Heap queue implementation for nodejs/iojs.
var heapq = require('heapq');
var heap = [];
var cmp = function(x, y) {return x[0] < y[0];}
heapq.push(heap, [3, 'a'], cmp);
heapq.push(heap, [4, 'b'], cmp);
heapq.push(heap, [2, 'c'], cmp);
heapq.push(heap, [1, 'd'], cmp);
heapq.pop(heap, cmp); // [1, 'd']
heapq.pop(heap, cmp); // [2, 'c']
API Refs
- heapq.push(heap, item[, cmp]), push an item into heap. O(log n)
- heapq.pop(heap[, cmp]), pop the smallest item from heap. O(log n)
- heapq.top(heap), get the smallest item. O(1)
- heapq.pushpop(heap[, cmp]), push an item on the heap and pop out the smallest item,
this runs more efficiently than
followed by a separate call to heapq.pop()
. O(log n)
- heapq.heapify(arr[, cmp]), transform array
into a heap (aka a heap liked array) in-place. O(nlog n)
- heapq.heapsort(arr[, cmp]), new a sorted array by heap-sort. O(nlog n)
Default comparator:
function(x, y) {return x < y;}
- this results a "top smallest heap".
MIT (c) Chao Wang hit9@icloud.com