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hexo-renderer-markdown-it - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -28,15 +28,20 @@ /* global hexo */

case: 0,
separator: ''
separator: '-'
}, hexo.config.markdown.anchors);
const renderer = require('./lib/renderer');
const Renderer = require('./lib/renderer');
const renderer = new Renderer(hexo);
renderer.disableNunjucks = Boolean(hexo.config.markdown.disableNunjucks);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('md', 'html', renderer, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('markdown', 'html', renderer, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mkd', 'html', renderer, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mkdn', 'html', renderer, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mdwn', 'html', renderer, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mdtxt', 'html', renderer, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mdtext', 'html', renderer, true);
function render(data, options) {
return renderer.parser.render(data.text);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('md', 'html', render, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('markdown', 'html', render, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mkd', 'html', render, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mkdn', 'html', render, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mdwn', 'html', render, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mdtxt', 'html', render, true);
hexo.extend.renderer.register('mdtext', 'html', render, true);
'use strict';
module.exports = function(data, options) {
const MdIt = require('markdown-it');
let { markdown } = this.config;
const MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it');
// Temporary backward compatibility
if (typeof markdown === 'string') {
markdown = {
preset: markdown
this.log.warn(`Deprecated config detected. Please use\n\nmarkdown:\n preset: ${markdown.preset}\n\nSee`);
class Renderer {
const { preset, render, enable_rules, disable_rules, plugins, anchors } = markdown;
let parser = new MdIt(preset, render);
* constructor
* @param {*} hexo context of hexo
constructor(hexo) {
if (enable_rules) {
let { markdown } = hexo.config;
if (disable_rules) {
// Temporary backward compatibility
if (typeof markdown === 'string') {
markdown = {
preset: markdown
hexo.log.warn(`Deprecated config detected. Please use\n\nmarkdown:\n preset: ${markdown.preset}\n\nSee`);
if (plugins) {
parser = plugins.reduce((parser, pugs) => {
if (pugs instanceof Object && {
return parser.use(require(, pugs.options);
return parser.use(require(pugs));
const { preset, render, enable_rules, disable_rules, plugins, anchors } = markdown;
this.parser = new MarkdownIt(preset, render);
}, parser);
if (enable_rules) {
if (anchors) {
parser = parser.use(require('./anchors'), anchors);
if (disable_rules) {
if (plugins) {
this.parser = plugins.reduce((parser, pugs) => {
if (pugs instanceof Object && {
return parser.use(require(, pugs.options);
return parser.use(require(pugs));
}, this.parser);
if (anchors) {
this.parser.use(require('./anchors'), anchors);
hexo.execFilterSync('markdown-it:renderer', this.parser, { context: this });
this.execFilterSync('markdown-it:renderer', parser, { context: this });
return parser.render(data.text);
module.exports = Renderer;
"name": "hexo-renderer-markdown-it",
"version": "5.0.0",
"version": "6.0.0",
"description": "Markdown-it is a Markdown parser, done right. A faster and CommonMark compliant alternative for Hexo.",

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ "main": "index.js",

"test": "mocha test/index.js",
"test-cov": "nyc npm run test"
"test-cov": "nyc --reporter=lcovonly npm run test"

@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@ "repository": "hexojs/hexo-renderer-markdown-it",

"hexo-util": "^2.1.0",
"markdown-it": "^11.0.0",
"markdown-it": "^12.0.0",
"markdown-it-abbr": "^1.0.4",

@@ -42,3 +42,3 @@ "markdown-it-cjk-breaks": "^1.1.2",

"markdown-it-deflist": "^2.0.3",
"markdown-it-emoji": "^1.4.0",
"markdown-it-emoji": "^2.0.0",
"markdown-it-footnote": "^3.0.1",

@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ "markdown-it-ins": "^3.0.0",

"chai": "^4.0.0",
"eslint": "^7.1.0",
"eslint-config-hexo": "^4.0.0",
"hexo": "^5.2.0",
"mocha": "^8.0.1",
"eslint": "^8.6.0",
"eslint-config-hexo": "^5.0.0",
"hexo": "^6.0.0",
"mocha": "^9.1.3",
"nyc": "^15.0.0"
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.13.0"
"node": ">=12.13.0"
# hexo-renderer-markdown-it
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@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ [![npm dependencies](](

## Main Features
- Support for [Markdown], [GFM] and [CommonMark]

@@ -23,4 +24,17 @@ - Extensive configuration

## Installation
Follow the [installation guide](
**Warning:** make sure you're inside the main hexo directory before starting this guide.
A default Hexo installation will include a markdown renderer plugin which uses `marked`, so you will have to remove it if you want to use `hexo-renderer-markdown-it`.
``` sh
$ npm un hexo-renderer-marked --save
If you have already removed the default renderer, and others you might of added, you can now safely install `hexo-renderer-markdown-it`
``` sh
$ npm i hexo-renderer-markdown-it --save
## Options

