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hadron-type-checker - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.3.0 to 2.0.0



@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ 'use strict';

const isNumber = require('lodash.isnumber');
const isEmpty = require('lodash.isempty');
const has = require('lodash.has');
const find = require('lodash.find');
const keys = require('lodash.keys');
const without = require('lodash.without');
const toNumber = require('lodash.tonumber');

@@ -21,2 +21,7 @@ const toString = require('lodash.tostring');

const Decimal128 = bson.Decimal128;
const Binary = bson.Binary;
const BSONRegExp = bson.BSONRegExp;
const Code = bson.Code;
const Symbol = bson.Symbol;
const Timestamp = bson.Timestamp;

@@ -34,2 +39,19 @@ /**

* True constant.
const TRUE = 'true';
* Long constant.
const LONG = 'Long';
const INT_32 = 'Int32';
const INT_64 = 'Int64';
const DOUBLE = 'Double';
const DECIMAL_128 = 'Decimal128';
const OBJECT_TYPE = '[object Object]';
const EMPTY = '';
* The bson type field.

@@ -54,6 +76,9 @@ */

const BSON_INT64_MAX = Math.pow(2, 63) - 1;
const BSON_INT64_MIN = -(BSON_INT64_MAX);
* The max double value.
* The number regex.
const NUMBER_REGEX = /^-?\d+$/;

@@ -70,25 +95,25 @@ /**

function toDate(object) {
const toDate = (object) => {
return new Date(object);
function toMinKey() {
const toMinKey = () => {
return new MinKey();
function toMaxKey() {
const toMaxKey = () => {
return new MaxKey();
function toUndefined() {
const toUndefined = () => {
return undefined;
function toNull() {
const toNull = () => {
return null;
function toBoolean(object) {
const toBoolean = (object) => {
if (isString(object)) {
if (object.toLowerCase() === 'true') {
if (object.toLowerCase() === TRUE) {
return true;

@@ -102,5 +127,5 @@ }

return false;
function toObject(object) {
const toObject = (object) => {
if (isPlainObject(object)) {

@@ -110,5 +135,5 @@ return object;

return {};
function toArray(object) {
const toArray = (object) => {
if (isArray(object)) {

@@ -121,17 +146,26 @@ return object;

return [ object ];
function toInt32(object) {
return new Int32(toNumber(object));
const toInt32 = (object) => {
const number = toNumber(object);
if (number >= BSON_INT32_MIN && number <= BSON_INT32_MAX) {
return new Int32(number);
throw new Error(`Value ${number} is outside the valid Int32 range`);
function toInt64(object) {
return Long.fromNumber(toNumber(object));
const toInt64 = (object) => {
const number = toNumber(object);
if (number >= BSON_INT64_MIN && number <= BSON_INT64_MAX) {
return Long.fromNumber(number);
throw new Error(`Value ${number} is outside the valid Int64 range`);
function toDouble(object) {
return new Double(toNumber(object));
const toDouble = (object) => {
const number = toNumber(object);
return new Double(number);
function toDecimal128(object) {
const toDecimal128 = (object) => {

@@ -141,14 +175,35 @@ If converting a BSON Object, extract the value before converting to a string.

if (has(object, BSON_TYPE) && includes(NUMBER_TYPES, object._bsontype)) {
object = object._bsontype === 'Long' ? object.toNumber() : object.valueOf();
object = object._bsontype === LONG ? object.toNumber() : object.valueOf();
return Decimal128.fromString(String(object));
function toObjectID(object) {
if (object === '') {
const toObjectID = (object) => {
if (!isString(object) || object === '') {
return new bson.ObjectID();
return bson.ObjectID.createFromHexString(object);
const toBinary = (object) => {
return new Binary(String(object), Binary.SUBTYPE_DEFAULT);
const toRegex = (object) => {
return new BSONRegExp(String(object));
const toCode = (object) => {
return new Code(String(object), {});
const toSymbol = (object) => {
return new Symbol(String(object));
const toTimestamp = (object) => {
const number = toNumber(object);
return Timestamp.fromNumber(number);

@@ -158,30 +213,28 @@ * The functions to cast to a type.

