Grunt task around preprocess npm module
What does it look like?
<title>Your App</title>
<script src="some/production/lib/like/analytics.js"></script>
<h1>Debugging mode - </h1>
var configValue = '/* @echo FOO */' || 'default value';
See preprocess documentation for more information
Getting Started
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's Gruntfile with: npm install --save-dev grunt-preprocess
Then add this line to your project's Gruntfile:
Type: Object
Default: {NODE_ENV: 'development'}
The additional context on top of ENV that should be passed to templates. If NODE_ENV is not set, the task sets it to development
by default.
Type: Boolean
Default: undefined
Required to enable overwriting of source files
Type: String
Default: <path to source file to be processed>
The directory where to look for files included via @include
variants and @extend
Type: String
Default: EOL of source file or os.EOL
if source file contains multiple different or no EOLs.
The end of line (EOL) character to use for the preprocessed result. May be one of:
- Windows\n
- Linux/OSX/Unix\r
- legacy Mac
Type: String
Default: file extension of the file to be processed
The syntax type of source file to preprocess. See preprocess() description for a list of all supported file types.
Example Usage
preprocess : {
options: {
context : {
DEBUG: true
html : {
src : 'test/test.html',
dest : 'test/test.processed.html'
js : {
src : 'test/test.js',
dest : 'test/test.processed.js'
multifile : {
files : {
'test/test.processed.html' : 'test/test.html',
'test/test.processed.js' : 'test/test.js'
inline : {
src : [ 'processed/**/*.js' ],
options: {
inline : true,
context : {
DEBUG: false
all_from_dir: {
src: '**/*.tmpl',
ext: '.html',
cwd: 'src',
dest: 'build',
expand: true
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Release History
- 5.1.0
- Grunt peer dependency tagged >= 0.4.0, dependency updates
- added explicit dependency on lodash
- added logging for preprocess errors (@marcominetti, #53)
- 5.0.1 fixed processing of mutifile-style tasks for multiple different file extensions or different containing directories (#50)
- 5.0.0 bumped preprocess dep to 3.0.2, implemented backward-compatible mapping of old to new options and pass-through for new options (#34, #39, #48)
- 4.2.0 bumped preprocess dep to 2.3.1, bumped dev dependencies
- 4.1.0 bumped preprocess dep to 2.1.0
- 4.0.0 Switched order of context assignment, small change but necessitated major version
- 3.0.1 Fixed issue arising from undefined options (#19)
- 3.0.0 Updated dependencies, added merge from global options context to subtask context (#13)
- 2.3.0 Updated preprocess, changes default handling to html
- 2.2.0 Delegating to grunt's for consistent usage within grunt (e.g. deep writes)
- 2.1.0 updated preprocess dependency
- 2.0.0 updated for grunt 0.4.0, moved context override to
option - 1.3.0 Moved logic to 'preprocess' npm module
- 1.2.1 Added @include to include external files
- 1.2.0 Added @include to include external files
- 1.1.0 Added ability to process multiple destinations in a files block
- 1.0.0 Changed syntax, added directives
- 0.4.0 Added support for inline JS directives
- 0.3.0 Added insert, extended context to all environment
- 0.2.0 Added simple directive syntax
- 0.1.0 Initial release
Written by Jarrod Overson
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.