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@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@ import { Fn, PartialApply, unset, _ } from "../core/Core";

export type Parameter<N extends number | _ | unset = unset, fn extends ((...args: any[]) => any) | _ | unset = unset> = PartialApply<ParameterFn, [fn, N]>;
type ReturnImpl<fn> = fn extends (...args: any[]) => infer ret ? ret : never;
type ReturnTypeImpl<fn> = fn extends (...args: any[]) => infer ret ? ret : never;
* Returns the return type of a function.
* ReturnTypes the return type of a function.

@@ -46,10 +46,11 @@ * @param fn - The function to extract the return type from.

* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Return, (a: number, b: string) => number>; // number
* type T1 = Eval<Return<(a: number, b: string) => number>>; // number
* type T0 = Call<ReturnType, (a: number, b: string) => number>; // number
* type T1 = Eval<ReturnType<(a: number, b: string) => number>>; // number
* ```
export interface Return extends Fn {
return: ReturnImpl<this["arg0"]>;
export type ReturnType<fn extends ((...args: any[]) => any) | _ | unset = unset> = PartialApply<ReturnTypeFn, [fn]>;
export interface ReturnTypeFn extends Fn {
return: ReturnTypeImpl<this["arg0"]>;
export {};
import { Apply, Call, Fn } from "../../core/Core";
import { Strings } from "../../strings/Strings";
import { Equal, Prettify, Primitive, UnionToIntersection } from "../../helpers";
import { Std } from "../../std/Std";
export type Keys<src> = src extends unknown[] ? {
import { Equal, IsTuple, Prettify, Primitive, UnionToIntersection } from "../../helpers";
export type Keys<src> = src extends readonly unknown[] ? {
[key in keyof src]: key;

@@ -15,12 +14,2 @@ }[number] extends infer res ? res extends string ? Call<Strings.ToNumber, res> & keyof src : res & keyof src : never : keyof src;

}[keys] : never;
type GroupByImplRec<xs, fn extends Fn, acc = {}> = xs extends [
infer first,
...infer rest
] ? Call<fn, first> extends infer key extends PropertyKey ? GroupByImplRec<rest, fn, Std._Omit<acc, key> & {
[K in key]: [
...(key extends keyof acc ? Extract<acc[key], readonly any[]> : []),
}> : never : acc;
export type GroupBy<xs, fn extends Fn> = Prettify<GroupByImplRec<xs, fn>>;
export type Assign<xs extends readonly any[]> = Prettify<UnionToIntersection<xs[number]>>;

@@ -32,13 +21,20 @@ export type GetFromPath<Obj, path> = RecursiveGet<Obj, ParsePath<path>>;

], ""> : ParsePath<rest, output, `${currentChunk}${first}`> : [...output, ...(currentChunk extends "" ? [] : [currentChunk])];
type RecursiveGet<Obj, pathList> = Obj extends any ? pathList extends [infer first, ...infer rest] ? first extends keyof Obj ? RecursiveGet<Obj[first], rest> : [first, Obj] extends [`${number}` | "number", any[]] ? RecursiveGet<Extract<Obj, any[]>[number], rest> : undefined : Obj : never;
export type PartialDeep<T> = T extends object ? {
[P in keyof T]?: PartialDeep<T[P]>;
} : T;
type RecursiveGet<Obj, pathList> = Obj extends any ? pathList extends [infer first, ...infer rest] ? first extends keyof Obj ? RecursiveGet<Obj[first], rest> : [first, Obj] extends [`${number}` | "number", readonly any[]] ? RecursiveGet<Extract<Obj, any[]>[number], rest> : undefined : Obj : never;
export type TransformObjectDeep<fn extends Fn, type> = type extends Function | Date ? type : type extends Map<infer keys, infer values> ? Map<TransformObjectDeep<fn, keys>, TransformObjectDeep<fn, values>> : type extends ReadonlyMap<infer keys, infer values> ? ReadonlyMap<TransformObjectDeep<fn, keys>, TransformObjectDeep<fn, values>> : type extends WeakMap<infer keys, infer values> ? WeakMap<Extract<TransformObjectDeep<fn, keys>, object>, TransformObjectDeep<fn, values>> : type extends Set<infer values> ? Set<TransformObjectDeep<fn, values>> : type extends ReadonlySet<infer values> ? ReadonlySet<TransformObjectDeep<fn, values>> : type extends WeakSet<infer values> ? WeakSet<Extract<TransformObjectDeep<fn, values>, object>> : type extends Array<infer values> ? IsTuple<type> extends true ? Call<fn, {
[Key in keyof type]: TransformObjectDeep<fn, type[Key]>;
