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Comparing version 0.0.3 to 0.0.4




@@ -1,1 +0,353 @@

"use strict";var _typeof="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e};!function(e,t){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"===("undefined"==typeof exports?"undefined":_typeof(exports))?module.exports=t():e.HotStuff=t()}(window,function(){var e={"+":"plus","-":"subtract",",":"comma"," ":"space"," ":"tab",arrowup:"up",arrowdown:"down",arrowleft:"left",arrowright:"right",control:"ctrl",delete:"del"},t=function(){for(var e={8:"backspace",9:"tab",13:"enter",16:"shift",17:"ctrl",18:"alt",19:"pause",20:"capslock",27:"esc",32:"space",33:"pageup",34:"pagedown",35:"end",36:"home",37:"left",38:"up",39:"right",40:"down",45:"insert",46:"del",59:";",61:"equals",91:"meta",92:"meta",93:"select",106:"multiply",107:"plus",109:"subtract",110:"decimal",111:"divide",144:"numlock",145:"scrolllock",186:";",187:"equals",189:"minus",190:".",191:"/",192:"grave",219:"[",220:"\\",221:"]",222:"'",223:"`"},t=0;t<=9;t++)e[48+t]=String.fromCharCode(48+t),e[96+t]="numpad"+t;for(var n=0;n<=11;n++)e[112+n]="f"+(n+1);for(var i=65;i<91;i++)e[i]=String.fromCharCode(i).toLowerCase();return e}(),n=function(t){return e[t]?e[t]:t},i=function(e,t){return"ctrl"!==e&&"control"!==e||(e="\0"),"alt"===e&&(e=""),"shift"===e&&(e=""),"ctrl"!==t&&"control"!==t||(t="\0"),"alt"===t&&(t=""),"shift"===t&&(t=""),e>t},o=function(e){return e.toLowerCase().split(/[+-]/)},r=function(e,t){return void 0===e._keyListeners[t]&&(e._keyListeners[t]=[]),e._keyListeners[t]},s=function e(){if(!(this instanceof e))return new(Function.prototype.bind.apply(e,[null].concat(;this.init.apply(this,arguments)},c=function(e){return function(t,n){return Object.defineProperty(e,t,n)}};return Object.assign(s.prototype,{constructor:s,init:function(e){var t=this;if(null===e||void 0===e){if(!window)throw new Error("No element found to attach HotStuff to and could not find window object.");e=window}c(this)("el",{get:function(){return e},readOnly:!0,enumerable:!0}),this._keyListeners={},this._keysActive=[],this._unresolvedKeyUps=[],this._allKeyListeners=[],e.addEventListener("keydown",this.handleKeyDown.bind(this)),e.addEventListener("keyup",this.handleKeyUp.bind(this)),window.addEventListener("blur",function(){t._keysActive.splice(0)})},addListener:function(e,t,s){var c=this;if("string"==typeof e&&(e=[e]),e instanceof Function&&(s=t,t=e,e=[]),!(e instanceof Array))throw new Error("Invalid Keys provided");if(null==s&&null==t)throw new Error("No handlers provided");null==t&&(t=function(e){return e}),null==s&&(s=function(e){return e});var u={};if(0===e.length){var l=[];return t=t.bind(this),s=s.bind(this),void this._allKeyListeners.push({keyDown:function(e){return l=c._keysActive.slice(),t(e,u,c._keysActive.slice())},keyUp:function(e){return s(e,u,l)}})}e.forEach(function(e){e=o(e).map(n).sort(i);var l=[];t=t.bind(c),s=s.bind(c),r(c,e.join("+")).push({keyDown:function(e){return l=c._keysActive.slice(),t(e,u,c._keysActive.slice())},keyUp:function(e){return s(e,u,l)}})})},handleKeyDown:function(e){var o=this,r=(e.which&&e.keyCode?t[e.which||e.keyCode]:e.key).toLowerCase();this._keysActive.includes(r)||(this._keysActive.push(r),this._keysActive.sort(i));var"+");null!=this._keyListeners[s]&&this._keyListeners[s].forEach(function(t){!1!