Hubot At Events Plugin

This plugin is the brother of hubot-cron-events but specialised in one-time events triggered at a given time.
Work in progress - this plugin is ready for use but still very experimental.
In your hubot directory:
npm install hubot-at-events --save
Then add hubot-at-events
to external-scripts.json
If you use hubot-auth, the plugin configuration commands will be restricted to user with the admin
If hubot-auth is not loaded, all users can access those commands. You can use those variables to tune things up a bit.
- if defined, it will bypass the need to be admin to use the .at
- if defined it will permit group specified to use the .at
It's also advised to use a brain persistence plugin, whatever it is, to persist the cron jobs between restarts.
Note: until version 1.0.0, this readme is a roadmap, not a real documentation. This is a Readme-driven development approach.
Commands prefixed by .at
or .in
are here taking in account we use the .
as hubot prefix, just replace it with your prefix if it is different. Uncommented commands are just not yet implemented.
.at version
gives the version of the hubot-at-events package loaded
.at <date> [in <tz>] [run <name>] do <event> [with param1=value1]
schedules triggering of <event> at given <date>
- <date> has to be in the future
- params can be provided to be transmitted to the <event>
- if you don't provide a <name> for the action (using 'run <name>')
then a random name will be attributed to it,
as it's needed for later cancellation or modification
- if no <tz> is provided, the server tz will be applied
.at <date> [in <tz>] [run <name>] say [in #<room>] <message>
same as above, except that the event will be 'at.message'
- if the <room> is omitted, it will be set to the room
where the command is done
- the action will be given a random name.
.at <date> [in <tz>] [run <name>] say [to <username>] <message>
same as above, except that the message will be said to the <username> in private
.in <number> <unit> [run <name>] do <event> [with param1=value1]
same as with .at command, but using time relative to now
acceptable units are
- s, sec, second, seconds
- m, min, minute, minutes
- h, hour, hours
- d, day, days
- w, week, weeks
- month, months
- y, year, years
For the rest, it behaves exactly like the .at command
.in <number> <unit> [run <name>] say [in #<room>] <message>
same as above, except that the message will be said to the <username> in private
.in <number> <unit> [run <name>] say [to <username>] <message>
.at enable <name>
activate an action that was previously disabled
.at disable <name>
disable an action but without deleting it, so it can be re-enabled later
.at list [<term>]
will list all actions matching <term>
if no <term> is provided, it will just list all actions
.at cancel <name>
removes the action, all data about it will be lost
.at <name> with <key> = <value>
.at <name> drop <key>
Some events receivers are also provided for testing purposes:
requires data:
- room
- message
it will just say the message in the given room
npm install
# will run make test and coffeelint
npm test
# or
make test
# or, for watch-mode
make test-w
# or for more documentation-style output
make test-spec
# and to generate coverage
make test-cov
# and to run the lint
make lint
# run the lint and the coverage
All changes are listed in the CHANGELOG
Feel free to open a PR if you find any bug, typo, want to improve documentation, or think about a new feature.
Gandi loves Free and Open Source Software. This project is used internally at Gandi but external contributions are very welcome.
- @mose - author and maintainer
This source code is available under MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2016 - Gandi -