}> : Array<TransformObjectDeep<fn, values> | undefined> : type extends Promise<infer value> ? Promise<TransformObjectDeep<fn, value>> : type extends object ? Call<fn, {
[Key in keyof type]: TransformObjectDeep<fn, type[Key]>;
}> : Equal<type, unknown> extends true ? unknown : Partial<type>;
export type Update<obj, path, fnOrValue> = RecursiveUpdate<obj, ParsePath<path>, fnOrValue>;
type RecursiveUpdate<obj, pathList, fnOrValue> = obj extends any ? pathList extends [infer first, ...infer rest] ? first extends keyof obj ? {
[K in keyof obj]: Equal<first, K> extends true ? RecursiveUpdate<obj[K], rest, fnOrValue> : obj[K];
} : [first, obj] extends ["number", any[]] ? RecursiveUpdate<Extract<obj, any[]>[number], rest, fnOrValue>[] : undefined : fnOrValue extends Fn ? Call<Extract<fnOrValue, Fn>, obj> : fnOrValue : never;
export type Create<pattern, args extends unknown[]> = pattern extends infer p extends Fn ? Apply<p, args> : pattern extends Primitive ? pattern : pattern extends [any, ...any] ? {
} : [first, obj] extends ["number", readonly any[]] ? RecursiveUpdate<Extract<obj, any[]>[number], rest, fnOrValue>[] : Assign<[
[K in Extract<first, PropertyKey>]: RecursiveUpdate<{}, rest, fnOrValue>;
]> : fnOrValue extends Fn ? Call<Extract<fnOrValue, Fn>, obj> : fnOrValue : never;
export type Create<pattern, args extends unknown[]> = pattern extends infer p extends Fn ? Apply<p, args> : pattern extends Primitive ? pattern : pattern extends readonly [any, ...any] ? {
[key in keyof pattern]: Create<pattern[key], args>;
} : pattern extends (infer V)[] ? Create<V, args>[] : pattern extends object ? {
} : pattern extends readonly (infer V)[] ? Create<V, args>[] : pattern extends object ? {
[key in keyof pattern]: Create<pattern[key], args>;

@@ -49,3 +45,3 @@ } : pattern;

] extends [never] ? B : [B] extends [never] ? A : `${A}${Sep}${B}`;
export type AllPaths<T, ParentPath extends string = never> = T extends Primitive ? ParentPath : unknown extends T ? JoinPath<ParentPath, string, "."> : T extends any[] ? Keys<T> extends infer key extends string | number ? JoinPath<ParentPath, `[${key}]`> | AllPaths<T[number], JoinPath<ParentPath, `[${key}]`>> : never : keyof T extends infer key extends keyof T & string ? key extends any ? JoinPath<ParentPath, key, "."> | AllPaths<T[key], JoinPath<ParentPath, key, ".">> : never : ParentPath;
export type AllPaths<T, ParentPath extends string = never> = T extends Primitive ? ParentPath : unknown extends T ? JoinPath<ParentPath, string, "."> : T extends readonly any[] ? Keys<T> extends infer key extends string | number ? JoinPath<ParentPath, `[${key}]`> | AllPaths<T[number], JoinPath<ParentPath, `[${key}]`>> : never : keyof T extends infer key extends keyof T & string ? key extends any ? JoinPath<ParentPath, key, "."> | AllPaths<T[key], JoinPath<ParentPath, key, ".">> : never : ParentPath;
export {};

@@ -7,5 +7,23 @@ import { IsArrayStrict, Prettify } from "../helpers";

export declare namespace Objects {
* Create an object from a union of `[key, value]` entries.
* @param entries - union of entries to convert to an object
* @returns an object
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.FromEntries, ["a", 1] | ["b", true]>; // { a: 1; b: true }
* ```
export interface FromEntries extends Fn {
return: Impl.FromEntries<Extract<this["arg0"], [PropertyKey, any]>>;
* Turn an object into a union of entries
* @param obj - The object to transform to entries
* @returns a union of `[key, value]` entry tuples.
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.Entries, { a: 1; b: true }>; // ["a", 1] | ["b", true]
* ```
export interface Entries extends Fn {

@@ -17,2 +35,15 @@ return: Impl.Entries<this["arg0"]>;

* Map over values in an object type.
* @param fn - The function to run on every object value
* @param obj - The object to transform
* @returns a new object with updated values
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.MapValues<Strings.ToNumber>,
* { a: "1"; b: "2" }
* >; // { a: 1, b: 2 }
* ```
export interface MapValues<fn extends Fn> extends Fn {

