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@@ -14,9 +14,16 @@ "use strict";

var initialValue = fragment.applyMask(reference);
// wrap the result in a store we can use to keep this query up to date
var value = store_1.readable(fragment.applyMask(reference), function (set) {
var value = store_1.readable(initialValue, function (set) {
// build up the store object
var store = {
loaded: false,
set: set,
currentValue: {},
updateValue: function (newValue) {
// update the public store
// keep the internal value up to date aswell
store.currentValue = newValue;
currentValue: initialValue,

@@ -27,6 +34,2 @@ // when the component monuts

// keep the stores' values in sync
value.subscribe(function (val) {
store.currentValue = val;

@@ -33,0 +36,0 @@ // the function used to clean up the store

@@ -68,3 +68,2 @@ "use strict";

// locals
var environment_1 = require("./environment");
var runtime_1 = require("./runtime");

@@ -81,7 +80,2 @@ // mutation returns a handler that will send the mutation to the server when

var text = document.raw, linkModule = document.links;
// if there is no environment configured
var currentEnv = environment_1.getEnvironment();
if (!currentEnv) {
throw new Error('Please provide an environment');
// return an async function that sends the mutation go the server

@@ -93,3 +87,3 @@ return function (variables) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {

switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, currentEnv.sendRequest({ text: text, variables: variables })
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, runtime_1.fetchQuery({ text: text, variables: variables })
// we could have gotten a null response

@@ -110,5 +104,5 @@ ];

Promise.all(Object.entries(links()).map(function (_a) {
var _b = __read(_a, 2), queryName = _b[0], patchModule = _b[1];
var _b = __read(_a, 2), documentName = _b[0], patchModule = _b[1];
return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var patch, _c, _d, _e, currentValue, set;
var patch, _c, _d, _e, currentValue, updateValue;
var e_1, _f;

@@ -124,6 +118,6 @@ return __generator(this, function (_g) {

// apply the changes to any stores that have registered themselves
for (_c = __values(runtime_1.getDocumentStores(queryName)), _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
_e = _d.value, currentValue = _e.currentValue, set = _e.set;
for (_c = __values(runtime_1.getDocumentStores(documentName)), _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
_e = _d.value, currentValue = _e.currentValue, updateValue = _e.updateValue;
// apply the patch
runtime_1.applyPatch(patch, set, currentValue, data);
runtime_1.applyPatch(patch, updateValue, currentValue, data, variables);

@@ -130,0 +124,0 @@ }

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ "use strict";

set: set,
updateValue: function (val) { return set(document.processResult(val)); },
currentValue: {},

@@ -21,0 +21,0 @@ };

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ import { Patch } from 'houdini-compiler';

currentValue: any;
set: (value: any) => void;
updateValue: (value: any) => void;

@@ -23,4 +23,6 @@ export declare function getDocumentStores(name: string): DocumentStore[];

declare type Data = Record | Record[];
export declare function applyPatch(patch: Patch, set: (newValue: Data) => void, currentState: Data, payload: Data): void;
export declare function applyPatch(patch: Patch, updateValue: (newValue: Data) => void, currentState: Data, payload: Data, variables: {
[key: string]: any;
}): void;
export {};

@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@ "use strict";

_stores[] = getDocumentStores( (_a) {
var set = _a.set;
return set !== target.set;
var updateValue = _a.updateValue;
return updateValue !== target.updateValue;
exports.unregisterDocumentStore = unregisterDocumentStore;
function applyPatch(patch, set, currentState, payload) {
function applyPatch(patch, updateValue, currentState, payload, variables) {
// a place to write updates to
var target = currentState;
// walk down the the patch and if there was a mutation, commit the update
if (walkPatch(patch, payload, target)) {
if (walkPatch(patch, payload, target, variables)) {
exports.applyPatch = applyPatch;
function walkPatch(patch, payload, target) {
var e_1, _a, e_2, _b, e_3, _c, e_4, _d;
function walkPatch(patch, payload, target, variables) {
var e_1, _a, e_2, _b, e_3, _c, e_4, _d, e_5, _e, e_6, _f;
// track if we update something

@@ -82,3 +82,3 @@ var updated = false;

// if walking down updated something and we don't think we have
if (walkPatch(patch, subobj, target) && !updated) {
if (walkPatch(patch, subobj, target, variables) && !updated) {
// keep us up to date

@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ updated = true;