const CASTERS = {
'Array': toArray,
'Binary': toBinary,
'Boolean': toBoolean,
'Code': toCode,
'Date': toDate,
'Decimal128': toDecimal128,
'Double': toDouble,
'Int32': toInt32,
'Int64': toInt64,
'Double': toDouble,
'Decimal128': toDecimal128,
'Date': toDate,
'MaxKey': toMaxKey,
'MinKey': toMinKey,
'MaxKey': toMaxKey,
'Undefined': toUndefined,
'Null': toNull,
'Boolean': toBoolean,
'Object': toObject,
'ObjectID': toObjectID,
'BSONRegexp': toRegex,
'String': toString,
'Object': toObject,
'Array': toArray,
'ObjectID': toObjectID
'Symbol': toSymbol,
'Timestamp': toTimestamp,
'Undefined': toUndefined
* A test that returns the types is passing.
* An array of all bson types.
class Test {
constructor(tester, types) {
this.tester = tester;
this.types = types;
const TYPES = keys(CASTERS);
const NUMBER_REGEX = /^-?\d+$/;

@@ -212,102 +265,6 @@ * Checks if a string is an int32.

* Checks if integer can be cast to double.
class IntDblCheck {
test(string) {
if (NUMBER_REGEX.test(string)) {
var value = toNumber(string);
return value >= -MAX_DBL && value <= MAX_DBL;
return false;
const DOUBLE_REGEX = /^-?(\d*\.)?\d{1,15}$/;
* Checks if the value can be cast to a double.
class DoubleCheck {
test(string) {
if (DOUBLE_REGEX.test(string)) {
var value = toNumber(string);
return value >= -MAX_DBL && value <= MAX_DBL;
return false;
var PARSE_STRING_REGEXP = /^(?=\d)(\+|\-)?(\d+|(\d*\.\d*))?(E|e)?([\-\+])?(\d+)?$/;
var PARSE_INF_REGEXP = /^(\+|\-)?(Infinity|inf)$/i;
var PARSE_NAN_REGEXP = /^(\+|\-)?NaN$/i;
* Checks if the value can be cast to a decimal 128.
class Decimal128Check {
test(string) {
const stringMatch = string.match(PARSE_STRING_REGEXP);
const infMatch = string.match(PARSE_INF_REGEXP);
const nanMatch = string.match(PARSE_NAN_REGEXP);
const regex = stringMatch || infMatch || nanMatch;
const exp = stringMatch && stringMatch[4] && stringMatch[2] === undefined;
return string.length !== 0 && regex && !exp;
* Checks if a string is a date.
class DateCheck {
test(string) {
return isFinite(toDate(string).getTime());
const INT32_CHECK = new Int32Check();
const INT64_CHECK = new Int64Check();
const INT_DBL_CHECK = new IntDblCheck();
const DOUBLE_CHECK = new DoubleCheck();
const DECIMAL_128_CHECK = new Decimal128Check();
const DATE_CHECK = new DateCheck();
* The various string tests,
* excluding dates which are on their own dimension.
const STRING_TESTS = [
new Test(/^$/, [ 'String', 'Null', 'MinKey', 'MaxKey', 'Object', 'Array', 'ObjectID']),
new Test(INT32_CHECK, [ 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Double', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(INT_DBL_CHECK, [ 'Int64', 'Double', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(INT64_CHECK, [ 'Int64', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(DOUBLE_CHECK, [ 'Double', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/^(null)$/, [ 'Null', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/^(undefined)$/, [ 'Undefined', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/^(true|false)$/, [ 'Boolean', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/^\/(.*)\/$/, [ 'BSONRegExp', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/(^$)|^[A-Fa-f0-9]{24}$/, [ 'String', 'Object', 'Array', 'ObjectID' ])
* String tests with high precision support,
* excluding dates which are on their own dimension.
new Test(/^$/, [ 'String', 'Null', 'MinKey', 'MaxKey', 'Object', 'Array', 'ObjectID' ]),
new Test(INT32_CHECK, [ 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Double', 'Decimal128', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(INT_DBL_CHECK, [ 'Int64', 'Double', 'Decimal128', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(INT64_CHECK, [ 'Int64', 'Decimal128', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(DOUBLE_CHECK, [ 'Double', 'Decimal128', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(DECIMAL_128_CHECK, [ 'Decimal128', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/^(null)$/, [ 'Null', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/^(undefined)$/, [ 'Undefined', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/^(true|false)$/, [ 'Boolean', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/^\/(.*)\/$/, [ 'BSONRegExp', 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ]),
new Test(/(^$)|^[A-Fa-f0-9]{24}$/, [ 'String', 'Object', 'Array', 'ObjectID' ])
* Gets the BSON type for a JS number.

