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Sniff the encoding from a HTML byte stream

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Package description

What is html-encoding-sniffer?

The html-encoding-sniffer npm package is designed to determine the encoding of HTML documents. It does this by examining the byte stream of the document, looking for any encoding declarations in the form of a meta tag or an HTTP header. This is particularly useful for applications that need to correctly interpret or display HTML content from various sources, ensuring that text is properly encoded and displayed.

What are html-encoding-sniffer's main functionalities?

Sniffing HTML encoding from HTTP headers

This feature allows you to determine the encoding of an HTML document by examining the HTTP headers. The 'transportLayerEncodingLabel' option is used to specify the encoding declared in the HTTP headers.

"use strict";
const htmlEncodingSniffer = require('html-encoding-sniffer');
const encoding = htmlEncodingSniffer(byteStream, { transportLayerEncodingLabel: 'utf-8' });

Sniffing HTML encoding from a meta tag

This feature enables the detection of the document's encoding by looking for a meta tag within the HTML that specifies the encoding. The 'defaultEncoding' option allows you to specify a fallback encoding in case no encoding is declared in the document.

"use strict";
const htmlEncodingSniffer = require('html-encoding-sniffer');
const encoding = htmlEncodingSniffer(byteStream, { defaultEncoding: 'windows-1252' });

Other packages similar to html-encoding-sniffer



Determine the Encoding of a HTML Byte Stream

This package implements the HTML Standard's encoding sniffing algorithm in all its glory. The most interesting part of this is how it pre-scans the first 1024 bytes in order to search for certain <meta charset>-related patterns.

const htmlEncodingSniffer = require("html-encoding-sniffer");
const fs = require("fs");

const htmlBytes = fs.readFileSync("./html-page.html");
const sniffedEncoding = htmlEncodingSniffer(htmlBytes);

The passed bytes are given as a Uint8Array; the Node.js Buffer subclass of Uint8Array will also work, as shown above.

The returned value will be a canonical encoding name (not a label). You might then combine this with the whatwg-encoding package to decode the result:

const whatwgEncoding = require("whatwg-encoding");
const htmlString = whatwgEncoding.decode(htmlBytes, sniffedEncoding);


You can pass two potential options to htmlEncodingSniffer:

const sniffedEncoding = htmlEncodingSniffer(htmlBytes, {

These represent two possible inputs into the encoding sniffing algorithm:

  • transportLayerEncodingLabel is an encoding label that is obtained from the "transport layer" (probably a HTTP Content-Type header), which overrides everything but a BOM.
  • defaultEncoding is the ultimate fallback encoding used if no valid encoding is supplied by the transport layer, and no encoding is sniffed from the bytes. It defaults to "windows-1252", as recommended by the algorithm's table of suggested defaults for "All other locales" (including the en locale).


This package was originally based on the excellent work of @nicolashenry, in jsdom. It has since been pulled out into this separate package.



Package last updated on 12 Nov 2023

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