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Combine several JSON files with Gulp
gulp-json-concat is a fork of gulp-jsoncombine with new few options.
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-json-concat
You can combine json files that are in subfolders. The json generated will remove the name of these folders to keep only the name of the file.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var jsonConcat = require('gulp-json-concat');
gulp.task('json', function () {
return gulp.src('db/**/*.json')
return new Buffer(JSON.stringify(data));
jsonConcat(fileName, processor)
Type: String
The output filename.
Type: Function
The function that will be called with the dictionary containing all the data from the processes JSON files, where the keys of the dictionary, would be the names of the files (sans the '.json' postfix).
The function should return a new Buffer
that would be writter to the output file.
0.2.0 Update
0.1.1 Update and corrections
- Update dependencies
- Fix relative path + filename on macOs (thanks to @cmandlbaur)
- Update travis.yml, editorconfig and package.json
- Add new badges (Coveralls, Snyk)
0.0.4 Add jsonlint
- Analyse json files and show exactly wehre is the error
0.0.1 Initial release
MIT © 2017 David Dias