==t.keyDown(e)&&(o._unresolvedKeyUps.includes(t.keyUp)||o._unresolvedKeyUps.push(t.keyUp))}),this._allKeyListeners.forEach(function(t){!1!==t.keyDown(e)&&(o._unresolvedKeyUps.includes(t.keyUp)||o._unresolvedKeyUps.push(t.keyUp))})},handleKeyUp:function(e){var n=(e.which&&e.keyCode?t[e.which||e.keyCode]:e.key).toLowerCase();this._keysActive.includes(n)&&(this._keysActive.splice(this._keysActive.indexOf(n),1),this._keysActive.sort(i)),this._unresolvedKeyUps.forEach(function(t){return t(e)}),this._unresolvedKeyUps.splice(0)}}),s});
"use strict";
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define([], factory);
} else if ((typeof exports === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(exports)) === "object") {
module.exports = factory();
} else {
root.HotStuff = factory();
})(window, function () {
// Normalise and change certain keys
"+": "plus",
"-": "subtract",
",": "comma",
" ": "space",
" ": "tab",
arrowup: "up",
arrowdown: "down",
arrowleft: "left",
arrowright: "right",
control: "ctrl",
delete: "del"
// Generate KeyCode mapping. We could hardcode all of it, but its not too much a performance hit
// to generate some of the keys
var KEYCODE_ALIAS_MAP = function () {
var keys = {
8: "backspace",
9: "tab",
13: "enter",
16: "shift",
17: "ctrl",
18: "alt",
19: "pause",
20: "capslock",
27: "esc",
32: "space",
33: "pageup",
34: "pagedown",
35: "end",
36: "home",
37: "left",
38: "up",
39: "right",
40: "down",
45: "insert",
46: "del",
59: ";",
61: "equals",
91: "meta",
92: "meta",
93: "select",
106: "multiply",
107: "plus",
109: "subtract",
110: "decimal",
111: "divide",
144: "numlock",
145: "scrolllock",
186: ";",
187: "equals",
189: "minus",
190: ".",
191: "/",
192: "grave",
219: "[",
220: "\\",
221: "]",
222: "'",
223: "`"
for (var i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
// 0-9
keys[48 + i] = String.fromCharCode(48 + i);
// numpad0-9
keys[96 + i] = "numpad" + i;
// f keys
for (var _i = 0; _i <= 11; _i++) {
keys[112 + _i] = "f" + (_i + 1);
} // a-z
for (var _i2 = 65; _i2 < 91; _i2++) {
keys[_i2] = String.fromCharCode(_i2).toLowerCase();
}return keys;
// normalize keys by referring to KEY_ALIAS_MAP, this might have to be modified in the future
// to take into account OS
var normalizeHotKey = function normalizeHotKey(x) {
return KEY_ALIAS_MAP[x] ? KEY_ALIAS_MAP[x] : x;
// function to sort our key array, forces order to begin ctrl-alt-shift if they exist,
// at the moment this happens by setting them to unicode characters 0-2
// (which can't by typed normally on a keyboard)
var HotKeySort = function HotKeySort(a, b) {
if (a === "ctrl" || a === "control") a = "\x00";
if (a === "alt") a = "\x01";
if (a === "shift") a = "\x02";
if (b === "ctrl" || b === "control") b = "\x00";
if (b === "alt") b = "\x01";
if (b === "shift") b = "\x02";
return a > b;
// may require some refactoring to take in special cases
// such as having the ability to split multiple hotkeys by commas
var parseKeyCode = function parseKeyCode(str) {
return str.toLowerCase().split(/[+-]/);
// helper function to make sure that there is an array for us to push our handlers to
var addKeyListener = function addKeyListener(T, key) {
if (T._keyListeners[key] === undefined) T._keyListeners[key] = [];
return T._keyListeners[key];
