This epub library will generate temp html and download images in your DOMs, then generate the epub book you want.
Install the lib and add it as a dependency (recommended), run on your project dir:
Title of the book
Name of the author for the book, string or array, eg. "Alice"
or ["Alice", "Bob"]
Publisher name (optional)
Book cover image (optional), File path (absolute path) or web url, eg. ""
or "/User/Alice/images/book-cover.jpg"
Out put path (absolute path), you can also path output as the second argument when use new
, eg: new Epub(options, output)
You can specify the version of the generated EPUB, 3
the latest version ( or 2
the previous version (, for better compatibility with older readers). If not specified, will fallback to 3
If you really hate our css, you can pass css string to replace our default style. eg: "body{background: #000}"
Array of (absolute) paths to custom fonts to include on the book so they can be used on custom css. Ex: if you configure the array to fonts: ['/path/to/Merriweather.ttf']
you can use the following on the custom CSS:
@font-face {
font-family: "Merriweather";
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
src : url("./fonts/Merriweather.ttf");
Language of the book in 2 letters code (optional). If not specified, will fallback to en
Title of the table of contents. If not specified, will fallback to Table Of Contents
Automatically append the chapter title at the beginning of each contents. You can disable that by specifying false
Optional. For advanced customizations: absolute path to an OPF template.
Optional. For advanced customizations: absolute path to a NCX toc template.
Optional. For advanced customizations: absolute path to a HTML toc template.
Book Chapters content. It's should be an array of objects. eg. [{title: "Chapter 1",data: "<div>..."}, {data: ""},...]
Within each chapter object:
optional, Chapter titleauthor
optional, if each book author is different, you can fill
required, HTML String of the chapter content. image paths should be absolute path (should start with "http" or "https"), so that they could be downloaded. With the upgrade is possible to use local images (for this the path must start with file: //)excludeFromToc
optional, if is not shown on Table of content, default: false;beforeToc
optional, if is shown before Table of content, such like copyright pages. default: false;filename
optional, specify filename for each chapter, default: undefined;
specify whether or not to console.log progress messages, default: false.
If you don't want pass the output pass the output path as the second argument, you should specify output path as option.output