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Comparing version 1.5.0 to 1.6.0



@@ -32,7 +32,5 @@ 'use strict';

const keys = Object.keys(obj);
const { length } = keys;
const result = {};
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const oldKey = keys[i];
for (const oldKey of keys) {
const newKey = toCamelCase(oldKey);

@@ -39,0 +37,0 @@

'use strict';
const { URL } = require('url');
const { parse, URL } = require('url');
const { toUnicode } = require('./punycode');
const urlObj = (str) => {
try {
return new URL(str);
} catch (err) {
return str;
const safeDecodeURI = (str) => {

@@ -23,4 +15,6 @@ try {

const decodeURL = (str) => {
const parsed = urlObj(str);
if (typeof parsed === 'object') {
if (parse(str).protocol) {
const parsed = new URL(str);
// Exit if input is a data url
if (parsed.origin === 'null') return str;

@@ -27,0 +21,0 @@

'use strict';
const { toUnicode } = require('./punycode');
const { URL } = require('url');
const { parse, URL } = require('url');
const urlObj = (str) => {
try {
return new URL(str);
} catch (err) {
return str;
const safeDecodeURI = (str) => {

@@ -23,4 +15,6 @@ try {

const encodeURL = (str) => {
const parsed = urlObj(str);
if (typeof parsed === 'object') {
if (parse(str).protocol) {
const parsed = new URL(str);
// Exit if input is a data url
if (parsed.origin === 'null') return str;

@@ -27,0 +21,0 @@

@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ 'use strict';

for (let i = 0; i < defaultDiacriticsRemovalap.length; i++) {
const letters = defaultDiacriticsRemovalap[i].letters.split('');
for (const i of defaultDiacriticsRemovalap) {
const letters = i.letters.split('');
for (let j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {
diacriticsMap[letters[j]] = defaultDiacriticsRemovalap[i].base;
for (const letter of letters) {
diacriticsMap[letter] = i.base;

@@ -101,0 +101,0 @@ }

@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ 'use strict';

'`': '&#96;',
'/': '&#x2F;'
'/': '&#x2F;',
'=': '&#x3D;'

@@ -22,5 +23,5 @@

return str.replace(/[&<>"'`/]/g, a => htmlEntityMap[a]);
return str.replace(/[&<>"'`/=]/g, a => htmlEntityMap[a]);
module.exports = escapeHTML;
'use strict';
const { URL } = require('url');
const { parse, URL } = require('url');
const encodeURL = require('./encode_url');
const urlObj = (str) => {
try {
return new URL(str);
} catch (err) {
return str;
function fullUrlForHelper(path = '/') {
if (path.startsWith('//')) return path;
const { config } = this;
const data = urlObj(path);
const sitehost = parse(config.url).hostname || config.url;
const data = new URL(path, `http://${sitehost}`);
// Exit if this is an external path
if (typeof data === 'object') {
if (data.origin !== 'null') return path;
// Exit if input is an external link or a data url
if (data.hostname !== sitehost || data.origin === 'null') return path;
path = encodeURL(config.url + `/${path}`.replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/'));
const { trailing_index } = Object.assign({
trailing_index: true
}, config.pretty_url);
if (!trailing_index) path = path.replace(/index\.html$/, '');
return path;

@@ -26,0 +25,0 @@ }

'use strict';
const hljs = require('highlight.js');
const Entities = require('html-entities').XmlEntities;
const entities = new Entities();
const alias = require('../highlight_alias.json');
const escapeHTML = require('./escape_html');
function highlightUtil(str, options = {}) {

@@ -35,13 +35,2 @@ if (typeof str !== 'string') throw new TypeError('str must be a string!');

const lines = data.value.split('\n');
let numbers = '';
let content = '';
for (let i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
let line = lines[i];
if (tab) line = replaceTabs(line, tab);
numbers += `<span class="line">${Number(firstLine) + i}</span><br>`;
content += formatLine(line, Number(firstLine) + i, mark, options);
let result = `<figure class="highlight${data.language ? ` ${data.language}` : ''}">`;

@@ -53,10 +42,19 @@

result += '<table><tr>';
result += '<table>';
if (gutter) {
result += `<td class="gutter"><pre>${numbers}</pre></td>`;
const lines = data.value.split('\n');
for (let i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
let line = lines[i];
if (tab) line = replaceTabs(line, tab);
let content = formatLine(line, Number(firstLine) + i, mark, options);
result += '<tr>';
if (gutter) {
result += `<td class="gutter"><pre><span class="line">${Number(firstLine) + i}</span></pre></td>`;
result += `<td class="code">${before}${content}${after}</td></tr>`;
result += `<td class="code">${before}${content}${after}</td>`;
result += '</tr></table></figure>';
result += '</table></figure>';

@@ -76,3 +74,2 @@ return result;

res += '<br>';
return res;

@@ -82,3 +79,3 @@ }

function encodePlainString(str) {
return entities.encode(str);
return escapeHTML(str);