var getKeyObject = function getKeyObject(keyObj, key) {
keyObj = keyObj._keys;
if (keyObj[key] === undefined) keyObj[key] = {
trigger: false,
event: null
return keyObj[key];
function createFakeEvent(event, el) {
var fakeEvent = document.createEventObject ? document.createEventObject() : document.createEvent("Event");
if (fakeEvent.initEvent) {
fakeEvent.initEvent("keyup", true, true);
// attempt to add as many properties from the original event to our new fakeEvent
// avoid using has own property, it won't get most of the properties
for (var prop in event) {
try {
fakeEvent[prop] = event[prop];
} catch (e) {
// do nothing, we'll just skip them.
el.dispatchEvent ? el.dispatchEvent(fakeEvent) : el.fireEvent("onkeyup", fakeEvent);
var DEFINE = function DEFINE(o) {
return function (p, v) {
return Object.defineProperty(o, p, v);
// Begin HotStuff Class
var HotStuff = function HotStuff() {
if (!(this instanceof HotStuff)) return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(HotStuff, [null].concat(;
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
// use assign to add methods to the prototype
Object.assign(HotStuff.prototype, {
constructor: HotStuff,
init: function init(el) {
var _this = this;
// with no element provided, try to attach to the window
if (el === null || el === undefined) if (window) el = window;else throw new Error("No element found to attach HotStuff to and could not find window object.");
var define = DEFINE(this);
define("el", {
get: function get() {
return el;
readOnly: true,
enumerable: true
this._keyListeners = {};
this._keysActive = [];
this._unresolvedKeyUps = [];
// internal variables for generic key listeners (ones that listen to all keys)
this._genericKeyListeners = [];
el.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown.bind(this));
el.addEventListener("keyup", this.handleKeyUp.bind(this));
// when the window loses focus, trigger all key up events
window.addEventListener("blur", function () {
_this._unresolvedKeyUps.forEach(function (listenerGroup) {
createFakeEvent(listenerGroup._events[listenerGroup._events.length - 1], _this.el);
// triggering generic key listeners are slightly more complex
// loop through all the keys, checking if the trigger is set to true,
// then creates the fake event for that letter
_this._genericKeyListeners.forEach(function (listenerGroup) {
var keys = listenerGroup._keys;
for (var property in keys) {
if (keys.hasOwnProperty(property) && keys[property].trigger) {
createFakeEvent(keys[property].event, _this.el);
keys[property].trigger = false;
addListener: function addListener(keysArr, keydownHandler, keyupHandler) {
var _this2 = this;
// prepare our arguments
if (typeof keysArr === "string") keysArr = [keysArr];
if (keysArr === null) keysArr = [];
if (keysArr instanceof Function) {
keyupHandler = keydownHandler;
keydownHandler = keysArr;
keysArr = []; // pass an empty array, we'll detect the length of this later to determine type of listener
if (!(keysArr instanceof Array)) throw new Error("Invalid Keys provided");
if (keyupHandler == null && keydownHandler == null) throw new Error("No handlers provided");
// provide generic functions if none are provided
if (keydownHandler == null) keydownHandler = function keydownHandler(_) {
return _;
if (keyupHandler == null) keyupHandler = function keyupHandler(_) {
