Grunt plugin for running PHP Code Sniffer.
This plugin is developed for Grunt 0.4.0
and is not tested for backward compatibility with Grunt 0.3.x
##Getting Started
Install this grunt plugin with the following command:
npm install grunt-phpcs --save-dev
Install PHP Code Sniffer (preferably with composer)
Add this to your project's Gruntfile.js
##PHP Code Sniffer task
Run this task with the grunt phpcs
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
###Usage Example
phpcs: {
application: {
src: ['application/classes/*.php', 'application/lib/**/*.php']
options: {
bin: 'vendor/bin/phpcs',
standard: 'Zend'
Custom callback
Do whatever you want with the output.
function log(err, stdout, stderr, cb) {
phpcs: {
application: {
src: ['application/classes/*.php', 'application/lib/**/*.php']
options: {
callback: log
Type: String
Default: 'phpcs'
Type: Number
Default: 200*1024
Set the buffer size.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Output more verbose information.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Show sniff codes in all reports.
Type: Integer
Default: false
The minimum severity required to display an error or warning.
Type: Integer
Default: false
The minimum severity required to display a warning.
Type: Integer
Default: false
The minimum severity required to display an error.
Type: String
Default: false
Define the standard to use.
Type: String
Default: false
Report types and options
Type: String
Default: false
Log report to the file.
Type: Integer
Default: false
Automatically convert tabs to the specified number of spaces when sniffing.