@@ -85,0 +82,0 @@

'use strict';
const { URL } = require('url');
const { parse, URL } = require('url');
const urlObj = (str) => {
try {
return new URL(str);
} catch (err) {
return str;
* Check whether the link is external
* @param {String} url The url to check
* @param {String} input The url to check
* @returns {Boolean} True if the link doesn't have protocol or link has same host with config.url
function isExternalLink(url) {
const { config } = this;
const exclude = Array.isArray(config.external_link.exclude) ? config.external_link.exclude
: [config.external_link.exclude];
const data = urlObj(url);
const host = data.hostname;
const sitehost = typeof urlObj(config.url) === 'object' ? urlObj(config.url).hostname : config.url;
function isExternalLink(input, sitehost, exclude) {
sitehost = parse(sitehost).hostname || sitehost;
if (!sitehost || typeof data === 'string') return false;
if (!sitehost) return false;
// handle relative url
const data = new URL(input, `http://${sitehost}`);
// handle mailto: javascript: vbscript: and so on
if (data.origin === 'null') return false;
if (exclude && exclude.length) {
for (const i of exclude) {
if (host === i) return false;
const host = data.hostname;
if (exclude) {
exclude = Array.isArray(exclude) ? exclude : [exclude];
if (exclude && exclude.length) {
for (const i of exclude) {
if (host === i) return false;

@@ -36,0 +32,0 @@ }

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

const rParam = /:(\w+)/g;
const rParam = /:(\w*[^_\W])/g;

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ function Permalink(rule, options) {

@@ -18,5 +18,3 @@ 'use strict';

for (let i = 0, len = words.length; i < len; i++) {
const word = words[i];
for (const word of words) {
if (resultLength + word.length + omissionLength < length) {

@@ -23,0 +21,0 @@ result += word + separator;

@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ 'use strict';

'&#96;': '`',
'&#x2F;': '/'
'&#x2F;': '/',
'&#x3D;': '='

@@ -13,0 +14,0 @@

'use strict';
const { URL } = require('url');
const { parse, URL } = require('url');
const encodeURL = require('./encode_url');
const relative_url = require('./relative_url');
const urlObj = (str) => {
try {
return new URL(str);
} catch (err) {
return str;
function urlForHelper(path = '/', options) {
if (path[0] === '#' || path.startsWith('//')) {
return path;
if (path.startsWith('#') || path.startsWith('//')) return path;
const { config } = this;
const { root } = config;
const data = urlObj(path);
const sitehost = parse(config.url).hostname || config.url;
const data = new URL(path, `http://${sitehost}`);
// Exit if input is an external link or a data url
if (data.hostname !== sitehost || data.origin === 'null') return path;
options = Object.assign({

@@ -28,7 +22,2 @@ relative: config.relative_link

// Exit if this is an external path
if (typeof data === 'object') {
if (data.origin !== 'null') return path;
// Resolve relative url

@@ -42,2 +31,8 @@ if (options.relative) {

const { trailing_index } = Object.assign({
trailing_index: true
}, config.pretty_url);
if (!trailing_index) path = path.replace(/index\.html$/, '');
return path;

@@ -44,0 +39,0 @@ }

"name": "hexo-util",
"version": "1.5.0",
"version": "1.6.0",
"description": "Utilities for Hexo.",

@@ -39,2 +39,3 @@ "main": "lib/index",

"eslint-config-hexo": "^3.0.0",
"html-entities": "^1.2.1",
"html-tag-validator": "^1.5.0",

@@ -50,3 +51,2 @@ "mocha": "^6.0.1",

"highlight.js": "^9.13.1",
"html-entities": "^1.2.1",
"striptags": "^3.1.1"

@@ -53,0 +53,0 @@ },

@@ -28,3 +28,3 @@ # hexo-util

- [htmlTag](#htmltagtag-attrs-text-escape)
- [isExternalLink](#isexternallinkurl)
- [isExternalLink](#isexternallinkurl-sitehost-exclude)
- [Pattern](#patternrule)

@@ -217,3 +217,3 @@ - [Permalink](#permalinkrule-options)

`gutter` | Whether to show line numbers | true
`wrap` | Whether to wrap the code block | true
`wrap` | Whether to wrap the code block in [`<table>`]( | true
`firstLine` | First line number | 1

@@ -225,2 +225,3 @@ `hljs` | Whether to use the `hljs-*` prefix for CSS classes | false

`autoDetect` | Detect language automatically | false
`mark` | Line highlight specific line(s) |

@@ -260,34 +261,35 @@ ### htmlTag(tag, attrs, text, escape)

### isExternalLink(url)
### isExternalLink(url, sitehost, [exclude])
Returns if a given url is external link relative to `config.url` and `config.exclude`.
Option | Description | Default
--- | --- | ---
`url` | The input URL. |
`sitehost` | The hostname / url of website. You can also pass `hexo.config.url`. |
`exclude` | Exclude hostnames. Specific subdomain is required when applicable, including www. | `[]`
``` yml
url: # example
Returns if a given url is external link relative to given `sitehost` and `[exclude]`.
``` js
// 'sitehost' can be a domain or url
isExternalLink('', '');
// false
isExternalLink('', '');
// false
// true
isExternalLink('', '//');
// false
``` yml
url: # example
``` js
isExternalLink('/archives/foo.html', '');
// false
isExternalLink('', '');
// true
``` js
isExternalLink('', '', ['', '']);
// false
isExternalLink('', '', ['', '']);
// false
isExternalLink('', '', ['', '']);
// true

@@ -492,3 +494,2 @@ ```

- [`relative_url()`](#relative_urlfrom-to)
- [`isExternalLink()`](#isexternallinkurl)

@@ -495,0 +496,0 @@ Below examples demonstrate different approaches to creating a [helper]( (each example is separated by `/******/`),

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