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Comparing version 1.2.2 to 1.3.0




@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

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@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ /**

var Heap = (function () {
var Heap = /** @class */ (function () {

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ * Heap instance constructor.

function Heap(compare) {
var _this = this;
if (compare === void 0) { compare = Heap.minComparator; }
var _this = this; = compare;
this.heapArray = [];
this._limit = null;
this._limit = 0;

@@ -36,3 +37,2 @@ * Alias of add

}; = compare;

@@ -81,3 +81,11 @@ /*

Heap.minComparator = function (a, b) {
return a - b;
if (a > b) {
return 1;
else if (a < b) {
return -1;
else {
return 0;

@@ -91,2 +99,28 @@ /**

Heap.maxComparator = function (a, b) {
if (b > a) {
return 1;
else if (b < a) {
return -1;
else {
return 0;
* Min number heap comparison function, default.
* @param {Number} a First element
* @param {Number} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
Heap.minComparatorNumber = function (a, b) {
return a - b;
* Max number heap comparison function.
* @param {Number} a First element
* @param {Number} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
Heap.maxComparatorNumber = function (a, b) {
return b - a;

@@ -114,3 +148,3 @@ };

function repeat(str, times) {
var out = "";
var out = '';
for (; times > 0; --times) {

@@ -143,3 +177,3 @@ out += str;

var times = Math.pow(2, maxLines - i) - 1;
return (repeat(" ", Math.floor(times / 2) * maxLength) +
return (repeat(' ', Math.floor(times / 2) * maxLength) +

@@ -149,9 +183,7 @@ .map(function (el) {

var half = (maxLength - el.length) / 2;
return (repeat(" ", Math.ceil(half)) +
el +
repeat(" ", Math.floor(half)));
return repeat(' ', Math.ceil(half)) + el + repeat(' ', Math.floor(half));
.join(repeat(" ", times * maxLength)));
.join(repeat(' ', times * maxLength)));

@@ -266,2 +298,3 @@ /*

Heap.prototype.addAll = function (elements) {
var _a;
var i = this.length;

@@ -274,3 +307,2 @@ (_a = this.heapArray).push.apply(_a, elements);

return true;
var _a;

@@ -313,5 +345,3 @@ /**

var _this = this;
return this.heapArray.find(function (el, j, arr) {
return !!_this.getChildrenOf(j).find(function (ch) { return, ch) > 0; });
return this.heapArray.find(function (el, j, arr) { return !!_this.getChildrenOf(j).find(function (ch) { return, ch) > 0; }); });

@@ -456,4 +486,4 @@ /**

Heap.prototype.pushpop = function (element) {
var _a;
if ([0], element) < 0) {
_a = [this.heapArray[0], element], element = _a[0], this.heapArray[0] = _a[1];

@@ -463,3 +493,2 @@ this._sortNodeDown(0);

return element;
var _a;

@@ -637,8 +666,4 @@ /**

Heap.prototype._moveNode = function (j, k) {
_a = [
], this.heapArray[j] = _a[0], this.heapArray[k] = _a[1];
var _a;
_a = [this.heapArray[k], this.heapArray[j]], this.heapArray[j] = _a[0], this.heapArray[k] = _a[1];

@@ -664,4 +689,3 @@ /**

var bestChild = this.heapArray[bestChildIndex];
if (typeof bestChild !== "undefined" &&, bestChild) > 0) {
if (typeof bestChild !== 'undefined' &&, bestChild) > 0) {
this._moveNode(i, bestChildIndex);

@@ -727,3 +751,3 @@ i = bestChildIndex;