// many nodes for the response
for (var _e = __values(Object.keys(patch.fields)), _f =; !_f.done; _f = {
var fieldName = _f.value;
for (var _g = __values(Object.entries(patch.fields)), _h =; !_h.done; _h = {
var _j = __read(_h.value, 2), fieldName = _j[0], targetPaths = _j[1];
try {
// update the target object at every path we need to
for (var _g = (e_3 = void 0, __values(patch.fields[fieldName])), _h =; !_h.done; _h = {
var path = _h.value;
for (var targetPaths_1 = (e_3 = void 0, __values(targetPaths)), targetPaths_1_1 =; !targetPaths_1_1.done; targetPaths_1_1 = {
var path = targetPaths_1_1.value;
// if there is no id, we can update the fields

@@ -121,3 +121,3 @@ if (! {

try {
if (_h && !_h.done && (_c = _g.return));
if (targetPaths_1_1 && !targetPaths_1_1.done && (_c = targetPaths_1.return));

@@ -131,3 +131,3 @@ finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }

try {
if (_f && !_f.done && (_b = _e.return));
if (_h && !_h.done && (_b = _g.return));

@@ -137,7 +137,44 @@ finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }

try {
// we might need to add this entity to some connections in the response
for (var _k = __values(Object.entries(patch.operations)), _l =; !_l.done; _l = {
var _m = __read(_l.value, 2), operation = _m[0], paths = _m[1];
// if this is undefined, ill admit typescript saved me from something
if (!paths) {
try {
// copy the entry into every path in the response
for (var paths_1 = (e_5 = void 0, __values(paths)), paths_1_1 =; !paths_1_1.done; paths_1_1 = {
var _o = paths_1_1.value, path = _o.path, parentID = _o.parentID, position = _o.position;
if (operation === 'add') {
// add the entity to the connection
if (insertInConnection(path, target, parentID, position, payload, variables, path.length) &&
!updated) {
updated = true;
catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (paths_1_1 && !paths_1_1.done && (_e = paths_1.return));
finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; }
catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_l && !_l.done && (_d = _k.return));
finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
try {
// walk down any related fields
for (var _j = __values(Object.keys(patch.edges)), _k =; !_k.done; _k = {
var edgeName = _k.value;
for (var _p = __values(Object.keys(patch.edges)), _q =; !_q.done; _q = {
var edgeName = _q.value;
// walk down and keep track if we updated anything
if (walkPatch(patch.edges[edgeName], payload[edgeName], target) && !updated) {
if (walkPatch(patch.edges[edgeName], payload[edgeName], target, variables) && !updated) {
updated = true;

@@ -147,8 +184,8 @@ }

catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; }
catch (e_6_1) { e_6 = { error: e_6_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_k && !_k.done && (_d = _j.return));
if (_q && !_q.done && (_f = _p.return));
finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
finally { if (e_6) throw e_6.error; }

@@ -158,4 +195,108 @@ // bubble up if there was an update

function insertInConnection(path, target, parentID, position, value, variables, pathLength) {
var e_7, _a, e_8, _b;
// keep track if we updated a field
var updated = false;
// dry
var head = path[0];
// since we are entering something into a list, we need to stop on the second to
// last element to find the node with matching id
if (path.length <= 2) {
var attributeName = path[1];
// if we are entering something from root the target should be an object
if (parentID.kind === 'Root') {
// if there is an element after this then we need to treat it as an
// attribute for the item pointed at by head
if (attributeName) {
target[head][attributeName] =
position === 'end'
? __spread((target[head][attributeName] || []), [value]) : __spread([value], (target[head][attributeName] || []));
// no attribute name means head is in fact the accesor and we just need to push
else {
// target[head] = [...(target[head] || []), value]
target[head] =
position === 'end'
? __spread((target[head] || []), [value]) : __spread([value], (target[head] || []));
// we did update something
updated = true;
// the head points to the list we have to look at for possible parents
var parents = target[head];
if (!Array.isArray(parents)) {
throw new Error('Expected array in response');
try {
// look at every option for a matching id
for (var parents_1 = __values(parents), parents_1_1 =; !parents_1_1.done; parents_1_1 = {
var entry = parents_1_1.value;
// the id we are looking for
var targetID = parentID.kind === 'String' ? parentID.value : variables[parentID.value];
// if the id matches
if ( === targetID) {
// we found it!
// check if we're supposed to add it to the end
if (position === 'end') {
entry[attributeName] = __spread((entry[attributeName] || []), [value]);
// we're supposed to add it to the front
else {
entry[attributeName] = __spread([value], (entry[attributeName] || []));
// we did in fact update something
return true;
catch (e_7_1) { e_7 = { error: e_7_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (parents_1_1 && !parents_1_1.done && (_a = parents_1.return));
finally { if (e_7) throw e_7.error; }
// keep going walking the path
else {
// pull the first element off of the list
var head_1 = path[0];
var tail = path.slice(1, path.length);
// look at the value in the response
var element = target[head_1];
// if the element is a list
if (Array.isArray(element)) {
try {
// walk down every element in the list
for (var element_1 = __values(element), element_1_1 =; !element_1_1.done; element_1_1 = {
var entry = element_1_1.value;
// if we applied the udpate
if (insertInConnection(tail, entry, parentID, position, value, variables, pathLength)) {
updated = true;
// dont keep searching
catch (e_8_1) { e_8 = { error: e_8_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (element_1_1 && !element_1_1.done && (_b = element_1.return));
finally { if (e_8) throw e_8.error; }
// the element is an object
else {
// keep going down
if (insertInConnection(tail, element, parentID, position, value, variables, pathLength) &&
!updated) {
updated = true;
return updated;
function updateField(path, target, targetId, value) {
var e_5, _a;
var e_9, _a;
// keep track if we updated a field