@@ -319,11 +276,11 @@ *

function numberToBsonType(number) {
const numberToBsonType = (number) => {
var string = toString(number);
if (INT32_CHECK.test(string)) {
return 'Int32';
return INT_32;
} else if (INT64_CHECK.test(string)) {
return 'Int64';
return INT_64;
return 'Double';
return DOUBLE;

@@ -349,3 +306,3 @@ /**

return result === '[object Object]' ? '' : result;
return result === OBJECT_TYPE ? EMPTY : result;

@@ -371,4 +328,4 @@

if (has(object, BSON_TYPE)) {
if (object._bsontype === 'Long') {
return 'Int64';
if (object._bsontype === LONG) {
return INT_64;

@@ -383,3 +340,2 @@ return object._bsontype;

* @param {Object} object - The object.
* @param {Boolean} highPrecisionSupport - If Decimal128 is supported or not.

@@ -389,47 +345,10 @@ *

castableTypes(object, highPrecisionSupport = false) {
if (isString(object)) {
return this._stringTypes(object, highPrecisionSupport);
} else if (isNumber(object)) {
return this._stringTypes(String(object), highPrecisionSupport);
} else if (has(object, BSON_TYPE) && this._isNumberType(object._bsontype)) {
var rawValue = object._bsontype === 'Long' ? object.toNumber() : object.valueOf();
return this._stringTypes(String(rawValue), highPrecisionSupport);
} else if (isPlainObject(object)) {
if (isEmpty(object)) {
return [ 'Object', 'Array' ];
return [ 'Object' ];
} else if (isArray(object)) {
if (isEmpty(object)) {
return [ 'Object', 'Array' ];
return [ 'Array' ];
castableTypes(highPrecisionSupport = false) {
if (highPrecisionSupport === true) {
return TYPES;
return [ this.type(object), 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ];
return without(TYPES, DECIMAL_128);
_isNumberType(bsontype) {
return includes(NUMBER_TYPES, bsontype);
_stringTypes(string, highPrecisionSupport) {
let types = [ 'String', 'Object', 'Array' ];
var passing = find(highPrecisionSupport ? HP_STRING_TESTS : STRING_TESTS, (test) => {
return test.tester.test(string);
if (passing) {
types = passing.types;
// Add date dynamically to the existing types lists, as it is on a
// completely different dimension to numeric types and so significantly
// more complicated to enumerate all valid combinations
if (DATE_CHECK.test(string)) {
types = ['Date', ...types];
return types;
module.exports = new TypeChecker();

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ {

"homepage": "",
"version": "1.3.0",
"version": "2.0.0",
"repository": {

@@ -28,14 +28,13 @@ "type": "git",

"bson": "^1.0.1",
"lodash.find": "^4.4.0",
"lodash.has": "^4.4.0",
"lodash.includes": "^4.3.0",
"lodash.isarray": "^4.0.0",
"lodash.isempty": "^4.0.0",
"lodash.isinteger": "^4.0.4",
"lodash.isnumber": "^3.0.3",
"lodash.isplainobject": "^4.0.4",
"lodash.isstring": "^4.0.1",
"lodash.toarray": "^4.2.4",
"lodash.keys": "^4.2.0",
"lodash.tonumber": "^4.0.2",
"lodash.toplainobject": "^4.0.4",
"lodash.tostring": "^4.1.3"
"lodash.tostring": "^4.1.3",
"lodash.without": "^4.4.0"

@@ -42,0 +41,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

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