export { Heap };export default Heap;
export default Heap;
export { Heap };
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.heap = global.heap || {})));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.heap = {}));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
* Heap
* @type {Class}
var Heap = (function () {
* Heap instance constructor.
* @param {Function} compare Optional comparison function, defaults to Heap.minComparator<number>
* Heap
* @type {Class}
function Heap(compare) {
if (compare === void 0) { compare = Heap.minComparator; }
var _this = this;
this.heapArray = [];
this._limit = null;
var Heap = /** @class */ (function () {
* Alias of add
* Heap instance constructor.
* @param {Function} compare Optional comparison function, defaults to Heap.minComparator<number>
this.offer = this.add;
function Heap(compare) {
var _this = this;
if (compare === void 0) { compare = Heap.minComparator; } = compare;
this.heapArray = [];
this._limit = 0;
* Alias of add
this.offer = this.add;
* Alias of peek
this.element = this.peek;
* Alias of pop
this.poll = this.pop;
* Returns the inverse to the comparison function.
* @return {Function}
this._invertedCompare = function (a, b) {
return -1 *, b);
Static methods
* Alias of peek
* Gets children indices for given index.
* @param {Number} idx Parent index
* @return {Array(Number)} Array of children indices
this.element = this.peek;
Heap.getChildrenIndexOf = function (idx) {
return [idx * 2 + 1, idx * 2 + 2];
* Alias of pop
* Gets parent index for given index.
* @param {Number} idx Children index
* @return {Number | undefined} Parent index, -1 if idx is 0
this.poll = this.pop;
Heap.getParentIndexOf = function (idx) {
if (idx <= 0) {
return -1;
var whichChildren = idx % 2 ? 1 : 2;
return Math.floor((idx - whichChildren) / 2);
* Returns the inverse to the comparison function.
* @return {Function}
* Gets sibling index for given index.
* @param {Number} idx Children index
* @return {Number | undefined} Sibling index, -1 if idx is 0
this._invertedCompare = function (a, b) {
return -1 *, b);
Heap.getSiblingIndexOf = function (idx) {
if (idx <= 0) {
return -1;
var whichChildren = idx % 2 ? 1 : -1;
return idx + whichChildren;
}; = compare;
Static methods
* Gets children indices for given index.
* @param {Number} idx Parent index
* @return {Array(Number)} Array of children indices
Heap.getChildrenIndexOf = function (idx) {
return [idx * 2 + 1, idx * 2 + 2];
* Gets parent index for given index.
* @param {Number} idx Children index
* @return {Number | undefined} Parent index, -1 if idx is 0
Heap.getParentIndexOf = function (idx) {
if (idx <= 0) {
return -1;
var whichChildren = idx % 2 ? 1 : 2;
return Math.floor((idx - whichChildren) / 2);
* Gets sibling index for given index.
* @param {Number} idx Children index
* @return {Number | undefined} Sibling index, -1 if idx is 0
Heap.getSiblingIndexOf = function (idx) {
if (idx <= 0) {
return -1;
var whichChildren = idx % 2 ? 1 : -1;
return idx + whichChildren;
* Min heap comparison function, default.
* @param {any} a First element
* @param {any} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
Heap.minComparator = function (a, b) {
return a - b;
* Max heap comparison function.
* @param {any} a First element
* @param {any} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
Heap.maxComparator = function (a, b) {
return b - a;
* Default equality function.
* @param {any} a First element
* @param {any} b Second element
* @return {Boolean} True if equal, false otherwise
Heap.defaultIsEqual = function (a, b) {
return a === b;
* Prints a heap.
* @param {Heap} heap Heap to be printed
* @returns {String}
Heap.print = function (heap) {
function deep(i) {
var pi = Heap.getParentIndexOf(i);
return Math.floor(Math.log2(pi + 1));
function repeat(str, times) {
var out = "";
for (; times > 0; --times) {
out += str;
* Min heap comparison function, default.
* @param {any} a First element
* @param {any} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
Heap.minComparator = function (a, b) {
if (a > b) {
return 1;
return out;
var node = 0;
var lines = [];
var maxLines = deep(heap.length - 1) + 2;
var maxLength = 0;
while (node < heap.length) {
var i = deep(node) + 1;
if (node === 0) {
i = 0;
else if (a < b) {
return -1;
// Text representation
var nodeText = heap.get(node).toString();
if (nodeText.length > maxLength) {
maxLength = nodeText.length;
else {
return 0;
// Add to line
lines[i] = lines[i] || [];
node += 1;
return lines
.map(function (line, i) {
var times = Math.pow(2, maxLines - i) - 1;
return (repeat(" ", Math.floor(times / 2) * maxLength) +
.map(function (el) {
// centered
var half = (maxLength - el.length) / 2;
return (repeat(" ", Math.ceil(half)) +
el +
repeat(" ", Math.floor(half)));
.join(repeat(" ", times * maxLength)));
Python style
* Converts an array into an array-heap
* @param {Array} arr Array to be modified
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {Heap} For convenience, it returns a Heap instance
Heap.heapify = function (arr, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = arr;
return heap;
* Extract the peek of an array-heap