@@ -34,2 +48,3 @@

xhtmlOut: false
langPrefix: 'language-'
breaks: true

@@ -50,7 +65,243 @@ linkify: true

case: 0
separator: ''
separator: '-'
Refer to [the wiki]( for more details.
See below for more details.
## Advanced Configuration
### [Preset]( options
``` yml
preset: 'default'
- **"commonmark"** - configures parser to strict [CommonMark]( mode.
- **"default"** - similar to [GFM](, used when no preset name given. Enables all available rules, but still without html, typographer & autolinker.
- **"zero"** - all rules disabled. Useful to quickly setup your config via `.enable()`. For example, when you need only `bold` and `italic` markup and nothing else.
Note that the [default]( render and anchor options override some options in the preset. If you prefer to have the preset only:
``` yml
preset: 'default'
### Render options
#### html
The `html` setting defines whether or not HTML content inside the document should be escaped or passed to the final result.
``` yaml
html: true # Doesn't escape HTML content
## OR
html: false # Escapes HTML content so the tags will appear as text.
#### xhtmlOut
The `xhtmlOut` setting defines whether the parser will export fully XHTML compatible tags. This only needs to be `true` for complete [CommonMark] support.
``` yaml
xhtmlOut: true # Parser produces fully XHTML compliant code.
# Ex: A line breaks will be <br />
## OR
xhtmlOut: false # Parser will not produce XHTML compliant code.
# Ex: A line break will be <br>
#### breaks
Makes line breaks in the source file will be parsed into `<br>` tags. So every time you press the `Enter` key you will create a line break, which is not the default Markdown, CommonMark, or GFM behaviour.
``` yaml
breaks: true # Parser produces `<br>` tags every time there is a line break in the source document.
## OR
breaks: false # Parser will ignore line breaks in the source document.
#Default double line break creates paragraph is still supported
#### langPrefix
Add a prefix to the class name of code blocks (when a language is specified).
``` yaml
langPrefix: 'language-' # default
_This option only applies when both Hexo's built-in highlighters are [**disabled**](
``` yml
langPrefix: 'lang-'
``` js
<code class="lang-js">example</code>
#### linkify
The parser has the ability to inline links pasted directly into the text. If you write a piece of text that looks like a link it will be rendered as `<a src=""></a>`.
``` yaml
linkify: true # Returns text links as proper links inlined with the paragraph.
## OR
linkify: false # Returns text links as text.
#### typographer
This is enables the substitution for common typography elements like &copy;, curly quotes, dashes, etc.
``` yaml
typographer: true # Substitution of common typographical elements will take place.
## OR
typographer: false # No substitution, so dumb quotes will remain dumb quotes, etc.
#### quotes
Defines the double and single quotes used for substituting dumb quotes if typographer is set to `true`.
``` yaml
quotes: '“”‘’' # "double" will be turned into “single”
# 'single' will be turned into ‘single’
## OR
quotes: '«»“”' # "double" will be turned into «single»
# 'single' will be turned into “single”
#### Example configuration
``` yaml
html: true
xhtmlOut: false
breaks: false
linkify: true
typographer: true
quotes: '“”‘’'
### Manage rules
Certain rules are enabled or disabled depending on the [preset](#preset-options). For example, "zero" preset disables all rules, to enable specific rules:
``` yml
preset: 'zero'
# Single rule
enable_rules: 'link'
# Multiple rules
- 'link'
- 'image'
"default" preset enables all rules, to disable specific rules:
``` yml
preset: 'default'
# Single rule
disable_rules: 'link'
# Multiple rules
- 'link'
- 'image'
#### Available rules
Since the rules are subject to change, it's better to check the Markdown-it's source code for up-to-date rules. Look for the `_rules` variable in the following files:
- [parser_block.js](
- [parser_core.js](
- [parser_inline.js](
### Automatic Headline ID's
Enables you to automatically create ID's for the headings so you can link back to them. A valid html document cannot have two elements with duplicate id value, for example if `title` id is already used, subsequent `title` values will be updated to `title-2`, `title-3` and so on.
Default options:
``` yaml
# Minimum level for ID creation. (Ex. h2 to h6)
level: 2
# A suffix that is prepended to the number given if the ID is repeated.
collisionSuffix: ''
# If `true`, creates an anchor tag with a permalink besides the heading.
permalink: false
# Class used for the permalink anchor tag.
permalinkClass: header-anchor
# Set to 'right' to add permalink after heading
permalinkSide: 'left'
# The symbol used to make the permalink
permalinkSymbol: ¶
# Transform anchor to (1) lower case; (2) upper case
case: 0
# Replace space with a character
separator: '-'
### Plugins
Included plugins:
- markdown-it-abbr
- markdown-it-cjk-breaks
- markdown-it-container
- markdown-it-deflist
- markdown-it-emoji
- markdown-it-footnote
- markdown-it-ins
- markdown-it-mark
- markdown-it-sub
- markdown-it-sup
Plugins are not enabled by default, to enable:
``` yaml
- markdown-it-abbr
# installed external plugins also can be enabled
- markdown-it-table-of-contents
#### Plugin option
``` yaml
- name: 'markdown-it-emoji'
laughing: ':D'
- name: 'other-plugin'
options: ...
## Extensibility

@@ -64,5 +315,19 @@

hexo.extend.filter.register('markdown-it:renderer', function(md) {
const { config } = this; // Skip this line if you don't need user config from _config.yml
const { config } = this; // Optional, parse user config from _config.yml
md.validateLink = function() { return true; };
// Specify custom function in plugin option
const { slugize } = require('hexo-util');
const opts = hexo.config.markdown.anchors;
const mdSlugize = (str) => {
return slugize(str, { transform:, ...opts });
hexo.extend.filter.register('markdown-it:renderer', function(md) {
md.use(require('markdown-it-table-of-contents'), {
includeLevel: [2,3,4],
slugify: mdSlugize

@@ -75,2 +340,3 @@

## Requests and bug reports
If you have any feature requests or bugs to report, you're welcome to [file an issue](

@@ -77,0 +343,0 @@