@@ -187,4 +328,4 @@ var updated = false;

// walk down every element in the list
for (var element_1 = __values(element), element_1_1 =; !element_1_1.done; element_1_1 = {
var entry = element_1_1.value;
for (var element_2 = __values(element), element_2_1 =; !element_2_1.done; element_2_1 = {
var entry = element_2_1.value;
// if we applied the udpate

@@ -198,8 +339,8 @@ if (updateField(tail, entry, targetId, value)) {

catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; }
catch (e_9_1) { e_9 = { error: e_9_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (element_1_1 && !element_1_1.done && (_a = element_1.return));
if (element_2_1 && !element_2_1.done && (_a = element_2.return));
finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; }
finally { if (e_9) throw e_9.error; }

@@ -206,0 +347,0 @@ }

"name": "houdini",
"version": "0.0.4",
"version": "0.0.5",
"scripts": {

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "build": "tsc",

"devDependencies": {
"houdini-compiler": "^0.0.4",
"houdini-preprocess": "^0.0.4"
"houdini-compiler": "^0.0.5",
"houdini-preprocess": "^0.0.5"
"main": "build/index.js",
"gitHead": "efc8cd674e33a9ba5127870e0ad90cbf20232209"
"gitHead": "1eb8593ec14856e8df50d433828a94969287c08a"

@@ -20,9 +20,16 @@ // externals

const initialValue = fragment.applyMask(reference)
// wrap the result in a store we can use to keep this query up to date
const value = readable(fragment.applyMask(reference), (set) => {
const value = readable(initialValue, (set) => {
// build up the store object
const store = {
loaded: false,
currentValue: {},
updateValue: (newValue: _Fragment['shape']) => {
// update the public store
// keep the internal value up to date aswell
store.currentValue = newValue
currentValue: initialValue,

@@ -34,7 +41,2 @@

// keep the stores' values in sync
value.subscribe((val) => {
store.currentValue = val

@@ -41,0 +43,0 @@

@@ -5,4 +5,3 @@ // externals

// locals
import { getEnvironment } from './environment'
import { getDocumentStores, applyPatch } from './runtime'
import { getDocumentStores, applyPatch, fetchQuery } from './runtime'
import { Operation } from './types'

@@ -22,12 +21,6 @@

// if there is no environment configured
const currentEnv = getEnvironment()
if (!currentEnv) {
throw new Error('Please provide an environment')
// return an async function that sends the mutation go the server
return async (variables: _Mutation['input']) => {
// grab the response from the server
const { data } = await currentEnv.sendRequest({ text, variables })
const { data } = await fetchQuery({ text, variables })

@@ -45,9 +38,9 @@ // we could have gotten a null response

Object.entries(links()).map(async ([queryName, patchModule]) => {
Object.entries(links()).map(async ([documentName, patchModule]) => {
// wait for the patch to load
const { default: patch } = await patchModule
// apply the changes to any stores that have registered themselves
for (const { currentValue, set } of getDocumentStores(queryName)) {
for (const { currentValue, updateValue } of getDocumentStores(documentName)) {
// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, currentValue, data)
applyPatch(patch, updateValue, currentValue, data, variables)

@@ -54,0 +47,0 @@ })

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ // externals

updateValue: (val: _Query['result']) => set(document.processResult(val)),
currentValue: {},

