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Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
Produce images at different sizes for responsive websites.
Produces images at different sizes
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-responsive-images --save-dev
You also need to install either GraphicsMagick or Imagemagick CLI tools.
Installing GraphicsMagick (Recommended)
If you're a Mac user and have Homebrew installed, simply type:
brew install GraphicsMagick
Alternatively, you can try:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
Otherwise, please visit the GraphicsMagick downloads page.
Or installing ImageMagick
If you're a Mac user and have Homebrew installed, simply type:
brew install ImageMagick
Otherwise, please visit the ImageMagick downloads page.
Once both the plugin and graphics engine have been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
Check the release history at the bottom of this readme for what's changed!
Learn more about Grunt Responsive Images on the accompanying website.
The responsive_images task will take your source image and create images at different resolutions for use with PictureFill or with srcset.
A demo of both srcset and PictureFill using Grunt Responsive Images is available here.
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named responsive_images
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
responsive_images: {
options: {
// Task-specific options go here.
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
Type: String
Default: gm
Available Values: gm
|| im
Version: 0.1.0 and above
Chooses which graphics engine to use when resizing images. To use GraphicsMagick, set this to gm
. To use ImageMagick, set this to im
. You'll need the relevant engine installed.
Type: Integer
Default: 1
Version: X.X.X and above
Specifies the number of concurrent graphics engine processes. A reasonable choice is one fewer than the number of cpu cores.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Version: 0.1.4 and above
Only process files that do not already exist in the destination folder. Note this is a rather basic check for whether to process files, it does not check timestamps or file data currently. This option is useful for making the task fast during development.
Type: Array
Default: [{ name: 'small', width: 320 },{ name: 'medium', width: 640 },{ name: 'large', width: 1024 }]
Version: 0.0.1 and above
An array of objects containing the sizes and settings we want to resize our image to.
For example:
sizes: [{ name: "small", width: 480 },{ name: "large", width: 1024 }]
The settings available are as follows:
* **width**<br />
*Type:* `Number` or `String`<br />
*Version:* 0.0.1 and above
`width` can either be in pixels or percentages. Please note both width and height need to use the same units, so if width is a percentage value and you wish to specify a height this must also be a percentage.
The following values are examples of valid widths: `1`, `'1px'`, `'1'`, `'1%'`, `'1.1%'`, `'11.11111%'`, `'111111%'`<br />
The following values are examples of invalid values for width: `-1`, `1.1`, `1.1px`, `'1.1.1%'`, `'1a'`, `'a1'`
* **height**<br />
*Type:* `Number` or `String`<br />
*Version:* 0.0.1 and above
`height` can either be in pixels or percentages. Please note both width and height need to use the same units, so if height is a percentage value and you wish to specify a width this must also be a percentage.<br />
`height` accepts the same values as width.
* **name**<br />
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* none<br />
*Version:* 0.0.1 and above
If a `name` is specified, then the file will be suffixed with this name. e.g. `my-image-small.jpg`<br />
If a `name` is not specified, then the file will be suffixed with the width and/or height specified in the size options. e.g. `my-image-320x240.jpg`
* **rename**<br />
*Type:* `Boolean`<br />
*Default:* `true`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.3 and above
If `rename` is set to `false`, then at this size the file will not be renamed, but will instead keep its original name. Suffixes will still be applied.
* **quality**<br />
*Type:* `Number`<br />
*Default:* `100`<br />
*Available Values:* `1` - `100`<br />
*Version:* 0.0.4 and above
JPEG format only. The quality of the image, 100 being the highest quality and 1 being the lowest.
Please note: In versions below 0.1.0, quality is specified between 0 and 1.
* **suffix**<br />
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* none<br />
*Version:* 0.0.1 and above
Use `suffix` for retina graphic filenames. e.g. `my-image-320x240_x2.jpg`
* **aspectRatio**<br />
*Type:* `Boolean`<br />
*Default:* `true`<br />
*Available Values:* `true` || `false`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.0 and above
Maintains the aspect ratio of the image. The width and the height are treated as maximum values,
so the image is expanded or contracted to fit the width and height value while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image.
