Deploy a CDN cached Hacker News API to your own Firebase Hosting Domain. All in two lines of code 😎
Heavily inspired/guided by cheeaun's node-hnapi.
npm i hnpwa-api
Basic usage
Import and use in your functions/index.js
const hnapi = require('hnpwa-api');
exports.api = hnapi.trigger({
useCors: false,
useCompression: true,
browserCacheExpiry: 300,
cdnCacheExpiry: 600,
staleWhileRevalidate: 120,
firebaseAppName: 'hnpwa-api',
offline: false,
routerPath: 'api',
Two reasons: latency and same domain.
This API is designed for Firebase Hosting which is backed by a global CDN. Responses are cached in edges around the globe which results in low latency.
Latency test: CDN cached vs. in memory cache
Same domain
With HTTP/2 you reuse one connection per domain. This package allows you to easily deploy your own HNAPI on your own domain for one nice TCP connection.
Setup Tutorial
1. Install the Firebase CLI:
npm i -g firebase-tools
2. Initialize Cloud Functions for Firebase
firebase init functions
3. Install hnpwa-api
Inside of the functions
folder, install hnpwa-api
cd functions
npm i hnpwa-api --save
4. Add HNAPI endpoint
Open functions/index.js
, and configure your HNAPI.
const hnapi = require('hnpwa-api');
exports.api = hnapi.trigger({
useCors: false,
useCompression: true,
browserCacheExpiry: 300,
cdnCacheExpiry: 600,
staleWhileRevalidate: 120,
firebaseAppName: 'hnpwa-api',
offline: false,
routerPath: 'api',
5. Initialize Firebase Hosting
firebase init hosting
6. Create a redirect for the API function
Open firebase.json
and create a redirect to call out to the HNAPI:
"hosting": {
"public": "public",
"rewrites": [{
"source": "**",
"function": "api"
7. Deploy!
firebase deploy
That's all there is to it. Feel free to file an issue if you find a bug.
Global Module use
The hnpwa-api module can either be downloaded as a global module or used from the
Serving offline
The global module provides the ability to save data locally for offline serving. If
you're developing on a bus, airplane, or someother place without a connection you'll
need this.
node_modules/.bin/hnpwa-api --save
node_modules/.bin/hnpwa-api --serve --offline
Non-Firebase setup
Not using Cloud Functions or Firebase Hosting as your backend? No problem. This library still has you covered.
const hnapi = require('hnpwa-api');
const expressApp =;
expressApp.listen(3000, () => console.log('Listening all on my own!'));
This returns an express app instance with the expected HN API endpoints. No middleware is attached unlike the trigger(config)
Why do I need a Firebase App Name if I'm not using Firebase Hosting?
You may not use Firebase as your backend, but Hacker News does. The base HN API is backed by the Firebase Database. This library uses the Firebase Node SDK to retrieve data and coalesce it into a single UI friendly response.
git clone
npm i
npm run build
npm run watch
npm run serve
npm run pack