@@ -27,0 +27,0 @@ }

@@ -16,4 +16,10 @@ // externals

edges: {},
operations: {
add: [],
operations: {
add: [],

@@ -38,3 +44,3 @@

// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload)
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})

@@ -57,4 +63,10 @@ // make sure we got the expected value

edges: {},
operations: {
add: [],
operations: {
add: [],

@@ -79,3 +91,3 @@

// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload)
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})

@@ -98,6 +110,15 @@ // make sure we got the expected value

edges: {},
operations: {
add: [],
operations: {
add: [],
operations: {
add: [],

@@ -124,3 +145,3 @@

// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload)
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})

@@ -143,4 +164,10 @@ // make sure we got the expected value

edges: {},
operations: {
add: [],
operations: {
add: [],

@@ -167,3 +194,3 @@

// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload)
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})

@@ -186,4 +213,10 @@ // make sure we got the expected value

edges: {},
operations: {
add: [],
operations: {
add: [],

@@ -210,3 +243,3 @@

// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload)
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})

@@ -222,2 +255,331 @@ // make sure we got the expected value

test('add to root lists', function () {
const patch: Patch = {
fields: {},
edges: {
mutationName: {
edges: {},
fields: {},
operations: {
add: [
path: ['outer'],
position: 'end',
parentID: {
kind: 'Root',
value: 'root',
operations: {
add: [],
// a function to spy on the update
const set = jest.fn()
// the current data
const current = {
outer: [
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
// the mutation payload
const payload = {
mutationName: {
id: '2',
target: 'world',
// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})
// make sure we got the expected value
outer: [
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
id: '2',
target: 'world',
test('add to connection under root', function () {
const patch: Patch = {
fields: {},
edges: {
mutationName: {
edges: {},
fields: {},
operations: {
add: [
path: ['outer'],
position: 'end',
parentID: {
kind: 'Root',
value: 'root',
operations: {
add: [],
// a function to spy on the update
const set = jest.fn()
// the current data
const current = {
outer: [
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
// the mutation payload
const payload = {
mutationName: {
id: '2',
target: 'world',
// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})
// make sure we got the expected value
outer: [
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
id: '2',
target: 'world',
test('prepend connection', function () {
const patch: Patch = {
fields: {},
edges: {
mutationName: {
edges: {},
fields: {},
operations: {
add: [
path: ['outer'],
position: 'start',
parentID: {
kind: 'Root',
value: 'root',
operations: {
add: [],
// a function to spy on the update
const set = jest.fn()
// the current data
const current = {
outer: [
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
// the mutation payload
const payload = {
mutationName: {
id: '2',
target: 'world',
// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})
// make sure we got the expected value
outer: [
id: '2',
target: 'world',
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
test('add to connection with literal ID', function () {
const patch: Patch = {
fields: {},
edges: {
mutationName: {
edges: {},
fields: {},
operations: {
add: [
path: ['outer', 'inner'],
position: 'end',
parentID: {
kind: 'String',
value: '1',
operations: {
add: [],
// a function to spy on the update
const set = jest.fn()
// the current data
const current = {
outer: [
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
// the mutation payload
const payload = {
mutationName: {
id: '2',
target: 'world',
// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})
// make sure we got the expected value
outer: [
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
inner: [
id: '2',
target: 'world',
test('add to connection with variable ID', function () {
const patch: Patch = {
fields: {},
edges: {
mutationName: {
edges: {},
fields: {},
operations: {
add: [
path: ['outer', 'inner'],
position: 'end',
parentID: {
kind: 'Variable',
value: 'testID',
operations: {
add: [],
// a function to spy on the update
const set = jest.fn()
// the current data
const current = {
outer: [
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
// the mutation payload
const payload = {
mutationName: {
id: '2',
target: 'world',
// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, { testID: '1' })
// make sure we got the expected value
outer: [
id: '1',
target: 'hello',
inner: [
id: '2',
target: 'world',
test('put values into lists', function () {

@@ -232,4 +594,10 @@ const patch: Patch = {

edges: {},
operations: {
add: [],
operations: {
add: [],

@@ -259,3 +627,3 @@

// apply the patch
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload)
applyPatch(patch, set, current, payload, {})

@@ -273,3 +641,3 @@ // make sure we got the expected value

test.skip('null values in current state', function () {})
test.todo('null values in current state')