* @param {Array} heapArr Array to be modified, should be a heap
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Returns the extracted peek
Heap.heappop = function (heapArr, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
return heap.pop();
* Pushes a item into an array-heap
* @param {Array} heapArr Array to be modified, should be a heap
* @param {any} item Item to push
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
Heap.heappush = function (heapArr, item, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
* Push followed by pop, faster
* @param {Array} heapArr Array to be modified, should be a heap
* @param {any} item Item to push
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Returns the extracted peek
Heap.heappushpop = function (heapArr, item, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
return heap.pushpop(item);
* Replace peek with item
* @param {Array} heapArr Array to be modified, should be a heap
* @param {any} item Item as replacement
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Returns the extracted peek
Heap.heapreplace = function (heapArr, item, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
return heap.replace(item);
* Return the `n` most valuable elements
* @param {Array} heapArr Array, should be a heap
* @param {number} n Max number of elements
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Elements
Heap.heaptop = function (heapArr, n, compare) {
if (n === void 0) { n = 1; }
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
* Return the `n` least valuable elements
* @param {Array} heapArr Array, should be a heap
* @param {number} n Max number of elements
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Elements
Heap.heapbottom = function (heapArr, n, compare) {
if (n === void 0) { n = 1; }
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
return heap.bottom(n);
Instance methods
* Adds an element to the heap. Aliases: `offer`.
* Same as: push(element)
* @param {any} element Element to be added
* @return {Boolean} true
Heap.prototype.add = function (element) {
this._sortNodeUp(this.heapArray.push(element) - 1);
return true;
* Adds an array of elements to the heap.
* Similar as: push(element, element, ...).
* @param {Array} elements Elements to be added
* @return {Boolean} true
Heap.prototype.addAll = function (elements) {
var i = this.length;
(_a = this.heapArray).push.apply(_a, elements);
for (var l = this.length; i < l; ++i) {
return true;
var _a;
* Return the bottom (lowest value) N elements of the heap.
* @param {Number} n Number of elements.
* @return {Array} Array of length <= N.
Heap.prototype.bottom = function (n) {
if (n === void 0) { n = 1; }
if (this.heapArray.length === 0 || n <= 0) {
// Nothing to do
return [];
else if (this.heapArray.length === 1) {
// Just the peek
return [this.heapArray[0]];
else if (n >= this.heapArray.length) {
// The whole peek
// Clone is needed due to the sort method (in-place) that would destroy the heap
var cloned = this.heapArray.slice(0);
return cloned;
else {
// Some elements
var result = this._bottomN(n);
return result;
* Check if the heap is sorted, useful for testing purposes.
* @return {Undefined | Element} Returns an element if something wrong is found, otherwise it's undefined
Heap.prototype.check = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.heapArray.find(function (el, j, arr) {
return !!_this.getChildrenOf(j).find(function (ch) { return, ch) > 0; });
* Remove all of the elements from this heap.
Heap.prototype.clear = function () {
this.heapArray = [];
* Clone this heap
* @return {Heap}
Heap.prototype.clone = function () {
var cloned = new Heap(this.comparator());
cloned.heapArray = this.toArray();
cloned._limit = this._limit;
return cloned;
* Returns the comparison function.
* @return {Function}
Heap.prototype.comparator = function () {
* Returns true if this queue contains the specified element.
* @param {any} o Element to be found
* @param {Function} fn Optional comparison function, receives (element, needle)
* @return {Boolean}
Heap.prototype.contains = function (o, fn) {
if (fn === void 0) { fn = Heap.defaultIsEqual; }
return this.heapArray.findIndex(function (el) { return fn(el, o); }) >= 0;
* Initialise a heap, sorting nodes
* @param {Array} array Optional initial state array
Heap.prototype.init = function (array) {
if (array) {
this.heapArray = array.slice(0);
for (var i = Math.floor(this.heapArray.length); i >= 0; --i) {
* Test if the heap has no elements.
* @return {Boolean} True if no elements on the heap
Heap.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return this.length === 0;
* Get the leafs of the tree (no children nodes)
Heap.prototype.leafs = function () {
if (this.heapArray.length === 0) {
return [];
var pi = Heap.getParentIndexOf(this.heapArray.length - 1);
return this.heapArray.slice(pi + 1);
Object.defineProperty(Heap.prototype, "length", {
* Length of the heap.
* @return {Number}
* Max heap comparison function.
* @param {any} a First element
* @param {any} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
get: function () {
return this.heapArray.length;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Heap.prototype, "limit", {
Heap.maxComparator = function (a, b) {
if (b > a) {
return 1;
else if (b < a) {
return -1;
else {
return 0;
* Get length limit of the heap.
* @return {Number}
* Min number heap comparison function, default.
* @param {Number} a First element
* @param {Number} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
get: function () {
return this._limit;
Heap.minComparatorNumber = function (a, b) {
return a - b;
* Set length limit of the heap.
* @return {Number}
* Max number heap comparison function.
* @param {Number} a First element
* @param {Number} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
set: function (_l) {
this._limit = _l;
Heap.maxComparatorNumber = function (a, b) {
return b - a;
* Default equality function.
* @param {any} a First element
* @param {any} b Second element
* @return {Boolean} True if equal, false otherwise
Heap.defaultIsEqual = function (a, b) {
return a === b;
* Prints a heap.
* @param {Heap} heap Heap to be printed
* @returns {String}
Heap.print = function (heap) {
function deep(i) {
var pi = Heap.getParentIndexOf(i);
return Math.floor(Math.log2(pi + 1));
function repeat(str, times) {
var out = '';
for (; times > 0; --times) {
out += str;
return out;
var node = 0;
var lines = [];
var maxLines = deep(heap.length - 1) + 2;
var maxLength = 0;
while (node < heap.length) {
var i = deep(node) + 1;
if (node === 0) {
i = 0;
// Text representation
var nodeText = heap.get(node).toString();
if (nodeText.length > maxLength) {
maxLength = nodeText.length;
// Add to line
lines[i] = lines[i] || [];
node += 1;
return lines
.map(function (line, i) {
var times = Math.pow(2, maxLines - i) - 1;
return (repeat(' ', Math.floor(times / 2) * maxLength) +
.map(function (el) {
// centered
var half = (maxLength - el.length) / 2;
return repeat(' ', Math.ceil(half)) + el + repeat(' ', Math.floor(half));
.join(repeat(' ', times * maxLength)));
Python style
* Converts an array into an array-heap
* @param {Array} arr Array to be modified
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {Heap} For convenience, it returns a Heap instance
Heap.heapify = function (arr, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = arr;
return heap;
* Extract the peek of an array-heap
* @param {Array} heapArr Array to be modified, should be a heap
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Returns the extracted peek
Heap.heappop = function (heapArr, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
return heap.pop();
* Pushes a item into an array-heap
* @param {Array} heapArr Array to be modified, should be a heap
* @param {any} item Item to push
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
Heap.heappush = function (heapArr, item, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
* Push followed by pop, faster
* @param {Array} heapArr Array to be modified, should be a heap
* @param {any} item Item to push
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Returns the extracted peek
Heap.heappushpop = function (heapArr, item, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
return heap.pushpop(item);
* Replace peek with item
* @param {Array} heapArr Array to be modified, should be a heap
* @param {any} item Item as replacement
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Returns the extracted peek
Heap.heapreplace = function (heapArr, item, compare) {
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
return heap.replace(item);
* Return the `n` most valuable elements
* @param {Array} heapArr Array, should be a heap
* @param {number} n Max number of elements
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Elements
Heap.heaptop = function (heapArr, n, compare) {
if (n === void 0) { n = 1; }
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
* Return the `n` least valuable elements
* @param {Array} heapArr Array, should be a heap
* @param {number} n Max number of elements
* @param {Function} compare Optional compare function
* @return {any} Elements
Heap.heapbottom = function (heapArr, n, compare) {
if (n === void 0) { n = 1; }
var heap = new Heap(compare);
heap.heapArray = heapArr;
return heap.bottom(n);
Instance methods
* Adds an element to the heap. Aliases: `offer`.
* Same as: push(element)
* @param {any} element Element to be added
* @return {Boolean} true
Heap.prototype.add = function (element) {
this._sortNodeUp(this.heapArray.push(element) - 1);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Top node. Aliases: `element`.
* Same as: `top(1)[0]`
* @return {any} Top node
Heap.prototype.peek = function () {
return this.heapArray[0];
* Extract the top node (root). Aliases: `poll`.
* @return {any} Extracted top node, undefined if empty
Heap.prototype.pop = function () {
var pop = this.heapArray.pop();
if (this.length > 0 && pop !== undefined) {
return this.replace(pop);
return pop;
* Pushes element(s) to the heap.
* @param {...any} elements Elements to insert
* @return {Boolean} True if elements are present
Heap.prototype.push = function () {
var elements = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
elements[_i] = arguments[_i];
if (elements.length < 1) {
return false;
else if (elements.length === 1) {
return this.add(elements[0]);
else {
return this.addAll(elements);
* Same as push & pop in sequence, but faster
* @param {any} element Element to insert
* @return {any} Extracted top node
Heap.prototype.pushpop = function (element) {
if ([0], element) < 0) {
_a = [this.heapArray[0], element], element = _a[0], this.heapArray[0] = _a[1];
return element;
var _a;
* Remove an element from the heap.
* @param {any} o Element to be found
* @param {Function} fn Optional function to compare
* @return {Boolean} True if the heap was modified
Heap.prototype.remove = function (o, fn) {
if (fn === void 0) { fn = Heap.defaultIsEqual; }
if (this.length > 0) {
if (o === undefined) {
return true;
return true;
* Adds an array of elements to the heap.
* Similar as: push(element, element, ...).
* @param {Array} elements Elements to be added
* @return {Boolean} true
Heap.prototype.addAll = function (elements) {
var _a;
var i = this.length;
(_a = this.heapArray).push.apply(_a, elements);
for (var l = this.length; i < l; ++i) {
return true;
* Return the bottom (lowest value) N elements of the heap.
* @param {Number} n Number of elements.
* @return {Array} Array of length <= N.
Heap.prototype.bottom = function (n) {
if (n === void 0) { n = 1; }
if (this.heapArray.length === 0 || n <= 0) {
// Nothing to do
return [];
else if (this.heapArray.length === 1) {
// Just the peek
return [this.heapArray[0]];
else if (n >= this.heapArray.length) {
// The whole peek
// Clone is needed due to the sort method (in-place) that would destroy the heap
var cloned = this.heapArray.slice(0);
return cloned;
else {
var idx = this.heapArray.findIndex(function (el) { return fn(el, o); });
if (idx >= 0) {
if (idx === 0) {
else if (idx === this.length - 1) {
else {
this.heapArray.splice(idx, 1, this.heapArray.pop());
return true;
// Some elements
var result = this._bottomN(n);
return result;
return false;
* Pop the current peek value, and add the new item.
* @param {any} element Element to replace peek
* @return {any} Old peek
Heap.prototype.replace = function (element) {
var peek = this.heapArray[0];
this.heapArray[0] = element;
return peek;
* Size of the heap
* @return {Number}
Heap.prototype.size = function () {
return this.length;
* Return the top (highest value) N elements of the heap.
* @param {Number} n Number of elements.
* @return {Array} Array of length <= N.
*/ = function (n) {
if (n === void 0) { n = 1; }
if (this.heapArray.length === 0 || n <= 0) {
// Nothing to do
return [];
else if (this.heapArray.length === 1 || n === 1) {
// Just the peek
return [this.heapArray[0]];
else if (n >= this.heapArray.length) {
// The whole peek
// Clone is needed due to the sort method (in-place) that would destroy the heap
var cloned = this.heapArray.slice(0);
* Check if the heap is sorted, useful for testing purposes.
* @return {Undefined | Element} Returns an element if something wrong is found, otherwise it's undefined
Heap.prototype.check = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.heapArray.find(function (el, j, arr) { return !!_this.getChildrenOf(j).find(function (ch) { return, ch) > 0; }); });
* Remove all of the elements from this heap.
Heap.prototype.clear = function () {
this.heapArray = [];
* Clone this heap
* @return {Heap}
Heap.prototype.clone = function () {
var cloned = new Heap(this.comparator());
cloned.heapArray = this.toArray();
cloned._limit = this._limit;
return cloned;
else {
// Some elements
var result = this._topN(n);
return result;
* Clone the heap's internal array
* @return {Array}
Heap.prototype.toArray = function () {
return this.heapArray.slice(0);
* String output, call to Array.prototype.toString()
* @return {String}
Heap.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.heapArray.toString();
* Get the element at the given index.
* @param {Number} i Index to get
* @return {any} Element at that index
Heap.prototype.get = function (i) {
return this.heapArray[i];
* Get the elements of these node's children
* @param {Number} idx Node index
* @return {Array(any)} Children elements
Heap.prototype.getChildrenOf = function (idx) {
var _this = this;
return Heap.getChildrenIndexOf(idx)
.map(function (i) { return _this.heapArray[i]; })
.filter(function (e) { return e !== undefined; });
* Get the element of this node's parent
* @param {Number} idx Node index
* @return {any} Parent element
Heap.prototype.getParentOf = function (idx) {
var pi = Heap.getParentIndexOf(idx);
return this.heapArray[pi];
* Limit heap size if needed
Heap.prototype._applyLimit = function () {
if (this._limit && this._limit < this.heapArray.length) {
var rm = this.heapArray.length - this._limit;
// It's much faster than splice
while (rm) {
* Returns the comparison function.
* @return {Function}
Heap.prototype.comparator = function () {
* Returns true if this queue contains the specified element.
* @param {any} o Element to be found
* @param {Function} fn Optional comparison function, receives (element, needle)
* @return {Boolean}
Heap.prototype.contains = function (o, fn) {
if (fn === void 0) { fn = Heap.defaultIsEqual; }
return this.heapArray.findIndex(function (el) { return fn(el, o); }) >= 0;