return _;
var sharedStore = {};
// if the array has no items in it, we treat it as though it's listening to all keys presses
if (keysArr.length === 0) {
var _events = [];
var _keys = {};
keydownHandler = keydownHandler.bind(this);
keyupHandler = keyupHandler.bind(this);
keyDown: function keyDown(e) {
return keydownHandler(e, sharedStore, _this2._keysActive.slice());
keyUp: function keyUp(e) {
return keyupHandler(e, sharedStore, _this2._keysActive.slice());
_keys: _keys,
_events: _events
// technically unnecessary bail out as the following forEach won't work
// Hotkeys were provided, loop through them
keysArr.forEach(function (keys) {
// normalise our input
keys = parseKeyCode(keys).map(normalizeHotKey).sort(HotKeySort);
var keyActiveBuffer = [];
var _events = [];
keydownHandler = keydownHandler.bind(_this2);
keyupHandler = keyupHandler.bind(_this2);
addKeyListener(_this2, keys.join("+")).push({
keyDown: function keyDown(e) {
// we need to cache a copy of the active keys at the time of the keyDown event
// as when keyUp is triggered the keysActive can be different. We can possibly fiddle with the
// handleKeyDown method to fix this, but one way or another, we should make a separate copy
// from the one that's sent to keydownHandler as we want to make sure its untampered with.
keyActiveBuffer = _this2._keysActive.slice();
return keydownHandler(e, sharedStore, _this2._keysActive.slice());
keyUp: function keyUp(e) {
return keyupHandler(e, sharedStore, keyActiveBuffer);
_events: _events // posibbly only need to set this to an item instead of an array
handleKeyDown: function handleKeyDown(e) {
var _this3 = this;
// perhaps refactor;
var key = (e.which && e.keyCode ? KEYCODE_ALIAS_MAP[e.which || e.keyCode] : e.key).toLowerCase();
// don't allow duplicates to be pushed into our active keys,
// sort our keys so that they're in the same order every time
if (!this._keysActive.includes(key)) {
// join the keys together to make a string, we can use this key to search our listeners to see
// if it contains a property with the strings name
var keyStr ="+");
if (this._keyListeners[keyStr] != null) this._keyListeners[keyStr].forEach(function (listenerGroup) {
if (listenerGroup.keyDown(e) !== false) {
// if keyDown returns false, don't add keyUp
if (!_this3._unresolvedKeyUps.includes(listenerGroup)) {
// generic key listeners are queried after specific key listeners ones
this._genericKeyListeners.forEach(function (listenerGroup) {
var keyObj = getKeyObject(listenerGroup, key);
keyObj.trigger = listenerGroup.keyDown(e) !== false;
keyObj.event = e;
handleKeyUp: function handleKeyUp(e) {
var key = (e.which && e.keyCode ? KEYCODE_ALIAS_MAP[e.which || e.keyCode] : e.key).toLowerCase();
if (this._keysActive.includes(key)) {
this._keysActive.splice(this._keysActive.indexOf(key), 1);
this._unresolvedKeyUps.forEach(function (listenerGroup) {
return listenerGroup.keyUp(e);
this._unresolvedKeyUps.splice(0); // clear array
// run through our generic key ups
this._genericKeyListeners.forEach(function (listenerGroup) {
var keyObj = getKeyObject(listenerGroup, key);
if (keyObj.trigger !== false) {
// set this trigger to false, this will stop this keyup event being triggered again
// on window blur
keyObj.trigger = false;
keyObj.event = null;
return HotStuff;