@@ -24,11 +55,60 @@ return: MapValuesImpl<this["arg0"], fn>;

* Map over keys in an object type.
* @param fn - The function to run on every object key
* @param obj - The object to transform
* @returns a new object with updated keys
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.MapKeys<Strings.Uppercase>,
* { a: 1; b: 2 }
* >; // { A: 1, B: 2 }
* ```
export interface MapKeys<fn extends Fn> extends Fn {
return: MapKeysImpl<this["arg0"], fn>;
* Turn object keys into kebab-case
* @param obj - The object to transform
* @returns a new object with updated keys
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.KebabCase,
* { userName: "Bob" }
* >; // { "user-name": "Bob" }
* ```
export interface KebabCase extends Fn {
return: Call<MapKeys<Strings.KebabCase>, this["arg0"]>;
* Turn object keys into snake_case
* @param obj - The object to transform
* @returns a new object with updated keys
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.SnakeCase,
* { userName: "Bob" }
* >; // { user_name: "Bob" }
* ```
export interface SnakeCase extends Fn {
return: Call<MapKeys<Strings.SnakeCase>, this["arg0"]>;
* Turn object keys into camelCase
* @param obj - The object to transform
* @returns a new object with updated keys
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.CamelCase,
* { user_name: "Bob" }
* >; // { userName: "Bob" }
* ```
export interface CamelCase extends Fn {

@@ -40,17 +120,80 @@ return: Call<MapKeys<Strings.CamelCase>, this["arg0"]>;