@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ // externals

currentValue: any
set: (value: any) => void
updateValue: (value: any) => void

@@ -38,3 +38,5 @@

export function unregisterDocumentStore(target: DocumentStore) {
_stores[] = getDocumentStores({ set }) => set !== target.set)
_stores[] = getDocumentStores(
({ updateValue }) => updateValue !== target.updateValue

@@ -47,16 +49,21 @@

patch: Patch,
set: (newValue: Data) => void,
updateValue: (newValue: Data) => void,
currentState: Data,
payload: Data
payload: Data,
variables: { [key: string]: any }
) {
// a place to write updates to
const target = currentState
// walk down the the patch and if there was a mutation, commit the update
if (walkPatch(patch, payload, target)) {
if (walkPatch(patch, payload, target, variables)) {
function walkPatch(patch: Patch, payload: Data, target: Record): boolean {
function walkPatch(
patch: Patch,
payload: Data,
target: Record,
variables: { [key: string]: any }
): boolean {
// track if we update something

@@ -69,3 +76,3 @@ let updated = false

// if walking down updated something and we don't think we have
if (walkPatch(patch, subobj, target) && !updated) {
if (walkPatch(patch, subobj, target, variables) && !updated) {
// keep us up to date

@@ -82,5 +89,5 @@ updated = true

// many nodes for the response
for (const fieldName of Object.keys(patch.fields)) {
for (const [fieldName, targetPaths] of Object.entries(patch.fields)) {
// update the target object at every path we need to
for (const path of patch.fields[fieldName]) {
for (const path of targetPaths) {
// if there is no id, we can update the fields

@@ -97,6 +104,35 @@ if (! {

// we might need to add this entity to some connections in the response
for (const [operation, paths] of Object.entries(patch.operations)) {
// if this is undefined, ill admit typescript saved me from something
if (!paths) {
// copy the entry into every path in the response
for (const { path, parentID, position } of paths) {
if (operation === 'add') {
// add the entity to the connection
if (
) &&
) {
updated = true
// walk down any related fields
for (const edgeName of Object.keys(patch.edges)) {
// walk down and keep track if we updated anything
if (walkPatch(patch.edges[edgeName], payload[edgeName], target) && !updated) {
if (walkPatch(patch.edges[edgeName], payload[edgeName], target, variables) && !updated) {
updated = true

@@ -110,2 +146,127 @@ }

function insertInConnection(
path: string[],
target: Record,
parentID: { kind: 'Variable' | 'String' | 'Root'; value: string },
position: 'start' | 'end',
value: Record,
variables: { [key: string]: any },
pathLength: number
) {
// keep track if we updated a field
let updated = false
// dry
const head = path[0]
// since we are entering something into a list, we need to stop on the second to
// last element to find the node with matching id
if (path.length <= 2) {
const attributeName = path[1]
// if we are entering something from root the target should be an object
if (parentID.kind === 'Root') {
// if there is an element after this then we need to treat it as an
// attribute for the item pointed at by head
if (attributeName) {
target[head][attributeName] =
position === 'end'
? [...(target[head][attributeName] || []), value]
: [value, ...(target[head][attributeName] || [])]
// no attribute name means head is in fact the accesor and we just need to push
else {
// target[head] = [...(target[head] || []), value]
target[head] =
position === 'end'
? [...(target[head] || []), value]
: [value, ...(target[head] || [])]
// we did update something
updated = true
// the head points to the list we have to look at for possible parents
const parents = target[head]
if (!Array.isArray(parents)) {
throw new Error('Expected array in response')
// look at every option for a matching id
for (const entry of parents) {
// the id we are looking for
const targetID = parentID.kind === 'String' ? parentID.value : variables[parentID.value]
// if the id matches
if ( === targetID) {
// we found it!
// check if we're supposed to add it to the end
if (position === 'end') {
entry[attributeName] = [...(entry[attributeName] || []), value]
// we're supposed to add it to the front
else {
entry[attributeName] = [value, ...(entry[attributeName] || [])]
// we did in fact update something
return true
// keep going walking the path
else {
// pull the first element off of the list
const head = path[0]
const tail = path.slice(1, path.length)
// look at the value in the response
const element = target[head]
// if the element is a list
if (Array.isArray(element)) {
// walk down every element in the list
for (const entry of element) {
// if we applied the udpate
if (
) {
updated = true
// dont keep searching
// the element is an object
else {
// keep going down
if (
) &&
) {
updated = true
return updated
function updateField(path: string[], target: Record, targetId: string, value: any): boolean {

@@ -112,0 +273,0 @@ // keep track if we updated a field

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet