Haar is a command line tool to help you write diagrams with plant uml and then surface and expose those diagrams to the people on your team.
In meteorology, haar is a cold sea fog. It usually occurs on the east coast of England or Scotland between April and September, when warm air passes over the cold North Sea.
For the best experience of developing diagrams using Haar in Linux
Linux (Debian-likes)
Install Haar:
npm i -g haar
Install Graphviz to be able to generate all diagram types.
sudo apt-get remove libpathplan4
sudo apt-get install graphviz
Install Plant-UML Viewer (Atom package)
apm install plantuml-viewer
Usage: [options] [command]
init Initialise a new haar project
add Add a new diagram to an existing project or create a new project
build Build diagrams in project directories listed in .haar.yml
serve Run a local webserver to serve the diagrams
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
To do