} : T;
* Recursively transform all keys in a structure of object types
* @param fn - The function to apply to every key
* @param obj - The object to transform
* @returns a new object with updated keys
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.MapKeysDeep<Strings.Prepend<'_'>>,
* { a: { b: { c: string } } }
* >; // { _a: { _b: { _c: string } } }
* ```
export interface MapKeysDeep<fn extends Fn> extends Fn {
return: MapKeysDeepImpl<this["arg0"], fn>;
* Recursively transform all keys of a deeply nested object
* to kebab-case.
* @param obj - The object to transform
* @returns a new object with updated keys
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.KebabCaseDeep,
* { currentUser: { firstName: string } }
* >; // { "current-user": { "first-name": string } }
* ```
export interface KebabCaseDeep extends Fn {
return: Call<MapKeysDeep<Strings.KebabCase>, this["arg0"]>;
* Recursively transform all keys of a deeply nested object
* to snake_case.
* @param obj - The object to transform
* @returns a new object with updated keys
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.SnakeCaseDeep,
* { currentUser: { firstName: string } }
* >; // { current_user: { first_name: string } }
* ```
export interface SnakeCaseDeep extends Fn {
return: Call<MapKeysDeep<Strings.SnakeCase>, this["arg0"]>;
* Recursively transform all keys of a deeply nested object
* to camelCase.
* @param obj - The object to transform
* @returns a new object with updated keys
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.CamelCaseDeep,
* { current_user: { first_name: string } }
* >; // { currentUser: { firstName: string } }
* ```
export interface CamelCaseDeep extends Fn {
return: Call<MapKeysDeep<Strings.CamelCase>, this["arg0"]>;
type PickImpl<obj, keys> = {
[key in Extract<keyof obj, keys>]: obj[key];
* Only keep keys of an object if they are
* assignable to some type.
* @param key - The type remaining keys should be assignable to
* @param obj - The object to filter
* @returns a filtered object
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.Pick<"a" | "b">,
* { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 }
* >; // { a: 1, b: 1 }
* ```
export type Pick<key = unset, obj = unset> = PartialApply<PickFn, [key, obj]>;

@@ -60,6 +203,80 @@ interface PickFn extends Fn {

interface ReadonlyFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer value] ? Std._Readonly<value> : never;
type PickImpl<obj, keys> = {
[key in Extract<keyof obj, keys>]: obj[key];
* Only keep keys of an object if they aren't
* assignable to some type.
* @param key - The type remaining keys should _not_ be assignable to
* @param obj - The object to filter
* @returns a filtered object
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.Pick<"a" | "b">,
* { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 }
* >; // { c: 1 }
* ```
export type Omit<key = unset, obj = unset> = PartialApply<OmitFn, [key, obj]>;
interface OmitFn extends Fn {
return: OmitImpl<this["arg1"], this["arg0"]>;
type OmitImpl<obj, keys> = {
[key in Exclude<keyof obj, keys>]: obj[key];
* Only keep keys of an object if the predicate function
* returns true
* @param fn - The predicate function, taking (value, key) as arguments
* @param obj - The object to filter
* @returns a filtered object
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.PickBy<Strings.StartsWith<"a">>,
* { a: "ab", b: "ac", c: "bc" }
* >; // { a: "ab", b: "ac" }
* ```
export interface PickBy<fn extends Fn> extends Fn {
return: PickByImpl<this["arg0"], fn>;
type PickByImpl<T, fn extends Fn> = Impl.FromEntries<PickEntriesImpl<Impl.Entries<T>, fn>>;
type PickEntriesImpl<entries extends [PropertyKey, any], fn extends Fn> = entries extends any ? Call2<fn, entries[1], entries[0]> extends true ? entries : never : never;
* Only keep keys of an object if the predicate function
* returns false
* @param fn - The predicate function, taking (value, key) as arguments
* @param obj - The object to filter
* @returns a filtered object
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<
* Objects.PickBy<Strings.StartsWith<"a">>,
* { a: "ab", b: "ac", c: "bc" }
* >; // { c: "bc" }
* ```
export interface OmitBy<fn extends Fn> extends Fn {
return: OmitByImpl<this["arg0"], fn>;
type OmitByImpl<T, fn extends Fn> = Impl.FromEntries<OmitEntriesImpl<Impl.Entries<T>, fn>>;
type OmitEntriesImpl<entries extends [PropertyKey, any], fn extends Fn> = entries extends any ? Call2<fn, entries[1], entries[0]> extends true ? never : entries : never;
* Merge several objects together