If `aspectRatio` is set to `false` and both width and height are specified, the image will be cropped.
* **gravity**<br />
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* `Center`<br />
*Available Values:* `NorthWest` || `North` || `NorthEast` || `West` || `Center` || `East` || `SouthWest` || `South` || `SouthEast`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.0 and above
`gravity` determines the placement of the image within the crop. The default is `Center`.
This setting only applies if an image is cropped. Cropping occurs when the aspectRatio is set to `false` and both width and height are specified.
* **upscale**<br />
*Type:* `Boolean`<br />
*Default:* `false`<br />
*Available Values:* `true` || `false`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.0 and above.
If the requested size is larger than the source image should the image be upscaled?
* **sharpen**<br />
*Type:* `Object`<br />
*Default:* `null`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.7 and above
Sharpen allows you to pass an object with 'sigma' and 'radius' options. The most important factor is the sigma. As it is the real control of the sharpening operation. Sigma can be any floating point value from .1 for practically no sharpening to 3 or more for sever sharpening. 0.5 to 1.0 work well. Radius is the limit of the effect as is the threshold. Radius is only in integer units as that is the way the algorithm works, the larger it is the slower it is. But it should be at a minimum 1 or better still 2 times the sigma. For example:
sharpen: {
sigma: 1,
radius: 2
* **filter**<br />
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* Either `Mitchell` if the image is being enlarged, or supports a palette or matte channel. Otherwise `Lanczos.`<br />
*Available Values:* `Point` || `Box` || `Triangle` || `Hermite` || `Hanning` || `Hamming` || `Blackman` || `Gaussian` || `Quadratic` || `Cubic` || `Catrom` || `Mitchell` || `Lanczos` || `Bessel` || `Sinc`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.1 and above.
`filter` effects the resizing operation of an image. Use `Point` for pixel art. [Read more about filters in the ImageMagick documentation](http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/filter/).
* **sample**<br />
*Type:* `Boolean`<br />
*Default:* `false`<br />
*Available Values:* `true` || `false`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.6 and above.
Sometimes using 'sample' on PNGs may produce the same output with smaller filesizes, sometimes the output will be worse. Use this option to fine tune your images to use 'sample' instead of 'resize' where it is possible to do so.
* **density**<br />
*Type:* `Number`<br />
*Default:* `72`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.7 and above
`density` effects the output resolution, in dpi, of an image. The default is 72 dpi.
* **options.separator**<br />
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* `-`<br />
*Version:* 0.0.1 and above
The character used to separate the image filename from the size name.
* **options.units**<br />
*Type:* `Object`<br />
*Default:* `{ percentage: 'pc', pixel: '', multiply: 'x' }`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.0 and above
'units' contains the strings that should be used to represent the size units in an image 'name' when `name` has not been specified. e.g. `my-image-50pcx50pc.jpg`
* **pixel**
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* ``<br />
*Version:* 0.1.0 and above
* **percentage**
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* `pc`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.0 and above
Please note `%` cannot be used as a valid character in an image name.
* **multiply**
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* `x`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.0 and above
* **options.customIn**
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* `null`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.6 and above<br />
*Type:* `Array`<br />
*Default:* `null`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.8 and above
Custom input arguments as specified at https://github.com/aheckmann/gm#custom-arguments
See example below.
* **options.customOut**
*Type:* `String`<br />
*Default:* `null`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.6 and above<br />
*Type:* `Array`<br />
*Default:* `null`<br />
*Version:* 0.1.8 and above
Custom output arguments as specified at https://github.com/aheckmann/gm#custom-arguments
See example below.