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ const gulp = require('gulp');

const pump = require('pump');
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const babel = require('gulp-babel');

@@ -24,6 +25,16 @@

rename({ suffix: '.min'}),
gulp.task('babel', function(){
return pump([
presets: ['es2015'],


"name": "hotstuff",
"version": "0.0.3",
"description": "Small Package to provide add Hotkeys easily to any element",
"version": "0.0.4",
"description": "A small package to provide an easy way to add Hotkeys easily to any element.",
"main": "dist/HotStuff.js",

@@ -31,2 +31,3 @@ "scripts": {

"gulp-eslint": "^4.0.0",
"gulp-rename": "^1.2.2",
"gulp-uglify": "^3.0.0",

@@ -33,0 +34,0 @@ "pump": "^1.0.2"

@@ -114,5 +114,1 @@ # Hotstuff

## Todo
- Add tests
- Add possibility of "looser hotkeys" (perhaps regex)

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

(function(root, factory) {
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ define([], factory);

})(window, function() {
})(window, function () {
// Normalise and change certain keys

@@ -28,3 +28,3 @@ const KEY_ALIAS_MAP = {

// to generate some of the keys
const KEYCODE_ALIAS_MAP = (function() {
const KEYCODE_ALIAS_MAP = (function () {
const keys = {

@@ -99,3 +99,3 @@ 8: "backspace",

// (which can't by typed normally on a keyboard)
const HotKeySort = function(a, b) {
const HotKeySort = function (a, b) {
if (a === "ctrl" || a === "control") a = "\x00";

@@ -114,3 +114,3 @@ if (a === "alt") a = "\x01";

// such as having the ability to split multiple hotkeys by commas
const parseKeyCode = function(str) {
const parseKeyCode = function (str) {
return str.toLowerCase().split(/[+-]/);

@@ -120,3 +120,3 @@ };

// helper function to make sure that there is an array for us to push our handlers to
const addKeyListener = function(T, key) {
const addKeyListener = function (T, key) {
if (T._keyListeners[key] === undefined) T._keyListeners[key] = [];

@@ -126,4 +126,37 @@ return T._keyListeners[key];

const getKeyObject = function (keyObj, key) {
keyObj = keyObj._keys;
if (keyObj[key] === undefined) keyObj[key] = {
trigger: false,
event: null
return keyObj[key];
function createFakeEvent(event, el) {
let fakeEvent = document.createEventObject
? document.createEventObject()
: document.createEvent("Event");
if (fakeEvent.initEvent) {
fakeEvent.initEvent("keyup", true, true);
// attempt to add as many properties from the original event to our new fakeEvent
// avoid using has own property, it won't get most of the properties
for (let prop in event) {
try {
fakeEvent[prop] = event[prop];
} catch (e) {
// do nothing, we'll just skip them.
? el.dispatchEvent(fakeEvent)
: el.fireEvent("onkeyup", fakeEvent);
const DEFINE = o => (p, v) => Object.defineProperty(o, p, v);
// Begin HotStuff Class
const HotStuff = function() {
const HotStuff = function () {
if (!(this instanceof HotStuff)) return new HotStuff(...arguments);

@@ -133,4 +166,2 @@ this.init(...arguments);

const DEFINE = o => (p, v) => Object.defineProperty(o, p, v);
// use assign to add methods to the prototype

@@ -161,2 +192,4 @@ Object.assign(HotStuff.prototype, {

this._unresolvedKeyUps = [];
// internal variables for generic key listeners (ones that listen to all keys)
this._genericKeyListeners = [];

@@ -166,8 +199,25 @@

el.addEventListener("keyup", this.handleKeyUp.bind(this));
// when the window loses focus, remove all active keys
// when the window loses focus, trigger all key up events
window.addEventListener("blur", () => {
// TODO: Do something with unresolvedKeyUps
// at the moment we leave unresolvedKeyUps, we will want to trigger all of them
// but we don't have an KeyboardEvent to provide it, we need to handle this
this._unresolvedKeyUps.forEach(listenerGroup => {
listenerGroup._events[listenerGroup._events.length - 1],
// triggering generic key listeners are slightly more complex
// loop through all the keys, checking if the trigger is set to true,
// then creates the fake event for that letter
this._genericKeyListeners.forEach(listenerGroup => {
let keys = listenerGroup._keys;
for (let property in keys) {
if (keys.hasOwnProperty(property) && keys[property].trigger) {
createFakeEvent(keys[property].event, this.el);
keys[property].trigger = false;

@@ -178,2 +228,3 @@ },

if (typeof keysArr === "string") keysArr = [keysArr];
if (keysArr === null) keysArr = [];
if (keysArr instanceof Function) {

@@ -185,3 +236,2 @@ keyupHandler = keydownHandler;

if (!(keysArr instanceof Array)) throw new Error("Invalid Keys provided");

