Improved Hubot adapter for Gitter
There was already one adapter hubot-gitter but after trying
to fix many missing things from it, I decided to write one from scratch.

At the time this is written, here is the advantages of this one:
- namespaced environment variables for the configuration
- handling
robot.send room: 'room id or uri', 'my message'
- gathering information from users in all rooms correctly
- not handling messages that the bot itself is sending
- install Hubot and CoffeeScript:
npm install -g hubot coffee-script
- create your bot and install its dependencies:
npm install -g yo generator-hubot
mkdir -p my-bot
yo hubot
- save hubot-gitter2 as dependency:
npm install --save hubot-gitter2
- start the bot using the right adapter:
HUBOT_GITTER2_TOKEN=<your token> ./bin/hubot -a gitter2 --name <your bot name>
: get your personal token there after sign-in
- the bot will automatically listen on the rooms it has joined.
- If your bot is not responding to mentions, make sure hubot was started with the same
parameter as its GitHub username.