* @param {...objects} - Objects to merge
* @returns a merged object
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.Assign<{ a: string }>, { b: number }>; // { a: string, b: number }
* type T1 = Eval<Objects.Assign<{ a: string }, { b: number }>>; // { a: string, b: number }
* type T2 = Eval<Objects.Assign<{ a: 1 }, { b: 1 }, { c: 1 }>>; // { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 }
* ```
export type Assign<arg1 = unset, arg2 = unset, arg3 = unset, arg4 = unset, arg5 = unset> = PartialApply<AssignFn, [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5]>;
interface AssignFn extends Fn {
return: Impl.Assign<this["args"]>;
* Make all properties of an object readonly

@@ -71,3 +288,3 @@ * @description This function is used to make properties of an object readonly

* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.Readonly, {a: 1; b: true }>; // { readonly a:1; readonly b: true}
* type T0 = Call<Objects.Readonly, { a: 1; b: true }>; // { readonly a:1; readonly b: true}
* type T1 = Eval<Objects.Readonly<{ a: 1; b: true }>>; // { readonly a:1; readonly b: true}

@@ -77,4 +294,4 @@ * ```

export type Readonly<value = unset> = PartialApply<ReadonlyFn, [value]>;
interface RequiredFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer value] ? Std._Required<value> : never;
interface ReadonlyFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer value] ? Std._Readonly<value> : never;

@@ -88,3 +305,3 @@ /**

* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.Required, {a?: 1; b?: true }>; // { a:1; b: true}
* type T0 = Call<Objects.Required, { a?: 1; b?: true }>; // { a:1; b: true}
* type T1 = Eval<Objects.Required<{ a?: 1; b?: true }>>; // { a:1; b: true}

@@ -94,4 +311,4 @@ * ```

export type Required<value = unset> = PartialApply<RequiredFn, [value]>;
interface PartialFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer value] ? Std._Partial<value> : never;
interface RequiredFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer value] ? Std._Required<value> : never;

@@ -105,3 +322,3 @@ /**

* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.Partial, {a: 1; b: true }>; // { a?:1; b?: true}
* type T0 = Call<Objects.Partial, { a: 1; b: true }>; // { a?:1; b?: true}
* type T1 = Eval<Objects.Partial<{ a: 1; b: true }>>; // { a?:1; b?: true}

@@ -111,34 +328,20 @@ * ```

export type Partial<value = unset> = PartialApply<PartialFn, [value]>;
type OmitImpl<obj, keys> = {
[key in Exclude<keyof obj, keys>]: obj[key];
export type Omit<key = unset, obj = unset> = PartialApply<OmitFn, [key, obj]>;
interface OmitFn extends Fn {
return: OmitImpl<this["arg1"], this["arg0"]>;
interface PartialFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer value] ? Std._Partial<value> : never;
type PickEntriesImpl<entries extends [PropertyKey, any], fn extends Fn> = entries extends any ? Call2<fn, entries[1], entries[0]> extends true ? entries : never : never;
type PickByImpl<T, fn extends Fn> = Impl.FromEntries<PickEntriesImpl<Impl.Entries<T>, fn>>;
export interface PickBy<fn extends Fn> extends Fn {
return: PickByImpl<this["arg0"], fn>;
* Make all properties of an object mutable
* @param value - The object to make properties mutable
* @returns The object with its properties made mutable
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.Mutable, { readonly a: 1; readonly b: true }>; // { a:1; b: true }
* ```
export type Mutable<obj = unset> = PartialApply<MutableFn, [obj]>;
interface MutableFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer obj, ...any] ? {
-readonly [key in keyof obj]: obj[key];
} : never;
type OmitEntriesImpl<entries extends [PropertyKey, any], fn extends Fn> = entries extends any ? Call2<fn, entries[1], entries[0]> extends true ? never : entries : never;
type OmitByImpl<T, fn extends Fn> = Impl.FromEntries<OmitEntriesImpl<Impl.Entries<T>, fn>>;
export interface OmitBy<fn extends Fn> extends Fn {
return: OmitByImpl<this["arg0"], fn>;
export type Assign<arg1 = unset, arg2 = unset, arg3 = unset, arg4 = unset, arg5 = unset> = PartialApply<AssignFn, [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5]>;
interface AssignFn extends Fn {
return: Impl.Assign<this["args"]>;
export interface GroupBy<fn extends Fn> extends Fn {
return: Impl.GroupBy<this["arg0"], fn>;
export type Get<path extends string | number | _ | unset = unset, obj = unset> = PartialApply<GetFn, [path, obj]>;
export interface GetFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [
infer path extends string | number,
infer obj,
] ? Impl.GetFromPath<obj, path> : never;

