths. Example: grepord -iRl './' -e 'hello world'
You can sort by the properties of fs.Stats. See: https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats
The default sort is mtime descending. The format for changing
the sort is -sort: as the last argument, with an optional
fs.Stats property, a comma, an optional desc or asc, a comma and
then an optional limit number (This operates the same way as the
SQL LIMIT/TOP clause). Example: grepord -iRl './test' -e 'hello' -sort:birthtimeMs,asc,1
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npm run release
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