* Initialise a heap, sorting nodes
* @param {Array} array Optional initial state array
Heap.prototype.init = function (array) {
if (array) {
this.heapArray = array.slice(0);
* Return the bottom (lowest value) N elements of the heap, without corner cases, unsorted
* @param {Number} n Number of elements.
* @return {Array} Array of length <= N.
Heap.prototype._bottomN = function (n) {
// Use an inverted heap
var bottomHeap = new Heap(;
bottomHeap.limit = n;
var startAt = this.heapArray.length - 1 - n;
var parentStartAt = Heap.getParentIndexOf(startAt);
var indices = [];
for (var i = startAt; i > parentStartAt; --i) {
var arr = this.heapArray;
while (indices.length) {
var i = indices.shift();
if ([i], bottomHeap.peek()) > 0) {
if (i % 2) {
for (var i = Math.floor(this.heapArray.length); i >= 0; --i) {
return bottomHeap.toArray();
* Move a node to a new index, switching places
* @param {Number} j First node index
* @param {Number} k Another node index
Heap.prototype._moveNode = function (j, k) {
_a = [
], this.heapArray[j] = _a[0], this.heapArray[k] = _a[1];
var _a;
* Move a node down the tree (to the leaves) to find a place where the heap is sorted.
* @param {Number} i Index of the node
Heap.prototype._sortNodeDown = function (i) {
var _this = this;
var moveIt = i < this.heapArray.length - 1;
var moved = false;
var self = this.heapArray[i];
var getPotentialParent = function (best, j) {
if ([j], _this.heapArray[best]) < 0) {
best = j;
* Test if the heap has no elements.
* @return {Boolean} True if no elements on the heap
Heap.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
return this.length === 0;
* Get the leafs of the tree (no children nodes)
Heap.prototype.leafs = function () {
if (this.heapArray.length === 0) {
return [];
return best;
var pi = Heap.getParentIndexOf(this.heapArray.length - 1);
return this.heapArray.slice(pi + 1);
while (moveIt) {
var childrenIdx = Heap.getChildrenIndexOf(i);
var bestChildIndex = childrenIdx.reduce(getPotentialParent, childrenIdx[0]);
var bestChild = this.heapArray[bestChildIndex];
if (typeof bestChild !== "undefined" &&, bestChild) > 0) {
this._moveNode(i, bestChildIndex);
i = bestChildIndex;
moved = true;
Object.defineProperty(Heap.prototype, "length", {
* Length of the heap.
* @return {Number}
get: function () {
return this.heapArray.length;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Heap.prototype, "limit", {
* Get length limit of the heap.
* @return {Number}
get: function () {
return this._limit;
* Set length limit of the heap.
* @return {Number}
set: function (_l) {
this._limit = _l;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Top node. Aliases: `element`.
* Same as: `top(1)[0]`
* @return {any} Top node
Heap.prototype.peek = function () {
return this.heapArray[0];
* Extract the top node (root). Aliases: `poll`.
* @return {any} Extracted top node, undefined if empty
Heap.prototype.pop = function () {
var pop = this.heapArray.pop();
if (this.length > 0 && pop !== undefined) {
return this.replace(pop);
return pop;
* Pushes element(s) to the heap.
* @param {...any} elements Elements to insert
* @return {Boolean} True if elements are present
Heap.prototype.push = function () {
var elements = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
elements[_i] = arguments[_i];
if (elements.length < 1) {
return false;
else if (elements.length === 1) {
return this.add(elements[0]);
else {
moveIt = false;
return this.addAll(elements);
return moved;
* Move a node up the tree (to the root) to find a place where the heap is sorted.
* @param {Number} i Index of the node
Heap.prototype._sortNodeUp = function (i) {
var moveIt = i > 0;
var moved = false;
while (moveIt) {
var pi = Heap.getParentIndexOf(i);
if (pi >= 0 &&[pi], this.heapArray[i]) > 0) {
this._moveNode(i, pi);
i = pi;
moved = true;
* Same as push & pop in sequence, but faster
* @param {any} element Element to insert
* @return {any} Extracted top node
Heap.prototype.pushpop = function (element) {
var _a;
if ([0], element) < 0) {
_a = [this.heapArray[0], element], element = _a[0], this.heapArray[0] = _a[1];
return element;
* Remove an element from the heap.
* @param {any} o Element to be found
* @param {Function} fn Optional function to compare
* @return {Boolean} True if the heap was modified
Heap.prototype.remove = function (o, fn) {
if (fn === void 0) { fn = Heap.defaultIsEqual; }
if (this.length > 0) {
if (o === undefined) {
return true;
else {
var idx = this.heapArray.findIndex(function (el) { return fn(el, o); });
if (idx >= 0) {
if (idx === 0) {
else if (idx === this.length - 1) {
else {
this.heapArray.splice(idx, 1, this.heapArray.pop());
return true;
return false;
* Pop the current peek value, and add the new item.
* @param {any} element Element to replace peek
* @return {any} Old peek
Heap.prototype.replace = function (element) {
var peek = this.heapArray[0];
this.heapArray[0] = element;
return peek;
* Size of the heap
* @return {Number}
Heap.prototype.size = function () {
return this.length;
* Return the top (highest value) N elements of the heap.
* @param {Number} n Number of elements.
* @return {Array} Array of length <= N.
*/ = function (n) {