### Usage Examples
#### Default Options
Using the default options will produce 3 responsive images - one at 320px wide, one at 640px wide and one at 1024px wide.
responsive_images: {
myTask: {
options: {},
files: {
'dest/mario-yoshi.jpg': 'test/assets/mario-yoshi.jpg'
In this example, we specify our own image sizes, including a retina graphic. We also specify our files with a wildcard.
responsive_images: {
myTask: {
options: {
sizes: [{
width: 320,
height: 240
name: 'large',
width: 640
name: "large",
width: 1024,
suffix: "_x2",
quality: 60
files: [{
expand: true,
src: ['assets/**.{jpg,gif,png}'],
cwd: 'test/',
dest: 'tmp/'
If you would like to output each image size to a different directory, you can do so with custom_dest. For example:
responsive_images: {
myTask: {
options: {
sizes: [{
width: 320,
width: 640,
width: 1024,
files: [{
expand: true,
src: ['**.{jpg,gif,png}'],
cwd: 'test/assets/custom_dest/',
custom_dest: 'tmp/custom_dest/{%= width %}/'
You can use {%= width %}
, {%= height %}
, {%= name %}
or {%= path %}
as a delimiter.
Please note that {%= width %}
, {%= height %}
and {%= name %}
are only available if they are set in the object literal that you use to set each generated size option.
The {%= path %}
value contains additional directory structure from the current working directory (cwd in files array) to each image. Using {%= path %}
allows any complex directory structure to persist into the rendered responsive images directory.
NOTE: for grunt-responsive-images to pick up images within subdirectories you must set your files.src property to **/*.{jpg,gif,png}
The options customIn
and customOut
pass additional arguments to the graphics engine. Refer to your graphics engine
documentation for a full list of the possibilities. customIn
places arguments after the convert
command and before
any other arguments, while customOut
places arguments after any other arguments, but before the output file name.
responsive_images: {
myTask: {
options: {
customIn: ['-interlace', 'line'], // produce progressive images
customOut: [
// draw a copywrite notice in the bottom-right corner
'-gravity', 'SouthEast', '-font', 'Arial', '-pointsize', '12',
'-fill', '#445', '-draw', 'text 5,2 \'\u00A9 copywrite\'',
'-fill', '#ffe', '-draw', 'text 6,3 \'\u00A9 copywrite\''
files: {
'dest/mario-yoshi.jpg': 'test/assets/mario-yoshi.jpg'
With gm
this produces the command-line invocation:
gm "convert" "-interlace" "line" "-quality" "100" "test/assets/mario-yoshi.jpg" "-resize" "320x" "-gravity" "SouthEast" "-font" "Arial" "-pointsize" "12" "-fill" "#445" "-draw" "text 5,2 '© copyright'" "-fill" "#ffe" "-draw" "text 6,3 '© copyright'" "dest/mario-yoshi.jpg"
The following sites and libraries are using Grunt Responsive Images (because they ROCK!):
And the inspiration for grunt-responsive-videos.
Also, the plugin grunt-responsive-images-extender is a fitting add-on to leverage your images in srcset
and sizes
attributes of your img
Please let us know if your live site or library uses Grunt Responsive Images. We'll add our favorites.
I'm receiving a fatal error: spawn ENOENT
error. Any ideas?
Ensure either Graphicsmagick or Imagemagick tools are installed, and that you are using the correct engine in your Grunt file options. The default engine is Graphicsmagick. If you'd rather use Imagemagick, the engine value should be changed to im
as documented above.
Try uninstalling and reinstalling Graphicsmagick or Imagemagick if you are having issues.
How do I only process recently added images?
Use the option newFilesOnly to only produce files that do not exist.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Thanks to all the contributors who've submitted a pull request; and everyone who's raised issues or contributed to issue resolution.
Produce images at different sizes for responsive websites.
The npm package grunt-responsive-images receives a total of 463 weekly downloads. As such, grunt-responsive-images popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that grunt-responsive-images demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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