Hubot Kubernetes Bot
Let's you connect to multiple kubernetes environments and interact with them.
Thanks to for the inspiration.
{"prod":{"server":"","ca":"./ca.crt","dashboardPrefix":"","token":"<kubernetes token>"}}
- Default context (from above config)HUBOT_K8S_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
- Default namespace in Kubernetes
All commands operate in the currently selected namespace and context. All commands with label selectors accept it in the form label=value
Display Current Kubernetes Context
k8s context
Switching Kubernetes Context
k8s context <context>
Display Current Kubernetes Namespace
k8s namespace|ns
Switching Kubernetes Namespace
k8s namespace|ns <namespace>
List Deployments
k8s deployments|deploy [<labelSelector>
List Services
k8s services|svc [<labelSelector>
List Cron Jobs
k8s cronjobs [<labelSelector>
List Jobs
k8s jobs [<labelSelector>
Get logs from a pod
k8s logs|log <pod name>