if (n === void 0) { n = 1; }
if (this.heapArray.length === 0 || n <= 0) {
// Nothing to do
return [];
else if (this.heapArray.length === 1 || n === 1) {
// Just the peek
return [this.heapArray[0]];
else if (n >= this.heapArray.length) {
// The whole peek
// Clone is needed due to the sort method (in-place) that would destroy the heap
var cloned = this.heapArray.slice(0);
return cloned;
else {
moveIt = false;
// Some elements
var result = this._topN(n);
return result;
return moved;
* Return the top (highest value) N elements of the heap, without corner cases, unsorted
* @param {Number} n Number of elements.
* @return {Array} Array of length <= N.
Heap.prototype._topN = function (n) {
// Use an inverted heap
var topHeap = new Heap(this._invertedCompare);
topHeap.limit = n;
var indices = [0];
var arr = this.heapArray;
while (indices.length) {
var i = indices.shift();
if (i < arr.length) {
if (topHeap.length < n) {
indices.push.apply(indices, Heap.getChildrenIndexOf(i));
* Clone the heap's internal array
* @return {Array}
Heap.prototype.toArray = function () {
return this.heapArray.slice(0);
* String output, call to Array.prototype.toString()
* @return {String}
Heap.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.heapArray.toString();
* Get the element at the given index.
* @param {Number} i Index to get
* @return {any} Element at that index
Heap.prototype.get = function (i) {
return this.heapArray[i];
* Get the elements of these node's children
* @param {Number} idx Node index
* @return {Array(any)} Children elements
Heap.prototype.getChildrenOf = function (idx) {
var _this = this;
return Heap.getChildrenIndexOf(idx)
.map(function (i) { return _this.heapArray[i]; })
.filter(function (e) { return e !== undefined; });
* Get the element of this node's parent
* @param {Number} idx Node index
* @return {any} Parent element
Heap.prototype.getParentOf = function (idx) {
var pi = Heap.getParentIndexOf(idx);
return this.heapArray[pi];
* Limit heap size if needed
Heap.prototype._applyLimit = function () {
if (this._limit && this._limit < this.heapArray.length) {
var rm = this.heapArray.length - this._limit;
// It's much faster than splice
while (rm) {
else if ([i], topHeap.peek()) <= 0) {
indices.push.apply(indices, Heap.getChildrenIndexOf(i));
* Return the bottom (lowest value) N elements of the heap, without corner cases, unsorted
* @param {Number} n Number of elements.
* @return {Array} Array of length <= N.
Heap.prototype._bottomN = function (n) {
// Use an inverted heap
var bottomHeap = new Heap(;
bottomHeap.limit = n;
var startAt = this.heapArray.length - 1 - n;
var parentStartAt = Heap.getParentIndexOf(startAt);
var indices = [];
for (var i = startAt; i > parentStartAt; --i) {
var arr = this.heapArray;
while (indices.length) {
var i = indices.shift();
if ([i], bottomHeap.peek()) > 0) {
if (i % 2) {
return topHeap.toArray();
return Heap;
return bottomHeap.toArray();
* Move a node to a new index, switching places
* @param {Number} j First node index
* @param {Number} k Another node index
Heap.prototype._moveNode = function (j, k) {
var _a;
_a = [this.heapArray[k], this.heapArray[j]], this.heapArray[j] = _a[0], this.heapArray[k] = _a[1];
* Move a node down the tree (to the leaves) to find a place where the heap is sorted.
* @param {Number} i Index of the node
Heap.prototype._sortNodeDown = function (i) {
var _this = this;
var moveIt = i < this.heapArray.length - 1;
var moved = false;
var self = this.heapArray[i];
var getPotentialParent = function (best, j) {
if ([j], _this.heapArray[best]) < 0) {
best = j;
return best;
while (moveIt) {
var childrenIdx = Heap.getChildrenIndexOf(i);
var bestChildIndex = childrenIdx.reduce(getPotentialParent, childrenIdx[0]);
var bestChild = this.heapArray[bestChildIndex];
if (typeof bestChild !== 'undefined' &&, bestChild) > 0) {
this._moveNode(i, bestChildIndex);
i = bestChildIndex;
moved = true;
else {
moveIt = false;
return moved;
* Move a node up the tree (to the root) to find a place where the heap is sorted.
* @param {Number} i Index of the node
Heap.prototype._sortNodeUp = function (i) {
var moveIt = i > 0;
var moved = false;
while (moveIt) {
var pi = Heap.getParentIndexOf(i);
if (pi >= 0 &&[pi], this.heapArray[i]) > 0) {
this._moveNode(i, pi);
i = pi;
moved = true;
else {
moveIt = false;
return moved;
* Return the top (highest value) N elements of the heap, without corner cases, unsorted
* @param {Number} n Number of elements.
* @return {Array} Array of length <= N.
Heap.prototype._topN = function (n) {
// Use an inverted heap
var topHeap = new Heap(this._invertedCompare);
topHeap.limit = n;
var indices = [0];
var arr = this.heapArray;
while (indices.length) {
var i = indices.shift();
if (i < arr.length) {
if (topHeap.length < n) {
indices.push.apply(indices, Heap.getChildrenIndexOf(i));
else if ([i], topHeap.peek()) <= 0) {
indices.push.apply(indices, Heap.getChildrenIndexOf(i));
return topHeap.toArray();
return Heap;
exports.Heap = Heap;
exports['default'] = Heap;
exports.Heap = Heap;
exports.default = Heap;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ export declare type Comparator<T> = (a: T, b: T) => number;

