A plugin to handle saving notifications to pass to a following page, so you can redirect after post and all those niceties without having to fall back to session-associated flash messages.
// step 0: set up a plugin that gives a request.redis property that's a
// client connection, ready to use for this request. We steal the
// connection from `catbox-redis`.
register: require('hapi-stateless-notifications'),
options: {
queryParameter: 'notice',
prefix: 'notice:',
timeout: 3600
The options
are optional.
controls which query parameter will cause the plugin to look up a token and defaults to 'notice'
controls the key prefix in redis, and defaults to 'notice:'
controls the the expiration timeout of the key in redis, in seconds. The default is 3600
, that is, one hour.
Then in a handler:
Promise.resolve('Success message here ...'),
Promise.reject(new Error('Error message here ...')),
]).then(function (token) {
// if there's a token, put it in the query of the page you load next as `notice={token}`
// Otherwise, there's nothing to do.
Or more completely:
Promise.resolve('Success message here ...'),
Promise.reject(new Error('Error message here ...')),
], '/next-page')
or if the failure path leads a different place:
Promise.resolve('Success message here ...'),
Promise.reject(new Error('Error message here ...')),
], { success: '/next-page', failure: '/this-page' })