@@ -152,11 +355,94 @@ * Makes all levels of an object optional

* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.PartialDeep, {a: 1; b: true }>; // { a?:1; b?: true}
* type T1 = Call<Objects.PartialDeep, {a: 1; b: { c: true } }>; // { a?:1; b?: { c?: true } }
* type T2 = Call<Objects.PartialDeep, {a: 1; b: { c: true, d: { e: false } } }>; // { a?:1; b?: { c?: true, d?: { e?: false } } }
* type T0 = Call<Objects.PartialDeep, { a: 1; b: true }>;
* // ^? { a?:1; b?: true}
* type T1 = Call<Objects.PartialDeep, { a: 1; b: { c: true } }>;
* // ^? { a?:1; b?: { c?: true } }
* type T2 = Call<Objects.PartialDeep, { a: 1; b: { c: true, d: { e: false } } }>;
* // ^? { a?:1; b?: { c?: true, d?: { e?: false } } }
export type PartialDeep<obj = unset> = PartialApply<PartialDeepFn, [obj]>;
interface PartialDeepFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer obj] ? Impl.PartialDeep<obj> : never;
return: this["args"] extends [infer obj] ? Impl.TransformObjectDeep<PartialFn, obj> : never;
* Makes all levels of an object required
* @description This function is used to make all levels of an object required
* @param obj - The object to make levels required
* @returns The object with its levels made required
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.RequiredDeep, { a?:1; b?: true }>;
* // ^? { a: 1; b: true }
* type T1 = Call<Objects.RequiredDeep, { a?:1; b?: { c?: true } }>;
* // ^? { a: 1; b: { c: true } }
* type T2 = Call<Objects.RequiredDeep, { a?:1; b?: { c?: true, d?: { e?: false } } }>;
* // ^? { a: 1; b: { c: true, d: { e: false } } }
export type RequiredDeep<obj = unset> = PartialApply<RequiredDeepFn, [obj]>;
interface RequiredDeepFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer obj] ? Impl.TransformObjectDeep<RequiredFn, obj> : never;
* Makes all levels of an object readonly
* @description This function is used to make all levels of an object readonly
* @param obj - The object to make levels readonly
* @returns The object with its levels made readonly
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.ReadonlyDeep, { a:1; b: true }>;
* // ^? { readonly a: 1; readonly b: true }
* type T1 = Call<Objects.ReadonlyDeep, { a:1; b: { c: true } }>;
* // ^? { readonly a: 1; readonly b: { readonly c: true } }
* type T2 = Call<Objects.ReadonlyDeep, { a:1; b: { c: true, d: { e: false } } }>;
* // ^? { readonly a: 1; readonly b: { readonly c: true, d: { readonly e: false } } }
export type ReadonlyDeep<obj = unset> = PartialApply<ReadonlyDeepFn, [obj]>;
interface ReadonlyDeepFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer obj] ? Impl.TransformObjectDeep<ReadonlyFn, obj> : never;
* Makes all levels of an object mutable
* @description This function is used to make all levels of an object mutable
* @param obj - The object to make levels mutable
* @returns The object with its levels made mutable
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<Objects.MutableDeep, { readonly a: 1; readonly b: true }>;
* // ^? { a:1; b: true }
* type T1 = Call<Objects.MutableDeep, { readonly a: 1; readonly b: { readonly c: true } }>;
* // ^? { a:1; b: { c: true } }
* type T2 = Call<Objects.MutableDeep, { readonly a: 1; readonly b: { readonly c: true, d: { readonly e: false } } }>;
* // ^? { a:1; b: { c: true, d: { e: false } } }
export type MutableDeep<obj = unset> = PartialApply<MutableDeepFn, [obj]>;
interface MutableDeepFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [infer obj] ? Impl.TransformObjectDeep<MutableFn, obj> : never;
* Get a value within an object or a tuple type.
* @description This function takes an object, a path to one of its properties,
* and returns the property under that path.
* @param path - the path to the property to get.
* @param obj - the object to read from.
* @returns The value under that path
* @example
* ```ts
* type T0 = Call<O.Get<'a'>, { a: 1, b: 1 }>; // 1
* type T1 = Call<O.Get<'a[0]'>, { a: [1, 2, 3] }>; // 1
* type T2 = Call<O.Get<'a.b'>, { a: { b: 1 }, c: '' }>; // 1
* ```
export type Get<path extends string | number | _ | unset = unset, obj = unset> = PartialApply<GetFn, [path, obj]>;
export interface GetFn extends Fn {
return: this["args"] extends [
infer path extends string | number,
infer obj,
] ? Impl.GetFromPath<obj, path> : never;
* Updates an object or a tuple type.