export declare class Heap<T> {
compare: Comparator<T>;
heapArray: Array<T>;
compare: Comparator<T>;
_limit: number | null;
_limit: number;

@@ -28,3 +28,3 @@ * Alias of add

constructor(compare?: Comparator<T | number>);
constructor(compare?: Comparator<T>);

@@ -54,3 +54,3 @@ * Gets children indices for given index.

static minComparator(a: number, b: number): number;
static minComparator<N>(a: N, b: N): number;

@@ -62,4 +62,18 @@ * Max heap comparison function.

static maxComparator(a: number, b: number): number;
static maxComparator<N>(a: N, b: N): number;
* Min number heap comparison function, default.
* @param {Number} a First element
* @param {Number} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
static minComparatorNumber(a: number, b: number): number;
* Max number heap comparison function.
* @param {Number} a First element
* @param {Number} b Second element
* @return {Number} 0 if they're equal, positive if `a` goes up, negative if `b` goes up
static maxComparatorNumber(a: number, b: number): number;
* Default equality function.

@@ -201,6 +215,6 @@ * @param {any} a First element

* Set length limit of the heap.
* @return {Number}
limit: number | null;
* Set length limit of the heap.
* @return {Number}
limit: number;

@@ -207,0 +221,0 @@ * Top node. Aliases: `element`.

"name": "heap-js",
"version": "1.2.2",
"description": "Heap data structure for JavaScript.",
"version": "1.3.0",
"description": "Heap data structure for JavaScript / TypeScript.",
"keywords": [

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ "heap",

"module": "dist/heap-js.es5.js",
"types": "dist/types/heap-js.d.ts",
"types": "dist/types/Heap.d.ts",
"author": "Ignacio Lago @ignlg <>",

@@ -82,28 +82,28 @@ "license": "BSD-3-Clause",

"devDependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^20.0.0",
"@types/node": "^8.0.0",
"commitizen": "^2.9.6",
"coveralls": "^2.13.1",
"cross-env": "^5.0.1",
"cz-conventional-changelog": "^2.0.0",
"husky": "^0.14.3",
"jest": "^20.0.4",
"lint-staged": "^4.0.0",
"@types/jest": "^24.0.11",
"@types/node": "^11.13.4",
"commitizen": "^3.0.7",
"coveralls": "^3.0.3",
"cross-env": "^5.2.0",
"cz-conventional-changelog": "^2.1.0",
"husky": "^1.3.1",
"jest": "^24.7.1",
"lint-staged": "^8.1.5",
"lodash.camelcase": "^4.3.0",
"prettier": "^1.4.4",
"rimraf": "^2.6.1",
"rollup": "^0.43.1",
"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^8.0.2",
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^3.0.0",
"prettier": "^1.17.0",
"rimraf": "^2.6.3",
"rollup": "^1.10.0",
"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^9.3.4",
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^4.2.3",
"rollup-plugin-sourcemaps": "^0.4.2",
"ts-jest": "^20.0.6",
"ts-node": "^3.0.6",
"tsc-watch": "^1.0.5",
"tslint": "^5.4.3",
"tslint-config-prettier": "^1.1.0",
"tslint-config-standard": "^6.0.0",
"typedoc": "^0.7.1",
"typescript": "^2.3.4",
"validate-commit-msg": "^2.12.2"
"ts-jest": "^24.0.2",
"ts-node": "^8.1.0",
"tsc-watch": "^2.1.2",
"tslint": "^5.15.0",
"tslint-config-prettier": "^1.18.0",
"tslint-config-standard": "^8.0.1",
"typedoc": "^0.14.2",
"typescript": "^3.4.3",
"validate-commit-msg": "^2.14.0"

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