@@ -191,2 +241,4 @@

throw new Error("No handlers provided");
// provide generic functions if none are provided
if (keydownHandler == null) keydownHandler = _ => _;

@@ -199,20 +251,20 @@ if (keyupHandler == null) keyupHandler = _ => _;

if (keysArr.length === 0) {
let keyActiveBuffer = [];
let _events = [];
let _keys = {};
keydownHandler = keydownHandler.bind(this);
keyupHandler = keyupHandler.bind(this);
keyDown: e => {
// we need to cache a copy of the active keys at the time of the keyDown event
// as when keyUp is triggered the keysActive can be different. We can possibly fiddle with the
// handleKeyDown method to fix this, but one way or another, we should make a separate copy
// from the one that's sent to keydownHandler as we want to make sure its untampered with.
keyActiveBuffer = this._keysActive.slice();
return keydownHandler(e, sharedStore, this._keysActive.slice());
keyUp: e => keyupHandler(e, sharedStore, keyActiveBuffer)
keyUp: e => keyupHandler(e, sharedStore, this._keysActive.slice()),
_keys: _keys,
_events: _events
// technically unnecessary bail out as the following forEach won't work
// Hotkeys were provided, loop through them
keysArr.forEach(keys => {

@@ -223,2 +275,3 @@ // normalise our input

let keyActiveBuffer = [];
let _events = [];

@@ -230,6 +283,12 @@ keydownHandler = keydownHandler.bind(this);

keyDown: e => {
// we need to cache a copy of the active keys at the time of the keyDown event
// as when keyUp is triggered the keysActive can be different. We can possibly fiddle with the
// handleKeyDown method to fix this, but one way or another, we should make a separate copy
// from the one that's sent to keydownHandler as we want to make sure its untampered with.
keyActiveBuffer = this._keysActive.slice();
return keydownHandler(e, sharedStore, this._keysActive.slice());
keyUp: e => keyupHandler(e, sharedStore, keyActiveBuffer)
keyUp: e => keyupHandler(e, sharedStore, keyActiveBuffer),
_events: _events // posibbly only need to set this to an item instead of an array

@@ -256,17 +315,16 @@ });

if (this._keyListeners[keyStr] != null)
this._keyListeners[keyStr].forEach(x => {
if (x.keyDown(e) !== false) {
this._keyListeners[keyStr].forEach(listenerGroup => {
if (listenerGroup.keyDown(e) !== false) {
// if keyDown returns false, don't add keyUp
if (!this._unresolvedKeyUps.includes(x.keyUp)) {
if (!this._unresolvedKeyUps.includes(listenerGroup)) {
// generic key listeners are queried after specific ones
this._allKeyListeners.forEach(x => {
if (x.keyDown(e) !== false) {
if (!this._unresolvedKeyUps.includes(x.keyUp)) {
// generic key listeners are queried after specific key listeners ones
this._genericKeyListeners.forEach(listenerGroup => {
let keyObj = getKeyObject(listenerGroup, key);
keyObj.trigger = listenerGroup.keyDown(e) !== false;
keyObj.event = e;

@@ -278,2 +336,3 @@ },

: e.key).toLowerCase();
if (this._keysActive.includes(key)) {

@@ -283,4 +342,17 @@ this._keysActive.splice(this._keysActive.indexOf(key), 1);

this._unresolvedKeyUps.forEach(x => x(e));
this._unresolvedKeyUps.forEach(listenerGroup => listenerGroup.keyUp(e));
this._unresolvedKeyUps.splice(0); // clear array
// run through our generic key ups
this._genericKeyListeners.forEach(listenerGroup => {
let keyObj = getKeyObject(listenerGroup, key);
if (keyObj.trigger !== false) {
// set this trigger to false, this will stop this keyup event being triggered again
// on window blur
keyObj.trigger = false;
keyObj.event = null;

@@ -290,2 +362,2 @@ });

return HotStuff;
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