@@ -163,0 +449,0 @@ * @description This function takes an object, a path to one of its properties,

import { Numbers as N, Numbers } from "../numbers/Numbers";
import { Apply, args, Call, Call2, Eval, Fn, PartialApply, Pipe, unset, _ } from "../core/Core";
import { Iterator, Stringifiable } from "../helpers";
import { Iterator, Prettify, Stringifiable } from "../helpers";
import { Objects } from "../objects/Objects";
import * as NumberImpls from "../numbers/impl/numbers";
import { Std } from "../std/Std";
export declare namespace Tuples {

@@ -542,2 +543,33 @@ type HeadImpl<xs> = xs extends readonly [infer head, ...any] ? head : never;

* Group values in a tuple into an object, using a predicate
* to compute the key of each group.
* @param fn - function applied to all values in the tuple to get a key.
* @param tuple - A list of element
* @returns an object containing a list of element for each key.
* @example
* ```ts
* interface IsNumber extends Fn {
* return: this["arg0"] extends number ? true : false;
* }
* type T0 = Call<Tuples.GroupBy<IsNumber>, [1, "str", 2]>;
* // ^? { true: [1, 2], false: ["str"] }
* type T2 = Call<Tuples.GroupBy<Strings.StartsWith<"a">>, ["alice", "bob", "carl"]>;
* // ^? { true: ["alice"], false: ["bob", "carl"] }
* ```
export interface GroupBy<fn extends Fn> extends Fn {
return: GroupByImpl<this["arg0"], fn>;
type GroupByImplRec<xs, fn extends Fn, acc = {}> = xs extends [
infer first,
...infer rest
] ? Call<fn, first> extends infer key extends PropertyKey ? GroupByImplRec<rest, fn, Std._Omit<acc, key> & {
[K in key]: [
...(key extends keyof acc ? Extract<acc[key], readonly any[]> : []),
}> : never : acc;
export type GroupByImpl<xs, fn extends Fn> = Prettify<GroupByImplRec<xs, fn>>;
* Range takes a `start` and an `end` integer and produces

@@ -544,0 +576,0 @@ * a tuple containing integer ranging from `start` to `end`

"name": "hotscript",
"version": "1.0.10",
"version": "1.0.11",
"description": "Type-level madness",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "type": "module",

# Higher-Order TypeScript (HOTScript)
A lodash-like library for types, with support for type-level lambda functions.
A library of composable functions for the type-level! Transform your TypeScript types in any way you want using functions you already know.
## Features
- Type-level higher-order functions (`Tuples.Map`, `Tuples.Filter`, `Objects.MapValues`, etc).
- Type-level pattern matching with `Match`.
- Performant math operations (`Numbers.Add`, `Numbers.Sub`, `Numbers.Mul`, `Numbers.Div`, etc).
- Custom "lambda" functions.
🚧 work in progress 🚧

@@ -143,6 +152,6 @@

- [x] Find
- [x] Sum
- [x] Drop n
- [x] Take n
- [x] TakeWhile
- [x] GroupBy
- [x] Join separator

@@ -160,10 +169,13 @@ - [x] Map

- [x] Concat
- [x] Min
- [x] Max
- [x] Sum
- [ ] Object
- [x] Readonly
- [ ] Mutable
- [x] Mutable
- [x] Required
- [x] Partial
- [ ] ReadonlyDeep
- [ ] MutableDeep
- [ ] RequiredDeep
- [x] ReadonlyDeep
- [x] MutableDeep
- [x] RequiredDeep
- [x] PartialDeep

@@ -181,3 +193,2 @@ - [x] Update

- [x] MapKeys
- [x] GroupBy
- [x] Assign

@@ -194,4 +205,2 @@ - [x] Pick

- [x] KebabCaseDeep
- [x] Min
- [x] Max
- [ ] Union

@@ -198,0 +207,0 @@ - [x] Map

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